Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 33 in total

  1. Saif-Ali R, Harun R, Kamaruddin NA, Al-Jassabi S, Ngah WZ
    Biochem Genet, 2012 Apr;50(3-4):298-308.
    PMID: 21983932 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-011-9472-2
    This study investigated the association of hepatocyte nuclear factor 4 (HNF4) alpha single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) with type 2 diabetes with or without metabolic syndrome in Malaysia. Nine HNF4 alpha SNPs were genotyped in 390 type 2 diabetic subjects with metabolic syndrome, 135 type 2 diabetic subjects without metabolic syndrome, and 160 control subjects. The SNPs rs4810424, rs1884613, and rs2144908 were associated with protection against type 2 diabetes without metabolic syndrome (recessive P = 0.018, OR 0.32; P = 0.004, OR 0.25; P = 0.005, OR 0.24, respectively). The 6-SNP haplotype2 CCCGTC containing the risk genotype of these SNPs was associated with higher risk for type 2 diabetes with or without metabolic syndrome (P = 0.002, OR 2.2; P = 0.004, OR 3.1). These data suggest that HNF4 alpha SNPs and haplotypes contributed to increased type 2 diabetes risk in the Malaysian population.
  2. Gan YY, Chen CF
    Biochem Genet, 2012 Feb;50(1-2):52-62.
    PMID: 21927815 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-011-9458-0
    Human endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) is one isoform of the nitric oxide synthases that are responsible for nitric oxide synthesis from L-arginine. The gene encoding eNOS contains a 27-bp VNTR polymorphism in intron 4. We report here for the first time the presence of a novel allele 3, which was absent in all other populations studied to date, in 1.7% each of Singaporean Indians and Malays. We also detected the presence of a novel genotype 3/5 in 3.4% each of Singaporean Indians and Malays. Allele 6, which was absent in Han Chinese from northern China and Taiwan and was also absent in Indians from the Indian subcontinent, was found in 2.1% of Singaporean Chinese and in 0.3% of Singaporean Indians.
  3. Yee EY, Zainuddin ZZ, Ismail A, Yap CK, Tan SG
    Biochem Genet, 2013 Oct;51(9-10):789-99.
    PMID: 23846110 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-013-9607-8
    Suspicious hybrids of painted storks and milky storks were found in a Malaysian zoo. Blood of these birds was sampled on FTA cards for DNA fingerprinting. Of 44 optimized primers, 6 produced diagnostic markers that could identify hybrids. The markers were based on simple, direct PCR-generated multilocus banding patterns that provided two sets of genetic data, one for each of the two stork species and another for the hybrids. It also revealed that large DNA fragments (3,000 bp) could be amplified from blood collected on FTA cards. When the results of each individual bird's DNA fingerprint were compared with plumage characters, the hybrids were found to express a range of intermediate phenotypic traits of the pure breeds with no dominant plumage characteristic from either parental species.
  4. Al-Khateeb AR, Mohd MS, Yusof Z, Zilfalil BA
    Biochem Genet, 2013 Oct;51(9-10):811-23.
    PMID: 23775634 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-013-9609-6
    Familial ligand-defective apolipoprotein B-100 is characterized by elevated plasma low-density lipoprotein levels and premature heart disease. This study aims to determine apolipoprotein B gene mutations among Malaysians with clinical diagnoses of familial hypercholesterolemia and to compare the phenotype of patients with apolipoprotein B gene mutations to those with a low-density lipoprotein receptor gene mutation. A group of 164 patients with a clinical diagnosis of familial hypercholesterolemia was analyzed. Amplicons in exon 26 and exon 29 of the apolipoprotein B gene were screened for genetic variants using denaturing gradient high-performance liquid chromatography; 10 variants were identified. Five novel mutations were detected (p.Gln2485Arg, p.Thr3526Ala, p.Glu3666Lys, p.Tyr4343CysfsX221, and p.Arg4297His). Those with familial defective apolipoprotein had a less severe phenotype than those with familial hypercholesterolemia. An apolipoprotein gene defect is present among Malaysian familial hypercholesterolemics. Those with both mutations show a more severe phenotype than those with one gene defect.
  5. Kaur T, Japning JR, Sabki MS, Sidik I, Chong LK, Ong AH
    Biochem Genet, 2013 Apr;51(3-4):275-95.
    PMID: 23325482 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-012-9562-9
    The genetic diversity of the endangered crocodile Tomistoma schlegelii was characterized using the protein coding ND 6-tRNA(glu)-cyt b and the cytochrome b-control region (cyt b-CR) markers. Concatenate data revealed six haplotypes with an overall haplotype diversity of 0.769 ± 0.039; nucleotide diversity was 0.00535 ± 0.00172. A nearest-neighbor analysis showed that all individuals clustered with four geographic regions (Sumatra, Peninsular Malaysia, Sarawak, and East Kalimantan) and were genetically differentiated. With the exception of the individuals from haplotype H2, which occurred in both Peninsular Malaysia and Sarawak, all other haplotypes were geographically distinct. The H4 lineage, which was found to be the most divergent, clustered exclusively in the basal clade in all phylogenetic trees, and the haplotype network was unconnected at the 95% reconnection limit, suggesting further investigation to establish its possible status as a distinct evolutionary significant unit or a cryptic species.
  6. Keong BP, Harikrishna JA
    Biochem Genet, 2012 Feb;50(1-2):135-45.
    PMID: 22089543 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-011-9479-8
    A preliminary screening was conducted on BC3F1 and BC4F1 backcross families developed from crossing Oryza sativa (MR219) and O. rufipogon (IRGC105491). Despite earlier results showing that O. rufipogon alleles (wild introgression) contributed to both number of panicles (qPPL-2) and tillers (qTPL-2) at loci RM250, RM208, and RM48 in line A20 of the BC2F2 population, we observed that wild introgression was lost at loci RM250 and RM208 but retained at locus RM48 in BC3F1 and BC4F1. Progeny tests conducted utilizing genotype and phenotype data on both BC4F1 and a reference population, BC2F7 (A20 line), did not show significant differences between groups having the MR219 allele and wild introgression at locus RM48. This suggests that there is no additive and transgressive effect of wild introgression in the BC3F1 and BC4F1 generated. The presence of wild introgression was largely due to gene contamination by cross-pollination during field breeding practices.
  7. Apalasamy YD, Rampal S, Salim A, Moy FM, Su TT, Majid HA, et al.
    Biochem Genet, 2015 Jun;53(4-6):120-31.
    PMID: 25991560 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-015-9678-9
    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the resistin gene (RETN) are linked to obesity and resistin levels in various populations. However, results have been inconsistent. This study aimed to investigate association between polymorphisms in the resistin gene with obesity in a homogenous Malaysian Malay population. This study is also aimed to determine association between resistin levels with certain SNPs and haplotypes of RETN. A total of 631 Malaysian Malay subjects were included in this study and genotyping was carried out using Sequenom MassARRAY. There was no significant difference found in both allelic and genotype frequencies of each of the RETN SNPs between the obese and non-obese groups after Bonferroni correction. RETN rs34861192 and rs3219175 SNPs were significantly associated with log-resistin levels. The GG genotype carriers are found to have higher levels of log-resistin compared to A allele carriers. The RETN haplotypes (CAG, CGA and GA) were significantly associated with resistin levels. However, the haplotypes of the RETN gene were not associated with obesity. Resistin levels were not correlated to metabolic parameters such as body weight, waist circumference, body mass index, and lipid parameters. RETN SNPs and haplotypes are of apparent functional importance in the regulation of resistin levels but are not correlated with obesity and related markers.
  8. Chong LK, Ong AH, Tan SG, Taranjeet KA, Peris MM, Sana AM, et al.
    Biochem Genet, 2014 Jun;52(5-6):283-95.
    PMID: 24535156 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-014-9647-8
    In this study the genetic diversity of local freshwater leeches (Hirudinaria spp.) was inferred using mtDNA COI gene analysis and compared with the gross external variations of 26 freshwater leech specimens obtained from the wild and leech farms. Based on a neighbor-joining tree generated from 516 COI base sequences, four distinct clades of Hirudinaria were seen with interspecific genetic divergence in the range of 7.6-14.5%. The external morphological variations based on the presence of stripes, location of gonopores, and anus separated the samples into four morphologically distinct groups matching the four clades obtained from the molecular data. Two black stripes at the ventral region were observed only in specimens found clustered with clades that contained the GenBank-reported H. manillensis, whereas the brown or dark green coloration without stripes on the ventral region was seen in samples that clustered with H. javanica and H. bpling clades.
  9. Tan SG, Barker JS, Selvaraj OS, Mukherjee TK, Wong YF
    Biochem Genet, 1993 Jun;31(5-6):223-30.
    PMID: 8259925
    We have developed the methodologies for typing and family studies to establish the modes of inheritance of water buffalo red cell acid phosphatase (Acp), protease inhibitor (Pi), and group-specific component (Gc) on isoelectric focusing and albumin (Alb), red cell alpha-esterase-3 (Est-3), and catalase (Cat) on polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. Family studies showed that Pi, Gc, Alb, and Cat are coded by autosomal genes with two codominant alleles, while Est-3 is autosomal with two codominant alleles and a recessive null allele and Acp exhibits three codominant alleles.
  10. Chan KL, Yushayati Y, Guganeswaran P
    Biochem Genet, 1991 Aug;29(7-8):337-44.
    PMID: 1747096
    A biochemical genetic study of the enzyme malate dehydrogenase (MDH) was conducted in the grasshopper Oxya j. japonica. Analysis of MDH electrophoretic variation in this species of grasshopper shows that one of the two autosomal loci for MDH in grasshoppers, the Mdh-2 locus, controlling the anodal set of MDH isozymes, is duplicated. Results of breeding studies confirm this and the observed polymorphism at the Mdh-2 locus in the two populations of Oxya j. japonica studied can be attributed to three forms of linked alleles at the duplicated locus in equilibrium in both populations. In this respect, all individuals of this species possess heterozygous allelic combinations at the duplicated Mdh-2 locus, which may account for the spread of the duplicated locus in the populations of this species of grasshopper.
  11. Shintani M, Minaguchi K, Suzuki K, Lim KA
    Biochem Genet, 1990 Apr;28(3-4):173-84.
    PMID: 2383244
    Three new variants of acidic proline-rich proteins (At, Au, Aw) were found in human parotid saliva by isoelectric focusing and basic gel electrophoresis. Electrophoretic comparison of the purified proteins and their tryptic peptides suggested minor charge and size differences from other acidic PRPs. Genetic and biochemical studies indicate that the At and Aw proteins are allelic products of the PRH1 locus. Gene frequencies of the At productive allele (PRH1(6)) in Japanese, Chinese, and Malays were 0.008, 0.012, and 0.004, respectively. The Au protein was also found in Japanese (2 in 746 samples), Chinese (1 in 215 samples), and Malays (1 in 220 samples), however, the Aw protein was found only in one Japanese (n = 746). These three proteins were not found in 106 Indian subjects.
  12. Lau PS, Leong KV, Ong CE, Dong AN, Pan Y
    Biochem Genet, 2017 Feb;55(1):48-62.
    PMID: 27578295 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-016-9771-8
    Cytochrome P450 (CYP) 2C19 is essential for the metabolism of clinically used drugs including omeprazole, proguanil, and S-mephenytoin. This hepatic enzyme exhibits genetic polymorphism with inter-individual variability in catalytic activity. This study aimed to characterise the functional consequences of CYP2C19*23 (271 G>C, 991 A>G) and CYP2C19*24 (991 A>G, 1004 G>A) in vitro. Mutations in CYP2C19 cDNA were introduced by site-directed mutagenesis, and the CYP2C19 wild type (WT) as well as variants proteins were subsequently expressed using Escherichia coli cells. Catalytic activities of CYP2C19 WT and those of variants were determined by high performance liquid chromatography-based essay employing S-mephenytoin and omeprazole as probe substrates. Results showed that the level of S-mephenytoin 4'-hydroxylation activity of CYP2C19*23 (V max 111.5 ± 16.0 pmol/min/mg, K m 158.3 ± 88.0 μM) protein relative to CYP2C19 WT (V max 101.6 + 12.4 pmol/min/mg, K m 123.0 ± 19.2 μM) protein had no significant difference. In contrast, the K m of CYP2C19*24 (270.1 ± 57.2 μM) increased significantly as compared to CYP2C19 WT (123.0 ± 19.2 μM) and V max of CYP2C19*24 (23.6 ± 2.6 pmol/min/mg) protein was significantly lower than that of the WT protein (101.6 ± 12.4 pmol/min/mg). In vitro intrinsic clearance (CLint = V max/K m) for CYP2C19*23 protein was 85.4 % of that of CYP2C19 WT protein. The corresponding CLint value for CYP2C19*24 protein reduced to 11.0 % of that of WT protein. These findings suggested that catalytic activity of CYP2C19 was not affected by the corresponding amino acid substitutions in CYP2C19*23 protein; and the reverse was true for CYP2C19*24 protein. When omeprazole was employed as the substrate, K m of CYP2C19*23 (1911 ± 244.73 μM) was at least 100 times higher than that of CYP2C19 WT (18.37 ± 1.64 μM) and V max of CYP2C19*23 (3.87 ± 0.74 pmol/min/mg) dropped to 13.4 % of the CYP2C19 WT (28.84 ± 0.61 pmol/min/mg) level. Derived from V max/K m, the CLint value of CYP2C19 WT was 785 folds of CYP2C19*23. K m and V max values could not be determined for CYP2C19*24 due to its low catalytic activity towards omeprazole 5'-hydroxylation. Therefore, both CYP2C19*23 and CYP2C19*24 showed marked reduced activities of metabolising omeprazole to 5-hydroxyomeprazole. Hence, carriers of CYP2C19*23 and CYP2C19*24 allele are potentially poor metabolisers of CYP2C19-mediated substrates.
  13. Tamadoni Jahromi S, Othman AS, Rosazlina R
    Biochem Genet, 2018 Aug 12.
    PMID: 30099639 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-018-9884-3
    There are two morphotypes of Penaeus semisulcatus described hitherto in the Persian Gulf, namely the banded and non-banded antennae morphotypes. In this study, we used morphometric measurements and two mitochondrial genes (16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I-COI) to assess relationships between the two morphotypes of P. semisulcatus. Out of 25 morphological characters examined, 10 characters were found significantly different between the two morphotypes when tested against separate sexes or both sexes combined. Results from the 16S rRNA and COI sequence analysis of two morphotypes of P. semisulcatus morphotype showed up to 6% and 17% sequence divergence, respectively. The 16S rDNA and COI sequences of the non-banding morphotype were not only very different to those of the banding morphotype but was also very different to all other Penaeus species (i.e., P. monodon, P. merguiensis, and P. indicus) included in the study. Both parsimony and Neighbor-Joining trees based on 16S rDNA and COI sequences provide similar tree topology that clearly separated the two morphotypes into two distinct groups. Based on these findings, we propose the two morphotypes of P. semisulcatus to be relegated as two sympatric species.
  14. Chiu YW, Gan YC, Kuo PH, Hsu KC, Tan MS, Ju YM, et al.
    Biochem Genet, 2018 Oct 26.
    PMID: 30367289 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-018-9892-3
    According to geological history, Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo formed at different times and were once connected during Quaternary glaciations. To determine how this history has influenced phylogeography, our study examined the population genetic structure of the tropical freshwater gastropod Melanoides tuberculata across Peninsular Malaysia and Borneo using the sequences from mitochondrial DNA 16S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase subunit I genes (1168 bp). In total, 104 specimens were collected from seventeen populations. All mtDNA haplotypes were identified as belonging to two highly divergent lineages, and these lineages were almost allopatric in their distributions. Our study found that the freshwater fauna in Malaysia might be divided into four regions: northeast Peninsular Malaysia, northwest Peninsular Malaysia, south Peninsular Malaysia, and Borneo. The phylogeography of M. tuberculata in Malaysia was shaped by the landforms of Peninsular Malaysia and by the paleo-river systems in the Sunda continental shelf. In addition, our study found that these two lineages in Malaysia have invaded the globe. These results suggest that Malaysia is located in important shipping lanes throughout the world, and the populations of M. tuberculate might be widely distributed throughout the world by shipping.
  15. Kang IN, Musa M, Harun F, Junit SM
    Biochem Genet, 2010 Feb;48(1-2):141-51.
    PMID: 20094846 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-009-9306-7
    The FOXE1 gene was screened for mutations in a cohort of 34 unrelated patients with congenital hypothyroidism, 14 of whom had thyroid dysgenesis and 18 were normal (the thyroid status for 2 patients was unknown). The entire coding region of the FOXE1 gene was PCR-amplified, then analyzed using single-stranded conformational polymorphism, followed by confirmation by direct DNA sequencing. DNA sequencing analysis revealed a heterozygous A>G transition at nucleotide position 394 in one of the patients. The nucleotide transition changed asparagine to aspartate at codon 132 in the highly conserved region of the forkhead DNA binding domain of the FOXE1 gene. This mutation was not detected in a total of 104 normal healthy individuals screened. The binding ability of the mutant FOXE1 protein to the human thyroperoxidase (TPO) promoter was slightly reduced compared with the wild-type FOXE1. The mutation also caused a 5% loss of TPO transcriptional activity.
  16. Latif MA, Omar MY, Tan SG, Siraj SS, Ismail AR
    Biochem Genet, 2010 Apr;48(3-4):266-86.
    PMID: 19967400 DOI: 10.1007/s10528-009-9316-5
    Studies on hybridization, inheritance, and population genetics of brown planthoppers that infest rice and weeds were undertaken using starch gel electrophoresis to determine whether the weed-infesting population represents a biological race or a species. F(1) and F(2) generations were produced by crosses between parental insects from the two populations with little indication of hybrid sterility. Gpi, Mdh, and Idh loci were inherited in a simple Mendelian fashion in families of two sympatric populations. Sixteen populations of Nilaparvata spp. from eight locations were collected. The Mdh, Idh, Pgm, Gpi, 6Pgd, and Acp loci were polymorphic. The N. lugens of rice with high esterase activity were clustered into a group and characterized by the presence of alleles Gpi (110) and Gpi (120), whereas N. lugens from weeds with low esterase activity were clustered into another group and characterized by Gpi (100) and Gpi (90) . There was a lack of heterozygotes between the common alleles of the two populations. This means that the two groups of individuals belong to different gene pools.
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