A 52-year-old man presented with a 2-year history of episodic retraction of his tongue into the throat with a belief that he will die if the retraction is complete. The presentation is similar to koro except that the tongue is involved instead of the penis. It appears that retraction taxon can involve other organs and may not necessarily be culture bound.
A 32-year-old Chinese lady presented to the Psychiatric Clinic with a history of change in personality for 2 years and abnormal movements for a year. After thorough investigations and observation a diagnosis of Huntington's Disease was made. Her elder brother was traced and found to have Huntington's Disease as well. He had a long standing history of antisocial behaviour and substance abuse long before the onset of the choreiform movements. Her younger brother also has choreiform movements for the last 2 years and had recent change in personality. Their mother also had abnormal movements and was recorded to be depressed and attempted suicide. The maternal grandfather had a mental illness and was warded at a mental institution till his death in 1942. Psychiatric presentation of Huntington's Disease in this Malaysian family is prominent and preceded the characteristic movements in the present generation.