Displaying all 11 publications

  1. Dhabali AA, Awang R
    Health Policy Plan, 2010 Mar;25(2):162-9.
    PMID: 19923207 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czp051
    BACKGROUND: Managed care is one of the means advocated for health care reforms. The Malaysian government has proposed managed care for its citizens. In the Malaysian private health care sector, managed care is practised on a small scale with crude risk adjustment. The main determinant of an individual's health service utilization is their health status (HS). HS is used as a risk adjuster for capitation payment. Prescribed medications represent a useful source for HS estimation. We aimed to develop and validate a medication-based HS estimate and to incorporate it in the Andersen model of health service utilization. This is a preparatory step in studying the feasibility of developing a model for risk assessment in the Malaysian context.
    METHODS: Data were collected retrospectively from an academic year from computerized databases in University Sains Malaysia (USM) about users of USM primary care services. A user is a USM health scheme beneficiary who made at least one visit in the academic year to USM-assigned primary care providers. Socio-demographic variables, enrolment period, medications prescribed and number of visits were also collected. Chronic illness medications and some non-chronic illness medications were used to calculate the Long-Term Therapeutic Groups Index (LTTGI) which is an estimate of the HS of users. Using a random 50% of users, weighted least square methods were used to develop a model that predicts a user's number of visits. The other 50% were used for validation.
    RESULTS: Socio-demographic variables explained 15% of variability in number of primary care visits among users. Adding the LTTGI improved the explanatory power of the model to 36% (P < 0.001). A similar contribution of the LTTGI was noted in the validation.
    CONCLUSIONS: The Long-Term Therapeutic Groups Index was successfully developed. Variability in number of primary care visits can be predicted by LTTGI-based models.
  2. Croke K, Mohd Yusoff MB, Abdullah Z, Mohd Hanafiah AN, Mokhtaruddin K, Ramli ES, et al.
    Health Policy Plan, 2019 Dec 01;34(10):732-739.
    PMID: 31563946 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czz089
    There is growing evidence that political economy factors are central to whether or not proposed health financing reforms are adopted, but there is little consensus about which political and institutional factors determine the fate of reform proposals. One set of scholars see the relative strength of interest groups in favour of and opposed to reform as the determining factor. An alternative literature identifies aspects of a country's political institutions-specifically the number and strength of formal 'veto gates' in the political decision-making process-as a key predictor of reform's prospects. A third group of scholars highlight path dependence and 'policy feedback' effects, stressing that the sequence in which health policies are implemented determines the set of feasible reform paths, since successive policy regimes bring into existence patterns of public opinion and interest group mobilization which can lock in the status quo. We examine these theories in the context of Malaysia, a successful health system which has experienced several instances of proposed, but ultimately blocked, health financing reforms. We argue that policy feedback effects on public opinion were the most important factor inhibiting changes to Malaysia's health financing system. Interest group opposition was a closely related factor; this opposition was particularly powerful because political leaders perceived that it had strong public support. Institutional veto gates, by contrast, played a minimal role in preventing health financing reform in Malaysia. Malaysia's dramatic early success at achieving near-universal access to public sector healthcare at low cost created public opinion resistant to any change which could threaten the status quo. We conclude by analysing the implications of these dynamics for future attempts at health financing reform in Malaysia.
  3. Fassil H, Borrazzo J, Greene R, Jacobs T, Norton M, Stanton ME, et al.
    Health Policy Plan, 2017 Sep 01;32(7):1072-1076.
    PMID: 28407108 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czx018
    Reflecting on Storeng and Béhague ("Lives in the balance": the politics of integration in the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health. Health Policy and Planning Storeng and Béhague (2016).) historical ethnography of the Partnership for Maternal, Newborn and Child Health (PMNCH), this commentary provides a more current account of PMNCH's trajectory since its inception in 2005. It highlights PMNCH's distinct characteristics and how it is positioned to play an instrumental role in the current global health landscape.
  4. Chin MC, Sivasampu S, Wijemunige N, Rannan-Eliya RP, Atun R
    Health Policy Plan, 2020 Feb 01;35(1):7-15.
    PMID: 31625556 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czz117
    In Malaysia, first-contact, primary care is provided by parallel public and private sectors, which are completely separate in organization, financing and governance. As the country considers new approaches to financing, including using public schemes to pay for private care, it is crucial to examine the quality of clinical care in the two sectors to make informed decisions on public policy. This study intends to measure and compare the quality of clinical care between public and private primary care services in Malaysia and, to the extent possible, assess quality with the developed economies that Malaysia aspires to join. We carried out a retrospective analysis of the National Medical Care Survey 2014, a nationally representative survey of doctor-patient encounters in Malaysia. We assessed clinical quality for 27 587 patient encounters using data on 66 internationally validated quality indicators. Aggregate scores were constructed, and comparisons made between the public and private sectors. Overall, patients received the recommended care just over half the time (56.5%). The public sector performed better than the private sector, especially in the treatment of acute conditions, chronic conditions and in prescribing practices. Both sectors performed poorly in the indicators that are most resource intensive, suggesting that resource constraints limit overall quality. A comparison with 2003 data from the USA, suggests that performance in Malaysia was similar to that a decade earlier in the USA for common indicators. The public sector showed better performance in clinical care than the private sector, contrary to common perceptions in Malaysia and despite providing worse consumer quality. The overall quality of outpatient clinical care in Malaysia appears comparable to other developed countries, yet there are gaps in quality, such as in the management of hypertension, which should be tackled to improve overall health outcomes.
  5. Zhao J, Virani S, Sriplung H
    Health Policy Plan, 2017 Apr 01;32(3):430-436.
    PMID: 27935803 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czw145
    Background: The national cervical cancer screening program in Thailand has been successful in reducing overall burden from this disease. However, evaluation on spatial and temporal scales is needed to assess the efficacy of this program in smaller regions. Here, we geographically assess incidence in a province with a uniquely heterogeneous distribution of lifestyle factors associated with religiosity.

    Methods: Cervical cancer cases were extracted from the provincial cancer registry from 1989 to 2013. Age-adjusted incidence rates were calculated using population statistics from the census bureau and adjusted to the Segi world standard population. Bayesian hierarchical modelling was employed to spatiotemporally map cervical cancer incidence trends in Songkhla province in 5-year period.

    Results: Overall, the incidence of cervical cancer decreased in Songkhla province. The three districts with a Muslim population of greater than 70% had consistently lower cervical cancer rates from 1989 to 2013 compared with the rest of the predominantly Buddhist districts. Hotspots of incidence were identified in Sadao, Hat Yai and the juncture of Mueang Songkhla and Singhanakhon in each 5-year period.

    Conclusions: Distinct cervical cancer incidence trends by religion over time indicate differences in sexual habits, lifestyle and religion-associated culture between Muslims and Buddhists, and suggest divergent risk factor profiles for these groups. The high incidence rates in Sadao and Hat Yai is likely explained by the main road to Malaysia, which runs across these two areas and has frequent commercial sex trade. Female sex workers should be targeted as a vulnerable population for screening efforts to address this continuing burden of cervical cancer.

  6. Loganathan T, Ng CW, Lee WS, Hutubessy RCW, Verguet S, Jit M
    Health Policy Plan, 2018 Mar 01;33(2):204-214.
    PMID: 29228339 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czx166
    Cost-effectiveness thresholds (CETs) based on the Commission on Macroeconomics and Health (CMH) are extensively used in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs) lacking locally defined CETs. These thresholds were originally intended for global and regional prioritization, and do not reflect local context or affordability at the national level, so their value for informing resource allocation decisions has been questioned. Using these thresholds, rotavirus vaccines are widely regarded as cost-effective interventions in LMICs. However, high vaccine prices remain a barrier towards vaccine introduction. This study aims to evaluate the cost-effectiveness, affordability and threshold price of universal rotavirus vaccination at various CETs in Malaysia. Cost-effectiveness of Rotarix and RotaTeq were evaluated using a multi-cohort model. Pan American Health Organization Revolving Fund's vaccine prices were used as tender price, while the recommended retail price for Malaysia was used as market price. We estimate threshold prices defined as prices at which vaccination becomes cost-effective, at various CETs reflecting economic theories of human capital, societal willingness-to-pay and marginal productivity. A budget impact analysis compared programmatic costs with the healthcare budget. At tender prices, both vaccines were cost-saving. At market prices, cost-effectiveness differed with thresholds used. At market price, using 'CMH thresholds', Rotarix programmes were cost-effective and RotaTeq were not cost-effective from the healthcare provider's perspective, while both vaccines were cost-effective from the societal perspective. Using other CETs, both vaccines were not cost-effective at market price, from the healthcare provider's and societal perspectives. At tender and cost-effective prices, rotavirus vaccination cost ∼1 and 3% of the public health budget, respectively. Using locally defined thresholds, rotavirus vaccination is cost-effective at vaccine prices in line with international tenders, but not at market prices. Thresholds representing marginal productivity are likely to be lower than those reflecting human capital and individual preference measures, and may be useful in determining affordable vaccine prices.
  7. Zhu J, Wang W, Wang J, Zhu L
    Health Policy Plan, 2023 Feb 13;38(2):161-169.
    PMID: 36420873 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czac101
    This study aims at examining changes in coronary heart disease (CHD) hospitalization associated with a novel county-scale chronic disease management (CDM) programme policy implemented in March 2019 in China during the 13th Five-Year period (2016-2020). The CDM programme was designed to improve the health of populations with chronic diseases by means of an integrated way involving both county-level public hospitals and primary care institutes. Data originated from the medical files of CHD inpatients discharged from a secondary hospital from January 2017 to December 2020. A total of 6111 CHD patient records were collected. Univariate and multivariate regression analyses were performed to assess changes in hospitalization direct medical costs and length of stay of CHD patients. The mean direct medical cost of CHD hospitalization was 8419.73 Yuan, and the mean length of stay was 7.57 days. Results suggested that the implementation of CDM reduced hospitalization direct medical cost and bed days by about 23% (1956.12 Yuan at means) and 11.5% (almost 1 day at means), respectively. In addition, a further decreasing trend in medical costs over time was associated with chronic disease management. It is implied that chronic disease management is an effective way of relieving the medical and financial burden of hospitalization.
  8. Briggs AM, Jordan JE, Sharma S, Young JJ, Chua J, Foster HE, et al.
    Health Policy Plan, 2023 Feb 13;38(2):129-149.
    PMID: 35876078 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czac061
    Musculoskeletal (MSK) health impairments contribute substantially to the pain and disability burden in low- and middle-income countries (LMICs), yet health systems strengthening (HSS) responses are nascent in these settings. We aimed to explore the contemporary context, framed as challenges and opportunities, for improving population-level prevention and management of MSK health in LMICs using secondary qualitative data from a previous study exploring HSS priorities for MSK health globally and (2) to contextualize these findings through a primary analysis of health policies for integrated management of non-communicable diseases (NCDs) in select LMICs. Part 1: 12 transcripts of interviews with LMIC-based key informants (KIs) were inductively analysed. Part 2: systematic content analysis of health policies for integrated care of NCDs where KIs were resident (Argentina, Bangladesh, Brazil, Ethiopia, India, Kenya, Malaysia, Philippines and South Africa). A thematic framework of LMIC-relevant challenges and opportunities was empirically derived and organized around five meta-themes: (1) MSK health is a low priority; (2) social determinants adversely affect MSK health; (3) healthcare system issues de-prioritize MSK health; (4) economic constraints restrict system capacity to direct and mobilize resources to MSK health; and (5) build research capacity. Twelve policy documents were included, describing explicit foci on cardiovascular disease (100%), diabetes (100%), respiratory conditions (100%) and cancer (89%); none explicitly focused on MSK health. Policy strategies were coded into three categories: (1) general principles for people-centred NCD care, (2) service delivery and (3) system strengthening. Four policies described strategies to address MSK health in some way, mostly related to injury care. Priorities and opportunities for HSS for MSK health identified by KIs aligned with broader strategies targeting NCDs identified in the policies. MSK health is not currently prioritized in NCD health policies among selected LMICs. However, opportunities to address the MSK-attributed disability burden exist through integrating MSK-specific HSS initiatives with initiatives targeting NCDs generally and injury and trauma care.
  9. Ng RJ, Choo WY, Ng CW, Hairi NN
    Health Policy Plan, 2024 Mar 12;39(3):268-280.
    PMID: 38300142 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czae004
    The vital role of healthcare financing in achieving universal health coverage is indisputable. However, most countries, including Malaysia, face challenges in establishing an equitable and sustainable healthcare financing system due to escalating healthcare costs, an ageing population and a growing disease burden. With desirable pre-payment and risk pooling features, private health insurance (PHI) is considered an alternative financing option to reduce out-of-pocket (OOP) medical expenditure. However, ongoing theoretical and empirical debates persist regarding the adequacy of financial risk protection provided by PHI largely because it depends on its role, the benefit design and the regulations in place. Our study aimed to investigate the effect of supplementary PHI on OOP inpatient medical expenditure in Malaysia. Secondary data analysis was conducted using the Malaysian National Health and Morbidity Survey 2019 dataset. A total of 983 respondents with a history of inpatient hospitalization in the past 12 months were included in the study. Instrumental variable analysis using a two-stage residual inclusion was performed to address endogeneity bias, with wealth status and education level as the instrumental variables. Tobit regression model was used in the second stage considering the censored distribution of the outcome variable. Missing data were handled using multiple imputation. About one-fifth of the respondents had PHI. In this study, we found that having PHI significantly increased OOP inpatient medical expenditure in all three marginal effects. Additionally, age, residential location, ethnicity (citizenship), being covered by government guarantee letter, government funding and employer-sponsored health insurance were other significant factors associated with OOP inpatient medical expenditure. Our findings undermine a key justification to advocate PHI uptake among the population, with a need for the Malaysian government to reassess the role of PHI in healthcare financing and reconsider PHI subsidization policy. Regulations should also be strengthened to enhance the financial risk protection provided by PHI.
  10. Sreekumar S, Ravindran TKS
    Health Policy Plan, 2023 Sep 18;38(8):949-959.
    PMID: 37354455 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czad041
    In 2017, the State of Kerala in India, launched the 'Aardram' mission for health. One of the aims of the mission was to enhance the primary health care (PHC) provisioning in the state through the family health centre (FHC) initiative. This was envisaged through a comprehensive PHC approach that prioritized preventive, promotive, curative, rehabilitative and palliative services, and social determinants of health. Given this backdrop, the study aimed to examine the renewed policy commitment towards comprehensive PHC and the extent to which it remains true to the globally accepted ideals of PHC. This was undertaken using a critical discourse analysis (CDA) of the policy discourse on PHC. This included examining the policy documents related to FHC and Aardram as well as the narratives of policy-level actors on PHC and innovations for them. Through CDA we examined the discursive representation of PHC and innovations for improving it at the level of local governments in the state. Though the mission envisaged a shift from the influence of market-driven ideas of health, analysis of the current policy discourse on PHC suggested otherwise. The discourse continues to carry a curative care bias within its ideas of PHC. The disproportionate emphasis on strategies for early detection, treatment and infrastructural improvements meant limited space for preventive, protective and promotive dimensions, thus digressing from the gatekeeping role of PHC. The reduced emphasis on preventive and promotive dimensions and depoliticization of social determinants of health within the PHC discourse indicates that, in the long run, the mission puts at risk its stated goals of social justice and health equity envisioned in the FHC initiative.
  11. Oliveira Hashiguchi L, Conlin M, Roberts D, McGee K, Marten R, Nachuk S, et al.
    Health Policy Plan, 2024 Jan 23;39(Supplement_1):i125-i130.
    PMID: 38253439 DOI: 10.1093/heapol/czad097
    As countries transition from external assistance while pursuing ambitious plans to achieve universal health coverage (UHC), there is increasing need to facilitate knowledge sharing and learning among them. Country-led and country-owned knowledge management is foundational to sustainable, more equitable external assistance for health and is a useful complement to more conventional capacity-building modalities provided under external assistance. In the context of external assistance, few initiatives use country-to-country sharing of practitioner experiences, and link learning to receiving guidance on how to adapt, apply and sustain policy changes. Dominant knowledge exchange processes are didactic, implicitly assuming static technical needs, and that practitioners in low- and middle-income countries require problem-specific, time-bound solutions. In reality, the technical challenges of achieving UHC and the group of policymakers involved continuously evolve. This paper aims to explore factors which are supportive of experience-based knowledge exchange between practitioners from diverse settings, drawing from the experience of the Joint Learning Network (JLN) for UHC-a global network of practitioners and policymakers sharing experiences about common challenges to develop and implement knowledge products supporting reforms for UHC-as an illustration of a peer-to-peer learning approach. This paper considers: (1) an analysis of JLN monitoring and evaluation data between 2020 and 2023 and (2) a qualitative inquiry to explore policymakers' engagement with the JLN using semi-structured interviews (n = 14) with stakeholders from 10 countries. The JLN's experience provides insights to factors that contribute to successful peer-to-peer learning approaches. JLN relies on engaging a network of practitioners with diverse experiences who organically identify and pursue a common learning agenda. Meaningful peer-to-peer learning requires dynamic, structured interactions, and alignment with windows of opportunity for implementation that enable rapid response to emerging and timely issues. Peer-to-peer learning can facilitate in-country knowledge sharing, learning and catalyse action at the institutional and health system levels.
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