Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 24 in total

  1. Abdullahi A, Hassan A, Kadarman N, Saleh A, Baraya YS, Lua PL
    Int J Gen Med, 2016;9:79-87.
    PMID: 27110137 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S98436
    Foodborne diseases are common in the developing countries due to the predominant poor food handling and sanitation practices, particularly as a result of inadequate food safety laws, weak regulatory structures, and inadequate funding as well as a lack of appropriate education for food-handlers. The most frequently involved foods in disease outbreaks are of animal origin. However, in spite of the adequate legislation and laws governing the abattoir operation in Malaysia, compliance with food safety requirements during meat processing and waste disposal is inadequate. Therefore, the present study was designed to assess the food safety knowledge, attitude, and practice toward compliance with abattoir laws among the workers in Terengganu, Malaysia.
  2. Naghavi N, Mubarik MS, Rasiah R, Sharif Nia H
    Int J Gen Med, 2020;13:641-651.
    PMID: 32982381 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S253372
    Purpose: The gap between the demand and the supply of human organs for transplantation is on the rise in Malaysia, despite the efforts of governments to promote donor registration. Factors affecting willingness to donate are contextual and vary from country to country. This research mainly focuses on the selection of most suitable organ donation system through factors affecting willingness to donate in Malaysia. The objectives of this study are to prioritize those factors acting as the pillars of the organ donation system and further to select the most suitable organ donation system for Malaysia.

    Patients and Methods: The data were collected from 35 experts by using a bipolar questionnaire. The study applied an analytical hierarchal process (AHP) for prioritization factors contributing to willingness to donate and then selection of a suitable organ donation system based on prioritized factors.

    Results: Based on the AHP results, it is evident that donation perception (0.36) has the highest priority in influencing organ donation rates, followed by socioeconomic status (0.32), demographic factors (0.23), and financial incentives (0.09). Further, our results challenge the existing opt-in donation system in Malaysia and present a presumptive approach as a suitable system for increasing deceased donation rate in Malaysia. Presumptive approach promotes the role of health-care professionals in securing the family consent.

    Conclusion: This approach is a person-oriented rather than process-oriented strategy and it relies on designated requesters' skills to evoke altruism among bereaved families. Based on results, the authors recommended that relevant government agencies focus on training nurses to discuss donation with bereaved families and raising public awareness.

  3. Rahmatpour P, Sharif Nia H, Sivarajan Froelicher E, Kaveh O, Pahlevan Sharif S, Taghipour B
    Int J Gen Med, 2020;13:515-522.
    PMID: 32884331 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S260579
    Background: Given the high incidence of coronavirus and the shortage of nurses in Iranian hospitals, nurses' intention to care for patients with COVID-19 is important. The aim of this study is to evaluate the reliability and validity of the Persian version of the nurses' intention to care scale (NICS) by Iranian nurses who care for patients with COVID-19 in hospitals.

    Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted on nurses (n= 400) at public and private Mazandaran hospitals. An online questionnaire was used that consisted of two parts: demographic variables and NICS. The scale was translated into Persian first and then validated using both construct and content validity.

    Results: The findings from an exploratory factor analysis yielded six factors that explained 53.12% of the total variance of the NICS. The confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated that the model had a good fit and the inter-item correlation values of the factors indicated good internal consistency.

    Conclusion: The Persian version of NICS in Iranian nurses had six factors. The results of our study add insight for nurse administrators and educators to further develop strategies to increase nurses' intention by improving positive attitudes and reducing their negative beliefs.

  4. Jairoun A, Hassan N, Ali A, Jairoun O, Shahwan M, Hassali M
    Int J Gen Med, 2019;12:235-246.
    PMID: 31388309 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S200641
    Purpose: Antibiotic resistance is one of the world's most fatal health crises. Medical students are the antibiotic prescribers of tomorrow, so better understanding of their knowledge, attitudes, and practice (KAP) pertaining to antibiotic use is crucial. Objectives: This study aimed to assess the KAP of antibiotics and associated factors among university students in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Methods: This was a descriptive cross-sectional study conducted among a random sample of undergraduate students from Ajman University in the UAE. A self-administered pretested questionnaire was used to collect data on students' demographics and their KAP regarding antibiotic use. Data were analysed using STATA version 14.2. P<0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: This study showed that university students have a high rate of antibiotic self-medication. The average KAP score was 56% (95% CI 55%-57%). Statistical modeling showed that major, study year, age, and sex were strong determinants of KAP regarding antibiotic use. Conclusion: There is a need to develop an effective and comprehensive antibiotic-stewardship program as part of undergraduate education. Moreover, reinforcing antibiotic-use policies, involving pharmacies, drug supply, distribution, and sale, are also urgently needed.
  5. Shakeel S, Hassali MA, Rehman H, Rehman AU, Muneswarao J
    Int J Gen Med, 2020;13:1075-1082.
    PMID: 33204142 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S266545
    Background: Pharmacists being the drug experts need to be well aware of the applied handling of biosimilar medicines (BSMs). They are an integral educator, trailblazer, and advocate of biosimilar integration across all clinical settings. Therefore, the current study was conducted to assess the pharmacists' knowledge, attitude, and practices of integrating BSMs into clinical practice.

    Methods: The cross-sectional study was conducted from August 2019 to November 2019. The community pharmacies, clinical and academic settings in Karachi were approached for gathering the responses of pharmacists towards BSMs and interchangeable products using a 30-item survey form. Pearson correlation and independent sample t-test were used to identify the relationship among independent variables and the responses, considering p values <0.05 as statistically significant.

    Results: Overall, there were 305 survey forms used with a response rate of 87.14%. More than 80% of the respondents have good knowledge about the definition, characteristics, safety and efficacy, compatibility, cost issues, and utilization of BSMs. Around half of the respondents (48.9%, [95% CI 46.6-51.2]) were confident in using BSMs in clinical practice. However, they were concerned about the BSM's safety profile (45.2%, [95% CI 42.1-48.3]), quality (30.2%, [95% CI 28.3-32.1]), and efficacy issues (32.3%, [95% CI 31.2-37.5]).

    Conclusion: The findings revealed that pharmacists were well informed about the BSMs. However, some of the responses to the attitude demonstrated a lack of understanding of the application of that knowledge. The respondents persuaded that advanced patterns of diseases, product marketing stipulations, and need for better patient care drives higher demand for developing BSMs and were enthusiastic about gaining more insight to integrate BSMs into routine clinical practice.

  6. Payus AO, Clarence C, Azman Ali R
    Int J Gen Med, 2020;13:861-864.
    PMID: 33116778 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S277394
    Group B streptococcus (GBS) is a rare cause of meningitis in adults that commonly affects patients with multiple underlying comorbidities. Although it is uncommon, it typically progresses very rapidly and has a high mortality rate as compared to other causes of bacterial meningitis. Here, we report a patient with GBS meningitis who had no underlying medical illness and presented with multiple episodes of seizure within hours of developing fever. Cerebrospinal fluid analysis results were consistent with bacterial meningitis, and blood cultures grew GBS. She was treated with intravenous ceftriaxone for 2 weeks and made a great recovery without any sequalae. In conclusion, although GBS meningitis is uncommon in adults, it is a serious medical disease and associated with a high mortality rate. To the best of our knowledge, this patient represents one of the few reported cases of GBS meningitis in a previously healthy young adult.
  7. Elnaem MH, Mansour NO, Nahas AF, Baraka MA, Elkalmi R, Cheema E
    Int J Gen Med, 2020;13:1395-1409.
    PMID: 33324086 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S285191
    Background: This study aims to discuss, summarize and compare the renal outcomes associated with non-insulin antidiabetic (AD) pharmacotherapy prescribed for patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM).

    Methods: A systematic search using predefined search terms in three scholarly databases, ScienceDirect, Google Scholar, and PubMed, was conducted. Original research articles published in the English language between 2012 and 2020 that reported renal outcomes associated with the use of non-insulin AD pharmacotherapy were eligible for inclusion. Review articles, meta-analysis studies, and conference proceedings were excluded. A study-specific data extraction form was designed to extract the author's name, country, publication year, study design, study population, objectives, key findings, and conclusions. A narrative review of the key findings that focused on renal outcomes and renal safety issues was conducted.

    Results: Of the 18,872 results identified through the initial search, a total of 32 articles were included in this review. Of these, 18 of the included articles reported the renal outcomes of newer antidiabetic medications, eg, SGLT2 inhibitors and GLP-1 agonists. Eight studies focussed on the well-established antidiabetic medications, eg, metformin and sulphonylureas. The review reported three main types of the clinical impact of the prescribed AD on the renal outcomes: "renoprotective effects", "no additional risk" and "associated with a decline in renal parameters". Seventeen studies reported the renoprotective effects of AD, including SGLT2i studies (n=8), GLP1 studies (n=6), and DPP4i studies (n=3). The reported renoprotective effects included slowing down the GFR decline, improving albuminuria, and reducing renal adverse events. The "no additional risk" impact was reported in eight studies, including DPP4i studies (n=3), two SGLT2i studies (n=2), metformin studies (n=2), and one study involving pioglitazone. Furthermore, seven studies highlighted the "associated with a decline in renal parameters" effect. Of these, three involved SGLT2i, two with metformin, and one for each DPP4i and sulphonylurea.

    Conclusion: More than half of the studies included in this review supported the renoprotective effects associated with the use of AD medications, particularly GLP-1A, SGLT2i, and some of the DPP4i. Further studies involving patients with various stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) are required to compare AD medications' renal effects, particularly the newer agents.

  8. Aizuddin AN, Chan CM, Anwar AR, Ong YX, Chin KY
    Int J Gen Med, 2021;14:3251-3257.
    PMID: 34267543 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S316360
    Purpose: Body mass index (BMI) is used universally to define obesity. Many studies have indicated that the current BMI cutoff value for obesity may be inaccurate in identifying individuals with excess body fat (BF) and at risk for cardiovascular diseases (CVD). This study aims to assess the performance of BMI in diagnosing obesity defined by BF percentage (BF%).

    Patients and Methods: A total of 136 participants who attended an annual health screening programme were recruited. The subjects completed the health examinations, including BMI, BF% and blood pressure measurement. A receiver operating curve (ROC) analysis was conducted to determine the optimal cutoff value of BMI in classifying obesity based on BF% (>25%).

    Results: The ROC analysis revealed that the optimal BMI cutoff value in classifying subjects with obesity based on BF% was 24.8 kg/m2. The agreement between the classification scheme based on the new BMI cutoff (>24.8 kg/m2) and BF% was higher (κ=0.722) compared to the standard BMI cutoff (>27.5 kg/m2) (κ=0.532). BMI 24.8 kg/m2 also had higher sensitivity (80.0%) than 27.5 kg/m2 (56.0%) in detecting subjects with high adiposity. The new BMI cutoff also showed a sensitivity of 63.9% in identifying subjects with hypertension compared to the standard cutoff (36.1%).

    Conclusion: The current definition of obesity based on BMI value needs to be reassessed by taking BF% into account. A new BMI cutoff point, 24.8 kg/m2 for obesity, can identify a higher percentage of Malaysian at risk for CVD.

  9. Rafique Z, Tariq MH, Khan AU, Farrukh MJ, Khan N, Burki AM, et al.
    Int J Gen Med, 2021;14:2817-2826.
    PMID: 34194241 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S296095
    Background: Metabolic acidosis is the most frequent medical condition occurring in critically ill renally compromised patients. This study was aimed to determine clinical outcomes of bicarbonate therapy in renally compromised critically ill patients having metabolic acidosis.

    Methods: A prospective longitudinal cohort study was undertaken in three military hospitals in Rawalpindi, Pakistan. All patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria who were admitted to the ICU of any of the three study hospitals from July 2019 to March 2020 were studied for clinical outcomes of bicarbonate therapy using an evidence-based clinical checklist. Outcome measures include changes in blood pH, serum potassium, and sodium levels, blood pressure and weight, along with other clinically significant laboratory parameters.

    Results: Eighty-one patients fulfilling the inclusion criteria were evaluated. The mean age of the patients was 55.61±19.5 years, while the mean weight was 63.43±14.19 Kg. A mortality rate of 45.7% was observed. Disease-related complications including hypoxia, cardiac failure, multiple organ failure, elevated blood pressure, and ischemic heart disease (IHD) were found to be associated with a higher mortality rate (P<0.005). Whereas using Fisher's exact test, concomitant administration of sodium chloride, along with bicarbonate therapy was associated with a low mortality rate and had no significant impact on sodium loading or weight gain. Moreover, various drug-drug interactions were found to be associated with a higher mortality rate (P<0.05).

    Conclusion: Bicarbonate therapy was not found to affect the mortality rate in critically ill renally compromised patients with metabolic acidosis.

  10. Alshamiri M, Ghanaim MMA, Barter P, Chang KC, Li JJ, Matawaran BJ, et al.
    Int J Gen Med, 2018;11:313-322.
    PMID: 30050317 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S160555
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a growing burden across the world. In Asia and the Middle East, in particular, CVD is among the most prevalent and debilitating diseases. Dyslipidemia is an important factor in the development of atherosclerosis and associated cardiovascular events, and so effective management strategies are critical to reducing overall cardiovascular risk. Multiple dyslipidemia guidelines have been developed by international bodies such as the European Society of Cardiology/European Atherosclerosis Society and the American College of Cardiology/American Heart Association, which all have similarities in practice recommendations for the optimal management of dyslipidemia. However, they differ in certain aspects including pharmacological treatment, lifestyle modification and the target levels used for low-density lipoprotein cholesterol. The evidence behind these guidelines is generally based on data from Western populations, and their applicability to people in Asia and the Middle East is largely untested. As a result, practitioners within Asia and the Middle East continue to rely on international evidence despite population differences in lipid phenotypes and CVD risk factors. An expert panel was convened to review the international guidelines commonly used in Asia and the Middle East and determine their applicability to clinical practice in the region, with specific recommendations, or considerations, provided where current guideline recommendations differ from local practice. Herein, we describe the heterogeneous approaches and application of current guidelines used to manage dyslipidemia in Asia and the Middle East. We provide consensus management recommendations to cover different patient scenarios, including primary prevention, elderly, chronic kidney disease, type 2 diabetes, documented CVD, acute coronary syndromes and family history of ischemic heart disease. Moreover, we advocate for countries within the Asian and Middle East regions to continue to develop guidelines that are appropriate for the local population.
  11. Kasinathan G, Kori AN, Hassan N
    Int J Gen Med, 2019;12:405-409.
    PMID: 31807052 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S232254
    Background: Hodgkin lymphoma (HL) is a type of lymphoma that arises from the B lymphocytes. The four main subtypes of HL are the nodular sclerosing, mixed cellularity, lymphocyte rich and the lymphocyte depleted. Nodular sclerosis subtype accounts for majority of all classical HL, whereas lymphocytic depletion type accounts for less than 1%. The main objective of reporting this case is to share with the medical fraternity a rare presentation of abdominal lymphocyte-depleted classical Hodgkin lymphoma.

    A 47-year-old gentleman of Malay ethnicity with no known pre-morbidities, presented to the haematology unit with a 2-month history of night fever, loss of weight, malaise, anorexia and abdominal swelling. Abdominal examination revealed a periumbilical and lower epigastric swelling measuring 6x6 cms. The swelling was non-tender, firm in consistency and smooth on palpation. The Contrast Enhanced Computed Tomography (CECT) imaging revealed an enlarged mesenteric mass measuring 5.8x6.9x5.7 cm and multiple enlarged aorta-caval lymph nodes. The mesenteric tumour histology and immunohistochemistry were consistent with lymphocyte depleted HL. He completed six cycles of intravenous ABVD polychemotherapy consisting of doxorubicin (Adriamycin) 25mg/m2, Bleomycin 10mg/m2, Vinblastine 6mg/m2 and Dacarbazine 375mg/m2. The Fluorodeoxyglucose Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography (FDG PET /CT) imaging post 2 cycles and 6 cycles of ABVD polychemotherapy showed complete metabolic response to chemotherapy.

    Conclusion: Lymphocyte-depleted classical Hodgkin lymphoma (LDcHL) is a rare entity and is mostly diagnosed at a later stage rendering it a disease with poor prognostic outcomes. Early detection and prompt institution of therapy is crucial in the management of this disease.

  12. Atta MM, Sayed MH, Zayed MA, Alsulami SA, Al-Maghrabi AT, Kelantan AY
    Int J Gen Med, 2019;12:293-298.
    PMID: 31692498 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S206995
    Background and aims: Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease (GERD) is a common gastrointestinal disease worldwide that is associated with impaired quality of life and higher risk of complications. The identification of risk factors is necessary for preventive measures. The aim of this study is to evaluate the prevalence of GERD symptoms as well as its relation to body mass index (BMI) and other risk factors among medical students of Jeddah and Rabigh branches, King Abdul-Aziz University, Saudi Arabia.

    Subjects and methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted at the Faculty of Medicine in Rabigh, King Abdul-Aziz University, Saudi Arabia. The study included 197 medical students from Rabigh and Jeddah branches of the university. The study employed a Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease Questionnaire which is derived from a self-administered validated GERD questionnaire (GerdQ).

    Results: The prevalence of GERD symptoms was 25.9%. The most frequent symptoms were regurgitation and burning sensation. High BMI, family history, energy drinks and fried food were found to be statistically significant risk factors (p<0.05) by univariate analysis. However, the logistic regression for the prediction of GERD symptoms among medical students showed that only family history had a significant correlation (p<0.05).

    Conclusion: GERD symptoms were common in medical students of King Abdulaziz University, Saudi Arabia. Family history was found to be a significant predictor of GERD symptoms. Effective educational strategies for groups with significant risk factors of GERD need to be implemented.

  13. Adil SO, Uddin F, Musa KI, Khan A, Shakeel A, Shafique K, et al.
    Int J Gen Med, 2023;16:4295-4305.
    PMID: 37753441 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S423151
    PURPOSE: The presence of metabolic syndrome (MetS) is linked to an increased risk of cardiovascular disease (CVD) development. In this study, CVD risk was calculated among individuals with newly diagnosed MetS using the Framingham Risk Score (FRS) and Globorisk Score. The FRS and Globorisk score are particularly relevant in predicting CVD risk as these scores include key MetS-related risk factors like blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and age.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: A community-based cross-sectional study was conducted at various sites in Karachi, Pakistan, from February 2022 to August 2022. Newly diagnosed cases of MetS with no physical disability, known illness, and not taking any regular medication were recruited. MetS was defined based on the definition of International Diabetes Federation. The major outcome was 10-year risk for CVD using the FRS and Globorisk Score.

    RESULTS: Of 304 patients, 59.2% were classified as low risk according to FRS, while 20.4% were classified as moderate and high risk each. Using the Globorisk score, 44.6% of 224 patients were classified as low risk, 34.4% as moderate risk, and 21.0% as high risk. A moderate positive correlation was observed between the two CVD risk scores (r = 0.651, 95% CI 0.58-0.71). Both risk scores have reported age, gender, and current smokers as significant risk factors in predicting CVD in 10-years (P < 0.05).

    CONCLUSION: The outcome of both CVD risk scores predicted moderate-to-high risk of CVD in 10-years in almost half of the newly diagnosed patients with MetS. In particular, the risk of development of CVD in 10-years in newly diagnosed MetS is higher with increasing age, in male gender, and current smokers.

  14. Soyiri IN, Reidpath DD
    Int J Gen Med, 2012;5:381-9.
    PMID: 22615533 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S31079
    Health forecasting forewarns the health community about future health situations and disease episodes so that health systems can better allocate resources and manage demand. The tools used for developing and measuring the accuracy and validity of health forecasts commonly are not defined although they are usually adapted forms of statistical procedures. This review identifies previous typologies used in classifying the forecasting methods commonly used in forecasting health conditions or situations. It then discusses the strengths and weaknesses of these methods and presents the choices available for measuring the accuracy of health-forecasting models, including a note on the discrepancies in the modes of validation.
  15. Mwita JC, Ogunleye OO, Olalekan A, Kalungia AC, Kurdi A, Saleem Z, et al.
    Int J Gen Med, 2021;14:515-530.
    PMID: 33633461 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S253216
    BACKGROUND: There is a concern with the growing use of antimicrobials across countries increasing antimicrobial resistance (AMR) rates. A key area within hospitals is their use for the prevention of surgical site infections (SSI) with concerns with timing of the first dose, which can appreciably impact on effectiveness, as well as duration with extended prophylaxis common among low- and middle-income countries (LMICs). This is a concern as extended duration increases utilization rates and AMR as well as adverse events. Consequently, there is a need to document issues of timing and duration of surgical antibiotic prophylaxis (SAP) among LMICs together with potential ways forward to address current concerns.

    METHODS: Narrative review of timings and duration of SAP among LMICs combined with publications documenting successful approaches to improve SAP to provide future direction to all key stakeholder groups.

    RESULTS: There were documented concerns with the timing of the first dose of antibiotics, with appropriate timing as low as 6.7% in Egypt, although as high as 81.9% in Turkey. There was also an extensive duration of SAP, ranging from long duration times in all patients in a study in Nigeria with a mean of 8.7 days and 97% of patients in Egypt to 42.9% of patients in Pakistan and 35% in Turkey. Successful interventions to improve SAP typically involved multiple approaches including education of all key stakeholder groups, monitoring of usage against agreed guidelines,as well as quality targets. Multiple approaches typically improved timing and duration as well as reduced costs. For instance, in one study appropriateness increased from 30.1% to 91.4%, prolonged duration reduced to 5.7% of patients, and mean costs of antibiotics decreased 11-fold.

    CONCLUSION: There are considerable concerns with the timing and duration of SAP among LMICs. Multiple interventions among LMICs can address this providing future directions.

  16. Soyiri IN, Reidpath DD
    Int J Gen Med, 2012;5:693-705.
    PMID: 22973117 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S34647
    Asthma is a global public health problem and the most common chronic disease among children. The factors associated with the condition are diverse, and environmental factors appear to be the leading cause of asthma exacerbation and its worsening disease burden. However, it remains unknown how changes in the environment affect asthma over time, and how temporal or environmental factors predict asthma events. The methodologies for forecasting asthma and other similar chronic conditions are not comprehensively documented anywhere to account for semistructured noncausal forecasting approaches. This paper highlights and discusses practical issues associated with asthma and the environment, and suggests possible approaches for developing decision-making tools in the form of semistructured black-box models, which is relatively new for asthma. Two statistical methods which can potentially be used in predictive modeling and health forecasting for both anticipated and peak events are suggested. Importantly, this paper attempts to bridge the areas of epidemiology, environmental medicine and exposure risks, and health services provision. The ideas discussed herein will support the development and implementation of early warning systems for chronic respiratory conditions in large populations, and ultimately lead to better decision-making tools for improving health service delivery.
  17. Wang X, Wang J, Pang F
    Int J Gen Med, 2023;16:3655-3663.
    PMID: 37637714 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S426168
    OBJECTIVE: Both Malaysian and Chinese populations have benefited from the utilization of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) in the treatment of COVID-19. This study aims to analyze the herb selection in TCM COVID-19 treatment protocols employed by Malaysia and China.

    METHODS: Based on TCM theories, a comparative analysis was conducted on the treatment protocols of the two countries. This analysis encompassed syndrome differentiation and classification, therapeutic principles and formulas, as well as herb characteristics. The herbs within the protocols were subjected to frequency statistics and cluster analysis using SPSS 25, and network analysis was performed using SPSS Modeler 18.0 software.

    RESULTS: The properties (cold, warm, ping and bitter, pungent, sweet) and meridian (lung, stomach, spleen) associated with the herbs in both protocols exhibit fundamental similarities. Furthermore, the propensity for selecting pairs of herbs is also consistent. The herb pairs selected also have the same propensity. The clustering results reveal six categories, of which in the two protocols are good. The top three herb-pairs in Malaysian Protocols are Gan Cao - Yi Yi Ren, Ban Xia - Gan Cao, Chen Pi - Gan Cao, while the top three in Chinese Protocol are Huo Xiang - Ma Huang, Shi Gao - Gan Cao, Cang Zhu - Gan Cao.

    CONCLUSION: Characteristics of herbs in Both Malaysian and Chinese Protocols herb reflect the advantages and regional adaptation of TCM principles. These findings offer valuable guidance in the application of herbs or herb pairs for the treatment of COVID-19.

  18. Rahman HS, Abdulateef DS, Hussen NH, Salih AF, Othman HH, Mahmood Abdulla T, et al.
    Int J Gen Med, 2021;14:10351-10372.
    PMID: 34992449 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S339475
    Over the last few decades, there have been several global outbreaks of severe respiratory infections. The causes of these outbreaks were coronaviruses that had infected birds, mammals and humans. The outbreaks predominantly caused respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract symptoms and other mild to very severe clinical signs. The current coronavirus disease-2019 (COVID-19) outbreak, caused by the novel severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), is a rapidly spreading illness affecting millions of people worldwide. Among the countries most affected by the disease are the United States of America (USA), India, Brazil, and Russia, with France recording the highest infection, morbidity, and mortality rates. Since early January 2021, thousands of articles have been published on COVID-19. Most of these articles were consistent with the reports on the mode of transmission, spread, duration, and severity of the sickness. Thus, this review comprehensively discusses the most critical aspects of COVID-19, including etiology, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical signs, transmission, pathological changes, diagnosis, treatment, prevention and control, and vaccination.
  19. Elhefnawy ME, Sheikh Ghadzi SM, Tangiisuran B, Zainal H, Looi I, Ibrahim KA, et al.
    Int J Gen Med, 2021;14:1205-1212.
    PMID: 33854362 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S303641
    BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: Factors associated with ischemic stroke (IS) recurrence and the contribution of pharmacological treatment as secondary preventions among nondiabetics especially in the non-elderly population are unclear and not widely investigated. This was a population-based study that aimed to identify recurrent IS predictors and to determine the possible impact of secondary preventive medications on the IS recurrence in non-elderly adults with or without diabetes.

    METHODS: Data of 3386 patients <60 years old who had a history of index IS were extracted from the Malaysian National Neurology Registry (NNEUR) from 2009 to 2016. Recurrent IS was defined as any IS event recorded after the index IS in the NNEUR database. Multivariate logistic regression analysis was performed by using SPSS version 22.

    RESULTS: Ischemic heart disease (IHD) was the significant predictor of IS recurrence in non-elderly adults both with or without diabetes (adjusted odds ratio (AOR) of 3.210; 95%CI: 1.909-5.398 and 2.989; 95%CI: 1.515-5.894) respectively). Receiving antiplatelet as secondary stroke prevention (AOR: 0.194; 95%CI: 0.046-0.817) and continuation of antidiabetic medication after the index IS event (AOR: 0.510; 95%CI: 0.298-0.872) reduced the odds of IS recurrence only in non-elderly diabetic adults. Among non-elderly adults without diabetes, hyperlipidemia and every increased in 1 mmHg of systolic blood pressure significantly increased the odds of IS recurrence following the indexing event (AOR: 1.796; 95%CI: 1.058-3.051 and 1.009; 95%CI: 1.002-1.016 respectively).

    CONCLUSION: IHD was found as the main predictor of IS recurrence regardless of diabetes status in non-elderly adults after the index IS event. Receiving antidiabetic and antiplatelet medications upon discharge after index IS were significant predictors of recurrent IS in non-elderly diabetic adults. A proper randomized clinical trial may be required to determine the impact of secondary preventive medication on IS recurrence, especially in non-elderly adults.

  20. Jeet Kaur R, Dutta S, Charan J, Bhardwaj P, Tandon A, Yadav D, et al.
    Int J Gen Med, 2021;14:3909-3927.
    PMID: 34349544 DOI: 10.2147/IJGM.S324349
    BACKGROUND: Thirteen COVID-19 vaccines are granted emergency approval. It is crucial to monitor their adverse events post vaccination. The present study focuses on cardiovascular adverse events post-COVID-19 vaccination and aims to determine adverse events with the administered vaccine.

    METHODOLOGY: The cardiovascular (CVS) adverse events were extracted for three broad headings (SOCs) - cardiac disorders, vascular disorders, and investigations. Descriptive statistics were reported in the form of percentage and frequency, and the disproportionality analysis was conducted.

    RESULTS: For the cardiovascular system, 4863 adverse events (AEs) were reported from BNT162b2 Pfizer, 1222 AstraZeneca, Moderna, and other COVID-19 vaccines. Common adverse events observed with vaccines under study were tachycardia (16.41%), flushing (12.17%), hypertension (5.82%), hypotension (3.60%) and peripheral coldness (2.41%). Based on disproportionality analysis (IC025 values), acute myocardial infarction, cardiac arrest, and circulatory collapse were linked to the vaccines in the age group >75 years. Hypertension, severe hypertension, supraventricular tachycardia, sinus tachycardia, and palpitations were associated across all age groups and either gender. Amongst the investigations, abnormal ECG findings raised C-reactive protein, elevated D dimer, and troponin were reported in specific age groups or gender or all subjects.

    CONCLUSION: Although cardiovascular events have been reported with the COVID-19 vaccines, the causality is yet to be established because such CVS AEs are also usually associated with the general public even without intervention. Hence, people should be administered these vaccines, and sustained monitoring of these AEs should be done.

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