METHODS: This is a descriptive cross-sectional study comprising 350 selected radiographs of apparently healthy individuals collected for a period of one year, from the Department of Oral Radiology of a tertiary care centre of Nepal. Gonial angle measurements were recorded from digital panoramic radiograph (both right and left side) and lateral cephalogram. Data was collected in terms of age, gender, ethnicity, and skeletal malocclusion and then statistically analysed using the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences version 20.
RESULTS: The mean gonial angle for panoramic right, left and lateral cephalogram was 122.490±7.570, 123.620±7.060, and 124.150±6.910, respectively. There was a decrease in the mean values of the gonial angle observed as age advances seen in all the radiographs. The gonial angle measured in Class III malocclusion was higher in all the radiographs, followed by Class II and Class I. Gonial angles obtained in females were higher than the males in all the radiographs. Finally, the Aryan population showed a higher gonial angle compared to the Mongolian population in all the radiographs.
CONCLUSIONS: Panoramic radiograph (left side), could be considered as a reliable tool to measure the gonial angle.
METHODS: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted on hospitalised COVID-19 patients from April 2021 to June 2021 in a tertiary care centre. Ethical approval was taken from the Institutional Review Committee (Reference number: 2078/79/05). The hospital data were collected in the proforma by reviewing the patient's medical records during the study period of 2 months. Convenience sampling was used. Point estimate and 95% Confidence Interval were calculated.
RESULTS: Among 106 hospitalised COVID-19 patients, the prevalence of antibiotic use was 104 (98.11%) (95.52-100, 95% Confidence Interval). About 74 (71.15%) of patients received multiple antibiotics. The most common classes of antibiotics used were cephalosporins, seen in 85 (81.73%) and macrolides, seen in 57 (54.81%) patients.
CONCLUSIONS: The prevalence of antibiotic use among hospitalised COVID-19 patients was found to be higher when compared to other studies conducted in similar settings.
KEYWORDS: antibiotics; bacterial infection; co-infection; COVID-19.
CONCLUSIONS: Median perceived prevalence of counterfeit medicines was 10.00% but only 2.30% were aware of counterfeit medicine dispensing. Out of 343 pharmacists, 332 (96.79%) mentioned that action should be taken against those pharmacists knowingly dispensing counterfeit medicines and 338 (98.54%) stated that there should be strong law against counterfeit medicines.