Description of a new species of Oxyurid: Syphacia (Syphatineria) callosciuri n. sp. parasite of a Sciurid rodent Callosciuris caniceps in Malaysia. In rodents belonging to the genus Callosciurus in Malaysia two species: S callosciuri n. sp. and S. owyangi Quentin, 1975, show morphological characteristics which are intermediate between the primitive Syphacia and two different lines of species parasite of recent rodents. These observations appear to indicate that the adaptation of Syphacia of Sciurids to the modern rodents has occured in South-East Asia.
Description of the male Pterygodermatites nycticebi (Mönnig, 1920) unknown until the present study, and a study of the cephalic and cuticular structures of the female. This rictularid has a morphological evolution comparable to that of other males of the Rictulariidae parasitic in viverrid carnivores and in primates.
Morphological study of two Spirura parasites of the oesophageal and the gastric wall of Tupaia and Nycticebus in Malaysia. -- Spirura malayensis n. sp. is found both in Tupaia in the District of Selangor (West Malaysia) and in Nycticebus coucang in Borneo. Its very primitive characteristics relate it to S. diplocyphos Chabaud, Brygoo and Petter, 1965, parasite of lemurs from Madagascar. Its larval development was obtained experimentally in Blatella germanica. -- Spirura aurangabadensis (Ali and Lovekar, 1966) described from a microchiroptera in India is found in west Malaysia in a Nycticebus coucang, and in a Tupaia glis. -- The distribution of the different species and the comparative study of the larval and adult cephalic structures show that the genus Spirura arose and became diversified in the old world in very primitive hosts according to two main evolutive lines.
Tarsubulura perarmata (Ratzel, 1868) is described from a primate Tarsius bancanus and from Tupaidae: Tupaia glis and T. minor in Malaysia (Kuala Lumpur). Its biological cycle is done by the experimental infestation of crickets belonging to the genera Valanga and Oxya. The infective larvae are obtained after three weeks of development of 28 degrees C in the intermediate host. They differ from third stage larvae obtained from Subulurinae by the development of cuticular pharyngeal lobes. The early apparition of this ontogenetic character confirms the isolation of the genus Tarsubulura as compared to the general evolution of the Subuluridae.