Displaying all 16 publications

  1. Rohani A, Aidil Azahary AR, Malinda M, Zurainee MN, Rozilawati H, Wan Najdah WM, et al.
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2014 Dec;51(4):327-32.
    PMID: 25540966
    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVESI: Transovarial transmission of dengue virus in the Aedes vectors is now a well-documented phenomenon reported from many parts of the endemic areas in the world, which played an important role in initiating and maintaining the outbreak in human populations. This study investigated the factors affecting breeding habitats and the relationship with transovarial dengue virus in larvae of Aedes aegypti and Ae. albopictus.
  2. Aziz S, Aidil RM, Nisfariza MN, Ngui R, Lim YA, Yusoff WS, et al.
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2014 Jun;51(2):91-6.
    PMID: 24947215
    Dengue fever (DF) is a major vector-borne disease in Malaysia. The incidences of DF in Malaysia are caused by viruses transmitted through the bites of infected female Aedes albopictus and Ae. aegypti mosquitoes. This study aims to establish the spatial density of mosquito population or breteau index (BI) in the areas of Kuala Lumpur using geographic information system (GIS), remote sensing (RS) and spatial statistical tools.
  3. Asnet MJ, Rubia AG, Ramya G, Nagalakshmi RN, Shenbagarathai R
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2014 Jun;51(2):82-5.
    PMID: 24947213
    DENVirDB is a web portal that provides the sequence information and computationally curated information of dengue viral proteins. The advent of genomic technology has increased the sequences available in the public databases. In order to create relevant concise information on Dengue Virus (DENV), the genomic sequences were collected, analysed with the bioinformatics tools and presented as DENVirDB. It provides the comprehensive information of complete genome sequences of dengue virus isolates of Southeast Asia, viz. India, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, East Timor, Philippines, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea, Brunei and China. DENVirDB also includes the structural and non-structural protein sequences of DENV. It intends to provide the integrated information on the physicochemical properties, topology, secondary structure, domain and structural properties for each protein sequences. It contains over 99 entries in complete genome sequences and 990 entries in protein sequences, respectively. Therefore, DENVirDB could serve as a user friendly database for researchers in acquiring sequences and proteomic information in one platform.
  4. Krishnan J, Mathiarasan L
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2019 1 9;55(3):189-196.
    PMID: 30618444 DOI: 10.4103/0972-9062.249127
    Background & objectives: : Increase of vector-borne diseases (VBDs) in India has posed a question on the situation in Lakshadweep Islands, where VBDs are reported from time-to-time. The present investigation was aimed to assess the faunastic situation of the prevailing vectors along with their breeding sites in different islands of the Lakshadweep.

    Methods: : Extensive surveys were carried out from November 2017 to January 2018 (post-monsoon season) randomly in the nine inhabited islands of Lakshadweep for conducting faunastic studies on mosquitoes and to know the basic binomics like breeding and resting preference of mosquitoes. The study islands included, Kavaratti, Agatti, Chetlat, Bitra, Amini, Kadmath, Andrott, Kalpeni and Kiltan. Both immature and adult collections were carried out by standard/appropriate sampling techniques. The obtained data were calculated and analysed in terms of different entomological indices.

    Results: : A total of 3356 mosquitoes were collected during the study period which comprised of 16 species from nine genera. Out of the 16 species, six belonged to mosquito vectors. The collection included malaria vector, Anopheles stephensi; Japanese encephalitis vector, Culex tritaeniorhynchus; Bancroftian filariasis vector, Cx. quinquefasciatus; Brugian filariasis vector, Mansonia uniformis; and dengue and chikungunya vectors, Stegomya albopicta and St. aegypti. Stegomya albopicta was the most predominant species observed constituting 54% of the catch, followed by Cx. quinquefasciatus, An. stephensi, Cx. tritaeniorhynchus, and St. aegypti constituting 10.5, 6, 3 and 1.2%, respectively. Apart from vector species many non-vectors such as Heizmannia chandi, An. subpictus, An. varuna, Cx. sitiens, Cx. minutissimus, Cx. rubithoracis, Fredwardsius vittatus, Lutzia fuscana, Malaya genurostris and Armigeres subalbatus were also present in the study area. In Kavaratti Island, the capital of Lakshadweep, a non-vector species of sandfly, Sergentomyia (Parrotomyia) babu was observed during the indoor resting collection. The major breeding sites which supported various mosquito species included, discarded plastic containers, tree holes, open sintex tanks (water storage tanks), unused wells, discarded tyres, discarded iron pots, unused and damaged boats, cement tanks, pleated plastic sheets, coral holes, pits and irrigation canals, discarded washing machines, and Colocasia plant leaf axils. Breteau index ranged between 65.3 and 110, CI ranged between 63.64 and 72.41; and HI ranged between 38.46 and 70 among the various islands.

    Interpretation & conclusion: : Entomological indices such as house index (HI), breteau index (BI) and pupal index (PI) were high in all the nine islands and exceeded the threshold levels specified by WHO, indicating high risk for dengue virus transmission in case of outbreaks. Occurrence of vector as well as non-vector species indicates that the global change in climate is causing notable changes in terms of breeding of vector and non-vector species in the islands. With the reported cases of VBDs and the presence of vectors species in Lakshadweep Islands, a stringent control measure needs to be implemented at the Lakshadweep Islands.

  5. Bhatia R, Rastogi RM, Ortega L
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2013 Dec;50(4):239-47.
    PMID: 24499845
    Asia ranks second to Africa in terms of malaria burden. In 19 countries of Asia, malaria is endemic and 2.31 billion people or 62% of the total population in these countries are at risk of malaria. In 2010, WHO estimated around 34.8 million cases and 45,600 deaths due to malaria in Asia. In 2011, 2.7 million cases and > 2000 deaths were reported. India, Indonesia, Myanmar and Pakistan are responsible for >85% of the reported cases (confirmed) and deaths in Asia. In last 10 yr, due to availability of donor's fund specially from Global fund, significant progress has been made by the countries in Asia in scaling-up malaria control interventions which were instrumental in reducing malaria morbidity and mortality significantly. There is a large heterogeneity in malaria epidemiology in Asia. As a result, the success in malaria control/elimination is also diverse. As compared to the data of the year 2000, out of 19 malaria endemic countries, 12 countries were able to reduce malaria incidence (microscopically confirmed cases only) by 75%. Two countries, namely Bangladesh and Malaysia are projected to reach 75% reduction by 2015 while India is projected to reach 50-75% only by 2015. The trend could not be assessed in four countries, namely Indonesia, Myanmar, Pakistan and Timor-Leste due to insufficient consistent data. Numerous key challenges need to be addressed to sustain the gains and eliminate malaria in most parts of Asia. Some of these are to control the spread of resistance in Plasmodium falciparum to artemisinin, control of outdoor transmission, control of vivax malaria and ensuring universal coverage of key interventions. Asia has the potential to influence the malaria epidemiology all over the world as well as to support the global efforts in controlling and eliminating malaria through production of quality-assured ACTs, RDTs and long-lasting insecticidal nets.
  6. Im JH, Baek JH, Durey A, Kwon HY, Chung MH, Lee JS
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2020 1 1;57(1):14-22.
    PMID: 33818450 DOI: 10.4103/0972-9062.308794
    A comprehensive understanding of the geographic distribution of the tick-borne encephalitis virus (TBEV) complex is necessary due to increasing transboundary movement and cross-reactivity of serological tests. This review was conducted to identify the geographic distribution of the TBEV complex, including TBE virus, Alkhurma haemorrhagic fever virus, Kyasanur forest disease virus, louping-ill virus, Omsk haemorrhagic fever virus, and Powassan virus. Published reports were identified using PubMed, EMBASE, and the Cochrane library. In addition to TBEV complex case-related studies, seroprevalence studies were also retrieved to assess the risk of TBEV complex infection. Among 1406 search results, 314 articles met the inclusion criteria. The following countries, which are known to TBEV epidemic region, had conducted national surveillance studies: Austria, China, Czech, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Latvia, Norway, Poland, Romania, Russia, Switzerland, Sweden, Slovenia, and Slovakia. There were also studies/reports on human TBEV infection from Belarus, Bulgaria, Croatia, France, Japan, Kyrgyzstan, Netherland, and Turkey. Seroprevalence studies were found in some areas far from the TBEV belt, specifically Malaysia, Comoros, Djibouti, and Kenya. Kyasanur forest disease virus was reported in southwestern India and Yunnan of China, the Powassan virus in the United States, Canada, and east Siberia, Alkhurma haemorrhagic fever virus in Saudi Arabia and east Egypt, and Louping-ill virus in the United Kingdom, Ireland, and east Siberia. In some areas, the distribution of the TBEV complex overlaps with that of other viruses, and caution is recommended during serologic diagnosis. The geographic distribution of the TBEV complex appears to be wide and overlap of the TBE virus complex with other viruses was observed in some areas. Knowledge of the geographical distribution of the TBEV complex could help avoid cross-reactivity during the serologic diagnosis of these viruses. Surveillance studies can implement effective control measures according to the distribution pattern of these viruses.
  7. Misni N, Nor ZM, Ahmad R
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2017 Jan-Mar;54(1):44-53.
    PMID: 28352045
    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Many essential oils have been reported as natural sources of insect repellents; however, due to high volatility, they present low repellent effect. Formulation technique by using microencapsulation enables to control the volatility of essential oil and thereby extends the duration of repellency. In this study, the effectiveness of microencapsulated essential oils of Alpinia galanga, Citrus grandis and C. aurantifolia in the lotion formulations were evaluated against mosquito bites.

    METHODS: Essential oils and N,N-Diethyl-3-methylbenzamide (DEET) were encapsulated by using interfacial pre- cipitation techniques before incorporation into lotion base to form microencapsulated (ME) formulation. The pure essential oil and DEET were also prepared into lotion base to produce non-encapsulated (NE) formulation. All the prepared formulations were assessed for their repellent activity against Culex quinquefasciatus under laboratory condition. Field evaluations also were conducted in three different study sites in Peninsular Malaysia. In addi- tion, Citriodiol® (Mosiquard®) and citronella-based repellents (KAPS®, MozAway® and BioZ Natural®) were also included for comparison.

    RESULTS: In laboratory conditions, the ME formulations of the essential oils showed no significant difference with regard to the duration of repellent effect compared to the microencapsulated DEET used at the highest con- centration (20%). It exhibited >98% repellent effect for duration of 4 h (p = 0.06). In the field conditions, these formulations demonstrated comparable repellent effect (100% for a duration of 3 h) to Citriodiol® based repellent (Mosiguard®) (p = 0.07). In both test conditions, the ME formulations of the essential oils presented longer duration of 100% repellent effect (between 1 and 2 h) compared to NE formulations.

    INTERPRETATION & CONCLUSION: The findings of the study demonstrate that the application of the microencapsulation technique during the preparation of the formulations significantly increases the duration of the repellent effect of the essential oils, suggesting that the ME formulation of essential oils have potential to be commercialized as an alternative plant-based repellent in the market against the mosquitoes.
  8. Low GK, Looi SY, Yong MH, Sharma D
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2018 10 4;55(2):79-88.
    PMID: 30280705 DOI: 10.4103/0972-9062.242568
    Diagnosing severe dengue from those who do not develop complication is important to prevent death. The objective of this systematic review was to evaluate the diagnostic test accuracy of ultrasonography in differentiating severe dengue from nonsevere dengue; and to assess if ultrasonography/ultrasound can be used as a predictive (screening) and diagnostic tool in the course of dengue infection. An electronic search was conducted in different databases via OvidSP platform. The included studies were cohort studies between 1995 and 2016 wherein cases were confirmed by dengue blood test. Severity of dengue was assessed and compared using standard WHO references. The methodological quality of the paper was assessed by two independent reviewers by using QUADAS-2 tool. In total 12 studies were included in this review after suitable screening. Overall, the studies included had a low and unclear risk of bias. Seven out of nine studies that compared severe dengue and nonsevere dengue, performed an ultrasonography on gallbladder (wall thickness cutoff-3 mm) with a sensitivity of 24.2-100% and a specificity of 13.2-98.7%. Other parameters such as splenic subcapsular fluid collection, pericardial fluid and hepatic subcapsular fluid collection had a specificity of >90%, though the sensitivity was poor. There were insufficient evidence that ultrasonography is able to differentiate severe dengue from nonsevere dengue accurately. The predictive and diagnostic value of ultrasonography could not be concluded due to insufficient reporting on the temporality of the ultrasonography performed with regard to the diagnosis. However, it might serve as an adjunct investigation to support the clinical diagnosis.
  9. Amelia-Yap ZH, Tan TK, Prakash BK, Chen CD, Sofian-Azirun M, Low VL
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2020 10 1;57(4):359-361.
    PMID: 34856717 DOI: 10.4103/0972-9062.313959
  10. Wan Nazri WSM, Ling LY, Wen CF
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2024 Apr 01;61(2):203-210.
    PMID: 38922654 DOI: 10.4103/jvbd.jvbd_55_23
    BACKGROUND OBJECTIVES: Plasmodium knowlesi, a simian malaria species, is now known to infect humans. Due to disadvantages in the current diagnosis methods, many efforts have been placed into developing new methods to diagnose the disease. This study assessed the ability of the PkRAP-1 sandwich enzyme-linked immunosorbent (ELISA) to detect P knowlesi antigens in whole blood specimens.

    METHODS: Western blot assay was conducted to evaluate the ability of raised mouse and rabbit anti-PkRAP-1 polyclonal antibodies to bind to the native proteins in P. knowlesi lysate. The polyclonal antibodies were then used in sandwich ELISA to detect P. knowlesi. In the sandwich ELISA, mouse and rabbit polyclonal antibodies were used as the capture and detection antibodies, respectively. The limit of detection (LOD) of the assay was determined using P. knowlesi A1H1 culture and purified recombinant PkRAP-1.

    RESULTS: Western blot results showed positive reactions towards the proteins in P. knowlesi lysate. The LOD of the assay from three technical replicates was 0.068% parasitaemia. The assay performance in detecting P. knowlesi was 83% sensitivity and 70% specificity with positive and negative predictive values of 74% and 80%, respectively. The anti-PkRAP-1 polyclonal antibodies did not cross-react with P. falciparum and healthy samples, but P. vivax by detecting all 12 samples.

    INTERPRETATION CONCLUSION: PkRAP-1 has the potential as a biomarker for the development of a new diagnostic tool for P. knowlesi detection. Further studies need to be conducted to establish the full potential of the usage of anti-PkRAP-1 antibodies for P. knowlesi detection.

  11. Chang CY
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2023;60(4):432-434.
    PMID: 38174522 DOI: 10.4103/0972-9062.374238
    BACKGROUND & OBJECTIVES: Severe malaria is a medical emergency and can lead to severe complications and death if not treated promptly and appropriately. Along with Plasmodium falciparum, P. knowlesi is increasingly recognised as a significant cause of fatal and severe malaria.

    METHODS: We performed a retrospective review on 54 cases of severe malaria in a district hospital in Kapit, Sarawak, from January 2018 to May 2019. The patients' demographics, clinical features, complications based on organ involvement, and treatment outcomes were examined.

    RESULTS: There were 54 cases of severe malaria, with the majority being male (70%) and between the ages of 40 and 49 (26%). All patients with severe malaria were febrile or had a history of pyrexia except for one patient. P. knowlesi (81.5%) was the most common species causing severe malaria in our study, followed by P. falciparum (13%), and P. vivax (5.5%). There were no cases of severe malaria caused by P. ovale or P. malariae. Hyperparasitaemia was present in 76% of patients and the median parasitemia value at hospital admission was 33,944 parasites/μL (interquartile range: 19,920-113,285 parasites/μL). Circulatory shock was observed in 17 patients (31.5%). There were eight patients with acute renal failure and six patients with respiratory distress. One patient died as a result of severe malaria with multiorgan involvement (1.9% fatality rate).

    INTERPRETATION & CONCLUSION: P. knowlesi is the most common cause of severe malaria in Kapit, Sarawak, Malaysia. Recognizing symptoms of severe malaria and prompt administration of antimalarial are critical for good clinical outcomes.

  12. Jusoh TNAM, Jaafar IS, Shueb RH
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2024 Jan 01;61(1):61-71.
    PMID: 38648407 DOI: 10.4103/0972-9062.392269
    BACKGROUND OBJECTIVES: Dengue and chikungunya infections are one of the major health problems that have plagued the human population globally. All dengue virus (DENV) serotypes circulate within Malaysia with particular serotypes dominating in different years/outbreaks. In the state of Kelantan, an increasing number of DENV and chikungunya virus (CHIKV) new cases have been reported, including several deaths. This study aimed to isolate and detect these arboviruses from adult mosquitoes in Kelantan.

    METHODS: Adult mo squito samples were collected from January to August 2019 and were identified according to gender, species and locality. The isolation of the virus was done in C6/36 cells. Dengue NS1 antigen was carried out using direct mosquito lysate and mosquito culture supernatant. Detection and serotyping of the DENV was performed using multiplex RT-PCR and CHIKV detection using a one-step RT-PCR assay.

    RESULTS: Of 91 mosquito pools, four were positive for NS1 antigen comprising two pools (2.2%) of male Ae. albopictus (Pulau Melaka and Kubang Siput) and two pools (2.2%) of Ae. aegypti (Kampung Demit Sungai). DENV 1 was detected in one pool (0.9%) of female Ae. albopictus among 114 tested Aedes pools. Two pools of 114 pools (1.7%) from both male Aedes species were positive with double serotypes, DENV 1 and DENV 2 (Pulau Melaka). However, no pool was positive for CHIKV.

    INTERPRETATION CONCLUSION: The presence of DENV and the main vectors of arboviruses in Kelantan are pertinent indicators of the need to improve vector controls to reduce arbovirus infections among people in the localities.

  13. Noh MA, Masri SN, Zulkapli A, Mohd Ali MR, Amran F
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2024 Jan 01;61(1):43-50.
    PMID: 38648405 DOI: 10.4103/0972-9062.383644
    BACKGROUND OBJECTIVES: Leptospirosis is an important zoonotic infection that has caused significant mortality and morbidity worldwide. This disease is endemic in Malaysia and as a developing tropical country, leptospirosis is concerning as it threatens Malaysian public health and the country's economic sectors. However, there is limited information on leptospirosis in Malaysia, especially regarding leptospiral seroepidemiology among carriers in Malaysia. Therefore, more epidemiological information on the source of the disease and reservoir are needed for better disease control and source intervention. The objectives of this study are to gather information on Leptospira infection and the carrier status of rats captured from selected wet markets of Kuala Lumpur metropolitan city in Malaysia.

    METHODS: Live rat trappings were performed in four major wet markets in Kuala Lumpur, namely, Pudu, Chow Kit, Datuk Keramat, and Petaling Street. Animal samplings were performed for 12 months in 2017, where blood and kidney samples were collected and tested for anti-leptospiral antibodies via Microscopic Agglutination Test (MAT) and pathogenic Leptospira screening via Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) amplification offlaB gene.

    RESULTS: MAT showed that 34.7% (n = 50/144) of the captured rats were positive for anti-leptospiral antibody of which the most prominent serovar was Malaya followed by a local strain, IMR LEP 175. In parallel, 50 rats were also positive for pathogenic Leptospira DNA.

    INTERPRETATION CONCLUSION: This study showed that there are persistent Leptospira infections among rats in Kuala Lumpur wet markets and these rats are important reservoir hosts for the bacteria.

  14. Ni CY, Kassim NFA, Ayub NM, Abuelmaali SA, Mashlawi AM, Dieng H
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2024 Dec 05.
    PMID: 39636255 DOI: 10.4103/JVBD.JVBD_111_24
    BACKGROUND OBJECTIVES: Sound plays an important role in mosquito foraging and sexual interactions. Mosquitoes utilize acoustic signals for host location, sexual recognition, and mating, which is achieved through the rhythmic beating of their wings to generate distinct sounds characterized by specific flight tone frequencies.

    METHODS: In this study, electronic music (Tremor by Dimitri Vegas, Martin Garrix and Like Mike) and country music (Country Road by John Denver) were played in high and low volumes to investigate the influence of different genres of music on the blood feeding and mating responses of Ae. aegypti. The observations encompassed monitoring the landing attempts, blood-feeding endeavors, and mating behavior of Ae. aegypti.

    RESULTS: High-volume electronic and country music with elevated pitch and amplitude significantly reduced host attacks and blood-feeding attempts by female mosquitoes compared to low-volume or music-off conditions.

    INTERPRETATION CONCLUSION: However, the significant reduction of successful copula was only observed in Ae. aegypti mosquitoes exposed under electronic music with high volume. As transmission of dengue is through blood feeding and mating, this discovery may open new possibilities for developing music-based control strategies against mosquito-borne diseases.

  15. Yusoff MZM, Ruzlin ANM, Mohamad M, Zainuddin MA
    J Vector Borne Dis, 2025 Jan 10.
    PMID: 39792448 DOI: 10.4103/JVBD.JVBD_127_24
    BACKGROUND OBJECTIVES: Dengue is now endemic in over 100 countries, with Asia bearing over 70% of the global burden. In Malaysia, dengue cases have increased dramatically, particularly in Pulau Pinang, where cases rose from 1,621 in 2022 to 7,343 in 2023. To examine factors associated with dengue outbreaks in Pulau Pinang in 2023 by comparing outbreak cases with single cases.

    METHODS: Cross-sectional study using eDengue database, the Malaysian National Dengue Registry.

    RESULTS: The study included 1,106 confirmed dengue cases, with 553 categorised as outbreak cases and 553 as single cases. Significant associations were found between dengue outbreaks and Priority Locality 1 (areas with Uncontrolled Outbreaks/ Hotspots/ Recurrent Outbreaks/ Dengue Deaths in the previous year) (AOR: 0.15, 95% CI: 0.06,0.37, p<0.001), Aedes Index ≥1% (AOR: 1.35, 95% CI: 1.02,1.77, p=0.031), patients initially visiting government clinics (AOR: 1.63, 95% CI: 1.10,2.43, p=0.015), hospitalized dengue patients (AOR: 0.70. 95%CI: 0.52,0.96, p=0.029), the time taken from notification to source reduction (AOR: 0.57, 95% CI: 0.50,0.66, p<0.001) and time taken from notification to investigation (AOR: 2.40 95%CI: 1.77,3.24, p<0.001).

    INTERPRETATION CONCLUSION: This study identifies key factors associated with dengue outbreaks in Pulau Pinang such as Aedes Index, Priority Locality 1 areas and initial visits to government clinics. These findings underscore the need for targeted vector control and early intervention in high-risk areas to reduce outbreak risk. Early healthcare seeking behavior and timely intervention are critical in managing the spread of dengue. Further research is needed to explore additional factors and improve public health strategies.

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