Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 33 in total

  1. Hamid AA, Hamid TH, Wahab RA, Huyop F
    J Basic Microbiol, 2015 Mar;55(3):324-30.
    PMID: 25727054 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201570031
    The non-stereospecific α-haloalkanoic acid dehalogenase DehE from Rhizobium sp. RC1 catalyzes the removal of the halide from α-haloalkanoic acid D,L-stereoisomers and, by doing so, converts them into hydroxyalkanoic acid L,D-stereoisomers, respectively. DehE has been extensively studied to determine its potential to act as a bioremediation agent, but its structure/function relationship has not been characterized. For this study, we explored the functional relevance of several putative active-site amino acids by site-specific mutagenesis. Ten active-site residues were mutated individually, and the dehalogenase activity of each of the 10 resulting mutants in soluble cell lysates against D- and L-2-chloropropionic acid was assessed. Interestingly, the mutants W34→A,F37→A, and S188→A had diminished activity, suggesting that these residues are functionally relevant. Notably, the D189→N mutant had no activity, which strongly implies that it is a catalytically important residue. Given our data, we propose a dehalogenation mechanism for DehE, which is the same as that suggested for other non-stereospecific α-haloalkanoic acid dehalogenases. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first report detailing a functional aspect for DehE, and our results could help pave the way for the bioengineering of haloalkanoic acid dehalogenases with improved catalytic properties.
  2. Lim JC, Goh KM, Shamsir MS, Ibrahim Z, Chong CS
    J Basic Microbiol, 2015 Apr;55(4):514-9.
    PMID: 25523650 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201400621
    The Anoxybacillus sp. SK 3-4, previously isolated from a hot spring, was screened for its heavy metals resistance (Al(3+), Mn(2+), Cu(2+), Co(2+), Zn(2+), and Ni(2+)) and the strain was found to be most resistant to aluminum. Significant growth of the strain was observed when it was grown in medium containing aluminum (200 mg L(-1)-800 mg L(-1)) with relative growth rates ranging between 77% and 100%. A gene encoding the aluminum resistance protein (accession number: WP_021095658.1) was found in genome of strain SK 3-4, which revealed high sequence identity (>95%) to its homologues from Anoxybacillus species. Sequence comparisons with two functionally characterized aluminum resistance proteins, namely G2alt and ALU1-P, showed 97% and 81% of sequence identity, respectively. Four putative metal binding sites were detected in SK 3-4 aluminum resistance protein and G2alt at same amino acid residue positions of 186, 195, 198, and 201. Strain SK 3-4 was found to be able to remove aluminum from aqueous solution. This study demonstrated that Anoxybacillus sp. SK 3-4 could be applied in the treatment of aluminum contaminated wastewater.
  3. Abbas SZ, Rafatullah M, Ismail N, Lalung J
    J Basic Microbiol, 2014 Dec;54(12):1279-87.
    PMID: 24852724 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201400157
    This study focused on the isolation and characterization of high cadmium-resistant bacterial strains, possible exploitation of its cadmium-accumulation and cadmium-induced proteins. Cadmium-resistant bacterial strains designated as RZ1 and RZ2 were isolated from industrial wastewater of Penang, Malaysia. These isolates were identified as Enterobacter mori and Enterobacter sp. WS12 on the basis of phenotypic, biochemical and 16S rDNA sequence based molecular phylogenetic characteristics. Both isolates were Gram negative, cocci, and growing well in Lauria-Bertani broth medium at 35 °C temperature and pH 7.0. Results also indicated that Enterobacter mori and Enterobacter sp. WS12are capable to remove 87.75 and 85.11% of the cadmium from 100 µg ml(-1) concentration, respectively. This study indicates that these strains can be useful as an inexpensive and efficient bioremediation technology to remove and recover the cadmium from wastewater.
  4. Al-Fendi A, Shueb RH, Ravichandran M, Yean CY
    J Basic Microbiol, 2014 Oct;54(10):1036-43.
    PMID: 24532381 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201300458
    Water samples from a variety of sources in Kelantan, Malaysia (lakes, ponds, rivers, ditches, fish farms, and sewage) were screened for the presence of bacteriophages infecting Vibrio cholerae. Ten strains of V. cholerae that appeared to be free of inducible prophages were used as the host strains. Eleven bacteriophage isolates were obtained by plaque assay, three of which were lytic and further characterized. The morphologies of the three lytic phages were similar with each having an icosahedral head (ca. 50-60 nm in diameter), a neck, and a sheathed tail (ca. 90-100 nm in length) characteristic of the family Myoviridae. The genomes of the lytic phages were indistinguishable in length (ca. 33.5 kb), nuclease sensitivity (digestible with DNase I, but not RNase A or S1 nuclease), and restriction enzyme sensitivity (identical banding patterns with HindIII, no digestion with seven other enzymes). Testing for infection against 46 strains of V. cholerae and 16 other species of enteric bacteria revealed that all three isolates had a narrow host range and were only capable of infecting V. cholerae O1 El Tor Inaba. The similar morphologies, indistinguishable genome characteristics, and identical host ranges of these lytic isolates suggests that they represent one phage, or several very closely related phages, present in different water sources. These isolates are good candidates for further bio-phage-control studies.
  5. Arif NM, Ahmad SA, Syed MA, Shukor MY
    J Basic Microbiol, 2013 Jan;53(1):9-19.
    PMID: 22581645 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201100120
    In this work, we report on the isolation of a phenol-degrading Rhodococcus sp. with a high tolerance towards phenol. The isolate was identified as Rhodococcus sp. strain AQ5NOL 2, based on 16S rDNA analysis. The strain degraded phenol using the meta pathway, a trait shared by many phenol-degraders. In addition to phenol biodegradation, the strain was also capable of degrading diesel. Strain AQ5NOL 2 exhibited a broad optimum temperature for growth on phenol at between 20 °C and 35 °C. The best nitrogen sources were ammonium sulphate, glycine or phenylalanine, followed by proline, nitrate, leucine, and alanine (in decreasing efficiency). Strain AQ5NOL 2 showed a high tolerance and degradation capacity of phenol, for it was able to register growth in the presence of 2000 mg l(-1) phenol. The growth of this strain on phenol as sole carbon and energy source were modeled using Haldane kinetics with a maximal specific growth rate (μ(max)) of 0.1102 hr(-1), a half-saturation constant (K(s) ) of 99.03 mg l(-1) or 1.05 mmol l(-1), and a substrate inhibition constant (K(i)) of 354 mg l(-1) or 3.76 mmol l(-1). Aside from phenol, the strain could utilize diesel, 2,4-dinitrophenol and ρ-cresol as carbon sources for growth. Strain AQ5NOL 2 exhibited inhibition of phenol degradation by Zn(2+), Cu(2+), Cr(6+), Ag(+) and Hg(2+) at 1 mg l(-1).
  6. Rahim MB, Syed MA, Shukor MY
    J Basic Microbiol, 2012 Oct;52(5):573-81.
    PMID: 22144174 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201100116
    As well as for chemical and environmental reasons, acrylamide is widely used in many industrial applications. Due to its carcinogenicity and toxicity, its discharge into the environment causes adverse effects on humans and ecology alike. In this study, a novel acrylamide-degrading yeast has been isolated. The isolate was identified as Rhodotorula sp. strain MBH23 using ITS rRNA analysis. The results showed that the best carbon source for growth was glucose at 1.0% (w/v). The optimum acrylamide concentration, being a nitrogen source for cellular growth, was at 500 mg l(-1). The highest tolerable concentration of acrylamide was 1500 mg l(-1) whereas growth was completely inhibited at 2000 mg l(-1). At 500 mg l(-1), the strain MBH completely degraded acrylamide on day 5. Acrylic acid as a metabolite was detected in the media. Strain MBH23 grew well between pH 6.0 and 8.0 and between 27 and 30 °C. Amides such as 2-chloroacetamide, methacrylamide, nicotinamide, acrylamide, acetamide, and propionamide supported growth. Toxic heavy metals such as mercury, chromium, and cadmium inhibited growth on acrylamide.
  7. Saiful AJ, Mastura M, Zarizal S, Mazurah MI, Shuhaimi M, Ali AM
    J Basic Microbiol, 2008 Aug;48(4):245-51.
    PMID: 18720500 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.200700387
    Efflux-mediated resistance has been recognized as an important contributor of antibiotic resistance in bacteria, especially in methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) isolates. This study was carried out to detect and analyze efflux genes (norA and mdeA) and active efflux activity in a collection of Malaysian MRSA and methicillin-sensitive S. aureus (MSSA) clinical isolates. Nineteen isolates including three ATCC S. aureus reference strains were subjected to PCR detection and DNA sequence analysis for norA and mdeA and active efflux detection using modified minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) assay. From the 19 isolates, 18 isolates harboured the mdeA gene while 16 isolates contained norA gene. DNA sequence analysis reveals 98-100% correlation between the PCR product and the published DNA sequences in GenBank. In addition, 16 isolates exhibited active efflux activity using the ethidium bromide (EtBr)-reserpine combination MIC assay. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the detection of efflux genes and active efflux activity amongst Malaysian clinical isolates of MRSA/MSSA. Detection of active efflux activity may explain the previous report on efflux-mediated drug resistance profile amongst the local clinical isolates.
  8. Shariff FM, Leow TC, Mukred AD, Salleh AB, Basri M, Rahman RN
    J Basic Microbiol, 2007 Oct;47(5):406-12.
    PMID: 17910105
    A thermophilic bacterium, Bacillus sp. strain L2 was isolated from a hot spring in Perak, Malaysia. An extracellular lipase activity was detected through plate and broth assays at 70 degrees C after 28 h of incubation. The L2 lipase production was growth dependent as revealed by a number of factors affecting the secretion of extracelullar lipase. As for nutritional factors, casamino acids, trehalose, Ca(2+) and Tween 60 were found to be more effective for lipase production. The optimum physical condition for L2 lipase production was obtained at 70 degrees C after 28 h of cultivation time, at pH 7.0, 150 rpm of agitation rate and 1% of starting inoculum size. The activity staining of crude L2 lipase revealed a clearing zone at 39 kDa.
  9. Lim JC, Thevarajoo S, Selvaratnam C, Goh KM, Shamsir MS, Ibrahim Z, et al.
    J Basic Microbiol, 2017 Feb;57(2):151-161.
    PMID: 27859397 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201600494
    Anoxybacillus sp. SK 3-4 is a Gram-positive, rod-shaped bacterium and a member of family Bacillaceae. We had previously reported that the strain is an aluminum resistant thermophilic bacterium. This is the first report to provide a detailed analysis of the global transcriptional response of Anoxybacillus when the cells were exposed to 600 mg L(-1) of aluminum. The transcriptome was sequenced using Illumina MiSeq sequencer. Total of 708 genes were differentially expressed (fold change >2.00) with 316 genes were up-regulated while 347 genes were down-regulated, in comparing to control with no aluminum added in the culture. Based on Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes (KEGG) pathway analysis, the majority of genes encoding for cell metabolism such as glycolysis, sulfur metabolism, cysteine and methionine metabolism were up-regulated; while most of the gene associated with tricarboxylic acid cycle (TCA cycle) and valine, leucine and isoleucine metabolism were down-regulated. In addition, a significant number of the genes encoding ABC transporters, metal ions transporters, and some stress response proteins were also differentially expressed following aluminum exposure. The findings provide further insight and help us to understand on the resistance of Anoxybacillus sp. SK 3-4 toward aluminium.
  10. Baig AM, Lalani S, Khan NA
    J Basic Microbiol, 2017 Jul;57(7):574-579.
    PMID: 28466971 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201700025
    Here we describe features of apoptosis in unicellular Acanthamoeba castellanii belonging to the T4 genotype. When exposed to apoptosis-inducing compounds such as doxorubicin, A. castellanii trophozoites exhibited cell shrinkage and membrane blebbing as observed microscopically, DNA fragmentation using agarose gel electrophoresis, and phosphatidylserine (PS) externalization using annexin V immunostaining. Overall, these findings suggest the existence of apoptosis in A. castellanii possibly mediated by intrinsic apoptotic cascade. Further research in this field could provide avenues to selectively induce apoptosis in A. castellanii by triggering intrinsic apoptotic cascade.
  11. Rahman RN, Geok LP, Wong CF, Basri M, Salleh AB
    J Basic Microbiol, 2010 Apr;50(2):143-9.
    PMID: 20082370 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.200900133
    A gene encoding an organic solvent-stable protease was amplified from Pseudomonas aeruginosa strain K by polymerase chain reaction using consensus primers based on multiple sequence alignment of alkaline and metalloprotease genes from Pseudomonas species. The gene, which consisted of 1440 bp nucleotides and deduced 479 amino acid residues, was successfully expressed in pGEX-4T-1 expression system in the presence of 1.0 mM IPTG, after an incubation of 6 h at 37 degrees C. Under these conditions, the recombinant strain K protease was, subsequently, released into the periplasm of E. coli BL21 (DE3) with an optimum proteolytic activity detected at 1.0112 U/ml. To date, this is the first reported expression of alkaline protease (aprA) with such remarkable property in Escherichia coli.
  12. Lim CS, Wong WF, Rosli R, Ng KP, Seow HF, Chong PP
    J Basic Microbiol, 2009 Dec;49(6):579-83.
    PMID: 19810039 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.200900035
    Candida albicans is capable of undergoing yeast-hypha transition to attain pathogenicity in humans. In this study, we investigated the differential expression of CaSIR2 via quantitative real-time PCR (qPCR), during yeast-hypha transition with and without the presence of 2-dodecanol. SIR2 transcript levels were found to be significantly enhanced after hyphal induction as compared to the yeast form. This study found that 2-dodecanol is able to inhibit hyphal development and block SIR2 up-regulation, even in hyphal-inducing growth conditions. We suggest that SIR2 may be involved in Candida albicans quorum-sensing and serum-induced yeast-hyphae transition via the Ras1-cAMP-Efg1 signalling cascade.
  13. Shukor MY, Rahman MF, Shamaan NA, Syed MA
    J Basic Microbiol, 2009 Sep;49 Suppl 1:S43-54.
    PMID: 19455513 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.200800312
    Extensive use of metals in various industrial applications has caused substantial environmental pollution. Molybdenum-reducing bacteria isolated from soils can be used to remove molybdenum from contaminated environments. In this work we have isolated a local bacterium with the capability to reduce soluble molybdate to the insoluble molybdenum blue. We studied several factors that would optimize molybdate reduction. Electron donor sources such as glucose, sucrose, lactose, maltose and fructose (in decreasing efficiency) supported molybdate reduction after 24 h of incubation with optimum glucose concentration for molybdate reduction at 1.5% (w/v). The optimum pH, phosphate and molybdate concentrations, and temperature for molybdate reduction were pH 6.5, 5.0, 25 to 50 mM and 37 degrees C, respectively. The Mo-blue produced by cellular reduction exhibited a unique absorption spectrum with a maximum peak at 865 nm and a shoulder at 700 nm. Metal ions such as chromium, cadmium, copper, silver and mercury caused approximately 73, 71, 81, 77 and 78% inhibition of the molybdenum-reducing activity, respectively. All of the respiratory inhibitors tested namely rotenone, azide, cyanide and antimycin A did not show any inhibition to the molybdenum-reducing activity suggesting components of the electron transport system are not responsible for the reducing activity. The isolate was tentatively identified as Enterobacter sp. strain Dr.Y13 based on carbon utilization profiles using Biolog GN plates and partial 16S rDNA molecular phylogeny.
  14. Too WC, Liew YC, Few LL
    J Basic Microbiol, 2008 Oct;48(5):430-5.
    PMID: 18759222 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.200800008
    Psychrophiles are organisms that thrive in cold environments. One of the strategies for their cold adaptation is the ability to synthesize cold-adapted enzymes. These enzymes usually display higher catalytic efficiency and thermolability at lower temperatures compared to their mesophilic and thermophilic counterparts. In this work, a psychrophilic bacterium codenamed pi9 was selected for the cloning of the gene encoding glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase (GAPDH), an enzyme in the glycolytic pathway. Here, the cloning of an 1,113 bp fragment of GAPDH gene which covers the 1,002 bp open reading frame by using multiple PCR steps is described. The partial sequence of this gene was PCR amplified by using degenerate primers followed by the cloning of the flanking sequences by inverse and splinkerette PCR techniques. The success in cloning the GAPDH gene by PCR has bypassed the more time consuming genomic library construction and screening method. The full length GAPDH protein was subsequently expressed in E. coli, purified as His-tag protein and confirmed to be catalytically active. This work demonstrated the use of multiple PCR techniques to clone a gene based solely on sequence comparison. It also laid the foundation for further biochemical and structural characterizations of GAPDH from a psychrophilic bacterium by providing a highly purified recombinant protein sample.
  15. Martla M, Umsakul K, Sudesh K
    J Basic Microbiol, 2018 Nov;58(11):977-986.
    PMID: 30095175 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201800279
    Polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) has been paid great attention because of its useful thermoplastic properties and complete degradation in various natural environments. But, at industrial level, the successful commercialization of PHAs is limited by the high production cost due to the expensive carbon source and recovery processes. Pseudomonas mendocina PSU cultured for 72 h in mineral salts medium (MSM) containing 2% (v/v) biodiesel liquid waste (BLW) produced 79.7 wt% poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) (PHB) at 72 h. In addition, this strain produced 43.6 wt% poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) (PHBV) with 8.6 HV mol% at 60 h when added with 0.3% sodium propionate. The synthesized intracellular PHA granules were recovered and purified by the recently reported biological method using mealworms. The weight average molecular weight (Mw ) and number average molecular weight (Mn ) of the biologically extracted PHA were higher than that from the chloroform extraction with comparable melting temperature (Tm ) and high purity. This study has successfully established a low-cost process to synthesize PHAs from BLW and subsequently confirmed the ability of mealworms to extract PHAs from various kinds of bacterial cells.
  16. Musa H, Hafiz Kasim F, Nagoor Gunny AA, Gopinath SCB, Azmier Ahmad M
    J Basic Microbiol, 2019 Jan;59(1):87-100.
    PMID: 30270443 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201800382
    An approach was made to enhance the halophilic lipase secretion by a newly isolated moderate halophilic Marinobacter litoralis SW-45, through the statistical optimization of Plackett-Burman (PB) experimental design and the Face Centered Central Composite Design (FCCCD). Initially, PB statistical design was used to screen the medium components and process parameters, while the One-factor-at-a-time technique was availed to find the optimum level of significant parameters. It was found that MgSO4  · 7H2 O, NaCl, agitation speed, FeSO4  · 7H2 O, yeast extract and KCl positively influence the halophilic lipase production, whereas temperature, carbon source (maltose), inducer (olive oil), inoculum size, and casein-peptone had a negative effect on enzyme production. The optimum level of halophilic lipase production was obtained at 3.0 g L-1 maltose, 1% (v/v) olive oil, 30 °C growth temperature and 4% inoculum volume (v/v). Further optimization by FCCCD was revealed 1.7 folds improvement in the halophilic lipase production from 0.603 U ml-1 to 1.0307 U ml-1 . Functional and biochemical characterizations displayed that the lipase was significantly active and stable in the pH ranges of 7.0-9.5, temperature (30-50 °C), and NaCl concentration (0-21%). The lipase was maximally active at pH 8.0, 12% (w/v) NaCl, and 50 °C temperature. Besides, M. litoralis SW-45 lipase was found to possess the promising industrial potential to be utilized as a biocatalyst for the esterification.
  17. Toh Choon RL, Sariah M, Siti Mariam MN
    J Basic Microbiol, 2012 Oct;52(5):608-12.
    PMID: 22143962 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201100308
    Ergosterol is the main component of the fungal membrane and is not found in plants or other microbial cells. Therefore, it can be a useful biomarker for the quantification of fungal biomass. We are now reporting the first isolation and characterisation of ergosterol from the mycelium of G. boninense. The ergosterol structure was detected by Thin Liquid Chromatography (TLC) and Ultra Performance Liquid Chromatography (UPLC) and confirmed with Gas Chromatography coupled with Mass Spectrometry (GCMS) and Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) analysis.
  18. Lim HK, Syed MA, Shukor MY
    J Basic Microbiol, 2012 Jun;52(3):296-305.
    PMID: 22052341 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201100121
    A novel molybdate-reducing bacterium, tentatively identified as Klebsiella sp. strain hkeem and based on partial 16s rDNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic analysis, has been isolated. Strain hkeem produced 3 times more molybdenum blue than Serratia sp. strain Dr.Y8; the most potent Mo-reducing bacterium isolated to date. Molybdate was optimally reduced to molybdenum blue using 4.5 mM phosphate, 80 mM molybdate and using 1% (w/v) fructose as a carbon source. Molybdate reduction was optimum at 30 °C and at pH 7.3. The molybdenum blue produced from cellular reduction exhibited absorption spectrum with a maximum peak at 865 nm and a shoulder at 700 nm. Inhibitors of electron transport system such as antimycin A, rotenone, sodium azide, and potassium cyanide did not inhibit the molybdenum-reducing enzyme. Mercury, silver, and copper at 1 ppm inhibited molybdenum blue formation in whole cells of strain hkeem.
  19. Tan Y, Neo PC, Najimudin N, Sudesh K, Muhammad TS, Othman AS, et al.
    J Basic Microbiol, 2010 Apr;50(2):179-89.
    PMID: 20082371 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.200900138
    Pseudomonas sp. USM 4-55 is a locally isolated bacterium that possesses the ability to produce polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHA) consisting of both poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) [P(3HB)] homopolymer and medium-chain length (mcl) monomers (6 to 14 carbon atoms) when sugars or fatty acids are utilized as the sole carbon source. In this study, the P(3HB) biosynthesis operon carrying the phbC(Ps) P(3HB) synthase was successfully cloned and sequenced using a homologous probe. Three open reading frames encoding NADPH-dependent acetoacetyl-coenzyme A reductase (PhbB(Ps)), beta-ketothiolase (PhbA(Ps)) and P(3HB) synthase (PhbC(Ps)) were found in the phb operon. The genetic organization of phb operon showed a putative promoter region, followed by phbB(Ps)-phbA(Ps)-phbC(Ps). phbR(Ps)which encoded a putative transcriptional activator was located in the opposite orientation, upstream of phbBAC(Ps). Heterologous expression of pGEM''ABex harboring phbC(Ps) in Escherichia coli JM109 resulted in P(3HB) accumulation of up to 40% of dry cell weight (DCW).
  20. Lal TM, Sano M, Ransangan J
    J Basic Microbiol, 2016 Aug;56(8):872-88.
    PMID: 26960780 DOI: 10.1002/jobm.201500611
    Vibrio parahaemolyticus has long been known pathogenic to shrimp but only recently it is also reported pathogenic to tropical cultured marine finfish. Traditionally, bacterial diseases in aquaculture are often treated using synthetic antibiotics but concern due to side effects of these chemicals is elevating hence, new control strategies which are both environmental and consumer friendly, are urgently needed. One promising control strategy is the bacteriophage therapy. In this study, we report the isolation and characterization of a novel vibriophage (VpKK5), belonging to the family Siphoviridae that was specific and capable of complete lysing the fish pathogenic strain of V. parahaemolyticus. The VpKK5 exhibited short eclipse and latent periods of 24 and 36 min, respectively, but with a large burst size of 180 pfu/cell. The genome analysis revealed that the VpKK5 is a novel bacteriophage with the estimated genome size of 56,637 bp and has 53.1% G + C content. The vibriophage has about 80 predicted open reading frames consisted of 37 complete coding sequences which did not match to any protein databases. The analysis also found no lysogeny and virulence genes in the genome of VpKK5. With such genome features, we suspected the vibriophage is novel and could be explored for phage therapy against fish pathogenic strains of V. parahaemolyticus in the near future.
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