METHODS: We described the consultations by sex, age, week, and diagnosis according to the Surveillance in Post-Extreme Emergencies and Disasters system. We compared the number and proportion of upper respiratory tract infections (URTIs) with a control season in 2014.
RESULTS: We included 6785 consultations, 55.9% from women. The majority of consultations were communicable diseases (88.2%) followed by noncommunicable (7.1%) and injuries (5.6%). Males suffered more often from injuries than women (66.0% vs 34.0%). Consultations due to injuries decreased from 10.0% in the first to 2.9% in the last week. The most frequent diagnosis over the study period was acute respiratory infections (ARIs) (73.1%), of which 83.0% were children. The number of daily URTIs was higher than in a similar 2014 period.
CONCLUSIONS: ARI was the most prevalent diagnosis. We recommend ARI treatments being fully accessible after such a disaster. During the first week, injury prevention should focus on adult men. Studies after natural disasters should include control periods to better understand disease distribution, ultimately improving the prioritization in disasters.
METHOD: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among the general population of Pakistan to investigate the knowledge and perception about hand hygiene, self-reported hand hygiene practices, adherence to hand hygienic guidelines, and barriers to optimal hand hygiene. Kruskal-Wallis test, Mann-Whitney U test, and Regression model were used for statistical analysis.
RESULTS: There was a significant difference in area-based knowledge (P = 0.026), beliefs (P = 0.027), and practices (P = 0.002) regarding hand hygiene. The results of regression analysis revealed that people in urban areas were more likely to have better knowledge (β = 0.108, CI = 0.076 - 0.05, P = 0.008) and better adherence (β = 0.115, CI = 0.514 - 2.68, P = 0.004) to hand hygienic practices.
CONCLUSION: Advertisements on television and other electronic media with appealing slogans could be effective in making people more compliant to optimal hand hygienic practices.
METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among illiterate Pakistanis of ages ≥ 18 years through a convenient sampling approach. The study participants were interviewed face to face by respecting the defined precautionary measures and all data were entered and analyzed using SPSS version 22 (IBM, Armonk, NY).
RESULTS: The mean age of the study participants' (N = 394) was 37.2 ± 9.60 years, with the majority being males (80.7%). All participants were aware of the COVID-19 outbreak and television news channels (75.1%) were the primary source of information. The mean knowledge score was 5.33 ± 1.88, and about 27% of participants had a good knowledge score (score ≥ 7) followed by moderate (score 4 - 6) and poor (score ≤ 3) knowledge in 41.6%, and 31.5% of respondents, respectively. The attitude score was 4.42 ± 1.22 with good (score ≥ 6), average (score 4 - 5), and poor attitude (score ≤ 3) in 19%, 66%, and 15% of the participants, respectively. The average practice-related score was 12.80 ± 3.34, with the majority of participants having inadequate practices.
CONCLUSION: COVID-19 knowledge, attitude, and preventive practices of the illiterate population in Pakistan are unsatisfactory. This study highlights the gaps in specific aspects of knowledge and practice that should be addressed through awareness campaigns targeting this specific population.
METHODS: This web-based, cross-sectional study was conducted among HCWs (N = 398) from Punjab Province of Pakistan. The generalized anxiety scale (GAD-7), patient health questionnaire (PHQ-9), and Brief-COPE were used to assess anxiety, depression, and coping strategies, respectively.
RESULTS: The average age of respondents was 28.67 years (SD = 4.15), with the majority being medical doctors (52%). Prevalences of anxiety and depression were 21.4% and 21.9%, respectively. There was no significant difference in anxiety and depression scores among doctors, nurses, and pharmacists. Females had significantly higher anxiety (P = 0.003) and depression (P = 0.001) scores than males. Moreover, frontline HCWs had significantly higher depression scores (P = 0.010) than others. The depression, not anxiety, score was significantly higher among those who did not receive the infection prevention training (P = 0.004). The most frequently adopted coping strategies were religious coping (M = 5.98, SD = 1.73), acceptance (M = 5.59, SD = 1.55), and coping planning (M = 4.91, SD = 1.85).
CONCLUSION: A considerable proportion of HCWs are having generalized anxiety and depression during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. Our findings call for interventions to mitigate mental health risks in HCWs.
METHODS: Computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI) were conducted between June 2019 and February 2020.
RESULTS: There are gaps in knowledge about the symptoms, mode of transmission, and risk of microcephaly. The mean for the Zika-related knowledge score was 5.9 (SD ± 4.4) out of a possible score of 14. The majority perceived little or no risk of getting ZVD (75.0%) and 75.5% were a little or not at all worried about ZVD. A high proportion reported the use of insect sprays or mosquito coils to prevent mosquito bites; however, a relatively lower proportion of people reported fixing mosquito netting on doors and windows, and using mosquito bed nets. The mean for the mosquito prevention practices score was 11.9 (SD ± 4.7) out of a possible score of 27. Important factors influencing mosquito prevention practices include household income, environment factors, risk perception, and Zika-related knowledge.
CONCLUSION: Zika prevention measures should be targeted in priority toward residents in lower socioeconomic neighborhoods. Campaigns should focus on messages highlighting the high risk of getting dengue.
METHODS: MEDLINE (National Library of Medicine, Bethesda, MD), EMBASE (Elsevier, Amsterdam, Netherlands), PsycInfo (American Psychological Association, Washington, DC), and Cochrane Library (John Wiley & Sons, Hobken, NJ, USA) were searched on August 1, 2020 without language and date limitation. The Cochrane Risk of Bias tool for randomized controlled trials and the Risk of Bias in Non-Randomized Studies - of Interventions (ROBINS-I) (Cochrane, London, UK) were used to assess the quality of the studies included. SPSS (IBM Corp., Endicott, NY, USA) was used for descriptive, comparative, and correlational summaries.
RESULTS: From 376 articles, only 9 studies met the criteria and were included after screening. The most common outcome was knowledge improvement, followed by increased confidence, and competence. Other outcomes encompassed Attitude, preparedness, and therapeutic engagement.
CONCLUSION: PFA is the most suggested early intervention aftermath and could be acquired by professionals and non-professionals in the mental health area. Nonetheless, to obtain the desired outcome, PFA training programs' quality is vital. This review revealed that most training programs' duration was short, without scenario-based interactions and post-training supervisions. More controlled trials are required to measure the effectiveness of PFA training on the providers.
METHODS: This cross-sectional study evaluated the adherence to IPC measures among HCWs working at coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) treatment centers in Punjab, Pakistan. HCWs were recruited by means of convenient sampling through Google Form® using the World Health Organization risk assessment tool. All data were analyzed using SPSS 20.
RESULTS: A total of 414 HCWs completed the survey (response rate = 67.8%), and majority of them were males (56.3%). Most of the HCWs were nurses (39.6%) followed by medical doctors (27.3%). Approximately 53% reported insufficiency of personal protective equipment (PPE), 58.2% did not receive IPC training and 40.8% did not have functional IPC team at their health facilities. The majority of HCWs (90%) used disposable gloves and N95 facemasks while interacting with COVID-19 patients. Nearly 45% used protective face shields and gowns before providing care to their patients. Hand hygiene practices while touching, and performing any aseptic procedure was adopted by 70.5% and 74.1% of HCWs, respectively.
CONCLUSIONS: In conclusion, the adherence to IPC measures among Pakistani HCWs working in COVID-19 treatment centers is good despite the limited availability of PPEs. Their practices can be optimized by establishing institutional IPC teams, periodic provision of IPC training, and necessary PPE.
METHODS: A scoping review was conducted to find the eligible studies and perform a comprehensive data analysis.
RESULTS: Based on the findings, cost-effectiveness analysis, economic loss assessment, modeling, or mapping, as well as behavioral economic analysis were used as the economic evaluation approaches/methods.
CONCLUSIONS: Applying economic evaluation approaches to illustrate the economic costs of disasters is highly recommended. Managing competing priorities and optimizing resources allocations to the most cost-effective interventions can be achieved by cost-effectiveness analysis. The results of economic loss assessment can be used as the basis of disaster preparedness and response planning. Economic modeling can be applied to compare different interventions and anticipate socio-economic effects of disasters. A behavioral economic approach can be effective for decision-making in the field of disaster health management. Further research is needed to identify the advantages and limitations of each economic evaluation method/approach in the field of health in disasters. Such research can preferably be designed as the systematic review and meta-analysis.
METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among medical students aged 18 years old and above in 7 countries; Egypt, Romania, Malaysia, and Yemen, Iraq, India, and Nigeria. We used social media platforms between September 27 and November 4, 2022. An anonymous online survey using the 5C scale was conducted using snowball and convenience Sampling methods to assess the 5 psychological antecedents of vaccination (i.e., confidence, constraints, complacency, and calculation, as well as collective responsibility).
RESULTS: A total of 2780 participants were recruited. Participants' median age was 22 years and 52.1% of them were males. The 5C psychological antecedents of vaccination were as follows: 55% were confident about vaccination, 10% were complacent, 12% experienced constraints, and 41% calculated the risk and benefit. Lastly, 32% were willing to be vaccinated for the prevention of infection transmission to others. The Country was a significant predictor of confidence, complacency, having constraints, and calculation domains (P < 0.001). Having any idea about the mpox vaccine was linked to 1.6 times higher odds of being more confident [OR = 1.58 (95% CI, 1.26-1.98), P < 0.001] Additionally, living in a rural area significantly increased complacency [OR = 1.42 (95% CI, 1.05-1.95), P = 0.024] as well as having anyone die from mpox [OR = 3.3 (95% CI, 1.64-6.68), P < 0.001]. Education level was associated with increased calculation [OR = 2.74 (95% CI, 1.62-4.64), P < 0.001]. Moreover, being single and having no chronic diseases significantly increased the calculation domain [OR = 1.40 (95% CI, 1.06-1.98), P = 0.02] and [OR = 1.54 (95% CI, 1.10-2.16), P = 0.012] respectively. Predictors of collective responsibility were age 31-45 years [OR = 2.89 (95% CI, 1.29-6.48), P = 0.01], being single [OR = 2.76 (95% CI, 1.94 -3.92), P < 0.001], being a graduate [OR = 1.59 (95% CI (1.32-1.92), P < 0.001], having no chronic disease [OR = 2.14 (95% CI, 1.56-2.93), P < 0.001], and not knowing anyone who died from mpox [OR = 2.54 (95% CI, 1.39-4.64), P < 0.001), as well as living in a middle-income country [OR = 0.623, (95% CI, 0.51-0.73), P < 0.001].
CONCLUSIONS: This study underscores the multifaceted nature of psychological antecedents of vaccination, emphasizing the impact of socio-demographic factors, geographic location, and awareness, as well as previous experiences on individual attitudes and collective responsibility towards vaccination.
METHODS: A qualitative research approach was employed, utilizing semi-structured interviews with 15 stakeholders from diverse ethnic, religious, and social backgrounds. Participants, represented various religious groups and geographic areas. Their roles included local leaders, government officials, NGO workers, and community members, providing insights into how sociocultural factors influence disaster response and policy.
RESULTS: Religious beliefs serve as both a source of resilience and a potential barrier, shaping community attitudes toward disaster preparedness. Community cohesion, particularly through gotong-royong (mutual aid), plays a crucial role in mobilizing resources and support, though it often excludes marginalized groups. Gender roles significantly influence disaster response, with women taking on caregiving responsibilities yet remaining underrepresented in decision-making processes. Traditional knowledge remains valuable, particularly in rural communities, but faces challenges as younger generations increasingly rely on modern technologies.
CONCLUSIONS: This study highlights the need for culturally sensitive, gender-inclusive, and community-driven disaster management policies in Malaysia.Integrating sociocultural dimensions into formal frameworks can foster more adaptive and inclusive strategies. Enhancing community participation and gender inclusivity will be key to improving disaster resilience in Malaysia.