Displaying 1 publication

  1. Tan VM, Ooi DS, Kapur J, Wu T, Chan YH, Henry CJ, et al.
    Eur J Nutr, 2016 Jun;55(4):1573-81.
    PMID: 26160548 DOI: 10.1007/s00394-015-0976-0
    PURPOSE: There are wide inter-individual differences in glycemic response (GR). We aimed to examine key digestive parameters that influence inter-individual and ethnic differences in GR in healthy Asian individuals.
    METHODS: Seventy-five healthy male subjects (25 Chinese, 25 Malays, and 25 Asian-Indians) were served equivalent available carbohydrate amounts (50 g) of jasmine rice (JR) and basmati rice (BR) on separate occasions. Postprandial blood glucose concentrations were measured at fasting (-5 and 0 min) and at 15- to 30-min interval over 180 min. Mastication parameters (number of chews per mouth and chewing time per mouthful), saliva α-amylase activity, AMY1 gene copy numbers and gastric emptying rate were measured to investigate their relationships with GR.
    RESULTS: The GR for jasmine rice was significantly higher than for basmati rice (P 0.05).
    CONCLUSION: Mastication parameters contribute significantly to GR. Eating slowly and having larger food boluses before swallowing (less chewing), both potentially modifiable, may be beneficial in glycemic control.
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