Displaying all 2 publications

  1. Gasmelseed A
    Electromagn Biol Med, 2011 Sep;30(3):136-45.
    PMID: 21861692 DOI: 10.3109/15368378.2011.596248
    This article describes the analysis of electromagnetic energy absorption properties of models of the human eye with common visual disorders. The investigation addresses two types of visual disorders, namely hyperopia (or farsightedness) and myopia (or nearsightedness). Calculations were carried out using plane multilayered method with common wireless communication frequencies of 900, 1800, and 2450 MHz. The effect of wireless radiation on the eye is studied by calculation of the specific absorption rate (SAR) in three different eye models. The results of the simulations confirmed the anticipated and more complex relationship between absorption and structural variations of the eye at these frequencies.
  2. Jamil NAM, Gomes C, Kadir Z, Gomes A
    Electromagn Biol Med, 2020 Oct 01;39(4):356-363.
    PMID: 32878496 DOI: 10.1080/15368378.2020.1812080
    Corona discharge from multiple needles at an electrical potential of 5 kV generated by a Van de Graff generator increased the growth rate of the mycelium of tiger's milk mushroom by 10.3% at the end of the first eight days. A similar growth rate enhancement was observed for the next eight days as well. Mycelium of tiger's milk mushroom was cultured on agar media in Petri dish for five days prior to the exposure to various forms of electrical stimulations. The direct current injection (1.1-1.3 A) to the growing medium, application of an electric potential to the growing environment at low strength (30 V) and high strength (5 kV) with single and multiple needles showed varying degrees of success. This suggests that the mycelium of tiger's milk mushroom could positively be stimulated by specific electrical stimulation techniques with selected parameters. This will pave the way to a highly beneficial growth enhancement technique that can be up-scaled to apply in mass production of mushroom.
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