Duration of treatment is one of the things orthodontic patients complaint about
most and challenging orthodontist to shorten treatment time. A new surgical technique was
introduced to accelerate tooth movement during orthodontic treatment through combining surgical
and orthodontic treatment by doing surgical reduction of the bone mass in the path of desired
tooth movement prior to start orthodontic alignment of the teeth. (Copied from article).
The rapid progression of molecular-based technology now enables us to analyse huge number of samples. Nonetheless, DNA (Deoxyrebonucleic acid) extraction is always a limiting factor. In this study, we analysed human microbes to compare the performance of DNA extraction methods: simple boiling method and MasterPureTM Complete DNA and RNA Purification Kit. Dental plaque was initially collected from 12 subjects, 6 of which were from individuals with caries active lesions with International Caries Detection and Assessment System (ICDAS) score five and six, and 6 samples from non-caries subjects, were collected in deionised water. The bacterial samples were extracted by the two aforementioned methods and examined using gel electrophoresis, followed by polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Streptococcus mutans was detected using conventional polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Our results demonstrated that boiling method produced higher DNA concentration (100 – 350 ng/µl), however, the commercial kit yield superior in DNA quality with single and specific PCR products. Based on the findings, the commercial kit is the better choice and practicable method for DNA extraction considering the quality of the DNA yield.