Thisstudy aim tocharacterize melt-derivedbioactive glass and to determinethe bioactive glass (BG) suitability for dental usagethrough proliferative activity assessment of stem cells from human exfoliated deciduous teeth (SHED)when exposed to bioactive glass conditioned medium. Bioglass 45S5 in mole percentages (46.13% SiO2, 26.91% CaO, 24.35% Na2O and 2.60% P2O5)was synthesizedthrough melt-derived and characterized usingX-ray diffraction (XRD) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)to confirm and identify its properties.SHEDwere used to evaluate the biocompatibility of 45S5 by exposing the cells to various concentration of BG-conditioned medium (1-10 mg/ml) using alamarBlue assay. The BG produced has an amorphous structureas shown by XRD analysis. TheSi-O-Si bending, asymmetric Si-O stretching and asymmetricSi-O-Si stretchingbands were observed in the BG structure supporting the presenceof silicate network. For alamarBlue assay, SHED cultured in BG-conditioned medium showed high proliferation rate when subjected to minimal powder content in the DMEM cell culture medium.Hence, it can be concluded that SHED cultured in lower powder content of the BG-conditioned media showedhigh proliferative activity suggesting the potential of the BG for dental usage.