The original concept of the ischaemic penumbra suggested imaging of regional cerebral blood flow and metabolism would be required to identify tissue that may benefit from intervention. Amide proton transfer magnetic resonance imaging, a chemical exchange saturation transfer technique, has been used to derive cerebral intracellular pH in preclinical stroke models and has been proposed as a metabolic marker of ischaemic penumbra. In this proof of principle clinical study, we explored the potential of this pH-weighted magnetic resonance imaging technique at tissue-level. Detailed voxel-wise analysis was performed on data from a prospective cohort of 12 patients with acute ischaemic stroke. Voxels within ischaemic core had a more severe intracellular acidosis than hypoperfused tissue recruited to the final infarct (P < 0.0001), which in turn was more acidotic than hypoperfused tissue that survived (P < 0.0001). In addition, when confined to the grey matter perfusion deficit, intracellular pH (P < 0.0001), but not cerebral blood flow (P = 0.31), differed between tissue that infarcted and tissue that survived. Within the presenting apparent diffusion coefficient lesion, intracellular pH differed between tissue with early apparent diffusion lesion pseudonormalization and tissue with true radiographic recovery. These findings support the need for further investigation of pH-weighted imaging in patients with acute ischaemic stroke.
Guillain-Barré syndrome is a heterogeneous disorder regarding the clinical presentation, electrophysiological subtype and outcome. Previous single country reports indicate that Guillain-Barré syndrome may differ among regions, but no systematic comparative studies have been conducted. Comparative studies are required to identify factors determining disease susceptibility, variation and prognosis, and to improve diagnostic criteria. The International Guillain-Barré Syndrome Outcome Study is a prospective, observational cohort study including all patients within the diagnostic spectrum, aiming to describe the heterogeneity of Guillain-Barré syndrome worldwide. The current study was based on the first 1000 inclusions with a follow-up of at least 1 year and confirmed the variation in clinical presentation, course and outcome between patients. The full clinical spectrum of Guillain-Barré syndrome was observed in patients from all countries participating in the International Guillain-Barré Syndrome Outcome Study, but the frequency of variants differed between regions. We compared three regions based on geography, income and previous reports of Guillain-Barré syndrome subtypes: 'Europe/Americas', 'Asia' (without Bangladesh), and 'Bangladesh'. We excluded 75 (8%) patients because of alternative diagnoses, protocol violations, or missing data. The predominant clinical variant was sensorimotor in Europe/Americas (n = 387/562, 69%) and Asia (n = 27/63, 43%), and pure motor in Bangladesh (n = 74/107, 69%). Miller Fisher syndrome and Miller Fisher-Guillain-Barré overlap syndrome were more common in Asia (n = 14/63, 22%) than in the other two regions (Europe/Americas: n = 64/562, 11%; Bangladesh: n = 1/107, 1%) (P < 0.001). The predominant electrophysiological subtype was demyelinating in all regions (Europe/Americas: n = 312/573, 55%; Asia: n = 29/65, 45%; Bangladesh: n = 38/94, 40%). The axonal subtype occurred more often in Bangladesh (n = 34/94, 36%) than in Europe/Americas (n = 33/573, 6%) and other Asian countries (n = 4/65, 6%) (P < 0.001). In all regions, patients with the axonal subtype were younger, had fewer sensory deficits, and showed a trend towards poorer recovery compared to patients with the demyelinating subtype. The proportion of patients able to walk unaided after 1 year varied between Asia (n = 31/34, 91%), Europe/Americas (n = 334/404, 83%) and Bangladesh (n = 67/97, 69%) (P = 0.003). A similar variation was seen for mortality, being higher in Bangladesh (n = 19/114, 17%) than in Europe/Americas (n = 23/486, 5%) and Asia (n = 1/45, 2%) (P < 0.001). This study showed that factors related to geography have a major influence on clinical phenotype, disease severity, electrophysiological subtype, and outcome of Guillain-Barré syndrome.
Affected members of 73 families with a variety of autosomal dominant late onset cerebellar ataxias (ADCAs) were investigated for the trinucleotide (CAG) repeat expansion which is found in pedigrees exhibiting linkage to the SCA1 locus on chromosome 6. Most of the families were too small for linkage analysis. The mutation was only found in ADCA type I, in 19 out of 38 such kindreds investigated (50%). It was slightly more common in Italian (59%) than British (50%) families, and was also found in Malaysian, Bangladeshi and Jamaican kindreds. Overall, ADCA type I patients with the expansion had a lower incidence of hyporeflexia and facial fasciculation than those without. The trinucleotide expansion was not found in eight families with ADCA and maculopathy or 24 kindreds with a pure type of ADCA, confirming that these syndromes are genetically distinct. It was also not detected in 12 patients with sporadic degenerative ataxias. DNA analysis for the SCA1 mutation is useful diagnostically in single patients or small families, and can be used for presymptomatic testing where appropriate.
Parkinson's disease is a common neurodegenerative disorder in which gastrointestinal symptoms may appear prior to motor symptoms. The gut microbiota of patients with Parkinson's disease shows unique changes, which may be used as early biomarkers of disease. Alterations in the gut microbiota composition may be related to the cause or effect of motor or non-motor symptoms, but the specific pathogenic mechanisms are unclear. The gut microbiota and its metabolites have been suggested to be involved in the pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease by regulating neuroinflammation, barrier function and neurotransmitter activity. There is bidirectional communication between the enteric nervous system and the CNS, and the microbiota-gut-brain axis may provide a pathway for the transmission of α-synuclein. We highlight recent discoveries about alterations to the gut microbiota in Parkinson's disease and focus on current mechanistic insights into the microbiota-gut-brain axis in disease pathophysiology. Moreover, we discuss the interactions between the production and transmission of α-synuclein and gut inflammation and neuroinflammation. In addition, we draw attention to diet modification, the use of probiotics and prebiotics and faecal microbiota transplantation as potential therapeutic approaches that may lead to a new treatment paradigm for Parkinson's disease.
RAC1 is a highly conserved Rho GTPase critical for many cellular and developmental processes. De novo missense RAC1 variants cause a highly variable neurodevelopmental disorder. Some of these variants have previously been shown to have a dominant negative effect. Most previously reported patients with this disorder have either severe microcephaly or severe macrocephaly. Here, we describe eight patients with pathogenic missense RAC1 variants affecting residues between Q61 and R68 within the switch II region of RAC1. These patients display variable combinations of developmental delay, intellectual disability, brain anomalies such as polymicrogyria and cardiovascular defects with normocephaly or relatively milder micro- or macrocephaly. Pulldown assays, NIH3T3 fibroblast spreading assays and staining for activated PAK1/2/3 and WAVE2 suggest that these variants increase RAC1 activity and over-activate downstream signalling targets. Axons of neurons isolated from Drosophila embryos expressing the most common of the activating variants are significantly shorter, with an increased density of filopodial protrusions. In vivo, these embryos exhibit frequent defects in axonal organization. Class IV dendritic arborization neurons expressing this variant exhibit a significant reduction in the total area of the dendritic arbour, increased branching and failure of self-avoidance. RNAi knock down of the WAVE regulatory complex component Cyfip significantly rescues these morphological defects. These results establish that activating substitutions affecting residues Q61-R68 within the switch II region of RAC1 cause a developmental syndrome. Our findings reveal that these variants cause altered downstream signalling, resulting in abnormal neuronal morphology and reveal the WAVE regulatory complex/Arp2/3 pathway as a possible therapeutic target for activating RAC1 variants. These insights also have the potential to inform the mechanism and therapy for other disorders caused by variants in genes encoding other Rho GTPases, their regulators and downstream effectors.
Filamin-A-interacting protein 1 (FILIP1) is a structural protein that is involved in neuronal and muscle function and integrity and interacts with FLNa and FLNc. Pathogenic variants in filamin-encoding genes have been linked to neurological disorders (FLNA) and muscle diseases characterized by myofibrillar perturbations (FLNC), but human diseases associated with FILIP1 variants have not yet been described. Here, we report on five patients from four unrelated consanguineous families with homozygous FILIP1 variants (two nonsense and two missense). Functional studies indicated altered stability of the FILIP1 protein carrying the p.[Pro1133Leu] variant. Patients exhibit a broad spectrum of neurological symptoms including brain malformations, neurodevelopmental delay, muscle weakness and pathology and dysmorphic features. Electron and immunofluorescence microscopy on the muscle biopsy derived from the patient harbouring the homozygous p.[Pro1133Leu] missense variant revealed core-like zones of myofibrillar disintegration, autophagic vacuoles and accumulation of FLNc. Proteomic studies on the fibroblasts derived from the same patient showed dysregulation of a variety of proteins including FLNc and alpha-B-crystallin, a finding (confirmed by immunofluorescence) which is in line with the manifestation of symptoms associated with the syndromic phenotype of FILIP1opathy. The combined findings of this study show that the loss of functional FILIP1 leads to a recessive disorder characterized by neurological and muscular manifestations as well as dysmorphic features accompanied by perturbed proteostasis and myopathology.
Dengue virus is a flavivirus transmitted by the mosquitoes, Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus. Dengue infection by all four serotypes (DEN 1 to 4) is endemic globally in regions with tropical and subtropical climates, with an estimated 100-400 million infections annually. Among those hospitalized, the mortality is about 1%. Neurological involvement has been reported to be about 5%. The spectrum of neurological manifestations spans both the peripheral and central nervous systems. These manifestations could possibly be categorized into those directly related to dengue infection, i.e. acute and chronic encephalitis, indirect complications leading to dengue encephalopathy, and post-infectious syndrome due to immune-mediated reactions, and manifestations with uncertain mechanisms, such as acute transverse myelitis, acute cerebellitis and myositis. The rising trend in global dengue incidence calls for attention to a more explicit definition of each neurological manifestation for more accurate epidemiological data. The actual global burden of dengue infection with neurological manifestation is essential for future planning and execution of strategies, especially in the development of effective antivirals and vaccines against the dengue virus. In this article, we discuss the recent findings of different spectrums of neurological manifestations in dengue infection and provide an update on antiviral and vaccine development and their challenges.
Biallelic loss-of-function mutations in the sorbitol dehydrogenase (SORD) gene cause the most common recessive type of Charcot-Marie-Tooth disease (CMT), CMT-SORD. However, the full genotype-phenotype spectrum and progression of the disease remain to be defined. Notably, a multicenter phase 2/3 study to test the efficacy of govorestat (NCT05397665), a new aldose reductase inhibitor, is currently ongoing. Diagnosing CMT-SORD will become imperative when disease-modifying therapies become available. In this cross-sectional multicentre study, we identified 144 patients from 126 families, including 99 males (69%) and 45 females (31%). Patients represented multiple ancestries, including European, Hispanic, Chinese, Near Eastern, and Northern African. We confirmed c.757delG (p.Ala253GlnfsTer27) as the most common pathogenic allele, followed by c.458C>A (p.Ala153Asp), while other variants were identified mostly in single cases. The average sorbitol level in CMT-SORD patients was significantly higher compared to controls and heterozygous carriers, independently from serum storage duration, sex, or variant type. Two-thirds of cases were diagnosed with CMT2 while one-third had distal hereditary motor neuropathy (dHMN). Disease onset was usually in the second decade of life. Although foot dorsiflexion was the most affected muscle group, dorsal and plantar flexion had a similar degree of weakness in most cases (difference of Medical Research Council score ≤ 1). One fourth of patients used ankle foot orthoses, usually in their 30s, but most patients maintained independent ambulation later in life. Nerve conduction studies (NCS) were suggestive of a motor predominant axonal neuropathy, with reduced conduction velocities in the intermediate range in one fourth of the cases. Sensory conductions in the upper limbs appeared more frequently affected than in the lower limbs. Foot dorsiflexion and plantar flexion decreased significantly with age. Male sex was significantly associated with the severity of distal lower limb weakness (plantar flexion) and a larger change over time (dorsiflexion). In conclusion, CMT-SORD is a frequent recessive form of axonal, motor predominant CMT, with prominent foot dorsiflexion and plantar flexion involvement. Fasting serum sorbitol is a reliable biomarker of the condition that can be utilized for pathogenicity assessment of identified rare SORD variants.
Guillain-Barré syndrome is an acute polyradiculoneuropathy in which preceding infections often elicit the production of antibodies that target peripheral nerve antigens, principally gangliosides. Anti-ganglioside antibodies are thought to play a key role in the clinical diversity of the disease and can be helpful in clinical practice. Extensive research into clinical associations of individual anti-ganglioside antibody specificities has been performed. Recent research has highlighted glycolipid complexes, glycolipid combinations that may alter antibody binding, as targets. In this study, we investigated antibody reactivity patterns to glycolipids and glycolipid complexes using combinatorial array, in relation to clinical features in Guillain-Barré syndrome. In total, 1413 patients from the observational International Guillain-Barré syndrome Outcome Study (0-91 years, 60.3% male) and 1061 controls (healthy, family, infectious, vaccination, other neurological disease) were included. Acute-phase sera from patients were screened for IgM, IgG, and IgA reactivity against 15 glycolipids and one phospholipid and their heteromeric complexes, similarly to archived control sera. Antibody specificities and reactivity patterns were analysed in relation to clinical features. Of all patients, 1309 (92.6%) were positive for at least one anti-glycolipid (complex) antibody. Anti-GM1 and anti-GQ1b (complex) antibodies best distinguished motor Guillain-Barré syndrome and Miller Fisher syndrome from controls, with antibodies to glycolipid complexes outperforming antibodies to single glycolipids. Three models consisting of anti-glycolipid (complex) antibodies distinguished patients with Guillain-Barré syndrome, the motor variant, and Miller Fisher syndrome from controls with high sensitivity and specificity, performing better than antibodies to single glycolipids used in clinical practice. Seven patient clusters with particular antibody reactivity patterns were identified. These clusters were distinguished by geographical region, clinical variants, preceding Campylobacter jejuni infection, electrophysiological subtypes, the Medical Research Council sum score at study entry, and the ability to walk 10 meters unaided at 26 weeks. Two patient clusters with distinct anti-GM1 (complex) reactivity (broad versus restricted) differed in frequency of the axonal subtype. In cumulative incidence analyses, 15 anti-glycolipid (complex) antibodies were associated with the time required to regain the ability to walk 10 meters unaided. After adjustment for known prognostic factors, IgG anti-GQ1b:GM4, GQ1b:PS, and GQ1b:Sulphatide remained associated with faster recovery. Addition of anti-glycolipid antibodies to clinical prognostic models slightly improved their discriminative capacity, though insufficiently to improve the models. Measurement of anti-glycolipid antibodies by combinatorial array increases the diagnostic yield compared to assaying single glycolipids, identifies clinically relevant antibody reactivity patterns to glycolipids and glycolipid complexes, and may be useful in outcome prediction in Guillain-Barré syndrome.