Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 30 in total

  1. Kumar SN, Omar B, Joseph LH, Htwe O, Jagannathan K, Hamdan NM, et al.
    Glob J Health Sci, 2015;7(2):1-7.
    PMID: 25716372 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v7n2p1
    Quantitative measurement of limb loading is important in orthopedic and neurological rehabilitation. In current practice, mathematical models such as Symmetry index (SI), Symmetry ratio (SR), and Symmetry angle (SA) are used to quantify limb loading asymmetry. Literatures have identified certain limitations with the above mathematical models. Hence this study presents two new mathematical models Modified symmetry index (MSI) and Limb loading error (LLE) that would address these limitations. Furthermore, the current mathematical models were compared against the new model with the goal of achieving a better model. This study uses hypothetical data to simulate an algorithmic preliminary computational measure to perform with all numerical possibilities of even and uneven limb loading that can occur in human legs. Descriptive statistics are used to interpret the limb loading patterns: symmetry, asymmetry and maximum asymmetry. The five mathematical models were similar in analyzing symmetry between limbs. However, for asymmetry and maximum asymmetry data, the SA and SR values do not give any meaningful interpretation, and SI gives an inflated value. The MSI and LLE are direct, easy to interpret and identify the loading patterns with the side of asymmetry. The new models are notable as they quantify the amount and side of asymmetry under different loading patterns.
  2. Zarei M, Msl H, Mohd Taib MN, Zarei F
    Glob J Health Sci, 2014 Nov;6(6):185-97.
    PMID: 25363094 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v6n6p185
    The aim or this study was to determine factors associated with body weight status among Iranian adolescents in the two Secondary Schools run by the Embassy in Kuala Lumpur.
  3. Bagheri H, Ibrahim NA, Habil H
    Glob J Health Sci, 2015;7(1):249-60.
    PMID: 25560336 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v7n1p249
    In many parts of the world, patients may find it difficult to visit doctors who share the same language and culture due to the intermingling of people and international recruitment of doctors among many other reasons. In these multilingual multicultural settings (MMSs), doctor-patient interactions face new communication challenges. This study aims to identify the structure of clinical consultation and its phases in an MMS where both doctors and patients are non-native speakers (NNSs) of English.
  4. Hambali SN, Khodapanahandeh S
    Glob J Health Sci, 2014 Jul;6(4):76-83.
    PMID: 24999124 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v6n4p76
    Medical malpractice cases are a matter of much concern in many countries including Malaysia where several cases caught the attention of the public and authorities. Although comprehensive annual statistics on medical negligence claims are not available in Malaysia since such data are not collected systematically in this country there are indications of an upward trend. Medical malpractice cases have been publicized by the media, academic researchers and in government annual reports prompting government policy makers, oversight agencies and the medical profession itself to take appropriate action. The increasing dissatisfaction with the current tort litigation system requires exploring alternatives and new approaches for handling medical malpractice cases. This study aims to examine the difficulties inherent in the tort system in Malaysia for solving medical malpractice claims and evaluates the structure of this system from the perspective of effectiveness, fairness, compensation, accessibility, and accountability.
  5. Hejazi N, Huang MS, Lin KG, Choong LC
    Glob J Health Sci, 2014 Mar;6(2):58-71.
    PMID: 24576366 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v6n2p58
    There are increasing researches about non-communicable disease such as elevated blood pressure among people living with HIV before and after initiation of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART). This cross-sectional study was designed to determine the prevalence of hypertension and associated risk factors among 340 HIV-infected patients on antiretroviral therapy at a Malaysian public hospital providing HIV-related treatment. Data on socioeconomic background, anthropometry, medical history and dietary intake of the patients were collected. Hypertension is defined as blood pressure >=130/85 (mm Hg). Prevalence of hypertension was 45.60% (n=155) of which 86.5% of the hypertensive group were male (n=134). The results showed that increase in age (OR 1.051, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.024-1.078), higher body mass index (OR 1.18, 95%CI 1.106-2.71), bigger waist circumference (OR 1.18, 95%CI 1.106-2.71), higher waist-hip ratio (OR 1.070, 95%CI 1.034-1.106), higher fasting plasma glucose (OR 1.332, 95%CI 0.845-2.100) and percentage energy intake from protein >15 (OR 2.519, 95%CI 1.391-4.561) were significant risk factors for hypertension (p<0.001). After adjusting for other variables, increasing age (adjusted odds ratio (aOR) 1.069 95%CI 1.016-1.124, p=0.010), being male (aOR 3.026, 95%CI 1.175-7.794, p=0.022) and higher body mass index (aOR 1.26, 95%CI 1.032-1.551, p=0.024) were independently associated with hypertension. None of the antiretroviral therapy and immunologic factors was linked to hypertension. In conclusion hypertension among PLHIV was linked to the well-known risk factors such as age, gender and body mass index. With HAART, people can live longer by making monitoring and control of some reversible factors, especially excessive weight gain for maintaining quality of life.
  6. Ahmadian M, Hamsan HH, Abdullah H, Samah AA, Noor AM
    Glob J Health Sci, 2014 May;6(3):165-74.
    PMID: 24762359 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v6n3p165
    PURPOSE: This paper presents the findings of a cross-sectional survey on the risk and protective factors of premarital sexual behavior among rural female adolescents in Peninsular Malaysia.
    METHODS: We investigated data on 770 female respondents aged 13-17 years in rural areas to identify predictive factors for premarital sexual intercourse. Data were analyzed using bivariate and multivariate regression. Specific socio-demographic factors, psychological and family domains, peer delinquency, and knowledge and attitudes about sexuality were considered in risky sexual behaviors in rural Malay girls. The effects of other covariates for premarital sexual intercourse were controlled by logistic regression model.
    RESULTS: Of the 770 rural female students, about 3.2% of respondents reported experience of sexual intercourse in the past three months. Out of those sexually active girls, 36% were 17 years old and 20% stated having sexual intercourse with more than one partner, and 72% did not use contraception during the most recent sexual intercourse. Midnight activities, peer-sexual disorder, self-evaluation, and attitude toward sexual health were significant predictors of sexual intercourse in rural girls in Malaysia.
    CONCLUSION: The finding highlights the impact of psychological factors and peer group influences on the challenges of premarital sexual behavior among rural girls and the notion of school-based sexual health education for adolescents. This study triggers other researchers take into account a comprehensive view of protective factors operating in adolescents' risky sexual behaviors in Asian culture seeing that family domain variables, unexpectedly, exerted no predicting influence on sexually active female teens in rural areas in Malaysia.
    Study site: 41 schools located in ten states of Peninsular Malaysia
  7. Saim NJ, Dufåker M, Eriksson M, Ghazinour M
    Glob J Health Sci, 2013 Sep;5(5):20-30.
    PMID: 23985103 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v5n5p20
    This qualitative research aims to explore the daily life experiences of Malaysian unwed teenage mothers in shelter homes. The research is based on the thematic analysis of interviews with seventeen respondents aged from 12 to 18 years. Eight sub-themes described the experience of the unwed teenage mothers in the shelter home and led to three overall themes: rules and regulations, relationship with the staff and relationship with the other girls at the shelter home. The findings indicated that the shelter homes involved were not fulfilling the standard of the Malaysian national laws and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child. We strongly suggest that the authorities provide a clear guideline concerning the implementation of Malaysian national laws and United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child.
  8. Najafi-Sharjabad F, Zainiyah Syed Yahya S, Abdul Rahman H, Hanafiah Juni M, Abdul Manaf R
    Glob J Health Sci, 2013 Sep;5(5):181-92.
    PMID: 23985120 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v5n5p181
    Family planning has been cited as essential to the achievement of Millennium Development Goals (MDG). Family planning has a direct impact on women's health and consequence of each pregnancy. The use of modern contraception among Asian women is less than global average. In Asia a majority of unintended pregnancies are due to using traditional contraceptive or no methods which lead to induced unsafe abortion. Cultural attitudes, lack of knowledge of methods and reproduction, socio demographic factors, and health service barriers are the main obstacles to modern contraceptive practice among Asian women. Culturally sensitive family planning program, reforming health system, and reproductive health education through mass media to create awareness of the benefits of planned parenthood are effective strategies to improve modern contraceptive practice among Asian women.
  9. Nazariah SS, Juliana J, Abdah MA
    Glob J Health Sci, 2013 Jul;5(4):93-105.
    PMID: 23777726 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v5n4p93
    In the last few years, air within homes have been indicates by various and emerging body as more serious polluted than those outdoor. Prevalence of respiratory inflammation among school children aged 8 and 10 years old attending national primary schools in urban and rural area were conducted in Klang Valley. Two population studies drawn from the questionnaires were used to investigate the association between indoor particulate matter (PM2.5 & PM10) in a home environment and respiratory implication through the understanding of biological responses. Approximately 430 healthy school children of Standard 2 and Standard 5 were selected. Indication of respiratory symptoms using adaptation questionnaire from American Thoracic Society (1978). Sputum sample collection taken for biological analysis. IL-6 then was analyse by using ELISA techniques. Indoor PM2.5 and PM10 were measured using Dust Trak Aerosol Monitor. The mean concentration of PM2.5 (45.38 µg/m3) and PM10 (80.07 µg/m3) in urban home environment is significantly higher compared to those in rural residential area (p=0.001). Similar trend also shows by the prevalence of respiratory symptom. Association were found with PM2.5 and PM10 with the level of IL-6 among school children. A greater exposure to PM2.5 and PM10 are associated with higher expression of IL-6 level suggesting that the concentration of indoor particulate in urban density area significantly influence the health of children.
  10. Nur Aqilah MY, Juliana J
    Glob J Health Sci, 2012 Nov;4(6):160-9.
    PMID: 23121752 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v4n6p160
    There was considerable evidence that a subject's psychological status may influence respiratory sensations and that some subjects may experience respiratory symptoms regardless of the presence of a respiratory disease. The objective of this study was to determine the association between occupational stress and respiratory symptoms among lecturers. This cross sectional study was conducted in Universiti Putra Malaysia, involved 61 lecturers from various faculties. Job Content Questionnaire (JCQ) and questionnaires based on American Thoracic Society were used to collect the data on socio-demography, stress level and respiratory symptoms. High level of occupational stress (high strain) was determined among 16 of the respondents (26.2%). Breathlessness was the common symptom experienced by the respondents. Female lecturers were significantly experienced high stress level compared to male (p=0.035). They were also significantly having more breathlessness symptom compared to male lecturer (p=0.011). Study highlighted in study population, gender plays a significant role that influenced level of occupational stress and also gender has role in resulting occupational stress level and respiratory symptoms. There was no significant association between occupational stress and respiratory symptoms. It can be concluded that this group of lecturers of Universiti Putra Malaysia did not experienced high occupational stress level. Occupational stress level was not statistically significantly associated with all respiratory symptoms being studied.
  11. Moflehi D, Kok LY, Tengku-Kamalden TF, Amri S
    Glob J Health Sci, 2012 Jul;4(4):48-54.
    PMID: 22980341 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v4n4p48
    This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of the different intensity levels of single-session aerobic exercise on serum levels of lipid peroxidation and muscle damage markers in sedentary males.
  12. Dada AC, Asmat A, Gires U, Heng LY, Deborah BO
    Glob J Health Sci, 2012 May;4(3):126-38.
    PMID: 22980239 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v4n3p126
    Despite the growing demand of tourism in Malaysia, there are no resolute efforts to develop beaches as tourist destinations. With no incentives to monitor public beaches or to use them in a sustainable manner, they might eventually degenerate in quality as a result of influx of pollutants. This calls for concerted action plans with a view to promoting their sustainable use. The success of such plans is inevitably anchored on the availability of robust quality monitoring schemes. Although significant efforts have been channelled to collation and public disclosure of bacteriological quality data of rivers, beach water monitoring appears left out. This partly explains the dearth of published information related to beach water quality data. As part of an on-going nation-wide surveillance study on the bacteriological quality of recreational beaches, this paper draws on a situation analysis with a view to proffering recommendations that could be adapted for ensuring better beach water quality in Malaysia.
  13. Shan CL, Bin Adon MY, Rahman AB, Hassan ST, Ismail KB
    Glob J Health Sci, 2012 Jan;4(1):94-104.
    PMID: 22980103 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v4n1p94
    Rubber tapping processes posed potential risk of various health problems among rubber workers. It ranges from simple musculoskeletal aches to more serious and complicated structural damage to bone, muscles, tendons and nerves of musculoskeletal system. These health problems might be linked directly to the arduous demands of farm labor.
  14. Manaf RA, Ismail IZ, Latiff LA
    Glob J Health Sci, 2012 Sep;4(5):91-9.
    PMID: 22980381 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v4n5p91
    INTRODUCTION: Women with chronic medical conditions are at higher risk of adverse pregnancy outcomes, which may be minimized through optimal preconception care and appropriate contraceptive use. This study aimed to describe contraceptive use among women with chronic medical conditions and factors associated with its non-use.
    METHODS: This study used cross-sectional data from a family planning survey among women with chronic medical conditions conducted in three health facilities in a southern state of Malaysia. A total of 450 married women in reproductive age (18-50 year) with intact uterus, and do not plan to conceive were analysed for contraceptive use. Both univariate and multivariate analysis was conducted to identify factors associated with contraceptive non-use among the study participants.
    RESULTS: A total of 312 (69.3%) of the study participants did not use contraceptive. Contraceptive non-use was highest among the diabetics (71.2%), connective tissue disease patients (68.6%) and hypertensive patients (65.3%). Only 26.3% of women with heart disease did not use contraceptive. In the multivariate analysis, contraceptive non-use was significantly more common among women who received their medical treatment in the health clinics as compared to those who received treatment in the hospital (adjusted odds ratio [OR]=1.75, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.09, 2.79), being in older age group of 41-50 year (adjusted OR=2.31, 95% CI: 1.19, 4.48), having children (adjusted OR=4.57, 95% CI: 1.66, 12.57) and having lower education (adjusted OR=2.87, 95% CI: 1.43, 5.77).
    CONCLUSION: About two-third of women with chronic medical conditions who needed contraceptive did not use them despite the higher risk of pregnancy related complications. The high unmet need warrant an effective health promotion programme to encourage the uptake of contraceptives especially targeting women of older age group, low education and those who received their medical treatment at health clinics.
    Study site: Outpatient clinic, three hospitals; 8 health clinics, Malaysia
  15. Pirabbasi E, Najafiyan M, Cheraghi M, Shahar S, Abdul Manaf Z, Rajab N, et al.
    Glob J Health Sci, 2013 Jan;5(1):70-8.
    PMID: 23283038 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v5n1p70
    Imbalance between antioxidant and oxidative stress is a major risk factor for pathogenesis of some chronic diseases such as chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). This study aimed to determine antioxidant and oxidative stress status, and also theirs association with respiratory function of male COPD patients to find the antioxidant predictors' factors. A total of 149 subjects were involved in a cross-sectional study. The study was conducted at two medical centers in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Results of the study showed that plasma vitamin C was low in most of the subjects (86.6%). Total antioxidant capacity was the lowest in COPD stage IV compare to other stages (p < 0.05). Level of plasma vitamin A (p= 0.012) and vitamin C (p= 0.007) were low in malnourished subjects. The predictors for total antioxidant capacity were forced vital capacity (FVC) % predicted and intake of ?-carotene (R2= 0.104, p= 0.002). Number of cigarette (pack/ year) and smoking index (number/ year) were not associated with total antioxidant capacity of this COPD population. Plasma oxidative stress as assessed plasma lipid peroxidation (LPO) was only positively correlated with plasma glutathione (p= 0.002). It might be a need to evaluate antioxidant status especially in older COPD patients to treat antioxidant deficiency which is leading to prevent COPD progression.
    Study site: Outpatient clinics, Pusat Perubatan Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia (PPUKM) and Institute of Respiratory Medicine, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  16. Lim CS, Shaharuddin MS, Sam WY
    Glob J Health Sci, 2013 Mar;5(2):1-12.
    PMID: 23445691 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v5n2p1
    A cross sectional study was conducted to estimate risk of exposure to lead via tap water ingestion pathway for the population of Seri Kembangan (SK).
  17. Waziri SI, Mohamed Nor N, Raja Abdullah NM, Adamu P
    Glob J Health Sci, 2016;8(4):212-20.
    PMID: 26573032 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v8n4p212
    The productivity of countries around the globe is adversely affected by the health-related problems of their labour force. This study examined the effect of the prevalence of human immunodeficiency virus/acquired immune deficiency syndrome (HIV/AIDS) and life expectancy on the economic growth of 33 Sub-Saharan African (SSA) countries over a period of 11 years (2002-2012). The study employed a dynamic panel approach as opposed to the static traditional approach utilised in the literature. The dynamic approach became eminent because of the fact that HIV/AIDS is a dynamic variable as its prevalence today depends on the previous years. The result revealed that HIV/AIDS is negatively correlated with economic growth in the region, with a coefficient of 0.014, and significant at the 1% level. That is, a 10% increase in HIV/AIDS prevalence leads to a 0.14% decrease in the GDP of the region. Tackling HIV/AIDS is therefore imperative to the developing Sub-Saharan African region and all hands must be on deck to end the menace globally.
  18. Kamrani MA, Syed Yahya S
    Glob J Health Sci, 2016;8(9):54741.
    PMID: 27157180 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v8n9p132
    This generic qualitative study explores the perspective of Malaysian teachers regarding the constraints of the current school-based sexual and reproductive health education in secondary schools of Klang-Valley Malaysia. For this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with twenty eight science teachers of government schools. The majority of participants named the teaching strategy and capacity of teachers, the lack of co-operation from the school and parents, limited resources in teaching and students themselves as some of the challenges. We concluded that if sexual health education is to be effective, it needs to be provided by people who have some specialized training. The teachers should be trained to teach sexual reproductive health education classes at the basic level, and in-service training for teachers already in the field should be intensified. Local adaptation to culture, language, religion, and so forth is often necessary.
  19. Jarrar M, Abdul Rahman H, Don MS
    Glob J Health Sci, 2016;8(6):44132.
    PMID: 26755459 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v8n6p75
    Demand for health care service has significantly increased, while the quality of healthcare and patient safety has become national and international priorities. This paper aims to identify the gaps and the current initiatives for optimizing the quality of care and patient safety in Malaysia.
  20. Loh SY, Abdullah A, Abu Bakar AK, Thambu M, Nik Jaafar NR
    Glob J Health Sci, 2016;8(1):238-48.
    PMID: 26234968 DOI: 10.5539/gjhs.v8n1p238
    Lifestyle moderate-intensity physical activity can lower the risk of over twenty chronic health conditions, whilst inactivity reduces daily functioning and physical health of individuals living with schizophrenia. This study conducted in 2014 examines the effect of structured walking participation on QOL, psychosocial functioning and symptoms in Hospital Permai, one of the largest psychiatry institution in Asia
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