OBJECTIVE: The researchers believed that culturally sensitive video narratives, which catered to a specific niche, would reveal a personalized impact on medication adherence. Therefore, this study aimed to develop and validate video narratives for this purpose.
METHODS: This study adapted the Delphi method to develop a consensus on the video scripts' contents based on learning outcomes and HBM constructs. The panel of experts comprised 8 members representing professional stroke disease experts and experienced poststroke patients in Malaysia. The Delphi method involved 3 rounds of discussions. Once the consensus among members was achieved, the researchers drafted the initial scripts in English, which were then back translated to the Malay language. A total of 10 bilingual patients, within the study's inclusion criteria, screened the scripts for comprehension. Subsequently, a neurologist and poststroke patient narrated the scripts in both languages as they were filmed, to add to the realism of the narratives. Then, the video narratives underwent a few cycles of editing after some feedback on video engagement by the bilingual patients. Few statistical analyses were applied to confirm the validity and reliability of the video narratives.
RESULTS: Initially, the researchers proposed 8 learning outcomes and 9 questions based on HBM constructs for the video scripts' content. However, following Delphi rounds 1 to 3, a few statements were omitted and rephrased. The Kendall coefficient of concordance, W, was about 0.7 (P
OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility and acceptability of study procedures based on a randomized controlled trial protocol of a video narratives intervention among poststroke patients. We also aimed to obtain preliminary findings of video narratives related to medication understanding and use self-efficacy (MUSE) and blood pressure control.
METHODS: A parallel group randomized controlled trial including a control group (without video viewing) and an intervention group (with video viewing) was conducted by researchers at a neurology outpatient clinic on poststroke patients (N=54). Baseline data included patients' sociodemographic characteristics, medical information, and all outcome measures. Measurements of MUSE and blood pressure following the trial were taken during a 3-month follow-up period. Feasibility of the trial was assessed based on recruitment and study completion rates along with patients' feedback on the burden of the study procedures and outcome measures. Acceptability of the trial was analyzed qualitatively. Statistical analysis was applied to ascertain the preliminary results of video narratives.
RESULTS: The recruitment rate was 60 out of 117 patients (51.3%). Nevertheless, the dropout rate of 10% was within the acceptable range. Patients were aged between 21 and 74 years. Nearly 50 of the patients (>85%) had adequate health literacy and exposure to stroke education. Most of the patients (>80%) were diagnosed with ischemic stroke, whereby the majority had primary hypertension. The technicalities of randomization and patient approach were carried out with minimal challenge and adequate patient satisfaction. The video contents received good responses with respect to comprehension and simplicity. Moreover, an in-depth phone interview with 8 patients indicated that the video narratives were considered to be useful and inspiring. These findings paralleled the preliminary findings of significant improvement within groups in MUSE (P=.001) and systolic blood pressure control (P=.04).
CONCLUSIONS: The queries and feedback from each phase in this study have been acknowledged and will be taken forward in the full trial.
TRIAL REGISTRATION: Australian New Zealand Clinical Trials Registry ACTRN 12618000174280; https://www.anzctr.org.au/Trial/Registration/TrialReview.aspx?id=373554.
OBJECTIVE: This study explores how positive aging perceptions, quality-of-life enhancements, and social support influence the acceptance and readiness of indoor assistive technologies among older adults.
METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted at a gerontechnology laboratory, requiring participants to visit the facility in person. Each 60-minute session included demonstrations of various indoor assistive technologies and the completion of a questionnaire. The assistive technologies showcased encompassed a wide range of devices. Participants' positive aging perceptions, quality-of-life enhancements, social support, technology acceptance, and readiness were measured using validated scales. Data were analyzed with AMOS (version 28; IBM Corp) and SPSS (version 28; IBM Corp), using structural equation modeling and multivariate analysis of covariance to assess the effects of predictors while controlling for demographic factors.
RESULTS: A total of 104 older adults aged 60 years and older participated, with a mean age of 67.92 (SD 5.68) years. Structural equation modeling indicated that positive aging perception has a significant influence on older adults' control beliefs (P=.095), comfort (P=.047), and confidence (P
OBJECTIVE: We aimed to explore factors influencing the adoption of telehealth services among older adults in Malaysia, going beyond the conventional framework by incorporating transition cost and subjective well-being as additional constructs.
METHODS: A cross-sectional survey was conducted among 119 adults aged ≥60 years in Malaysia, using 39 survey items adapted from existing studies. Data analysis was performed using partial least squares structural equation modeling, with both the measurement model and structural model being evaluated. To determine the predictive relevance of the model, PLSpredict was applied. In addition, importance-performance map analysis was conducted to further expand on the structural model results by assessing the performance of each variable.
RESULTS: Of the 119 participants, 52 (43.7%) were women and 67 (56.3%) were men. The study found that subjective well-being (β=0.448; P