Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Low AF, Wongpraparut N, Chunhamaneewat N, Jeamanukoolkit A, Jhung LT, Zhen-Vin L, et al.
    AsiaIntervention, 2023 Mar;9(1):25-31.
    PMID: 36936105 DOI: 10.4244/AIJ-D-22-00059
    Optical coherence tomography (OCT), an established intravascular imaging technique, enables rapid acquisition of high-resolution images during invasive coronary procedures to assist physician decision-making. OCT has utility in identifying plaque/lesion morphology (e.g., thrombus, degree of calcification, and presence of lipid) and vessel geometry (lesion length and vessel diameter) and in guiding stent optimisation through identification of malapposition and underexpansion. The use of OCT guidance during percutaneous coronary interventions (PCI) has demonstrated improved procedural and clinical outcomes in longitudinal registries, although randomised controlled trial data remain pending. Despite growing data and guideline endorsement to support OCT guidance during PCI, its use in different countries is not well established. This article is based on an advisory panel meeting that included experts from Southeast Asia (SEA) and is aimed at understanding the current clinical utility of intracoronary imaging and OCT, assessing the barriers and enablers of imaging and OCT adoption, and mapping a path for the future of intravascular imaging in SEA. This is the first Southeast Asian consensus that provides insights into the use of OCT from a clinician's point of view.
  2. Kario K, Kim BK, Aoki J, Wong AY, Lee YH, Wongpraparut N, et al.
    Hypertension, 2020 Mar;75(3):590-602.
    PMID: 32008432 DOI: 10.1161/HYPERTENSIONAHA.119.13671
    The Asia Renal Denervation Consortium consensus conference of Asian physicians actively performing renal denervation (RDN) was recently convened to share up-to-date information and regional perspectives, with the goal of consensus on RDN in Asia. First- and second-generation trials of RDN have demonstrated the efficacy and safety of this treatment modality for lowering blood pressure in patients with resistant hypertension. Considering the ethnic differences of the hypertension profile and demographics of cardiovascular disease demonstrated in the SYMPLICITY HTN (Renal Denervation in Patients With Uncontrolled Hypertension)-Japan study and Global SYMPLICITY registry data from Korea and Taiwan, RDN might be an effective hypertension management strategy in Asia. Patient preference for device-based therapy should be considered as part of a shared patient-physician decision process. A practical population for RDN treatment could consist of Asian patients with uncontrolled essential hypertension, including resistant hypertension. Opportunities to refine the procedure, expand the therapy to other sympathetically mediated diseases, and explore the specific effects on nocturnal and morning hypertension offer a promising future for RDN. Based on available evidence, RDN should not be considered a therapy of last resort but as an initial therapy option that may be applied alone or as a complementary therapy to antihypertensive medication.
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