Awareness of occupational noise and its effects is growing. At No. 11 squadron base, Sukhoi jet was identified as the main culprit of occupational noise that affects not just the employees of the base but also civilian people in the surrounding area. The objective of the study is to identify the noise level produced by Sukhoi two-engines jet during maintenance operations. Investigations were carried out using Bruel & Kjaer 2250 sound level meter hand-analyser. Measurements were performed directly under the Sukhoi jet body and then 10 metres, 50 metres, 100 metres, 1000 metres and 1500 metres away. The jet engines could operate at two levels, at 72% RPM and at 85% RPM. The civilians are only exposed to its noise from more than 1000 metres away. The results from this study are analysed and noise mapping and noise contouring are produced which give the level of noise exposure. The maximum noise is recorded t 122dB(A) and the minimum is at 60dB(A). The farther the noise from the jet is measured, the lower the values recorded. From the noise mapping, the effects of noise exposures on both the employees at the base and the civilian at the neighbouring surrounding could be identified. Even though the exposures are only for 5-10 minutes, it is still considered as a threat