METHODS: Retrospective analysis of all children (< 12 years) dying in the PICU from January 1995 to December 1995 and January 1997 to June 1998 (n = 148).
RESULTS: The main mode of death was by limitation of treatment in 68 of 148 patients, failure of active treatment including cardiopulmonary resuscitation in 61, brain death in 12, and withdrawal of life support with removal of endotracheal tube in seven. There was no significant variation in the proportion of limitation of treatment, failure of active treatment, and brain death between the two periods; however, there was an increase in withdrawal of life support from 0% in 1995 to 8% in 1997-98. Justification for limitation was based predominantly on expectation of imminent death (71 of 75). Ethnic variability was noted among the 14 of 21 patients who refused withdrawal. Discussions for care restrictions were initiated almost exclusively by paediatricians (70 of 75). Diagnostic uncertainty (36% v 4.6%) and presentation as an acute illness were associated with the use of active treatment.
CONCLUSIONS: Limitation of treatment is the most common mode of death in a developing country's PICU and active withdrawal is still not widely practised. Paediatricians in developing countries are becoming more proactive in managing death and dying but have to consider sociocultural and religious factors when making such decisions.
METHODS: Part prospective and retrospective analysis of 8100 consecutive hospital admissions from 1 June 1995 to 1 April 1997.
RESULTS: Twenty one patients fulfilled the criteria for ARDS. Both definitions identified the same group of patients. The incidence was 2.8/1000 hospital admissions or 4.2% of paediatric intensive care unit admissions. The main causes were sepsis and pneumonia. Mortality was 13 of 21. Factors predicting death were a high admission paediatric risk of mortality (PRISM) score (30.38 v 18.75) and the presence of multiple organ dysfunction syndrome (92% v 25%).
CONCLUSION: Both definitions identified similar groups of patients. The incidence in this population was higher than that reported elsewhere, but mortality and cause were similar to those in developed countries. Poor outcome was associated with sepsis, a high admission PRISM score, and simultaneous occurrence of other organ dysfunction.
METHOD: Cross-sectional study on 68 parents of Malaysian children aged 2-18 years with TSC. QOL was assessed using proxy-report Paediatric Quality of Life Inventory (PedsQL) V.4.0, and scores compared with those from a previous cohort of healthy children. Parents also completed questionnaires on child behaviour (child behaviour checklist (CBCL)) and parenting stress (parenting stress index-short form). Multiple regression analysis was used to determine sociodemographic, medical, parenting stress and behavioural factors that impacted on QOL.
RESULTS: The mean proxy-report PedsQL V.4.0 total scale score, physical health summary score and psychosocial health summary score of the patients were 60.6 (SD 20.11), 65.9 (SD 28.05) and 57.8 (SD 19.48), respectively. Compared with healthy children, TSC patients had significantly lower mean PedsQL V.4.0 total scale, physical health and psychosocial health summary scores (mean difference (95% CI): 24 (18-29), 20 (12-27) and 26 (21-31) respectively). Lower total scale scores were associated with clinically significant CBCL internalising behaviour scores, age 8-18 years and Chinese ethnicity. Lower psychosocial health summary scale scores were associated with clinically significant CBCL internalising behaviour scores, Chinese ethnicity or >1 antiepileptic drug (AED).
CONCLUSION: Parents of children with TSC reported lower PedsQL V.4.0 QOL scores in all domains, with psychosocial health most affected. Older children, those with internalising behaviour problems, of Chinese ethnicity or on >1 AED was at higher risk of lower QOL. Clinicians need to be vigilant of QOL needs among children with TSC particularly with these additional risk factors.
DESIGN: We performed a systematic review, searching PubMed, Embase and Cochrane databases for publications dated January 2006-September 2021. We included full-text English articles reporting gender in ≥40 universally sampled donor-recipient pairs. Search terms were permutations of 'liver transplant', 'living donor' and 'paediatric'. Countries were grouped as high/middle/low-income economies based on World Bank criteria and into groups based on deviation from gender parity in Gender Development Index (GDI) values (group 1 indicating closest to gender parity, group 5 indicating furthest). Proportions analysis with corresponding 95% CI were used for analysis of dichotomous variables, with significance when 95% CI did not cross 0.5. Data are reported as female proportion (%) and 95% CI.
RESULTS: Of 12 525 studies identified, 14 retrospective studies (12 countries; 6152 recipients and 6138 donors) fulfilled study inclusion criteria. Male recipient preponderance was seen in lower middle-income countries (all were also GDI group 5) (39.3 (95% CI 34.7 to 44.0)) and female recipient preponderance in GDI groups 1 and 3. Female donor preponderance was seen overall (57.4% (95% CI 55.1 to 59.6)), in middle income countries and in three of four GDI groups represented.
CONCLUSION: There are significant imbalances in recipient-donor gender profiles in paediatric LDLT that are not well explained. The reasons for overall female donor preponderance across income tiers must be scrutinised.
DESIGN: We analysed data of children who participated in the Health Survey for England from 1997 to 2016 (n=34 235). This repeated cross-sectional survey reported weight loss attempts and sociodemographic characteristics. Body weight and height were measured by trained interviewers, and body mass index for age z-score was calculated. Multivariable logistic regression was used to investigate the sociodemographic determinants.
SETTING: England.
PARTICIPANTS: Children (8-17 years).
MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Weight loss attempts by year, age group, gender, BMI for age z-score, ethnicity and household income.
RESULTS: The prevalence of reported weight loss attempts increased significantly from 21.4% (1997-1998) to 26.5% (2015-2016). The increase was significant for boys, older children, Asian children, children from lower income households and in all categories of BMI for age z-score. Significant predictors of weight loss attempts included having overweight (8-12 years old, OR 4.01 (%CI 3.47 to 4.64); 13-17 years old, OR 1.96 (%CI 1.58 to 2.42)) or obesity (8-12 years old, OR 13.57 (%CI 11.94 to 15.43); 13-17 years old, OR 4.72 (%CI 3.94 to 5.66)) as well as being older, girls, from ethnic minority groups or low household income.
CONCLUSION: The prevalence of reported weight loss attempts among children is increasing at a faster rate than the rise in excess weight and includes an increasing proportion of children with a 'healthy' weight. The increase in the prevalence of reported weight loss attempts among children is greatest among subgroups with lower baseline prevalence.
METHODS: This population-based cohort study included all children with CHD registered in the Pediatric Cardiology Clinical Information System born between 2006 and 2020 in Johor, Malaysia. The mortality rate was calculated, and Cox proportional hazard regression analysis was used to determine factors associated with mortality. The Kaplan-Meier analysis was used to estimate the survival rates at 1, 5, 10 and 15 years.
RESULTS: There were 5728 patients with CHD studied, with 1543 (27%) lesions resolved spontaneously, 322 (5.6%) were treated with comfort care, 1189 (21%) required no intervention, and 2674 (47%) needed surgery or intervention. The overall mortality rate was 15%, with a median age of death of 3.7 months (IQR 0.9-9.8 months). Preoperative/intervention death was observed in 300 (11%), and 68 (3.2%) children died within 30 days of surgery or intervention. The overall estimated survival at 1, 5, 10 and 15 years was 88%, 85%, 84% and 83%, respectively. The independent factors associated with mortality were male gender, associated syndrome or extra-cardiac defect, pulmonary hypertension, antenatal diagnosis and severe lesions.
CONCLUSIONS: Eight out of 10 patients with CHDs survived up to 15 years of age. However, 10% of CHDs who require intervention die before the procedure. Thus, improving congenital cardiac surgery and enhancing the overall healthcare system are crucial to improve survival.
METHODS: Between December 2020 and February 2023, we recruited patients with ARM and HD aged 3-17 years at four tertiary referral centres, who had primary corrective surgery done >12 months prior. Healthy controls were age-matched and sex-matched. All participants completed the Pediatric Quality of Life Inventory Generic Core Scales 4.0, General Well-Being (GWB) Scale 3.0 and Family Impact (FI) Module 2.0 Questionnaires. Bowel Function Score (BFS) Questionnaires were also administered. We also performed subgroup analysis according to age categories. Appropriate statistical analysis was performed with p<0.05 significance. Ethical approval was obtained.
RESULTS: There were 306 participants: 101 ARM, 87 HD, 118 controls. Patients with ARM and HD had significantly worse Core and FI Scores compared with controls overall and in all age categories. In the GWB Scale, only ARM and HD adolescents (13-17 years) had worse scores than controls. ARM and HD had significantly worse BFSs compared with controls overall and in all age categories. There was significant positive correlation between BFS and Core Scores, GWB Scores and FI Scores.
CONCLUSION: Patients with ARM and HD had worse QOL than controls. Lower GWB Scores in adolescents suggests targeted interventions are necessary. Bowel function influences QOL, indicating the need for continuous support into adulthood.
DESIGN: This is a qualitative study conducted among children with asthma and their parents. We used purposive sampling and conducted focus groups and interviews using a semi-structured topic guide in the participants' preferred language. All interviews were audio-recorded, transcribed verbatim, entered into NVivo and analysed using a grounded theory approach.
SETTINGS: We identified children aged 7-12 years with parent-reported, physician-diagnosed asthma from seven suburban primary schools in Malaysia. Focus groups and interviews were conducted either at schools or a health centre.
RESULTS: Ninety-nine participants (46 caregivers, 53 children) contributed to 24 focus groups and 6 individual interviews. Children mirrored their parents' management of asthma but, in parallel, learnt and gained confidence to independently self-manage asthma from their own experiences and self-experimentation. Increasing independence was more apparent in children aged 10 years and above. Cultural norms and beliefs influenced children's independence to self-manage asthma either directly or indirectly through their social network. External influences, for example, support from school and healthcare, also played a role in the transition.
CONCLUSION: Children learnt the skills to self-manage asthma as early as 7 years old with growing independence from the age of 10 years. Healthcare professionals should use child-centred approach and involve schools to facilitate asthma self-management and support a smooth transition to independent self-management.
TRIAL REGISTRATION NUMBER: Malaysian National Medical Research Register (NMRR-15-1242-26898).
DESIGN: We systematically searched Ovid MEDLINE and Ovid EMBASE for observational studies assessing VDD among healthy children in the SEA region as the primary or secondary outcome from database inception to 6 April 2021. PubMed was used for e-pubs and publications not indexed in Medline. Publications that included abstracts in English were included. We performed a systematic review to describe the prevalence of VDD in SEA children.
RESULTS: Our initial search identified 550 publications with an additional 2 publications from manual screening. Of those, 21 studies from 5 different countries (Thailand, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysia and Cambodia) were summarised and included in forest plots. The prevalence of VDD (<50 nmol/L) ranged from 0.9% to 96.4%, with >50% of newborns having VDD, and severe VDD (<30 nmol/L) ranged from 0% to 55.8%. Female sex and urban living were the most common determinants of VDD.
CONCLUSIONS: VDD among healthy children living in the SEA region is common. Efforts to detect VDD and the implementation of preventive measures, including education on safe sun exposure and oral vitamin D supplementation or food fortification, should be considered for key target groups, including adolescent females and pregnant and lactating women to improve the vitamin D status of newborns.
PROTOCOL REGISTRATION NUMBER: This study is registered with PROSPERO (CRD42020181600).