Displaying 1 publication

  1. Moses Wong YK, Teng WW, Sharon Chong ZC, Tan CS, Wong YY, Thangavelu D, et al.
    Radiol Case Rep, 2024 Apr;19(4):1309-1312.
    PMID: 38292799 DOI: 10.1016/j.radcr.2023.12.067
    A 57-year-old lady presented with symptoms of intestinal obstruction preceded by a 2-day history of lower abdomen pain. Clinically, she had a distended abdomen with tenderness in her lower abdomen. Laboratory investigations were unremarkable. An abdominal radiograph showed a dilated small bowel with no extensive bowel gas. A computed tomography (CT) scan showed suspected intestinal obstruction secondary to herniation into the right broad ligament. The decision was made to proceed with surgery, and the intraoperative results confirmed the CT results. The literature review is outlined here, and this instance illustrates a surprising discovery.
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