The effects of backward, forward, and bidirectional Raman pumping schemes on stimulated Brillouin scattering (SBS) is investigated in this study. By using a linear cavity, we utilize residual Brillouin pump (BP) and Raman pump (RP) power after each transmission through a 25 km single-mode fiber (SMF) used as a gain medium. The SBS threshold power is reduced in the forward, backward, and bidirectional Raman pumping schemes by 2.5, 1.75, and 2.75 dB, respectively when the 1480 nm RP power is fixed at 150 mW and the BP wavelength is 1580 nm. Surprisingly, it is revealed that the SBS threshold reduction depends strongly and solely on Raman gain and it is independent of the Raman pumping schemes. In addition, the effect of Raman amplification on SBS is more effective at the SBS threshold, especially in the bidirectional and forward schemes.
A highly stable tunable dual-wavelength fiber laser (TDWFL) using graphene as a means to generate a highly stable output is proposed and generated. The TDWFL comprises a 1 m long, highly doped erbium-doped fiber (EDF) acting as the linear gain medium, with a 24-channel arrayed waveguide grating acting as a wavelength slicer as well as a tuning mechanism to generate different wavelength pairs. The tuned wavelength pairs can range from 0.8 to 18.2 nm. A few layers of graphene are incorporated into the laser cavity to induce the four-wave-mixing effect, which stabilizes the dual-wavelength output by suppressing the mode competition that arises as a result of homogenous broadening in the EDF.
An efficient and low cost optical method for directly measuring the concentration of homogenous biological solutes is proposed and demonstrated. The proposed system operates by Fresnel reflection, with a flat-cleaved single-mode fiber serving as the sensor probe. A laser provides a 12.9 dBm sensor signal at 1,550 nm, while a computer-controlled optical power meter measures the power of the signal returned by the probe. Three different mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) lines were obtained, sub-cultured and trypsinized daily over 9 days. Counts were measured using a haemocytometer and the conditioned media (CM) was collected daily and stored at -80 °C. MSCs release excretory biomolecules proportional to their growth rate into the CM, which changes the refractive index of the latter. The sensor is capable of detecting changes in the number of stem cells via correlation to the change in the refractive index of the CM, with the measured power loss decreasing approximately 0.4 dB in the CM sample per average 1,000 cells in the MSC subculture. The proposed system is highly cost-effective, simple to deploy, operate, and maintain, is non-destructive, and allows reliable real-time measurement of various stem cell proliferation parameters.