Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 30 in total

  1. Sinniah, B., Sinniah, D.
    Cryptosporidium is an intestinal protozoan parasite which causes diarrhoea in animals and has recently been reported to cause similar symptoms in man. Cryptosporidiosis is a zoonotic infection and the first human case was reported in 1976.2 Since then the number of cases has increased by the hundreds especially among patients with acquired immuno-deficiency syndrome (AIDS), as a result of the severe symptoms that they cause in the im-munosuppressed patients and also due to the better screening techniques which have been developed resulting in the detection of cases.3 To date 20 species of Cryptosporidium have been reported but these cannot be differentiated morphologically. The differences are based mainly on the host from which the parasites were recovered. The species responsible for causing infection in man is Cryptosporidium parvum.4 Of the 20 species reported several are invalid because the oocysts of some of them were found to be the same as the sporocyst of Sarcocystis. It is now concluded that there are only two species that infect mammals (C. Muris and C. parvum). (Copied from article).
  2. Sinniah B
    PMID: 113889
    A total of 2,337 rodents trapped from various parts of Peninsular Malaysia were dissected and studied for the distribution and prevalence of parasitic infections. Four new rodent hosts for Sarcocystis in Malaysia are reported (Bandicota indica, Rattus sabanus Rattus argentiventer and Rattus norvegicus). Sarcocystis was found in 17.2 percent of the rodents examined. Rattus annandalei, Rattus tiomanicus and Rattus norvegicus are new hosts of Syphacia muris in Peninsular Malsysia. Rattus sabanus was found to be infected with Zonorchis borneonenis. Brachylaima ratti Baugh, 1962 was recovered from the small intestine of Rattus rattus diardii for the first time in Malaysia. The prevalence and distribution of other parasites are also discussed.
  3. Sinniah B, Rajeswari B
    PMID: 7777913
    Blastocystis hominis has long been described as a non pathogenic protozoan parasite until recently when claims have been made that it can result in pathogenic conditions. Of the 729 stool samples (614 from survey and 115 from pediatric wards) examined, 18.1% of them were found to be positive for one or more intestinal protozoan cyst. The commonest was Giardia intestinalis (8.4%) Followed by Entamoeba coli (7.1%) and Entamoeba histolytica (5.1%) in the normal children without symptoms of diarrhea. When diarrheic stools were examined, the commonest parasite encountered was Giardia (20.4%), followed by E. coli (15.9%) and E. histolytica (9.7%). Blastocystis was observed in 4.4% of the children who had diarrhea and 1.1% among the children taken from the normal population in the rural areas.
  4. Sinniah B, Sinniah D
    Trans R Soc Trop Med Hyg, 1982;76(1):72-4.
    PMID: 7080159
    A survey of 308,101 schoolchildren conducted in 10 of 11 states in Peninsular Malaysia revealed that 10.7% have Pediculus humanus capitis infestation. The results of treatment with 1%, 2% and 5% DDT in coconut oil in 374 cases reveal cure rates of 3.5%, 15.8% and 51.3%, respectively, suggesting that the head louse has probably developed resistance to this insecticide in Malaysia.
  5. Sinniah B, Sinniah D, Rajeswari B
    Trop Geogr Med, 1983 Dec;35(4):337-42.
    PMID: 6670116
    A survey of 4.112 primary school children living in and around Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, revealed that 12.9% of the children were infested with Pediculus humanus capitis. Indians (28.3%) and Malays (18.9%) have a higher prevalence than Chinese (4.6%). The higher prevalence among Indians and Malays correlates well with their lower socio-economic status in the community; long hair also contributes to the higher rates of pediculosis among them. The prevalence rate was found to be related to socio-economic status, length of hair, family size, age, crowding and personal hygiene. Treatment with 0.2% and 0.5% malathion in coconut oil gave cure rates of 93% and 100%. Treatment with gammexane and actellic at 0.5% concentration gave a cure rate of 100% against adults and nymphs of Pediculus humanus capitis.
  6. Sinniah B, Sinniah D, Rajeswari B
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1981 May;30(3):734-8.
    PMID: 7258487
    A survey of 308,101 primary school children in Peninsular Malaysia conducted in 1979 by the School Health Services, Ministry of Health, Malaysia, revealed that 10.7% of children were infested with Pediculus humanus capitis. The prevalence rate was higher in the economically less advanced states of Terenganu (34%), Kelantan (23%), and Perlis (21%) than in the other states (4-13%). Of 14,233 school children examined in the State of Melaka, 26% of Indians, 18.7% of Malays, 6.1% of Europeans, and 0.7% of Chinese had pediculosis. The prevalence rate, which has remained unchanged over the past 5 years, does not appear to vary with age but is higher in children with long hair and those from the lower socioeconomic groups. Boys have a lower infestation rate than do girls. The higher incidence in Indians and Malays correlates well with their lower socioeconomic status in the community, and their cultural habit of maintaining longer hair than do the Chinese. The difference become less apparent in the higher socioeconomic groups.
  7. Sinniah, D., Sinniah, B., Lim, B.C., Rajeswari, B.
    A questionnaire survey of student nurses and nurses at a premier hospital in Malaysia reveals that the majority of nurses support the use of corporal punishment on schoolchil-dren. Malay nurses who had received corporal punishment were more likely to endorse corporal punishment than those who had not received it. The number of non-Malay nurses was too small for comment. These findings reveal that nurses need to re-examine their attitudes and their training with respect to child discipline and child rearing practices. Nurses need to be educated on the cycle of violence and the root causes of child abuse in the community. Nurses need to change their attitudes to violence on children and to condemn any such acts, whether it be in the home or at school.
  8. Sinniah B, Subramaniam K
    J Helminthol, 1991 Jun;65(2):141-7.
    PMID: 1880388
    Fifty children aged 6 to 13 years and infected with Ascaris lumbricoides were selected for the study. The number of eggs laid daily by a female Ascaris increased with increase in its length, weight and diameter. Female worms became mature and started laying eggs when they reached a length of 118 mm. Adult female worms measuring 3.7 mm or more in diameter were found to be mature. The minimum weight of a worm producing eggs was 1.1 g. On average the number of eggs produced by the female decreased with increase in the worm load.
  9. Rajeswari B, Sinniah B, Hussein H
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 1994;7(1):21-5.
    PMID: 8074940
    Fecal specimens collected from 456 school children in Gombak, Malaysia, revealed an overall prevalence rate of 62.9%. The most common parasite found was Trichuris trichiura (47.1%) followed by Giardia intestinalis (14.7%), Entamoeba coli (11.4%), Entamoeba histolytica (9.9%) and Ascaris lumbricoides (7.9%). Infection rates were high among the Indonesian immigrant workers' children (90%) followed by the Orang Asli (79.5%), Malay (59.4%) and Indians (36.4%). Females (66.3%) had a higher prevalence rate than the males (58.5%). The prevalence of infection was found to be associated with the socio-economic status, water supply, sanitary disposal of feces and family size. Albendazole administered as a single dose (400 mg) was found to be effective against Ascaris (100%) and hookworm (92.3%) but was not effective against Trichuris (39.2%).
  10. Ramalingam S, Sinniah B, Krishnan U
    Am J Trop Med Hyg, 1983 Sep;32(5):984-9.
    PMID: 6625078
    Albendazole, a new anthelmintic drug was evaluated in Malaysia in 91 patients, with single or mixed infections of Ascaris, Trichuris, and hookworm. Albendazole was administered as a single dose of 400 mg, 600 mg, or 800 mg. The cure rate for Ascaris at all three doses was 100% at days 14 and 21 post-treatment; for hookworm it was 98.8%, 100% and 98%, respectively, at day 14 and 68.8%, 100% and 84%, respectively, at day 21; for Trichuris it was 31.2%, 57.1% and 42.3%, respectively, at day 14 and 27.3%, 60.9% and 48.0%, respectively, at day 21. The egg reduction rate at day 21 was 100% at all three doses for Ascaris, 94.5%, 100% and 96.1%, respectively, for hookworm; and 39.2%, 85.1% and 72.8%, respectively, for Trichuris. There were no side effects, and biochemical examination of blood and urine did not indicate any unfavourable changes. Based on this trial, the recommended dosage for Ascaris and hookworm is a 400 mg single dose, and for Trichuris is a 600 mg single dose. Albendazole appears to be more effective than other available anthelmintic drugs.
  11. Sinniah B, Singh M, Anuar K
    J Helminthol, 1979 Jun;53(2):147-52.
    PMID: 479546
    The prevalence of Capillaria hepatica (Bancroft, 1893) infection in a total of 2324 rats trapped from 25 localities in West Malaysia was 15.5%. Infection rates in males (16.0%) and females (15.1%) are similar. A significantly higher percentage of adults (18.1%) than young (7.7%) was infected. Capillaria hepatica infection rates among urban (0.7%) and jungle (0.0%) rats was very low as compared to field rats (17.7%) trapped from agricultural areas such as oil palm estates and rice growing areas. Prevalence of C. hepatica infection in rats is not evenly distributed throughout West Malaysia. There seem to be localised foci of infection. In some areas as many as 77.8% of the adult rats are found to be infected while in other areas the same species of rats are found free of infection.
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