Displaying all 20 publications

  1. Rohini K, Bhat S, Srikumar PS, Mahesh Kumar A
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2014 Jul;29(3):377-81.
    PMID: 24966490 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-013-0383-3
    Our study was aimed to assess the levels of serum calcium and phosphorus in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Blood samples were collected from 40 patients with pulmonary tuberculosis before treatment (PTB-0), at the end of 2 months of intensive phase of treatment (PTB-2) and after 6 months of treatment (PTB-6). Age and weight matched normal healthy volunteers (n = 37) served as normal controls. Serum was analyzed for calcium and phosphorus. Serum calcium significantly decreased to hypocalcemic levels and serum phosphorus significantly decreased but was within normophosphatemic limits in pulmonary tuberculosis. Chemotherapy for tuberculosis managed to raise serum levels of both the ions, with hypocalcemia still persisting in majority of patients during treatment but getting resolved in a significant percentage of patients at the end of 6 months of treatment. Results indicate the need for calcium and phosphorus supplements in tuberculosis patients during chemotherapy. This study also warrants the need for regular monitoring of serum calcium and phosphorus in patients undergoing anti-tuberculosis treatment.
  2. Namvar F, Baharara J, Mahdi AA
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2014 Jan;29(1):13-20.
    PMID: 24478544 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-013-0313-4
    In the present study, the effect of red (Gracillaria corticata), green (Ulva fasciata) and brown (Sargassum ilicifolium) seaweeds alcoholic extract, against five important human cancer cell lines (MCF-7, MDA-MB-231, HeLa, HepG2, and HT-29) proliferation, apoptosis and cell cycle arrest were evaluated. The reducing activity and total polyphenol content were also investigated. MTT assay was used for cytotoxicity test. Morphological alterations were examined using phase contrast, fluorescent and electron microscopy. All the extracts were antiproliferative against all the cancer cell lines, dose-dependently, with G. corticata methanol extract (GCME) having the greatest inhibition activity against MCF-7 cell line. The percentage of apoptosis increased from 18 to 78 %. The cell cycle analysis also showed that GCME can induce apoptosis which confirm by TEM. Algal extract reducing activities were as follows: G. corticata > S. ilicifolium > U. fasciata. The GCME is a good source of potential complementary and alternative functional food for prevention and treatment of cancer.
  3. Qvist R, Ismail IS, Chinna K, Muniandy S
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2008 Jul;23(3):246-9.
    PMID: 23105763 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-008-0055-x
    Although HbA(1C) is widely accepted as a useful index of mean blood glucose in type 2 diabetic patients its usefulness as screening test for diabetes has been controversial. The present study was undertaken to determine whether the level of HbA(1C) predicted diabetes in a prediabetic group of subjects. Plasma lipids, oral glucose tolerance, HbA(1C) was determined in 90 normal control subjects, 57 offspring of one type 2 diabetes mellitus parent and 11 diagnosed type 2 diabetes mellitus individuals. The mean age of participants was 44.5 yrs (not significantly different amongst the three groups) and the mean body mass index was 26.8 (not significantly different amongst the three groups). Two hours after a 75 g glucose challenge, the offspring had a significantly higher plasma glucose level (mean = 7.1 mmol/L, p value = 0.002) than the normals. Similarly the HbA(1C) values were higher in the offspring than in the normals (mean = 5.78%, p value = 0.016). Besides the significantly higher values for oral glucose tolerance test and HbA(1C), the diabetics also were significantly higher for triglycerides (mean = 2.25mmol/L), total cholesterol (mean = 6.24mmol/L) and systolic blood pressure (mean = 138.45mm Hg) than the offspring (P value = 0.031, 0.006, 0.010) and the normals (P value = 0.026, 0.018, 0.002) respectively. The mean values of diastolic blood pressure, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol were not significantly different amongst the three groups.
    Study site: Diabetic clinic, University of Malaya Medical centre (UMMC), Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
  4. Kim BB, Tayyab S
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2008 Jan;23(1):17-23.
    PMID: 23105713 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-008-0005-7
    Hemolysis of erythrocytes from human and porcine blood was studied at different calcium chloride (CaCl(2)) concentrations (0.04-1.83 mM) and at a constant bilirubin concentration (72 mM). Although, human erythrocytes showed significant hemolysis (64%) at the highest CaCl(2) concentration (1.83 mM) used in this study, remarkable resistance to this phenomenon was observed with porcine erythrocytes as only 11% hemolysis was observed. A similar pattern in the behavior of both human and porcine erythrocytes was observed when parameter such as bilirubin concentration or time of incubation with bilirubin was varied. Other divalent cations such as Mn(2+), Ba(2+) and Mg(2+) were either least effective or ineffective in inducing hemolysis in presence of bilirubin. Serum albumin played a protective role in this phenomenon in a concentration dependent manner, as no hemolysis was observed at a bilirubin/albumin molar ratio of 1:1 or less. Differences in the structural make-up of proteins and lipids in the erythrocyte membranes of the two species may account for their different behavior.
  5. Livy A, Lye S, Jagdish CK, Hanis N, Sharmila V, Ler LW, et al.
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2012 Jan;27(1):28-33.
    PMID: 23277709 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-011-0154-y
    Buccal cell usage has been shown by many to be a cost effective and safe method to isolate DNA for various biological experiments especially large epidemiological studies (Garcia-Closas et al. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev 10:687-696, 2001). Non-invasive DNA collection methods are preferred over phlebotomy in order to increase study participation and compliance in research centers and for sick patients in hospital settings. There have been conflicting reports about the methodology and results obtained from using buccal DNA. It is not very clear if phlebotomy can be confidently replaced by buccal cell DNA. It is often left for the user to take an intelligent decision. To address this issue, we compared the performance of buccal and blood DNA from same subjects in a genotyping experiment and this paper reports the results. Cotton swab derived buccal cells were scraped from the inner side of cheeks from 16 subjects, and blood was also drawn from the same 16 subjects participating in a genotypic association study of a lipid disease. The DNA quality was assessed by resolving on agarose gels, checking purity (A260/A280) and finally by microarray hybridization. This study showed that DNA degradation affects the total yield and performance of the buccal DNA when compared to the blood DNA in microarray based genotyping. Genotyping results can be seriously compromised if care is not taken to check the quality and yields of such specimens.
  6. Rohini K, Bhat S, Srikumar PS, Mahesh Kumar A
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2015 Jul;30(3):329-33.
    PMID: 26089621 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-014-0432-6
    The present study was aimed at assessing alterations in serum PCT in terms of its relation to body weight gain in pulmonary tuberculosis (PTB) patients undergoing treatment. Among patients (25-75 years) diagnosed with pulmonary tuberculosis, those that were new smear positive, showed sputum conversion at the end of 2 months and were declared clinically cured at the end of 6 months, were included in the study (n = 40). Serum procalcitonin was determined by BRAHMS PCT-Q kit. Patients were divided into two study groups-Group 1 (n = 21; serum PCT > 2 ng/ml at diagnosis), Group 2 (n = 19; serum PCT > 10 ng/ml at diagnosis). Body weights of all patients were obtained at three different time points, PTB-0 (at diagnosis), PTB-2 (after 2 months of intensive treatment) and PTB-6 (after 6 months of treatment). In both groups, mean body weights at PTB-2 and PTB-6 were significantly higher than those at PTB-0 and at PTB-6 were significantly higher than those at PTB-2. However, percentage body weight gain following 2 months of intensive treatment was higher in group 1 (4.05 % gain, p 
  7. Chahil JK, Munretnam K, Samsudin N, Lye SH, Hashim NA, Ramzi NH, et al.
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2015 Apr;30(2):134-9.
    PMID: 25883419 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-013-0414-0
    Genome-wide association studies have discovered multiple single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) associated with the risk of common diseases. The objective of this study was to demonstrate the replication of previously published SNPs that showed statistical significance for breast cancer in the Malaysian population. In this case-control study, 80 subjects for each group were recruited from various hospitals in Malaysia. A total of 768 SNPs were genotyped and analyzed to distinguish risk and protective alleles. A total of three SNPs were found to be associated with increased risk of breast cancer while six SNPs showed protective effect. All nine were statistically significant SNPs (p ≤ 0.01), five SNPs from previous studies were successfully replicated in our study. Significant modifiable (diet) and non-modifiable (family history of breast cancer in first degree relative) risk factors were also observed. We identified nine SNPs from this study to be either conferring susceptibility or protection to breast cancer which may serve as potential markers in risk prediction.
  8. Rohini K, Surekha Bhat M, Srikumar PS, Mahesh Kumar A
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2016 Jul;31(3):332-5.
    PMID: 27382206 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-015-0535-8
    The aim of the study was the assessment of hematological parameters in pulmonary tuberculosis patients. Forty patients diagnosed with tuberculosis were recruited from the Institute of Thoracic Medicine on the basis of history, clinical examination, chest radiography, sputum examination and related laboratory parameters and were compared with age and sex matched healthy volunteers (n = 40). Hematological parameters and CRP in tuberculosis patients were determined. The mean values for serum hemoglobin level, RBC count and platelet count in PTB was found to be less (p 
  9. Bharosay A, Bharosay VV, Saxena K, Varma M
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2018 Apr;33(2):178-183.
    PMID: 29651208 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-017-0664-3
    This study was undertaken to evaluate the role of serum neuron specific enolase (NSE) in prediction of disability and neurological worsening in hypertensive ischemic cerebrovascular stroke. 80 hypertensive ischemic stroke patients diagnosed by a neurologist as per WHO definition along with radiological findings suggestive of cerebrovascular stroke and differentiating from hemorrhagic stroke and 60 controls having essential hypertension coming to hospital because of regular checkup or headache but with no neurological disease were included in the study. Neurological disability was assessed by NIHSS at the time of admission (within 72 h from the onset of stroke) and on 7th day after admission and cases were categorized into mild, moderate and severe disability. Venous blood samples were drawn within 72 h from the onset of symptoms. The samples were processed as per the laboratory protocol. The serum NSE samples were analyzed using an enzyme immunoassay based on the sandwich technique. We observed raised serum NSE in hypertensive ischemic stroke (17.4 ± 5.4 ng/ml) with significant association between different hypertensive groups than in hypertensive controls (9.1 ± 0.75 ng/ml). Greater degree of disability was observed in hypertensive stroke patients with raised serum NSE and hypertensive patients with mean serum NSE level of 22.9 ± 3.6 ng/ml and dyslipidemia had greater probability of neurological worsening as compared to those with mean serum NSE level of 12.7 ± 1.2 ng/ml. Serum NSE levels can serve as a peripheral indicator of neuronal damage and assist in the prediction of disability and clinical outcome in hypertensive cerebrovascular ischemic stroke patients.
  10. Mazumdar I, Goswami K, Ali MS
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2017 Mar;32(1):110-116.
    PMID: 28149023 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-016-0582-9
    Jewelry utilizes lead either directly or as a base metal. Costume jewelry requires lead before molding and plating the product with valuable metals. Therefore, such ornaments have a great potential to release heavy metals having health hazards. Also, jewelry makers engaged in preparing German silver, an alloy, apply lead in smelting, alloying, rolling and milling silver wires and pieces. The metal is taken up by blood, soft tissues and bone. The biological effects of lead are dependent upon the level and duration of exposure. Lead inhibits three enzymes of heme biosynthesis- δ-amino-levulinic-acid dehydratase (ALAD), coproporphyrin oxidase, and ferrochelatase, impairing heme synthesis and depressing serum level of erythropoietin resulting in decreased hemoglobin synthesis. Lead exposure also affects calcium metabolism and impair the synthesis of Calcitriol. In the present study, jewelry makers from Dhaka, Bangladesh, were shown to have significantly high levels of lead, protein, albumin, and parathormone in their blood, and significantly high amount of zinc-protoporphyrin and δ-amino-levulinic-acid in their urine. The control group, on the other hand showed significantly higher amounts of calcium (both total and ionized form) Vitamin D3and non-activated erythrocyte ALAD in their blood, along with hemoglobin. It might be due to inhibition of 1-α-hydroxylase enzyme in renal tubules. Lead causes nephro-toxicity and inhibits 1-α- hydroxylase enzyme leading to decreased calcitriol synthesis resulting in impaired calcium absorption across gastro-intestinal tract and renal tubules. Low Vitamin D3and significantly increased Parathyroid hormone (PTH) in study group has been found.
  11. Bhat S, Rao G, Murthy KD, Bhat PG
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2008 Apr;23(2):191-4.
    PMID: 23105750 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-008-0042-2
    High ambient temperature has been reported to increase oxidative stress by increasing lipid peroxidation and decreasing antioxidant defence in transition dairy cows. It is also known to cause an increase in plasma cortisol levels in goats, European hedgehog and human volunteers. High levels of glucocorticoids have been reported to decrease blood glutathione and erythrocyte superoxide dismutase activity in rats. Although institutional animal houses in research laboratories of developed countries maintain animals in air-conditioned rooms at constant temperature, the same is not true of animal houses in the developing countries especially those belonging to smaller institutions and this could affect the results of the experiments being conducted on these animals. The present research study was done to assess the effects of seasonal variations on the status of erythrocyte oxidative damage, antioxidant defence and plasma cortisol levels in adult female Wistar rats. Rats were kept in their home cages and were left in non-air-conditioned procedure rooms in two different seasons, Hot season (March-May) and Cool season (June to September). Erythrocyte Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances and plasma cortisol levels were significantly increased in rats exposed to high ambient temperature and humidity of the hot season as compared to the rats of the cool season. Erythrocyte reduced glutathione levels, erythrocyte glutathione peroxidase and superoxide dismutase activities were significantly decreased in the hot season group of rats. The results of our experiments showed that exposure of adult female Wistar rats to high ambient temperature and humidity of the hot season increases neuroendocrine stress, oxidative stress and decreases antioxidant defence in them.
  12. Maneesh M, Jayalakshmi H, Singh TA, Chakrabarti A
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2006 Mar;21(1):165-8.
    PMID: 23105591 DOI: 10.1007/BF02913088
    In view of association of diabetes mellitus and male infertility, present study was designed to investigate the functional status of hypothalamic pituitary gonadal (HPG) axis in diabetic men. Thirty-five diabetic men (BMI 22.24±0.21) in the age group 20-40 (30.6±4.7) years were selected. Twenty-five healthy men (BMI 23.85±0.25), in the same age group (29.5±4.8) served as control. Blood samples were collected for hormonal and biochemical estimations. Diabetic men had significantly low serum testosterone with low LH and FSH, hypercholesterolemia, hypertriglyceridemia, hypoalbuminemia and increased oxidative stress. Low serum testosterone in diabetic men was accompanied by low LH and FSH; the inability of the pituitary gland to respond appropriately to a decline in testosterone implying central effect of high serum glucose on the interaction between the nervous and endocrine system. Nutritional deficiency, increased oxidative stress and increased aromatase activity due to excessive body fat might have also contributed to low serum testosterone.
  13. Goswami K, Mazumdar I
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2022 Apr;37(2):206-211.
    PMID: 35463105 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-021-00975-0
    'Holi' is an Indian festival with a great cultural context, that is celebrated across the world at the onset of spring by applying dry powder of vibrant colours on friends and family. In ancient times holi colours were prepared from different spring flowers, but in modern times, these natural colours have been replaced by commercial industrial dyes prepared by chemical processes. Even products that claim to use organic colours, use synthetic pigments to enhance the brightness of hues. Such synthetic holi colours are sold as herbal colours, in an unregulated manner, in local markets, and no checks can be enforced on the product composition. Also, the quality and the amount of information about the ingredients of the particular packets are missing. These colours sold in the local market often contain hazardous chemicals such as endotoxins, and heavy metals, like lead, potentially causing moderate to severe health problem. Holi colour samples were randomly collected from different sites in Kolkata, India. Red, pink, violet, green and yellow coloured powders were obtained. The powders were prepared and analysed for lead content by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Mass Spectrometric method. Analysis of endotoxin content of different holi colours was also performed by Limulus Amebocyte Lysate test. The lead content was found to be almost 2 times higher in the holi colours, with yellow pigment having the highest concentration, than FDA Standard for maximum permissible limit in cosmetics, which was taken as a reference for safety limit of lead that is dermatologically applicable. The endotoxin levels are alarmingly high, with almost 35 times the FDA reference for dermatological safety limit. Special attention should be given to lead and endotoxin levels in holi colours as their consequences pose serious health threats. Therefore, quality control measures should be recommended for them, in par with products designed for long-term contact with the skin.
  14. Raghu B, Venkatesan P
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2008 Jan;23(1):85-8.
    PMID: 23105728 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-008-0020-8
    This study was undertaken to evaluate the effects of n-3 fatty acid supplementation on blood glucose, lipid profile and cytokines in humans. Twenty adult healthy subjects were supplemented with 1g/day fish oil concentrate capsules for 2 weeks. Fasting blood samples were taken at baseline and again after 2 week intervention. Fish oil supplementation significantly lowered fasting serum concentrations of total cholesterol, triacylglycerol, very low density lipoprotein and low density lipoprotein (P < 0.01). Also high density lipoprotein increased significantly compared with baseline value (P < 0.01). Fish oil did not significantly altere the fasting blood glucose concentration but significantly reduced the serum cytokines (P < 0.001). This study demonstrated that eicosapentanoic acid (EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (DHA) supplementation altered serum lipids, lipoprotein and cytokine concentrations in normal human subjects even at the small dose of 660 mg of EPA plus DHA per day. It appears that EPA plus DHA can be a safe and perhaps beneficial supplement to inflammatory diseases.
  15. Iype M, Upadhya S, Upadhya S, Bhat G
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2008 Oct;23(4):401-3.
    PMID: 23105796 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-008-0088-1
    Experimental model of chronic renal failure in rats have been described by many authors and has also been widely used in various studies. Many of these methods used highly sophisticated instruments which was difficult in our settings. The resection model was ideal in our experimental set-up, but this model had the risk of excessive bleeding and hypovolemia. In our study we used a combination of partial resection and ligation of the renal artery to create two models of stable uremia A and Moderate uremia B. Severe uremia. Both these models were compared with a sham operated group which served as controls. Following surgical procedure, the development of uremia was monitored by serial estimation of blood urea and serum creatinine levels that were measured at regular intervals (bi-weekly). From two weeks onwards the animals in the experimental group showed a significant elevation in the serum urea levels and a consistent elevation in the serum creatinine levels upto eight weeks when compared to the animals in the sham operated group. We established a modified method of producing renal failure which can be maintained for a period of six weeks. This model is simple, reproducible and less complicated that can be used for several studies relating to renal failure in the field of research.
  16. Maneesh M, Dutta S, Chakrabarti A, Vasudevan DM
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2007 Mar;22(1):138-42.
    PMID: 23105669 DOI: 10.1007/BF02912898
    Infertility is well-established harmful effect in chronic alcoholism and so far, there is no effective treatment for this condition. The study was conducted to determine the effects of alpha tocopherol on ethanol induced testicular injuries in male albino rats of Wistar strain. Five groups (n=6) of animals were used. Group I served as control. Group II received daily 1.6g ethanol/kg body weight/day for 4 weeks orally. Group III received 1.6g ethanol+80mg alpha tocopherol/kg body weight/day for four weeks orally. Group IV received 1.6g ethanol/kg body weight for/day 4 weeks and followed by 80mg alpha tocopherol/kg body weight/day for four weeks orally. Group V received 1.6g ethanol/kg body weight/day orally for 4 weeks, followed by 4 weeks abstinence. Twently-four hours after the last treatment the rats were sacrificed using anesthetic ether. Testes were removed and used for the estimation of extent of lipid peroxidation and tissue levels of antioxidants and steroidogenic enzymes. Alpha tocopherol treatment increased the activities of testicularΔ(5), 3β-HSD. Moreover, the treatment was also associated with significant decrease in testicular oxidative stress. Ethanol-induced oxidative stress and decreased steroidogenesis can be reversed by treatment with alpha tocopherol.
  17. Mailankot M, Jayalekshmi H, Chakrabarti A, Vasudevan DM
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2009 Jan;24(1):94-7.
    PMID: 23105814 DOI: 10.1007/s12291-009-0016-z
    To investigate reversibility of ethanol induced testicular injuries on treatment with L-ornithine-L-aspartate, male Wistar rats were treated with ethanol (1.6g/kg b.wt/day) and L-ornithine- L-aspartate (200mg/kg b.wt/ day) for 4 weeks. L-ornithine-L-aspartate effectively prevented the ethanol induced body and testes weight reduction; changes in testicular weight well correlated with body weight. Drug exhibited an ability to counteract ethanol induced oxidative challenge as it effectively reduced testicular TBARS and increased tissue ascorbic acid, GSH and activities of superoxide dismutase, catalase, GSH-Red and Se-GSH-Px. However the drug didn't show promising effect on inhibitory effect of ethanol on testicular D5, 3-beta and 17-beta HSD (hydroxy steroid dehydrogenase).
  18. Maneesh M, Jayalekshmi H
    Indian J Clin Biochem, 2006 Sep;21(2):80-9.
    PMID: 23105620 DOI: 10.1007/BF02912918
    The excessive generation of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by abnormal spermatozoa and contaminating leukocytes has been defined as one of the few etiologies for male infertility. Administration of antioxidants in patients with 'male factor' infertility has begun to attract considerable interest. The main difficulty of such an approach is our incomplete understanding of the role of free radicals in normal and abnormal sperm function leading to male infertility. Mammalian spermatozoa membranes are very sensitive to free radical induced damage mediated by lipid peroxidation, as they are rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids. Limited endogenous mechanisms exist to reverse these damages. ROS attacks the fluidity of the sperm plasma membrane and the integrity of DNA in the sperm nucleus. ROS induced DNA damage accelerate the germ cell apoptosis. Unfortunately spermatozoa are unable to repair the damage induced by excessive ROS as they lack the cytoplasmic enzymes required to accomplish the repair. Assessment of such oxidative stress status (OSS) may help in the medical treatment. Treatment strategies must be directed toward lowering of ROS levels to keep only a small amount necessary to maintain normal cell function.
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