RESULTS: Compared to the non-obese diabetic resistant (NOR) mice, the peritoneal macrophages of NOD mice expressed increased levels of PPARalpha but reduced levels of PPARgamma2, while PPARgamma1 expression was unchanged in all age groups. CD4-positive lymphocytes expressed low levels of PPARalpha in diabetic NOD mice and greatly reduced expression of PPARgamma2 in all age groups. Unlike peritoneal macrophages and CD4-positive cells, the CD8-positive cells expressed low levels of PPARgamma1 in diabetic NOD mice but no difference in PPARalpha and PPARgamma2 expression was observed compared to NOR mice.
CONCLUSION: The current findings may suggest an important regulatory role of PPARs in the pathogenesis of autoimmune diabetes.
METHODS: Systematic search was conducted in PubMed and Cochrane. Other relevant articles were searched by reviewing the references of the reviewed article. All clinical trials with documented IgG trough levels and clinical outcome of interest in patients receiving IVIG treatment were eligible to be included in this review. Meta-regression analysis was conducted using Comprehensive Meta-analysis Software. Additional sensitivity analyses were undertaken to evaluate the robustness of the overall results.
RESULTS: Twenty-eight clinical studies with 1218 patients reported from year 2001 to 2018 were included. The mean IVIG dose used ranges from 387 to 560 mg/kg every 3 to 4 weekly, and mean IgG trough obtained ranges from 660 to 1280 mg/dL. Random-effects meta-regression slope shows that IgG trough level increases significantly by 73 mg/dL with every increase of 100 mg/kg dose of IVIG (p
METHODS: We analyzed the clinical, immunologic, and genetic data of IEI patients from 22 countries in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region. The data was collected from national registries and diverse databases such as the Asian Pacific Society for Immunodeficiencies (APSID) registry, African Society for Immunodeficiencies (ASID) registry, Jeffrey Modell Foundation (JMF) registry, J Project centers, and International Consortium on Immune Deficiency (ICID) centers.
RESULTS: We identified 17,120 patients with IEI, among which females represented 39.4%. Parental consanguinity was present in 60.5% of cases and 27.3% of the patients were from families with a confirmed previous family history of IEI. The median age of patients at the onset of disease was 36 months and the median delay in diagnosis was 41 months. The rate of registered IEI patients ranges between 0.02 and 7.58 per 100,000 population, and the lowest rates were in countries with the highest rates of disability-adjusted life years (DALY) and death rates for children. Predominantly antibody deficiencies were the most frequent IEI entities diagnosed in 41.2% of the cohort. Among 5871 patients genetically evaluated, the diagnostic yield was 83% with the majority (65.2%) having autosomal recessive defects. The mortality rate was the highest in patients with non-syndromic combined immunodeficiency (51.7%, median age: 3.5 years) and particularly in patients with mutations in specific genes associated with this phenotype (RFXANK, RAG1, and IL2RG).
CONCLUSIONS: This comprehensive registry highlights the importance of a detailed investigation of IEI patients in the MENA region. The high yield of genetic diagnosis of IEI in this region has important implications for prevention, prognosis, treatment, and resource allocation.
METHODS: We performed a systematic review and meta-analysis of available literature regarding NTM infection in children and adults receiving allogeneic HSCT.
RESULTS: We identified 56 articles eligible for the analysis. Among 15 studies, describing 15,798 allogeneic HSCT, we estimated a prevalence of 1.26% (95% CI 0.72, 1.93) of NTM after transplant. Analysis of 175 patients with NTM infection showed a median time of diagnosis of 318 days after HSCT, an increased prevalence in adults (82.9%), and a most frequent pulmonary involvement (44%). Comparison between children and adults revealed an earlier post-transplant disease onset (median 130 days vs 287 days) and most frequent non-pulmonary presentation in children. A vast heterogeneity of therapeutic approach reflected the lack of universal recommendations regarding drug combination and duration of therapy. Overall, NTM-related mortality accounted for 33% in this systematic review.
CONCLUSION: Although rare, NTM infections can complicate post-transplant course with a high mortality rate in children and adults. The lack of prospective studies and guidelines prevents identification of risk factors and therapeutic recommendations.
METHOD: This cross-sectional study was performed from August 2020 to November 2020. Patients with PID and their families were invited to answer the PedsQL Malay version (4.0) questionnaire, the tool used to assess the HRQOL. A total of 41 families and 33 patients with PID answered the questionnaire. A comparison was performed with the previously published value of healthy Malaysian children.
RESULT: Parents of respondents recorded a lower mean of total score than the parents of healthy children (67.26 ± 16.73 vs. 79.51 ± 11.90, p-value = 0.001, respectively). PID patients reported lower mean total score to healthy children (73.68 ± 16.38 vs. 79.51 ± 11.90, p-value = 0.04), including the psychosocial domain (71.67 ± 16.82 vs. 77.58 ± 12.63, p-value = 0.05) and school functioning (63.94 ± 20.87 vs. 80.00 ± 14.40, p-value = 0.007). No significant difference of reported HRQOL when comparing between subgroup of PID on immunoglobulin replacement therapy and those without immunoglobulin replacement (56.96 ± 23.58 vs. 65.83 ± 23.82, p-value 0.28). Socioeconomic status was found to be predictive of the lower total score of PedsQL in both parent and children reports.
CONCLUSION: Parents and children with PID, especially those from middle socioeconomic status, have lower HRQOL and school function impairment than healthy children.