METHODS: Cross-sectional study of ambulant children with epilepsy on long-term AEDs for >1 year seen in three tertiary hospitals in Malaysia from April 2014 to April 2015. Detailed assessment of pubertal status, skin pigmentation, sunshine exposure behavior, physical activity, dietary vitamin D and calcium intake, anthropometric measurements and bone health blood tests (vitamin D, alkaline phosphatase, calcium, phosphate, and parathyroid hormone levels) were obtained on all patients. Vitamin D deficiency was defined as 25-hydroxy vitamin D [25(OH)D] levels ≤35 nmol/L and insufficiency as 25(OH)D levels of 36-50 nmol/L.
RESULTS: A total of 244 children (146 male) participated in the study. Ages ranged between 3.7 and 18.8 years (mean 12.3 years). 25(OH)D levels ranged between 7.5 and 140.9 nmol/L (mean 53.9 nmol/L). Vitamin D deficiency was identified in 55 patients (22.5%), and a further 48 (19.7%) had vitamin D insufficiency. Multivariate logistic regression analysis identified polytherapy >1 AED (odds ratio [OR] 2.16, 95% confidence interval [CI] 1.07-4.36), age >12 years (OR 4.16, 95% CI 1.13-15.30), Indian ethnicity (OR 6.97, 95% CI 2.48-19.55), sun exposure time 30-60 min/day (OR 2.44, 95% CI 1.05-5.67), sun exposure time <30 min/day (OR 3.83, 95% CI 1.61-9.09), and female (OR 2.61, 95% CI 1.31-5.20) as statistically significant (p < 0.05) risk factors for vitamin D deficiency.
SIGNIFICANCE: Despite living in the tropics, a high proportion of Malaysian children with epilepsy are at risk of vitamin D deficiency. Targeted strategies including vitamin D supplementation and lifestyle advice of healthy sunlight exposure behavior should be implemented among children with epilepsy, particularly for those at high risk of having vitamin D deficiency.
METHODS: We performed whole genome sequencing and analyzed 6 199 696 common variants among 113 aromatic ASM-induced SJS/TEN cases and 84 tolerant controls of Han Chinese ethnicity.
RESULTS: In the primary analysis, nine variants reached genome-wide significance (p
METHODS: Prospective, multicenter population-based study of SE in Auckland, New Zealand (NZ) over 1 year, with data recorded in the EpiNet database. Focus on treatment patterns and determinants of SE duration and 30-day mortality. The incidence, etiology, ethnic discrepancies, and seizure characteristics of this cohort have been published previously.
RESULTS: A total of 365 patients were included in this treatment cohort; 326 patients (89.3%) were brought to hospital because of SE, whereas 39 patients (10.7%) developed SE during a hospital admission for another reason. Overall, 190 (52.1%) had a known history of epilepsy and 254 (70.0%) presented with SE with prominent motor activity. The mean Status Epilepticus Severity Score (STESS) was 2.15 and the mean SE duration of all patients was 44 min. SE self-terminated without any treatment in 84 patients (22.7%). Earlier administration of appropriately dosed benzodiazepine in the pre-hospital setting was a major determinant of SE duration. Univariate analysis demonstrated that mortality was significantly higher in older patients, patients with longer durations of SE, higher STESS, and patients who developed SE in hospital, but these did not maintain significance with multivariate analysis. There was no difference in the performance of the health care system in the treatment of SE across ethnic groups.
SIGNIFICANCE: When SE was defined as 10 continuous minutes of seizure, overall mortality was lower than expected and many patients had self-limited presentations for which no treatment was required. Although there were disparities in the incidence of SE across ethnic groups there was no difference in treatment or outcome. The finding highlights the benefit of a health care system designed to deliver universal health care.
METHODS: A 2-year retrospective cohort study was employed, in which adults with a history of admission for traumatic brain injury (TBI) in 2019 and 2020 were contacted. Three hundred one individuals agreed to participate, with a median follow-up time of 30.75 months. The development of epilepsy was ascertained using a validated tool and confirmed by our neurologists during visits. Clinical psychologists assessed the patients' cognitive performance.
RESULTS: The 2-year cumulative incidence of PTE was 9.3% (95% confidence interval [CI] 5.9-12.7). The significant predictors of PTE were identified as a previous history of brain injury [hazard ratio [HR] 4.025, p = .021], and intraparenchymal hemorrhage (HR: 2.291, p = .036), after adjusting for other confounders. TBI patients with PTE performed significantly worse on the total ACE-III cognitive test (73.5 vs 87.0, p = .018), CTMT (27.5 vs 33.0, p = .044), and PSI (74.0 vs 86.0, p = .006) than TBI patients without PTE. A significantly higher percentage of individuals in the PTE group had cognitive impairment, compared to the non-PTE group based on ACE-III (53.6% vs 46.4%, p = .001) and PSI (70% vs 31.7%, p = .005) scores at 2 years post-TBI follow-up.
SIGNIFICANCE: This study emphasizes the link between TBI and PTE and the chance of developing cognitive impairment in the future. Clinicians can target interventions to prevent PTE by identifying specific predictors, which helps them make care decisions and develop therapies to improve patients' quality of life.
METHODS: Patients with unexplained pediatric-onset epilepsy were identified from the in-house Severance Neurodevelopmental Disorders and Epilepsy Database. All patients underwent either exome sequencing or multigene panels from January 2017 to December 2019, at Severance Children's Hospital in Korea. Clinical data were extracted from the medical records.
RESULTS: Of the 957 patients studied, 947 (99.0%) were Korean and 570 were male (59.6%). The median age at testing was 4.91 years (interquartile range, 1.53-9.39). The overall diagnostic yield was 32.4% (310/957). Clinical exome sequencing yielded a diagnostic rate of 36.9% (134/363), whereas the epilepsy panel yielded a diagnostic rate of 29.9% (170/569). Diagnostic yield differed across epilepsy syndromes. It was high in Dravet syndrome (87.2%, 41/47) and early infantile developmental epileptic encephalopathy (60.7%, 17/28), but low in West syndrome (21.8%, 34/156) and myoclonic-atonic epilepsy (4.8%, 1/21). The most frequently implicated genes were SCN1A (n = 49), STXBP1 (n = 15), SCN2A (n = 14), KCNQ2 (n = 13), CDKL5 (n = 11), CHD2 (n = 9), SLC2A1 (n = 9), PCDH19 (n = 8), MECP2 (n = 6), SCN8A (n = 6), and PRRT2 (n = 5). The recurrent genetic abnormalities included 15q11.2 deletion/duplication (n = 9), Xq28 duplication (n = 5), PRRT2 deletion (n = 4), MECP2 duplication (n = 3), SCN1A, c.2556+3A>T (n = 3), and 2q24.3 deletion (n = 3).
SIGNIFICANCE: Here we present the results of a large-scale study conducted in East Asia, where we identified several common genes and recurrent variants that varied depending on specific epilepsy syndromes. The overall genetic landscape of the Asian population aligns with findings from other populations of varying ethnicities.
METHODS: We conducted a cross-sectional survey by contacting country representatives in lower-middle-income countries (LMICs) in Asia, including Indonesia, Lao People's Democratic Republic (PDR), Myanmar, Philippines, Vietnam, India, Bangladesh, and Pakistan, and the upper-middle-income country Malaysia, from March 2022 to April 2022. The affordability of each ASM was calculated by dividing the 30-day ASM cost by the daily wage of the lowest paid unskilled laborers. Treatment costing 1 day's wage or less for a 30-day supply of chronic disease is considered affordable.
RESULTS: Eight LMICs and one upper-middle-income country were included in this study. Lao PDR had no newer ASM, and Vietnam had only three newer ASMs. The most frequently available ASMs were levetiracetam, topiramate, and lamotrigine, and the least frequently available was lacosamide. The majority of the newer ASMs were unaffordable, with the median number of days' wages for a 30-day supply ranging from 5.6 to 14.8 days.
SIGNIFICANCE: All new generation ASMs, whether original or generic brands, were unaffordable in most Asian LMICs.
METHODS: We prospectively identified patients presenting to the public or major private hospitals in Auckland (population = 1.61 million) between April 6, 2015 and April 5, 2016 with a seizure lasting 10 minutes or longer, with retrospective review to confirm completeness of data capture. Information was recorded in the EpiNet database.
RESULTS: A total of 477 episodes of SE occurred in 367 patients. Fifty-one percent of patients were aged <15 years. SE with prominent motor symptoms comprised 81% of episodes (387/477). Eighty-four episodes (18%) were nonconvulsive SE. Four hundred fifty episodes occurred in 345 patients who were resident in Auckland. The age-adjusted incidence of 10-minute SE episodes and patients was 29.25 (95% confidence interval [CI] = 27.34-31.27) and 22.22 (95% CI = 20.57-23.99)/100 000/year, respectively. SE lasted 30 minutes or longer in 250 (56%) episodes; age-adjusted incidence was 15.95 (95% CI = 14.56-17.45) SE episodes/100 000/year and 12.92 (95% CI = 11.67-14.27) patients/100 000/year. Age-adjusted incidence (10-minute SE) was 25.54 (95% CI = 23.06-28.24) patients/100 000/year for males and 19.07 (95% CI = 16.91-21.46) patients/100 000/year for females. The age-adjusted incidence of 10-minute SE was higher in Māori (29.31 [95% CI = 23.52-37.14]/100 000/year) and Pacific Islanders (26.55 [95% CI = 22.05-31.99]/100 000/year) than in patients of European (19.13 [95% CI = 17.09-21.37]/100 000/year) or Asian/other descent (17.76 [95% CI = 14.73-21.38]/100 000/year). Seventeen of 367 patients in the study died within 30 days of the episode of SE; 30-day mortality was 4.6%.
SIGNIFICANCE: In this population-based study, incidence and mortality of SE in Auckland lie in the lower range when compared to North America and Europe. For pragmatic reasons, we only included convulsive SE if episodes lasted 10 minutes or longer, although the 2015 ILAE SE classification was otherwise practical and easy to use.