Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 223 in total

  1. Ramli SB, Ravoof TB, Tahir MI, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Jul 1;71(Pt 7):o475-6.
    PMID: 26279916 DOI: 10.1107/S205698901501107X
    In the title compound, C15H16N2S3 {systematic name: [({[(4-methyl-phen-yl)meth-yl]sulfan-yl}methane-thio-yl)amino][1-(thio-phen-2-yl)ethyl-idene]amine}, the central CN2S2 residue is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0061 Å) and forms dihedral angles of 7.39 (10) and 64.91 (5)° with the thienyl and p-tolyl rings, respectively; the dihedral angle between these rings is 57.52 (6)°. The non-thione S atoms are syn, and with respect to the thione S atom, the benzyl group is anti. In the crystal, centrosymmetrically related mol-ecules self-associate via eight-membered {⋯HNCS}2 synthons. The dimeric aggregates stack along the a axis and are are consolidated into a three-dimensional architecture via methyl-C-H⋯π(benzene) and benzene-C-H⋯π(thien-yl) inter-actions.
  2. Tagg T, McAdam CJ, Robinson BH, Simpson J
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Jul 1;71(Pt 7):816-20.
    PMID: 26279875 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015011494
    The title compound, C16H10, crystallizes with four unique mol-ecules, designated 1-4, in the asymmetric unit of the monoclinic unit cell. None of the mol-ecules is planar, with the benzene rings of mol-ecules 1-4 inclined to one another at angles of 42.41 (4), 24.07 (6), 42.59 (4) and 46.88 (4)°, respectively. In the crystal, weak C-H⋯π(ring) interactions, augmented by even weaker C C-H⋯π(alkyne) contacts, generate a three-dimensional network structure with inter-linked columns of mol-ecules formed along the c-axis direction.
  3. Ahmad J, Abdul Halim SN, How FN
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Jun 1;71(Pt 6):o410-1.
    PMID: 26090195 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015009159
    The title compound, Ph3(PhCH2)P(+)·Cl(-)·H2O, was obtained unintentionally as the product of an attempted synthesis of a silver di-thio-carbamate complex using benzyl-tri-phenyl-phospho-nium as the counter-ion. The asymmetric unit consists of a phospho-nium cation and a chloride anion, and a water mol-ecule of crystallization. In the crystal, the chloride ion is linked to the water mol-ecule by an O-H⋯Cl hydrogen bond. The three units are further linked via C-H⋯Cl and C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds and C-H⋯ π inter-actions, forming a three-dimensional structure.
  4. Kulkarni AD, Rahman ML, Mohd Yusoff M, Kwong HC, Quah CK
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Nov 1;71(Pt 11):1411-3.
    PMID: 26594522 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015020101
    The title compound, C23H22FN5S, exists in a trans conformation with respect to the methene C=C and the acyclic N=C bonds. The 1,2,4-triazole-5(4H)-thione ring makes dihedral angles of 88.66 (9) and 84.51 (10)°, respectively, with the indole and benzene rings. In the crystal, mol-ecules are linked by pairs of N-H⋯S hydrogen bonds, forming inversion dimers with an R 2 (2)(8) ring motif. The dimers are linked via C-H⋯π inter-actions, forming chains along [1-10]. The chains are linked via π-π inter-actions involving inversion-related triazole rings [centroid-centroid distance = 3.4340 (13) Å], forming layers parallel to the ab plane.
  5. Yeo CI, Tan YS, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Oct 1;71(Pt 10):1159-64.
    PMID: 26594396 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015016655
    The crystal and mol-ecular structures of the title salt, C8H8N3S2 (+)·Cl(-), (I), and salt hydrate, C8H7ClN3S2 (+)·Cl(-)·H2O, (II), are described. The heterocyclic ring in (I) is statistically planar and forms a dihedral angle of 9.05 (12)° with the pendant phenyl ring. The comparable angle in (II) is 15.60 (12)°, indicating a greater twist in this cation. An evaluation of the bond lengths in the H2N-C-N-C-N sequence of each cation indicates significant delocalization of π-electron density over these atoms. The common feature of the crystal packing in (I) and (II) is the formation of charge-assisted amino-N-H⋯Cl(-) hydrogen bonds, leading to helical chains in (I) and zigzag chains in (II). In (I), these are linked by chains mediated by charge-assisted iminium-N(+)-H⋯Cl(-) hydrogen bonds into a three-dimensional architecture. In (II), the chains are linked into a layer by charge-assisted water-O-H⋯Cl(-) and water-O-H⋯O(water) hydrogen bonds with charge-assisted iminium-N(+)-H⋯O(water) hydrogen bonds providing the connections between the layers to generate the three-dimensional packing. In (II), the chloride anion and water mol-ecules are resolved into two proximate sites with the major component being present with a site occupancy factor of 0.9327 (18).
  6. Tan YS, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Oct 1;71(Pt 10):1143-6.
    PMID: 26594392 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015016382
    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, {(C34H28FeP2)[Au(C5H8NS2)]2}, comprises half a mol-ecule, with the full mol-ecule being generated by the application of a centre of inversion. The independent Au(I) atom is coordinated by thiol-ate S and phosphane P atoms that define an approximate linear geometry [S-Au-P = 169.35 (3)°]. The deviation from the ideal linear is traced to the close approach of the (intra-molecular) non-coordinating thione S atom [Au⋯S = 3.1538 (8) Å]. Supra-molecular layers parallel to (100) feature in the crystal packing, being sustained by phen-yl-thione C-H⋯S inter-actions, with the non-coordinating thione S atom in the role of a dual acceptor. Layers stack with no specific inter-actions between them.
  7. Rahima ZA, Abdul Halim SN, How FN
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Sep 1;71(Pt 9):o647.
    PMID: 26396883 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015014462
    The title compound, C14H19NS2, crystallizes in the thione form with the presence of a C=S bond. The piperidine ring adopts a chair conformation. The dihedral angle between the essentially planar di-thio-carbamate and p-tolyl fragments is 74.46 (10)°.
  8. Shamsudin N, Tan AL, Wimmer FL, Young DJ, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Sep 1;71(Pt 9):1026-31.
    PMID: 26396840 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015014280
    The asymmetric unit of the title compound, 2[Zn(C32H16N8)(C7H9N)]·3C7H9N, comprises two independent complex mol-ecules and three benzyl-amine solvent mol-ecules. Each complex mol-ecule features a penta-coordinated Zn(2+) ion within a square-pyramidal geometry, whereby the N5 donor set is defined by four atoms of the phthalocyaninate dianion (PC) and an N-bound benzyl-amine mol-ecule; it is the relative orientations of the latter that differentiate between the independent complex mol-ecules. The uncoordinated benzyl-amine mol-ecules display different conformations in the structure, with syn-Car-Car-Cm-N (ar = aromatic, m = methyl-ene) torsion angles spanning the range -28.7 (10) to 35.1 (14)°. In the crystal, N-H⋯N and N-H⋯π inter-actions lead to supra-molecular layers in the ab plane. The layers have a zigzag topology, have the coordinating and non-coordinating benzyl-amine mol-ecules directed to the inside, and present the essentially flat PC resides to the outside. This arrangement enables adjacent layers to associate via π-π inter-actions [inter-centroid distance between pyrrolyl and fused-benzene rings = 3.593 (2) Å] so that a three-dimensional architecture is formed.
  9. Caracelli I, Zukerman-Schpector J, Stefani HA, Ali B, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Aug 1;71(Pt 8):o582-3.
    PMID: 26396808 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015013353
    In the title compound, C13H15NO4, the oxopyrrolidin-3-yl ring has an envelope conformation, with the C atom bearing the acetate group being the flap. The acetate and phenyl groups are inclined with respect to the central ring, forming dihedral angles of 50.20 (12) and 87.40 (9)°, respectively, with the least-squares plane through the ring. The dihedral angle between the acetate group and the phenyl ring is 63.22 (8)°, indicating a twisted conformation in the mol-ecule. In the crystal, supra-molecular chains along the b axis are formed by (hy-droxy)O-H⋯O(ring carbon-yl) hydrogen bonds. The chains are consolidated into the three-dimensional architecture by C-H⋯O inter-actions.
  10. Caracelli I, Hino CL, Zukerman-Schpector J, Biaggio FC, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Aug 1;71(Pt 8):o558-9.
    PMID: 26396795 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015012670
    In the title compound, C10H11NO2, two independent but virtually superimposable mol-ecules, A and B, comprise the asymmetric unit. The heterocyclic ring in each mol-ecule has a screw-boat conformation, and the methyl-hydroxyl group occupies a position to one side of this ring with N-C-C-O torsion angles of -55.30 (15) (mol-ecule A) and -55.94 (16)° (mol-ecule B). In the crystal, O-H⋯O and N-H⋯O hydrogen bonding leads to 11-membered {⋯HNCO⋯HO⋯HNC2O} heterosynthons, involving three different mol-ecules, which are edge-shared to generate a supra-molecular chain along the a axis. Inter-actions of the type C-H⋯O provide additional stability to the chains, and link these into a three-dimensional architecture.
  11. Yeo CI, Tan YS, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Aug 1;71(Pt 8):937-40.
    PMID: 26396760 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015013341
    In the title complex salt, [Au2{(C6H5)2PCH2P(C6H5)2}]Cl2·(CH3)2C=O·H2O, the dication forms an eight-membered {-PCPAu}2 ring with a transannular aurophilic inter-action [Au⋯Au = 2.9743 (2) Å]. The ring approximates a flattened boat conformation, with the two methyl-ene C atoms lying ca 0.58-0.59 Å above the least-squares plane defined by the Au2P4 atoms (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0849 Å). One Cl(-) anion functions as a weak bridge between the Au(I) atoms [Au⋯Cl = 2.9492 (13) and 2.9776 (12) Å]. The second Cl(-) anion forms two (water)O-H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds about a centre of inversion, forming a centrosymmetric eight-membered {⋯HOH⋯Cl}2 supra-molecular square. Globally, the dications and loosely associated Cl(-) anions assemble into layers lying parallel to the ac plane, being connected by C-H⋯Cl,π(phen-yl) inter-actions. The supra-molecular squares and solvent acetone mol-ecules are sandwiched in the inter-layer region, being connected to the layers on either side by C-H⋯Cl,O(acetone) inter-actions.
  12. Tan YS, Yeo CI, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Aug 1;71(Pt 8):886-9.
    PMID: 26396747 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015012682
    The title compound, [Fe(C17H14PS)2], is a second monoclinic polymorph (P21/c, with Z' = 1) of the previously reported monoclinic (C2/c, with Z' = 1/2) form [Fang et al. (1995 ▸). Polyhedron, 14, 2403-2409]. In the new form, the S atoms lie to the same side of the mol-ecule with the pseudo S-P⋯P-S torsion angle being -53.09 (3)°. By contrast to this almost syn disposition, in the C2/c polymorph, the Fe atom lies on a centre of inversion so that the S atoms are strictly anti, with a pseudo-S-P⋯P-S torsion angle of 180°. The significant difference in mol-ecular conformation between the two forms does not result in major perturbations in the P=S bond lengths nor in the distorted tetra-hedral geometries about the P atoms. The crystal packing of the new monoclinic polymorph features weak Cp-C-H⋯π(phen-yl) inter-actions consolidating linear supra-molecular chains along the a axis. These pack with no directional inter-actions between them.
  13. Ravoof TB, Tiekink ER, Omar SA, Begum SZ, Tahir MI
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Dec 1;71(Pt 12):o1071-2.
    PMID: 26870503 DOI: 10.1107/S205698901502407X
    In the title di-thio-carbazate compound, C17H19N3S2, the central CN2S2 residue is essentially planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0288 Å) and forms dihedral angles of 9.77 (8) and 77.47 (7)° with the substituted-pyridyl and p-tolyl rings, respectively, indicating a highly twisted mol-ecule; the dihedral angle between the rings is 85.56 (8)°. The configuration about the C=N bond is Z, which allows for the formation of an intra-molecular N-H⋯N(pyrid-yl) hydrogen bond. The packing features tolyl-methyl-C-H⋯N(imine), pyridyl-C-H⋯π(tol-yl) and π-π inter-actions [between pyridyl rings with a distance = 3.7946 (13) Å], which generates jagged supra-molecular layers that stack along the b axis with no directional inter-actions between them.
  14. Tan MY, Crouse KA, Ravoof TB, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Dec 1;71(Pt 12):o1047-8.
    PMID: 26870491 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015023531
    In the title thio-semicarbazone compound, C18H18ClN3S, the CN3S residue is almost planar (r.m.s. deviation = 0.0031 Å) and forms dihedral angles of 65.99 (7) and 34.60 (10)° with the phenyl and chloro-benzene rings, respectively; the dihedral angle between the aromatic rings is 85.13 (8)°. The conformation about the C=N bond is Z, and that about the C=C bonds is E. The imine N and ethyl N atoms are syn and are linked by an eth-yl-imine N-H⋯N hydrogen bond. This H atom also forms an inter-molecular hydrogen bond to the thione S atom, resulting in a supra-molecular helical chain propagating along the b axis. The chains are consolidated into a three-dimensional architecture by phenyl-C-H⋯Cl contacts and weak π-π inter-actions between centrosymmetrically related chloro-benzene rings [inter-centroid distance = 3.9127 (15) Å].
  15. Adam F, Samshuddin S, Ameram N, Subramaya, Samartha L
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Dec 1;71(Pt 12):o1031-2.
    PMID: 26870482 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015023294
    The title compound, C19H21N3O, comprises a central pyrazole ring which is N-connected to an aldehyde group and C-connected twice to substituted benzene rings. The pyrazole ring is twisted on the C-C single bond, and the least-squares plane through this ring forms dihedral angles of 82.44 (5) and 4.52 (5)° with the (di-methyl-amino)-benzene and p-tolyl rings, respectively. In the crystal, weak C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds link mol-ecules into supra-molecular tubes along the b axis.
  16. Adam F, Charishma SP, Prabhu BR, Samshuddin S, Ameram N
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Dec 1;71(Pt 12):o1020.
    PMID: 26870475 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015022811
    In the title compound, C24H20N2, the dihedral angles between the pyrazole ring and the pendant phenyl, toluoyl and phenyl-ethenyl rings are 41.50 (8), 4.41 (8) and 31.07 (8)°, respectively. In the crystal, inversion dimers linked by a π-π stacking inter-actions between the phenyl-ethenyl rings are observed [centroid-centroid separation = 3.5857 (9) Å].
  17. Eryanti Y, Zamri A, Herlina T, Supratman U, Rosli MM, Fun HK
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Dec 01;71(Pt 12):1488-92.
    PMID: 26870411 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015020976
    The title compounds, C20H19NO3, (1), and C20H17Cl2NO, (2), are the 3-hy-droxy-benzyl-idene and 2-chloro-benzyl-idene derivatives, respectively, of curcumin [systematic name: (1E,6E)-1,7-bis-(4-hy-droxy-3-meth-oxy-phen-yl)-1,6-hepta-diene-3,5-dione]. The dihedral angles between the benzene rings in each compound are 21.07 (6)° for (1) and 13.4 (3)° for (2). In both compounds, the piperidinone rings adopt a sofa confirmation and the methyl group attached to the N atom is in an equatorial position. In the crystal of (1), two pairs of O-H⋯N and O-H⋯O hydrogen bonds link the mol-ecules, forming chains along [10-1]. The chains are linked via C-H⋯O hydrogen bonds, forming undulating sheets parallel to the ac plane. In the crystal of (2), mol-ecules are linked by weak C-H⋯Cl hydrogen bonds, forming chains along the [204] direction. The chains are linked along the a-axis direction by π-π inter-actions [inter-centroid distance = 3.779 (4) Å]. For compound (2), the crystal studied was a non-merohedral twin with the refined ratio of the twin components being 0.116 (6):0.886 (6).
  18. Jotani MM, Gajera NN, Patel MC, Sung HH, Tiekink ER
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Oct 1;71(Pt 10):1121-4.
    PMID: 26594387 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015016023
    The title compound, C17H15N3O2, is a monoclinic polymorph (P21/c with Z' = 1) of the previously reported triclinic (P-1 with Z' = 2) form [Gajera et al. (2013 ▸). Acta Cryst. E69, o736-o737]. The mol-ecule in the monoclinic polymorph features a central pyrazolyl ring with an N-bound p-tolyl group and a C-bound 1,3-benzodioxolyl fused-ring system on either side of the C atom bearing the amino group. The dihedral angles between the central ring and the N- and C-bound rings are 50.06 (5) and 27.27 (5)°, respectively. The angle between the pendent rings is 77.31 (4)°, indicating the mol-ecule has a twisted conformation. The five-membered dioxolyl ring has an envelope conformation with the methyl-ene C atom being the flap. The relative disposition of the amino and dioxolyl substituents is syn. One of the independent mol-ecules in the triclinic form has a similar syn disposition but the other has an anti arrangement of these substituents. In the crystal structure of the monoclinic form, mol-ecules assemble into supra-molecular helical chains via amino-pyrazolyl N-H⋯N hydrogen bonds. These are linked into layers via C-H⋯π inter-actions, and layers stack along the a axis with no specific inter-actions between them.
  19. Adam F, Smitha K, Charishma SP, Samshuddin S, Ameram N
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Dec 1;71(Pt 12):o1095-6.
    PMID: 26870516 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015024792
    The title compound, C20H20N2O, was studied as a part of our work on pyrazoline derivatives. It represents a trans-isomer. The central pyrazoline ring adopts an envelope conformation with the asymmetric C atom having the largest deviation of 0.107 (1) Å from the mean plane. It forms dihedral angles of 6.2 (1) and 86.4 (1)° with the adjacent p-tolyl and styrene groups, respectively. In the crystal, C-H⋯O inter-actions link mol-ecules into infinite chains along the c axis.
  20. Adam F, Samshuddin S, Shruthi, Narayana B, Ameram N
    Acta Crystallogr E Crystallogr Commun, 2015 Dec 1;71(Pt 12):o1093-4.
    PMID: 26870515 DOI: 10.1107/S2056989015023658
    In the title compound, C18H18N2O2, the pyrazole ring has a twisted conformation on the CH-CH2 bond. The tolyl ring and the 4-meth-oxy-phenyl ring are inclined to the mean plane of the pyrazole ring by 4.40 (9) and 86.22 (9)°, respectively, while the two aromatic rings are inclined to one another by 88.75 (9)°. In the crystal, mol-ecules are linked via bifurcated C-H⋯(O,O) hydrogen bonds and C-H⋯π inter-actions, forming sheets lying parallel to the ab plane.
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