METHODS: We reviewed 39 cases of splenic abscesses in a district hospital in Kapit, Sarawak, from January 2017 to December 2018. The demographics, clinical characteristics, underlying diseases, causative organisms, therapeutic methods, and mortality rates were investigated.
RESULTS: There were 21 males and 18 females (mean age, 33.7±2.7 years). Almost all patients (97.4%) had a history of pyrexia. Diabetes mellitus was present in 8 patients (20.5%). Splenic abscesses were diagnosed using ultrasonography and were multiple in all 39 cases. Positive blood cultures were obtained in 20 patients (51.3%), and all yielded B. pseudomallei. Melioidosis serology was positive in 9 of 19 patients (47.4%) with negative blood cultures. All patients were treated for melioidosis with antibiotics without the need for surgical intervention. All splenic abscesses resolved after anti-melioidosis treatment was completed. One patient died (2.6%) as a result of B. pseudomallei septicaemia with multiorgan failure.
CONCLUSIONS: Ultrasonography is a valuable tool for diagnosing splenic abscesses in resource-limited settings. B. pseudomallei was the most common etiological agent of splenic abscesses in our study.
METHODS: The Back-to-Back translation model (10) was used in this study for the guidelines of adaptation and translation of therapeutic modules. Following the instructions in this document made the process of adaptation and translation simpler.
RESULTS: Results showed that the (10) is a significant model and provided a systematic and comprehensive way for adaptation and translation of therapeutic module with make little changes in reaction to feedback and cultural awareness.
CONCLUSION: At the end, it emphasised how important it is to conduct an extensive study to determine the effectiveness and cultural compatibility of the updated modules. However, these principles ultimately enhance effective and inclusive health care, providing health professionals with a foundation for adapting and translating therapeutic processes to diverse cultural conditions.