ProBiS is a new method to identify the binding site of protein through local structural alignment against the nonredundant Protein Data Bank (PDB), which may result in unique findings compared to the energy-based, geometry-based, and sequence-based predictors. In this work, binding sites of Hemagglutinin (HA), which is an important target for drugs and vaccines in influenza treatment, have been revisited by ProBiS. For the first time, the identification of conserved binding sites by local structural alignment across all subtypes and strains of HA available in PDB is presented. ProBiS finds three distinctive conserved sites on HA's structure (named Site 1, Site 2, and Site 3). Compared to other predictors, ProBiS is the only one that accurately defines the receptor binding site (Site 1). Apart from that, Site 2, which is located slightly above the TBHQ binding site, is proposed as a potential novel conserved target for membrane fusion inhibitor. Lastly, Site 3, located around Helix A at the stem domain and recently targeted by cross-reactive antibodies, is predicted to be conserved in the latest H7N9 China 2013 strain as well. The further exploration of these three sites provides valuable insight in optimizing the influenza drug and vaccine development.
Atrial septal defect (ASD) is one of the most common congenital heart defects diagnosed in children. Sarcomeric genes has been attributed to ASD and knockdown of MYH3 functionally homologues gene in chick models indicated abnormal atrial septal development. Here, we report for the first time, a case-control study investigating the role of MYH3 among non-syndromic ASD patients in contributing to septal development. Four amplicons which will amplifies the 40 kb MYH3 were designed and amplified using long range-PCR. The amplicons were then sequenced using indexed paired-end libraries on the MiSeq platform. The STREGA guidelines were applied for planning and reporting. The non-synonymous c. 3574G>A (p.Ala1192Thr) [p = 0.001, OR = 2.30 (1.36-3.87)] located within the tail domain indicated a highly conserved protein region. The mutant model of c. 3574G>A (p.Ala1192Thr) showed high root mean square deviation (RMSD) values compared to the wild model. To our knowledge, this is the first study to provide compelling evidence on the pathogenesis of MYH3 variants towards ASD hence, suggesting the crucial role of non-synonymous variants in the tail domain of MYH3 towards atrial septal development. It is hoped that this gene can be used as panel for diagnosis of ASD in future.