Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 27 in total

  1. Müller AM, Khoo S
    Acta Paediatr, 2016 Mar;105(3):234-43.
    PMID: 26663504 DOI: 10.1111/apa.13307
    Physical activity promotes health in children and adolescents, but activity levels are low. The Internet offers opportunities for physical activity interventions because children and adolescents are widely exposed to the web and enjoy being online. This review investigated the success of Internet-based interventions designed to increase physical activity in children and adolescents. Of the 13 studies we included, five reported that Internet-based interventions had significant effects on most physical activities.
  2. Kanaheswari Y, Hamzaini AH, Wong SW, Zulfiqar A
    Acta Paediatr, 2008 Nov;97(11):1589-91.
    PMID: 18671691 DOI: 10.1111/j.1651-2227.2008.00971.x
    Phakomatosis pigmentovascularis (PPV) is a rare congenital syndrome characterized predominantly by cutaneous vascular malformations and pigmentary naevi. The most frequently reported form, Type II b, is associated with systemic involvement. Sturge-Weber Syndrome (SWS) with concomitant glaucoma, Klippel-Trenaunay Syndrome (KTS) and naevus of Ota have been frequently described, but there have only been two case reports with asymptomatic renal anomalies.
  3. Hossain M, Mani KK, Mohd Sidik S, Kadir Shahar H
    Acta Paediatr, 2016 Aug;105(8):e373-8.
    PMID: 27111395 DOI: 10.1111/apa.13447
    AIM: There are an estimated 372 000 worldwide deaths by drowning every year, and it has been described as a secret epidemic in Bangladesh. The aim of this study was to develop an intervention package to prevent children under the age of five from drowning in rural Bangladesh.

    METHODS: This was a qualitative study using focus group discussions in three villages in rural Bangladesh. The 45 participants were mothers and fathers with children under five, the parents of children who had drowned and community leaders.

    RESULTS: The majority of the participants (71%) were male. The focus groups revealed that most drowning's occurred between 11am and 2pm and that risk factors included the following: children not being able to swim, ditches that were not filled in, lack of medical facilities, parents who were not aware of childhood drowning and lack of information through the media about how to prevent of childhood drowning. Suggestions included using a mobile-based short messaging service or voice calls to parents, especially mothers, could increase awareness and reduce the risk of childhood drowning.

    CONCLUSION: A safety education programme could be effective in increasing knowledge and changing attitudes, which could prevent drowning among children in Bangladesh.

  4. Kamala F, Boo NY, Cheah FC, Birinder K
    Acta Paediatr, 2002;91(12):1350-6.
    PMID: 12578294
    AIM: To determine whether the addition of heparin to total parenteral nutrition (TPN) fluid would prevent blockage of peripherally inserted central catheters (PICCs) in neonates.

    METHODS: This was a randomized, double-blind, controlled study of 66 eligible neonates with PICCs inserted for the administration of TPN. Infants were randomized to receive TPN containing either 1 IU ml(-1) of heparin (n = 35) or no heparin (n = 31).

    RESULTS: There was no significant difference in the incidence of blocked catheters between the two groups of infants (heparin: 14.3%; no-heparin: 22.6%, p = 0.4). Although a higher percentage (62.9%) of infants in the heparin group received a complete course of TPN successfully via PICC than those in the no-heparin group (48.4%), the difference was not statistically significant (p = 0.3). There were no significant differences in the incidence of catheter-related sepsis, hypertriglyceridaemia, hyperbilirubinaemia, coagulopathy or intraventricular haemorrhage between the two groups.

    CONCLUSION: Addition of heparin to TPN fluid was not associated with a significant reduction in the incidence of blocked PICCs. However, the sample size of this study was too small to exclude even rather marked differences between the groups.

  5. Ong LC, Chandran V, Boo NY
    Acta Paediatr, 2001 Dec;90(12):1464-9.
    PMID: 11853347 DOI: 10.1080/08035250152708905
    A study was carried out to compare parenting stress between 116 mothers of very low birthweight (VLBW) children and 96 mothers of normal birthweight (NBW) children at 4 y of age, using the Parenting Stress Index (PSI). Multiple regression analysis was used to determine factors associated with child-domain stress (CDS) and parent-domain stress (PDS). There was a significantly higher proportion (39.7%) of mothers of VLBW children with high CDS scores >90th percentile than mothers of NBW children (20.8%). No significant differences were observed for PDS scores. Lower intelligence quotient (IQ) scores and adverse child behaviour, as evidenced by higher Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL) scores, were significantly associated with higher CDS scores (p < 0.001). Factors associated with higher PDS scores were higher CBCL scores (p < 0.001), mothers who were the primary caregivers (p < 0.001), male sex (p = 0.018) and lower level of maternal education (p = 0.048). These factors remained statistically significant even when physically and cognitively impaired children were excluded from the analysis.

    CONCLUSION: Specific child characteristics and the social environment appear to have a greater impact on parenting stress than the biological risk of VLBW birth per se.
  6. Goh AY, Chan TL, Abdel-Latiff ME
    Acta Paediatr, 2003 Aug;92(8):965-9.
    PMID: 12948074
    AIM: Knowledge of the spectrum and frequencies of pediatric emergencies presenting to an emergency department (ED) of individual developing countries is vital in optimizing the quality of care delivered locally.

    METHODS: A prospective 6 wk review of all pediatric (< 18 y) attendees to an urban ED was done, with patient age, presenting complaints, diagnoses, time of arrival and disposition recorded.

    RESULTS: Complete data were available on 1172 patients, with an age range of 4 d to 18 y (mean +/- SD 6.9 +/- 5.6 y); 43% were aged < or = 4 y. The main presenting complaints were injuries (26.9%), fever (24%) and breathing difficulties (16.6%). The most common diagnosis was minor trauma (24.2%), with soft-tissue injuries predominating (80.6%). The other diagnoses were asthma (12.6%), upper respiratory infections (12.1%), other infections (12.1%) and gastroenteritis (11.8%). Equal proportions of patients were seen throughout the day. 25% of patients were admitted. Young age (< 1 y); presence of past medical history, general practitioner referrals, diagnosis of bronchiolitis and pneumonia were significantly associated with risk of admission.

    CONCLUSION: A wide spectrum of paediatric illnesses was seen in the ED, with an overrepresentation of young children. This supports the decision to have either a separate pediatric ED or paediatric residents on the staff. The training curricula should emphasize the management of pediatric trauma, infections and asthma. Alternatively, developing guidelines for the five most common presenting complaints would account for 82% of all attendees and could be directed towards all staff on the ED.

  7. Boo NY, Chee SC, Rohana J
    Acta Paediatr, 2002;91(6):674-9.
    PMID: 12162601
    A randomized controlled study was carried out on 96 preterm infants (< 37 wk) with birthweight less than 2000 g admitted to a neonatal intensive care unit. The aim was to compare the weight gain between preterm infants exposed to 12 h cyclical lighting (intensity of light: 78.4 +/- 24.7 lux, mean +/- SD) and those exposed to a continuously dim environment (5.9 +/- 1.9 lux). The exclusion criteria were infants with major congenital malformations or who needed continuous lighting for treatment procedure and care. From day 7 of life until discharge, 50 infants were randomized to receive 12 h cyclical lighting and 46 infants to a continuously dim environment. There was no significant difference in the mean birthweight (12 h lighting vs continuously dim: 1482 vs 1465 g, p = 0.8), mean gestational age (31.6 vs 31.4 wk, p = 0.6), median duration of hospital stay (28.5 vs 28.5 d, p = 0.8), mean age to regain birthweight (13.0 vs 12.9 d, p = 0.3), mean weight gained by day 14 (27.6 vs 36.2 g, p = 1.0), median weight gain per day (11.9 vs 12.2 g, p = 0.9) or median body weight on discharge (1800 vs 1800 g, p = 0.4) between the two groups of infants.

    CONCLUSION: Exposing preterm infants to either 12 h cyglical lighting or continuously dim environment did not have any significant effect on their weight gain during the neonatal period.

  8. Chan PW, Abdel-Latif ME
    Acta Paediatr, 2003 Apr;92(4):481-5.
    PMID: 12801117
    Respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) chest infection is a common cause of hospitalization in the very young child. The aim of this study was to determine the direct cost of resource utilization in the treatment of children hospitalized with RSV chest infection and the potential cost-savings with passive immunization for high-risk infants. An audit of the hospital resource consumption and its costs was performed for 216 children aged < 24 mo admitted with RSV chest infection between 1995 and 1997. The cost-saving potential of passive immunization using monoclonal RSV antibodies during the RSV season was determined by assuming an 0.55 efficacy in hospitalization reduction when administered to "high-risk" infants according to the guidelines outlined by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP). The hospital treatment cost of 1064 bed-days amounted to USD 64 277.70. Each child occupied a median of 4.0 bed-days at a median cost of USD 169.99 (IQ1 128.08, IQ3 248.47). Children, who were ex-premature or with an underlying illness were more likely to have a longer hospital stay, higher treatment costs and need for intensive care. Ten (42%) of 24 ex-premature infants fulfilled the recommended criteria for passive immunization. Its use resulted in an incremental cost of USD 31.39 to a potential cost saving of USD 0.91 per infant for each hospital day saved.

    CONCLUSION: Ex-prematurity and the presence of an underlying illness results in escalation of the direct treatment cost of RSV chest infection. Current guidelines for use of passive RSV immunization do not appear to be cost-effective if adopted for Malaysian infants.

  9. Boey CC, Goh KL
    Acta Paediatr, 2001 Mar;90(3):353-5.
    PMID: 11332181
    A cross-sectional survey of school-children aged from 9 to 15 y was performed in the city of Petaling Jaya to look for predictors of recurrent abdominal pain. A sample of 1488 children was randomly chosen, of whom 143 (9.6%) had recurrent abdominal pain according to Apley's criteria.
  10. Low PS, Saha N, Tay JS, Hong S
    Acta Paediatr, 1996 Dec;85(12):1476-82.
    PMID: 9001661
    In multiracial Singapore, the prevalence of coronary artery disease is highest in ethnic Indian and lowest in ethnic Chinese populations. Since susceptibility to coronary artery disease is closely associated with plasma lipid traits, we studied the cord blood lipid and apolipoprotein profiles of the three ethnic groups in Singapore to determine if ethnic differences in lipid profile are present at birth. The high-risk lipid traits of high LDL-cholesterol, triglycerides and apo B, low HDL-cholesterol and apo A-I were found to be highest in ethnic Indian and lowest in ethnic Chinese populations. This difference was concordant with the relative coronary mortality rates for their respective adult populations in Singapore.
  11. Goh AY, Mok Q
    Acta Paediatr, 2004 Jan;93(1):47-52.
    PMID: 14989439
    AIM: To study the aetiology and clinical course of children with brainstem death in a paediatric intensive care unit (ICU) and to determine whether current the practices that are used to declare brainstem death conform to accepted criteria.
    METHODS: A retrospective review chart of all patients with brainstem death (n = 31) admitted to the paediatric ICU between January 1995 and December 1998 was drawn up.
    RESULTS: Mean age of the patients was 51.9 +/- 54.5 mo with the main diagnoses being head trauma in 11 children, anoxic encephalopathy in 7, brain tumour in 5, drowning in 4, CNS haemorrhage in 3 and CNS infection in 1 child; 32.3% of the children were given pre-ICU admission cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The average time from insult to suspected brainstem death was 27 h and suspected brainstem death to confirmation was 25 h, with an average of 1.6 examinations performed. EEG was done in 14 patients, with electrocerebral silence in 8 after the first examination and in a further 5 after repeat testing. Cerebral blood-flow scans were done in 3 children and evoked potentials in 1 child.
    CONCLUSIONS: Trauma remains the most common primary diagnosis leading to brainstem death. Intensivists in this large hospital for children mainly conform to accepted guidelines for determination of brainstem death although there is a wider use of ancillary tests to aid diagnosis. The study also showed a low rate of < 10% of organ procurement for transplantation.

    Study site: Paediatric ICU, Great Ormond Street Hospital, London, United Kingdom
  12. Ma L, Liu C, Cheah I, Yeo KT, Chambers GM, Kamar AA, et al.
    Acta Paediatr, 2019 01;108(1):70-75.
    PMID: 30080290 DOI: 10.1111/apa.14533
    AIM: The attitudes of neonatologists towards the active management of extremely premature infants in a developing country like China are uncertain.

    METHODS: A web-based survey was sent to neonatologists from 16 provinces representing 59.6% (824.2 million) of the total population of China on October 2015 and December 2017.

    RESULTS: A total of 117 and 219 responses were received in 2015 and 2017, respectively. Compared to 2015, respondents in 2017 were more likely to resuscitate infants <25 weeks of gestation (86% vs. 72%; p < 0.05), but few would resuscitate infants ≤23 weeks of gestation in either epoch (10% vs. 6%). In both epochs, parents were responsible for >50% of the costs of intensive care, but in 2017, significantly fewer clinicians would cease intensive care (75% vs. 88%; p < 0.05) and more would request for economic aid (40% vs. 20%; p < 0.05) if parents could not afford to pay. Resource availability (e.g. ventilators) was not an important factor in either initiation or continuation of intensive care (~60% in both epochs).

    CONCLUSION: Cost is an important factor in the initiation and continuation of neonatal intensive care in a developing country like China. Such factors need to be taken into consideration when interpreting outcome data from these regions.

  13. Jin RR, Sutcliffe A, Vento M, Miles C, Travadi J, Kishore K, et al.
    Acta Paediatr, 2018 10;107(10):1733-1738.
    PMID: 29385272 DOI: 10.1111/apa.14242
    AIM: The diagnosis of tongue-tie (or ankyloglossia) has increased more than 10-fold in some countries. Whether this is a global phenomenon or related to cultural and professional differences is uncertain.

    METHODS: An online survey in English, Japanese, Chinese and Spanish was disseminated between May and November 2016 via 27 international professional bodies to >30 clinical professions chosen a priori to represent occupations involved in the management of neonatal ankyloglossia.

    RESULTS: A total of 1721 responses came from nursing (51%), medical (40%), dental (6%) and allied health (4%) clinicians. Nurses (40%) and allied health (34%) professionals were more likely than doctors (8%) to consider ankyloglossia as important for lactation problems, as were western (83%) compared to Asian (52%) clinicians. Referrals to clinicians for ankyloglossia management originated mainly from parents (38%). Interprofessional referrals were not clearly defined. Frenectomies were most likely to be performed by surgeons (65%) and dentists (35%), who were also less likely to be involved in lactation support. Clinicians performing frenectomies were more likely to consider analgesia as important compared to those not performing frenectomies.

    CONCLUSION: The diagnosis and treatment of ankyloglossia vary considerably around the world and between professions. Efforts to standardise management are required.

  14. Cheang HK, Yeung CY, Cheah I, Tjipta GD, Lubis BM, Garza-Bulnes R, et al.
    Acta Paediatr, 2022 Jul;111(7):1362-1371.
    PMID: 35340076 DOI: 10.1111/apa.16344
    AIM: To gain insight into nutritional practices and expected growth outcomes of infants born between 34 and 36 gestational weeks defined as late preterm infants (LPT).

    METHODS: An anonymous online survey among paediatricians and neonatologists from Bangladesh, Indonesia, Mexico, Nigeria, Malaysia, Singapore and Taiwan was conducted from March until October 2020. The questionnaire consisted of 40 questions on the nutritional management and expected growth outcomes of LPT in and after-hospital care.

    RESULTS: Healthcare professionals from low to high Human Development (HDI) countries (n = 322) and very high HDI countries (n = 169) participated in the survey. Human milk was the preferred feeding, resulting in an adequate growth of LPT (weight, length and occipitofrontal circumference), according to a majority of respondents (low to high HDI, 179/265, 68% vs. very high HDI, 73/143, 51%; p = 0.002). The expected growth outcome was higher after-hospital discharge. Less than half of healthcare professionals started enteral feeding during the 1st hour of life. Lactation difficulties, limited access to human milk fortifiers and donor human milk, especially among low to high HDI countries, were reported as major hurdles.

    CONCLUSION: Human milk is the first feeding choice for LPT. The diverse opinions on nutritional practices and expected growth outcomes among healthcare professionals indicate the necessity to develop general nutritional guidelines for LPT.

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