Displaying 1 publication

  1. Mak TMW, Yu IKM, Xiong X, Zaman NQ, Yaacof N, Hsu SC, et al.
    Chemosphere, 2021 Jul;274:129750.
    PMID: 33549880 DOI: 10.1016/j.chemosphere.2021.129750
    To tackle the crisis associated with the rising commercial food waste generation, it is imperative to comprehend how corporates' recycling behaviour is influenced by different industry structures and economies. This study aims to fill in the information gap that various factors might be affecting corporates' recycling behaviour in two different economies due to environmental inequality by comparing upper-middle-income region (Malaysia) and high-income region (Hong Kong), respectively. A questionnaire survey regarding food waste management according to the Theory of Planned Behaviour was conducted with representatives coming from diverse industries of the hotel, food and beverage, and property management. The questionnaire responses were evaluated based on quantitative structural equation modelling and correlation analysis. The analysis results showed that the model fit the data well, explaining 78% of the variance in recycling behaviour. The findings demonstrated that the most substantial factor on individual's recycling intention by Malaysian commercial food waste generators was perceived behavioural control, and logistics and management incentives. Subjective norms demonstrated significant and adverse effects on the behaviour of food waste recycling. The variable of administrative incentives and corporate support presented strong positive correlations with moral attitudes as well as logistics and management incentives. Hotel industries from both Hong Kong and Malaysia have a higher acceptance level on human resources regarding food waste recycling. In comparison, food and beverage industries from both regions have a lower acceptance level. These findings could enrich our knowledge of the concerns in establishing regional policy strategies to encourage economic behavioural changes for sustainable development.
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