The phenotypic differentiation between oxytocin (OT)- and vasopressin (VP)-secreting magnocellular neurosecretory cells (MNCs) from the supraoptic nucleus is relevant to understanding how several physiological and pharmacological challenges affect their electrical activity. Although the firing patterns of OT and VP neurons, both in vivo and in vitro, may appear different from each other, much is assumed about their characteristics. These assumptions make it practically impossible to obtain a confident phenotypic differentiation based exclusively on the firing patterns. The presence of a sustained outward rectifying potassium current (SOR) and/or an inward rectifying hyperpolarization-activated current (IR), which are presumably present in OT neurons and absent in VP neurons, has been used to distinguish between the two types of MNCs in the past. In this study, we aimed to analyze the accuracy of the phenotypic discrimination of MNCs based on the presence of rectifying currents using comparisons with the molecular phenotype of the cells, as determined by single-cell RT-qPCR and immunohistochemistry. Our results demonstrated that the phenotypes classified according to the electrophysiological protocol in brain slices do not match their molecular counterparts because vasopressinergic and intermediate neurons also exhibit both outward and inward rectifying currents. In addition, we also show that MNCs can change the relative proportion of each cell phenotype when the system is challenged by chronic hypertonicity (70% water restriction for 7 days). We conclude that for in vitro preparations, the combination of mRNA detection and immunohistochemistry seems to be preferable when trying to characterize a single MNC phenotype.
The identification of recurrent founder variants in cancer predisposing genes may have important implications for implementing cost-effective targeted genetic screening strategies. In this study, we evaluated the prevalence and relative risk of the CHEK2 recurrent variant c.349A>G in a series of 462 Portuguese patients with early-onset and/or familial/hereditary prostate cancer (PrCa), as well as in the large multicentre PRACTICAL case-control study comprising 55,162 prostate cancer cases and 36,147 controls. Additionally, we investigated the potential shared ancestry of the carriers by performing identity-by-descent, haplotype and age estimation analyses using high-density SNP data from 70 variant carriers belonging to 11 different populations included in the PRACTICAL consortium. The CHEK2 missense variant c.349A>G was found significantly associated with an increased risk for PrCa (OR 1.9; 95% CI: 1.1-3.2). A shared haplotype flanking the variant in all carriers was identified, strongly suggesting a common founder of European origin. Additionally, using two independent statistical algorithms, implemented by DMLE+2.3 and ESTIAGE, we were able to estimate the age of the variant between 2300 and 3125 years. By extending the haplotype analysis to 14 additional carrier families, a shared core haplotype was revealed among all carriers matching the conserved region previously identified in the high-density SNP analysis. These findings are consistent with CHEK2 c.349A>G being a founder variant associated with increased PrCa risk, suggesting its potential usefulness for cost-effective targeted genetic screening in PrCa families.