PRESENTATION OF CASE: We report the first case of Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome in Malaysia, a 23 years old Malay girl who suffers from multiple cutaneous venous malformation and gastrointestinal bleeding episodes.
DISCUSSION: The typical morbidity for this syndrome is symptomatic anemia due to secondary iron deficiency due to the gastrointestinal venous malformation bleeding. In managing the gastrointestinal bleeding, it mainly depends on the severity of gastrointestinal bleeding, some may resolve spontaneously, while the others may be needing blood transfusion, and some may require GIT resections. As for cutaneous lesions, normally it is innocuous depending on the region and size. Large or problematic cutaneous venous malformation might benefit from sclerotherapy or excision.
CONCLUSION: Multidisciplinary approach is crucial in managing BRBNS case due to its complexity and the spectrum of multiple organ involvement to ensure the best outcome to the patient.
METHODOLOGY: One hundred and two patients (102) underwent clean elective surgery; postoperatively they were randomized into two group. One group received Channa striatus extract spray (n=51) another group received placebo (n=51) on daily basis for 2 weeks. They were followed up on 2nd, 4th, and 6th weeks. Pain control effect was assessed based on Visual Analog Pain Score (VAPS) and cosmetic outcome based on Visual Analog Cosmetic Scale (VACS), Wound Evaluation Scale (WES), and Vancouver Scar Scale (VSS).
RESULT: The patient treated with Channa striatus spray displayed a better outcome in terms of pain control compared to placebo. During analysis using repeated measure ANOVA, there was significant difference of patient's pain score based on VAPS between Channa striatus spray and placebo (F-stat (df) = 4.80 (2), p-value = 0.010). For cosmetic outcome it showed a better result in Channa striatus spray group for all the 3-scoring system, VACS, (F-stat (df) = 2.68 (2) , p-value <0.001), WES (F-stat (df) = 3.09 (2), p-value = 0.048), and VSS (F-stat (df) = 1.72 (2) , p-value = 0.011).
CONCLUSION: Our study suggest that application of Channa striatus extract spray on clean wound has shown a significant better pain score result and cosmetic outcome on week 2, week 4, and week 6 comparatively with placebo.