METHODS: We searched PubMed, Web of Science, Cochrane, Embase, and SPORTDiscus from database establishment to 5 February 2024 to identify randomized controlled trials (RCTs) evaluating the effects of different dietary supplements on athletic performance in soccer players. The risk of bias was assessed using the revised Cochrane risk-of-bias tool for randomized trials. A Bayesian network meta-analysis was performed using the R software and Stata 18.0. A subgroup analysis was conducted based on the competitive level of the athletes.
RESULTS: Eighty RCTs were included, with 1,425 soccer players randomly receiving 31 different dietary supplements or placebo. The network meta-analysis showed that compared with placebo, carbohydrate + protein (SMD: 2.2, very large), carbohydrate + electrolyte (SMD: 1.3, large), bovine colostrum (SMD: moderate) and caffeine (SMD: 0.29, small) were associated with a significant effect on increasing the distance covered. Kaempferia parviflora (SMD: 0.46, small) was associated with a significant effect on enhancing muscular strength. Beta-alanine (SMD: 0.83, moderate), melatonin (SMD: 0.75, moderate), caffeine (SMD: 0.37, small), and creatine (SMD: 0.33, small) were associated with a significant effect on enhancing jump height. Magnesium creatine chelate (SMD: -3.0, very large), melatonin (SMD: -1.9, large), creatine + sodium bicarbonate (SMD: -1.4, large), and arginine (SMD: -1.2, moderate) were associated with a significant effect on decreasing sprint time. Creatine + sodium bicarbonate (SMD: -2.3, very large) and caffeine (SMD: -0.38, small) were associated with a significant effect on improving agility. Sodium pyruvate (SMD: 0.50, small) was associated with a significant effect on increasing peak power. Magnesium creatine chelate (SMD: 1.3, large) and sodium pyruvate (SMD: 0.56, small) were associated with a significant effect on increasing mean power. Carbohydrate + electrolyte (SMD: -0.56, small) was associated with a significant effect on improving the rating of perceived exertion.
CONCLUSIONS: This study suggests that a range of dietary supplements, including caffeine, creatine, creatine + sodium bicarbonate, magnesium creatine chelate, carbohydrate + electrolyte, carbohydrate + protein, arginine, beta-alanine, bovine colostrum, Kaempferia parviflora, melatonin, and sodium pyruvate, can improve athletic performance in soccer players. This review provides evidence-based guidance for soccer coaches and nutritionists on using dietary supplements to enhance specific performance measures.
METHOD: A modified Delphi study was conducted among students and educators from University Malaya (UM), Universiti Putra Malaysia (UPM) and Taylor's University (TU) on three undergraduate programmes. In Round 1, participants were asked to select the topics from the respective syllabi to be developed into RLOs. Priority ranking was determined by using frequencies and proportions. The first quartile of the prioritised topics was included in Round 2 survey, which the participants were asked to rate the level of priority of each topic using a 5-point Likert scale. The mean score of the topics was compared between students and educators.
RESULT: A total of 43 educators and 377 students participated in this study. For UM and TU Pharmacy, there was a mismatch in the prioritised topics between the students and educators. For UPM, both the educators and students have prioritised the same topics in both rounds. To harmonise the prioritisation of topics between students and educators for UM and TU Pharmacy, the topics with a higher mean score by both the students and educators were prioritised.
CONCLUSION: The mismatch in prioritised topics between students and educators uncovered factors that might influence the prioritisation process. This study highlighted the importance of conducting needs assessment at the beginning of eLearning resources development.
METHODS: This is a qualitative study involving both the knowledge providers and receivers in focus group discussions (n = 25). Four focus group discussions were conducted in the early (n = 2) and mid-phase (n = 2) of the project by trained qualitative researchers using a topic guide designed to explore experiences and activities representing knowledge transfer in multi-institutional and multi-cultural settings. The interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, and checked. The transcripts were analysed using thematic analysis.
RESULTS: Five main themes emerged from this qualitative study: mismatched expectations between providers and receivers; acquiring new knowledge beyond the professional "comfort zone"; challenges in cascading newly acquired knowledge to colleagues and management; individual and organisational cultural differences; and disruption of knowledge transfer during the COVID-19 pandemic.
CONCLUSION: This study highlights the need to create a conducive platform to facilitate continuous, timely and bi-directional needs assessment and feedback; this should be done in the early phase of the knowledge transfer process. The challenges and strategies identified in this study could guide more effective knowledge transfer between organisations and countries.