Displaying all 3 publications

  1. Moo EK, Osman NA, Pingguan-Murphy B, Abas WA, Spence WD, Solomonidis SE
    Acta Bioeng Biomech, 2009;11(4):37-43.
    PMID: 20405814
    Conventionally, patellar tendon-bearing (PTB) sockets, which need high dexterity of prosthetist, are widely used. Lack of chartered and experienced prosthetist has often led to painful experience of wearing prosthesis and this will in turn deter the patients to wear the prosthesis, which will further aggravate stump shrinkage. Thus, the hydrostatic socket which demands relatively lower level of fabricating skill is proposed to replace the PTB socket in order to produce the equivalent, if not better, quality of support to the amputee patients. Both sockets' pressure profiles are studied and compared using finite element analysis (FEA) software. Three-dimensional models of both sockets were developed using MIMICS software. The analysis results showed that hydrostatic socket did exhibit more uniform pressure profiles than that of PTB socket. PTB socket showed pressure concentration near the proximal brim of the socket and also at the distal fibula. It was also found that the pressure magnitude in hydrostatic socket is relatively lower than that of PTB socket.
  2. Abu Osman NA, Spence WD, Solomonidis SE, Paul JP, Weir AM
    Med Eng Phys, 2010 Sep;32(7):760-5.
    PMID: 20678997 DOI: 10.1016/j.medengphy.2010.04.020
    The purpose of this investigation was to vary the load on the patellar tendon bar and to study the subsequent effect this has on the pattern of the pressure distribution at the stump-socket interface. Ten male subjects from the Southern General Hospital in Glasgow, UK participated in this study. Measuring systems utilising strain gauge and electrohydraulic technologies were designed, developed and constructed to enable pressure measurements to be conducted. One transducer, the patellar tendon (PT) transducer, was attached to the patellar tendon bar of the socket such that the patellar tendon bar was capable of being translated by +/-10 mm towards or away from the tendon. The results of this study showed that the position of the patellar tendon bar had no significant effect on the pressure distribution around the socket indicating that it is an unnecessary feature, which, we propose, may be eliminated during manufacture of a trans-tibial socket.
  3. Srinivasan V, Smits M, Spence W, Lowe AD, Kayumov L, Pandi-Perumal SR, et al.
    World J Biol Psychiatry, 2006;7(3):138-51.
    PMID: 16861139
    The cyclic nature of depressive illness, the diurnal variations in its symptomatology and the existence of disturbed sleep-wake and core body temperature rhythms, all suggest that dysfunction of the circadian time keeping system may underlie the pathophysiology of depression. As a rhythm-regulating factor, the study of melatonin in various depressive illnesses has gained attention. Melatonin can be both a 'state marker' and a 'trait marker' of mood disorders. Measurement of melatonin either in saliva or plasma, or of its main metabolite 6-sulfatoxymelatonin in urine, have documented significant alterations in melatonin secretion in depressive patients during the acute phase of illness. Not only the levels but also the timing of melatonin secretion is altered in bipolar affective disorder and in patients with seasonal affective disorder (SAD). A phase delay of melatonin secretion takes place in SAD, as well as changes in the onset, duration and offset of melatonin secretion. Bright light treatment, that suppresses melatonin production, is effective in treating bipolar affective disorder and SAD, winter type. This review discusses the role of melatonin in the pathophysiology of bipolar disorder and SAD.
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