METHODS: Three testing datasets were included. All imaging data were acquired at 3.0T. Dataset-1 consisted of 16 HGs (lesion diameter: 1.5-8.85 cm), 4 focal nodular hyperplasia (FNHs, lesion diameter: 1.72-5.7 cm), and 24 HCCs (lesion diameter: 1.83-12.77 cm), and DDVDm was reconstructed with b=0 and b=2 images. Dataset-2 consisted of 6 HGs (lesion diameter: 1.14-6.2 cm), and DDVDm was reconstructed with b=0 and b=10 images. Dataset-3 consisted of 28 HCCs (lesion diameter: 1.91-3.52 cm), and DDVDm was reconstructed with b=0 and b=2 images. For dataset-1 and dataset-2, a trained reader was required to make a diagnosis for a lesion solely based on DDVDm with 4 choices: (I) HG with confidence; (II) HG without confidence; (III) solid mass-forming lesion (MFL) with confidence; (IV) solid MFL without confidence. Then, three readers attempted to confirm whether DDVDm features summarized from dataset-1 and dataset-2 would be generalizable to dataset-3.
RESULTS: For dataset-1 and dataset-2 together, the correct diagnosis was made by the trained reader in 90.9% (20/22) of the HGs (77.7% with confidence) and 96.4% (27/28) of the MFLs (85.7% with confidence). HG generally showed substantially higher DDVD signal relative to background liver parenchyma. Though not necessarily, HG DDVD signals could be similar to those of blood vessels. Some HGs showed DDVD signals higher or similar to that of kidneys which have a higher perfusion than the liver. MFL generally showed DDVD signals only slightly higher, similar to, or even slightly lower, than that of background liver parenchyma. The DDVDm features of dataset-3 were all consistent with MFL.
CONCLUSIONS: When DDVDm is used to evaluate the liver, HG can be diagnosed with confidence in a substantial portion of patients without the need for a contrast enhanced scan. Our result will be relevant for HG confirmation when MRI is the first line examination for the liver.