Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 23 in total

  1. Kerfahi D, Tripathi BM, Dong K, Kim M, Kim H, Ferry Slik JW, et al.
    Microb Ecol, 2019 Jan;77(1):168-185.
    PMID: 29882154 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-018-1215-z
    Comparing the functional gene composition of soils at opposite extremes of environmental gradients may allow testing of hypotheses about community and ecosystem function. Here, we were interested in comparing how tropical microbial ecosystems differ from those of polar climates. We sampled several sites in the equatorial rainforest of Malaysia and Brunei, and the high Arctic of Svalbard, Canada, and Greenland, comparing the composition and the functional attributes of soil biota between the two extremes of latitude, using shotgun metagenomic Illumina HiSeq2000 sequencing. Based upon "classical" views of how tropical and higher latitude ecosystems differ, we made a series of predictions as to how various gene function categories would differ in relative abundance between tropical and polar environments. Results showed that in some respects our predictions were correct: the polar samples had higher relative abundance of dormancy related genes, and lower relative abundance of genes associated with respiration, and with metabolism of aromatic compounds. The network complexity of the Arctic was also lower than the tropics. However, in various other respects, the pattern was not as predicted; there were no differences in relative abundance of stress response genes or in genes associated with secondary metabolism. Conversely, CRISPR genes, phage-related genes, and virulence disease and defense genes, were unexpectedly more abundant in the Arctic, suggesting more intense biotic interaction. Also, eukaryote diversity and bacterial diversity were higher in the Arctic of Svalbard compared to tropical Brunei, which is consistent with what may expected from amplicon studies in terms of the higher pH of the Svalbard soil. Our results in some respects confirm expectations of how tropical versus polar nature may differ, and in other respects challenge them.
  2. Lau NS, Zarkasi KZ, Md Sah ASR, Shu-Chien AC
    Microb Ecol, 2019 Jul;78(1):20-32.
    PMID: 30397794 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-018-1283-0
    Although freshwater biomes cover less than 1% of the Earth's surface, they have disproportionate ecological significances. Attempts to study the taxonomy and function of freshwater microbiota are currently limited to samples collected from temperate lakes. In this study, we investigated samples from the photic and aphotic of an aquaculture site (disturbed) of Temengor Lake, a tropical lake in comparison with the undisturbed site of the lake using 16S rRNA amplicon and shotgun metagenomic approaches. Vertical changes in bacterial community composition and function of the Temengor Lake metagenomes were observed. The photic water layer of Temengor Lake was dominated by typical freshwater assemblages consisting of Proteobacteria, Actinobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Verrucomicrobia, and Cyanobacteria lineages. On the other hand, the aphotic water featured in addition to Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Verrucomicrobia, and two more abundant bacterial phyla that are typically ubiquitous in anoxic habitats (Chloroflexi and Firmicutes). The aphotic zone of Temengor Lake exhibited genetic potential for nitrogen and sulfur metabolisms for which terminal electron acceptors other than oxygen are used in the reactions. The aphotic water of the disturbed site also showed an overrepresentation of genes associated with the metabolism of carbohydrates, likely driven by the enrichment of nutrient resulting from aquaculture activities at the site. The results presented in this study can serve as a basis for understanding the structure and functional capacity of the microbial communities in the photic and aphotic zones/water layers of tropical man-made lakes.
  3. Tripathi BM, Kim M, Singh D, Lee-Cruz L, Lai-Hoe A, Ainuddin AN, et al.
    Microb Ecol, 2012 Aug;64(2):474-84.
    PMID: 22395784 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-012-0028-8
    The dominant factors controlling soil bacterial community variation within the tropics are poorly known. We sampled soils across a range of land use types--primary (unlogged) and logged forests and crop and pasture lands in Malaysia. PCR-amplified soil DNA for the bacterial 16S rRNA gene targeting the V1-V3 region was pyrosequenced using the 454 Roche machine. We found that land use in itself has a weak but significant effect on the bacterial community composition. However, bacterial community composition and diversity was strongly correlated with soil properties, especially soil pH, total carbon, and C/N ratio. Soil pH was the best predictor of bacterial community composition and diversity across the various land use types, with the highest diversity close to neutral pH values. In addition, variation in phylogenetic structure of dominant lineages (Alphaproteobacteria, Beta/Gammaproteobacteria, Acidobacteria, and Actinobacteria) is also significantly correlated with soil pH. Together, these results confirm the importance of soil pH in structuring soil bacterial communities in Southeast Asia. Our results also suggest that unlike the general diversity pattern found for larger organisms, primary tropical forest is no richer in operational taxonomic units of soil bacteria than logged forest, and agricultural land (crop and pasture) is actually richer than primary forest, partly due to selection of more fertile soils that have higher pH for agriculture and the effects of soil liming raising pH.
  4. Kim M, Singh D, Lai-Hoe A, Go R, Abdul Rahim R, Ainuddin AN, et al.
    Microb Ecol, 2012 Apr;63(3):674-81.
    PMID: 21990015 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-011-9953-1
    Recent work has suggested that in temperate and subtropical trees, leaf surface bacterial communities are distinctive to each individual tree species and dominated by Alpha- and Gammaproteobacteria. In order to understand how general this pattern is, we studied the phyllosphere bacterial community on leaves of six species of tropical trees at a rainforest arboretum in Malaysia. This represents the first detailed study of 'true' tropical lowland tree phyllosphere communities. Leaf surface DNA was extracted and pyrosequenced targeting the V1-V3 region of 16S rRNA gene. As was previously found in temperate and subtropical trees, each tree species had a distinctive bacterial community on its leaves, clustering separately from other tree species in an ordination analysis. Bacterial communities in the phyllosphere were unique to plant leaves in that very few operational taxonomic units (0.5%) co-occurred in the surrounding soil environment. A novel and distinctive aspect of tropical phyllosphere communities is that Acidobacteria were one of the most abundant phyla across all samples (on average, 17%), a pattern not previously recognized. Sequences belonging to Acidobacteria were classified into subgroups 1-6 among known 24 subdivisions, and subgroup 1 (84%) was the most abundant group, followed by subgroup 3 (15%). The high abundance of Acidobacteria on leaves of tropical trees indicates that there is a strong relationship between host plants and Acidobacteria in tropical rain forest, which needs to be investigated further. The similarity of phyllosphere bacterial communities amongst the tree species sampled shows a significant tendency to follow host plant phylogeny, with more similar communities on more closely related hosts.
  5. Jackson CR, Liew KC, Yule CM
    Microb Ecol, 2009 Apr;57(3):402-12.
    PMID: 18548182 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-008-9409-4
    Tropical peat swamp forests are important and endangered ecosystems, although little is known of their microbial diversity and ecology. We used molecular and enzymatic techniques to examine patterns in prokaryotic community structure and overall microbial activity at 0-, 10-, 20-, and 50-cm depths in sediments in a peat swamp forest in Malaysia. Denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis profiles of amplified 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene fragments showed that different depths harbored different bacterial assemblages and that Archaea appeared to be limited to the deeper samples. Cloning and sequencing of longer 16S rRNA gene fragments suggested reduced microbial diversity in the deeper samples compared to the surface. Bacterial clone libraries were largely dominated by ribotypes affiliated with the Acidobacteria, which accounted for at least 27-54% of the sequences obtained. All of the sequenced representatives from the archaeal clone libraries were Crenarchaeota. Activities of microbial extracellular enzymes involved in carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus cycling declined appreciably with depth, the only exception being peroxidase. These results show that tropical peat swamp forests are unusual systems with microbial assemblages dominated by members of the Acidobacteria and Crenarchaeota. Microbial communities show clear changes with depth, and most microbial activity is likely confined to populations in the upper few centimeters, the site of new leaf litter fall, rather than the deeper, older, peat layers.
  6. Haruna E, Zin NM, Kerfahi D, Adams JM
    Microb Ecol, 2018 Jan;75(1):88-103.
    PMID: 28642991 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-017-1002-2
    The extent to which distinct bacterial endophyte communities occur between different plant organs and species is poorly known and has implications for bioprospecting efforts. Using the V3 region of the bacterial 16S ribosomal RNA (rRNA) gene, we investigated the diversity patterns of bacterial endophyte communities of three rainforest plant species, comparing leaf, stem, and root endophytes plus rhizosphere soil community. There was extensive overlap in bacterial communities between plant organs, between replicate plants of the same species, between plant species, and between plant organ and rhizosphere soil, with no consistent clustering by compartment or host plant species. The non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) analysis highlighted an extensively overlapping bacterial community structure, and the β-nearest taxon index (βNTI) analysis revealed dominance of stochastic processes in community assembly, suggesting that bacterial endophyte operational taxonomic units (OTUs) were randomly distributed among plant species and organs and rhizosphere soil. Percentage turnover of OTUs within pairs of samples was similar both for plant individuals of the same species and of different species at around 80-90%. Our results suggest that sampling extra individuals, extra plant organs, extra species, or use of rhizosphere soil, might be about equally effective for obtaining new OTUs for culture. These observations suggest that the plant endophyte community may be much more diverse, but less predictable, than would be expected from culturing efforts alone.
  7. Tin HS, Palaniveloo K, Anilik J, Vickneswaran M, Tashiro Y, Vairappan CS, et al.
    Microb Ecol, 2018 Feb;75(2):459-467.
    PMID: 28779295 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-017-1043-6
    Decline in forest productivity due to forest conversion is defining the Bornean landscape. Responses of bacterial communities due to land-use changes are vital and could define our understanding of ecosystem functions. This study reports the changes in bacterial community structure in organic soil (0-5 cm; O-Horizon) and organic-mineral soil (5-15 cm; A-Horizon) across Maliau Basin Conservation Area old growth forest (MBOG), Fragment E logged forest (FELF) located in Kalabakan Forest Reserve to Benta Wawasan oil palm plantation (BWOP) using two-step PCR amplicon analysis of bacteria DNA on Illumina Miseq next generation sequencing. A total of 30 soil samples yielded 893,752-OTU reads at ≥97% similarity from 5,446,512 good quality sequences. Soil from BWOP plantation showed highest unshared OTUs for organic (49.2%) and organic-mineral (50.9%) soil. MBOG soil showed a drop in unshared OTUs between organic (48.6%) and organic-mineral (33.9%). At phylum level, Proteobacteria dominated MBOG but shifted to Actinobacteria in logged and plantation soil. Present findings also indicated that only FELF exhibited change in bacterial communities along the soil depth, moving from the organic to the organic-mineral layer. Both layers of BWOP plantation soils deviated from other forests' soil in β-diversity analysis. To our knowledge, this is the first report on transitions of bacterial community structures with different soil horizons in the tropical rainforest including Borneo, Sabah. Borneo tropical soils form a large reservoir for soil bacteria and future exploration is needed for fully understanding the diversity structure and their bacterial functional properties.
  8. Zarkasi KZ, Taylor RS, Abell GC, Tamplin ML, Glencross BD, Bowman JP
    Microb Ecol, 2016 Apr;71(3):589-603.
    PMID: 26780099 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-015-0728-y
    To better understand salmon GI tract microbial community dynamics in relation to diet, a feeding trial was performed utilising diets with different proportions of fish meal, protein, lipid and energy levels. Salmon gut dysfunction has been associated with the occurrence of casts, or an empty hind gut. A categorical scoring system describing expressed digesta consistency was evaluated in relation to GI tract community structure. Faster growing fish generally had lower faecal scores while the diet cohorts showed minor differences in faecal score though the overall lowest scores were observed with a low protein, low energy diet. The GI tract bacterial communities were highly dynamic over time with the low protein, low energy diet associated with the most divergent community structure. This included transiently increased abundance of anaerobic (Bacteroidia and Clostridia) during January and February, and facultatively anaerobic (lactic acid bacteria) taxa from February onwards. The digesta had enriched populations of these groups in relation to faecal cast samples. The majority of samples (60-86 %) across all diet cohorts were eventually dominated by the genus Aliivibrio. The results suggest that an interaction between time of sampling and diet is most strongly related to community structure. Digesta categorization revealed microbes involved with metabolism of diet components change progressively over time and could be a useful system to assess feeding responses.
  9. Chehri K, Salleh B, Zakaria L
    Microb Ecol, 2015 Apr;69(3):457-71.
    PMID: 25238930 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-014-0494-2
    Members of Fusarium solani species complex (FSSC) have been known as plant, animal, and human pathogens. Nevertheless, the taxonomic status of such an important group of fungi is still very confusing and many new species as well as lineages have been elucidated recently. Unfortunately, most of the new taxa came from temperate and subtropical regions. Therefore, the objectives of the present study were to identify strains of FSSC recovered from different sources in Malaysia. In the present study, 55 strains belonging to the FSSC were examined and phylogenetically analyzed on the basis of internal transcribed spacer (ITS) regions and partial translation elongation factor-1 (TEF-1α) sequences. Based on morphological features, a total of 55 strains were selected for molecular studies. Based on morphological features, the strains were classified into four described Fusarium species, namely Fusarium keratoplasticum, Fusarium falciforme, FSSC 5, and Fusarium cf. ensiforme, and one unknown phylogenetic species was introduced. Although the data obtained from morphological and molecular studies sufficiently supported each other, the phylogenetic trees based on ITS and TEF-1α dataset clearly distinguished closely related species and distinctly separated all morphological taxa. All members of FSSC in this research were reported for the first time for Malaysian mycoflora.
  10. Kim M, Kim WS, Tripathi BM, Adams J
    Microb Ecol, 2014 May;67(4):837-48.
    PMID: 24549745 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-014-0380-y
    Little is known of the bacterial community of tropical rainforest leaf litter and how it might differ from temperate forest leaf litter and from the soils underneath. We sampled leaf litter in a similarly advanced stage of decay, and for comparison, we also sampled the surface layer of soil, at three tropical forest sites in Malaysia and four temperate forest sites in South Korea. Illumina sequencing targeting partial bacterial 16S ribosomal ribonucleic acid (rRNA) gene revealed that the bacterial community composition of both temperate and tropical litter is quite distinct from the soils underneath. Litter in both temperate and tropical forest was dominated by Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria, while soil is dominated by Acidobacteria and, to a lesser extent, Proteobacteria. However, bacterial communities of temperate and tropical litter clustered separately from one another on an ordination. The soil bacterial community structures were also distinctive to each climatic zone, suggesting that there must be a climate-specific biogeographical pattern in bacterial community composition. The differences were also found in the level of diversity. The temperate litter has a higher operational taxonomic unit (OTU) diversity than the tropical litter, paralleling the trend in soil diversity. Overall, it is striking that the difference in community composition between the leaf litter and the soil a few centimeters underneath is about the same as that between leaf litter in tropical and temperate climates, thousands of kilometers apart. However, one substantial difference was that the leaf litter of two tropical forest sites, Meranti and Forest Research Institute Malaysia (FRIM), was overwhelmingly dominated by the single genus Burkholderia, at 37 and 23 % of reads, respectively. The 454 sequencing result showed that most Burkholderia species in tropical leaf litter belong to nonpathogenic "plant beneficial" lineages. The differences from the temperate zone in the bacterial community of tropical forest litter may be partly a product of its differing chemistry, although the unvarying climate might also play a role, as might interactions with other organisms such as fungi. The single genus Burkholderia may be seen as potentially playing a major role in decomposition and nutrient cycling in tropical forests, but apparently not in temperate forests.
  11. Oh YM, Kim M, Lee-Cruz L, Lai-Hoe A, Go R, Ainuddin N, et al.
    Microb Ecol, 2012 Nov;64(4):1018-27.
    PMID: 22767122 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-012-0082-2
    It is known that the microbial community of the rhizosphere is not only influenced by factors such as root exudates, phenology, and nutrient uptake but also by the plant species. However, studies of bacterial communities associated with tropical rainforest tree root surfaces, or rhizoplane, are lacking. Here, we analyzed the bacterial community of root surfaces of four species of native trees, Agathis borneensis, Dipterocarpus kerrii, Dyera costulata, and Gnetum gnemon, and nearby bulk soils, in a rainforest arboretum in Malaysia, using 454 pyrosequencing of the 16S rRNA gene. The rhizoplane bacterial communities for each of the four tree species sampled clustered separately from one another on an ordination, suggesting that these assemblages are linked to chemical and biological characteristics of the host or possibly to the mycorrhizal fungi present. Bacterial communities of the rhizoplane had various similarities to surrounding bulk soils. Acidobacteria, Alphaproteobacteria, and Betaproteobacteria were dominant in rhizoplane communities and in bulk soils from the same depth (0-10 cm). In contrast, the relative abundance of certain bacterial lineages on the rhizoplane was different from that in bulk soils: Bacteroidetes and Betaproteobacteria, which are known as copiotrophs, were much more abundant in the rhizoplane in comparison to bulk soil. At the genus level, Burkholderia, Acidobacterium, Dyella, and Edaphobacter were more abundant in the rhizoplane. Burkholderia, which are known as both pathogens and mutualists of plants, were especially abundant on the rhizoplane of all tree species sampled. The Burkholderia species present included known mutualists of tropical crops and also known N fixers. The host-specific character of tropical tree rhizoplane bacterial communities may have implications for understanding nutrient cycling, recruitment, and structuring of tree species diversity in tropical forests. Such understanding may prove to be useful in both tropical forestry and conservation.
  12. McGuire KL, D'Angelo H, Brearley FQ, Gedallovich SM, Babar N, Yang N, et al.
    Microb Ecol, 2015 May;69(4):733-47.
    PMID: 25149283 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-014-0468-4
    Human land use alters soil microbial composition and function in a variety of systems, although few comparable studies have been done in tropical forests and tropical agricultural production areas. Logging and the expansion of oil palm agriculture are two of the most significant drivers of tropical deforestation, and the latter is most prevalent in Southeast Asia. The aim of this study was to compare soil fungal communities from three sites in Malaysia that represent three of the most dominant land-use types in the Southeast Asia tropics: a primary forest, a regenerating forest that had been selectively logged 50 years previously, and a 25-year-old oil palm plantation. Soil cores were collected from three replicate plots at each site, and fungal communities were sequenced using the Illumina platform. Extracellular enzyme assays were assessed as a proxy for soil microbial function. We found that fungal communities were distinct across all sites, although fungal composition in the regenerating forest was more similar to the primary forest than either forest community was to the oil palm site. Ectomycorrhizal fungi, which are important associates of the dominant Dipterocarpaceae tree family in this region, were compositionally distinct across forests, but were nearly absent from oil palm soils. Extracellular enzyme assays indicated that the soil ecosystem in oil palm plantations experienced altered nutrient cycling dynamics, but there were few differences between regenerating and primary forest soils. Together, these results show that logging and the replacement of primary forest with oil palm plantations alter fungal community and function, although forests regenerating from logging had more similarities with primary forests in terms of fungal composition and nutrient cycling potential. Since oil palm agriculture is currently the mostly rapidly expanding equatorial crop and logging is pervasive across tropical ecosystems, these findings may have broad applicability.
  13. Tripathi BM, Lee-Cruz L, Kim M, Singh D, Go R, Shukor NA, et al.
    Microb Ecol, 2014 Aug;68(2):247-58.
    PMID: 24658414
    Spatial scaling to some extent determines biodiversity patterns in larger organisms, but its role in microbial diversity patterns is much less understood. Some studies have shown that bacterial community similarity decreases with distance, whereas others do not support this. Here, we studied soil bacterial communities of tropical rainforest in Malaysia at two spatial scales: a local scale with samples spaced every 5 mover a 150-m transect, and a regional scale with samples 1 to 1,800 km apart. PCR-amplified soil DNA for the bacterial 16S rRNA gene targeting the V1–V3 region was pyrosequenced using Roche/454 GS FLX Titanium platform. A ranked partial Mantel test showed a weak correlation between spatial distance and whole bacterial community dissimilarity, but only at the local scale. In contrast, environmental distance was highly correlated with community dissimilarity at both spatial scales,stressing the greater role of environmental variables rather than spatial distance in determining bacterial community variation at different spatial scales. Soil pH was the only environmental parameter that significantly explained the variance in bacterial community at the local scale, whereas total nitrogen and elevation were additional important factors at the regional scale.We obtained similar results at both scales when only the most abundant OTUs were analyzed. A variance partitioning analysis showed that environmental variables contributed more to bacterial community variation than spatial distance at both scales. In total, our results support a strong influence of the environment in determining bacterial community composition in the rainforests of Malaysia. However, it is possible that the remaining spatial distance effect is due to some of the myriad of other environmental factors which were not considered here, rather than dispersal limitation.
  14. Kerfahi D, Tripathi BM, Dong K, Go R, Adams JM
    Microb Ecol, 2016 08;72(2):359-71.
    PMID: 27221090 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-016-0790-0
    Large areas of rainforest in Asia have been converted to plantations, with uncertain effects on soil biodiversity. Using standard metagenetic methods, we compared the soil biota of bacteria, fungi, and nematodes at three rainforest sites in Malaysia with two rubber plantation sites with similar soils and geology. We predicted the following: (1) that the rubber sites would have a lower α- and β-diversity than the rainforest sites, due to the monospecific canopy cover and intensive management with herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers, and (2) that due to differences in the physical and biotic environment associated with cultivation, there would be distinct communities of bacteria, fungi, and nematodes. However, regarding (1), the results showed no consistent difference in α- and β-diversity of bacteria, fungi, or nematodes between rainforest and rubber plantation sites. It appears that conversion of rainforest to rubber plantations does not necessarily result in a decrease in diversity of soil biota. It may be that heterogeneity associated with the cultivation regimen compensates for loss of biotically imposed heterogeneity of the original rainforest. Regarding (2), as predicted there were statistically significant differences in community composition between rainforest and rubber plantation for bacteria, fungi, and nematodes. These differences could be related to a range of factors including light level, litter fall composition, pH, C and N, selecting a distinct set of soil taxa, and it is possible that this in itself would affect long-term soil function.
  15. Fisol AFBC, Saidi NB, Al-Obaidi JR, Lamasudin DU, Atan S, Razali N, et al.
    Microb Ecol, 2021 Apr 22.
    PMID: 33890145 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-021-01757-0
    Rigidoporus microporus is the fungus accountable for the white root rot disease that is detrimental to the rubber tree, Hevea brasiliensis. The pathogenicity mechanism of R. microporus and the identity of the fungal proteins and metabolites involved during the infection process remain unclear. In this study, the protein and metabolite profiles of two R. microporus isolates, Segamat (SEG) and Ayer Molek (AM), were investigated during an in vitro interaction with H. brasiliensis. The isolates were used to inoculate H. brasiliensis clone RRIM 2025, and mycelia adhering to the roots of the plant were collected for analysis. Transmission electron microscope (TEM) images acquired confirms the hyphae attachment and colonization of the mycelia on the root of the H. brasiliensis clones after 4 days of inoculation. The protein samples were subjected to 2-DE analysis and analyzed using MALDI-ToF MS/MS, while the metabolites were extracted using methanol and analyzed using LC/MS-QTOF. Based on the differential analyses, upregulation of proteins that are essential for fungal evolution such as malate dehydrogenase, fructose 1,6-biphosphate aldolase, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase hints an indirect role in fungal pathogenicity, while metabolomic analysis suggests an increase in acidic compounds which may lead to increased cell wall degrading enzyme activity. Bioinformatics analyses revealed that the carbohydrate and amino acid metabolisms were prominently affected in response to the fungal pathogenicity. In addition to that, other pathways that were significantly affected include "Protein Ubiquitination Pathway," Unfolded Protein Response," "HIFα Signaling," and "Sirtuin Signaling Pathway." The identification of responsive proteins and metabolites from this study promotes a better understanding of mechanisms underlying R. microporus pathogenesis and provides a list of potential biological markers for early recognition of the white root rot disease.
  16. Ho A, Zuan ATK, Mendes LW, Lee HJ, Zulkeflee Z, van Dijk H, et al.
    Microb Ecol, 2022 Nov;84(4):1154-1165.
    PMID: 34716776 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-021-01908-3
    Oil palm (OP) plantations are gradually replacing tropical rainforest in Malaysia, one of the largest palm oil producers globally. Conversion of lands to OP plantations has been associated with compositional shifts of the microbial community, with consequences on the greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. While the impact of the change in land use has recently been investigated for microorganisms involved in N2O emission, the response of the aerobic methanotrophs to OP agriculture remains to be determined. Here, we monitored the bacterial community composition, focusing on the aerobic methanotrophs, in OP agricultural soils since 2012, 2006, and 1993, as well as in a tropical rainforest, in 2019 and 2020. High-affinity methane uptake was confirmed, showing significantly lower rates in the OP plantations than in the tropical rainforest, but values increased with continuous OP agriculture. The bacterial, including the methanotrophic community composition, was modified with ongoing OP agriculture. The methanotrophic community composition was predominantly composed of unclassified methanotrophs, with the canonical (Methylocystis) and putative methanotrophs thought to catalyze high-affinity methane oxidation present at higher relative abundance in the oldest OP plantation. Results suggest that the methanotrophic community was relatively more stable within each site, exhibiting less temporal variations than the total bacterial community. Uncharacteristically, a 16S rRNA gene-based co-occurrence network analysis revealed a more complex and connected community in the OP agricultural soil, which may influence the resilience of the bacterial community to disturbances. Overall, we provide a first insight into the ecology and role of the aerobic methanotrophs as a methane sink in OP agricultural soils.
  17. Kanisan DP, Quek ZBR, Oh RM, Afiq-Rosli L, Lee JN, Huang D, et al.
    Microb Ecol, 2023 Jan;85(1):37-48.
    PMID: 35043221 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-022-01958-1
    Coral-associated bacteria play critical roles in the regulation of coral health and function. Environmental perturbations that alter the bacterial community structure can render the coral holobiont more susceptible and less resilient to disease. Understanding the natural variation of the coral microbiome across space and host species provides a baseline that can be used to distinguish shifts in community structure. Using a 16S rRNA gene metabarcoding approach, this study examines bacterial community structure across three scleractinian coral hosts. Our results show that corals of three regions-eastern and western Peninsular Malaysia and Singapore-host distinct bacterial communities; despite these differences, we were able to identify a core microbiome shared across all three species. This core microbiome was also present in samples previously collected in Thailand, suggesting that these core microbes play an important role in promoting and maintaining host health. For example, several have been identified as dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP) metabolizers that have roles in sulfur cycling and the suppression of bacterial pathogens. Pachyseris speciosa has the most variable microbiome, followed by Porites lutea, with the composition of the Diploastrea heliopora microbiome the least variable throughout all locations. Microbial taxa associated with each region or site are likely shaped by local environmental conditions. Taken together, host identity is a major driver of differences in microbial community structure, while environmental heterogeneity shapes communities at finer scales.
  18. Nithyapriya S, Sundaram L, Eswaran SUD, Perveen K, Alshaikh NA, Sayyed RZ, et al.
    Microb Ecol, 2024 Apr 17;87(1):60.
    PMID: 38630182 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-024-02377-0
    Microorganisms produce siderophores, which are low-molecular-weight iron chelators when iron availability is limited. The present analyzed the role of LNPF1 as multifarious PGPR for improving growth parameters and nutrient content in peanut and soil nutrients. Such multifarious PGPR strains can be used as effective bioinoculants for peanut farming. In this work, rhizosphere bacteria from Zea mays and Arachis hypogaea plants in the Salem area of Tamil Nadu, India, were isolated and tested for biochemical attributes and characteristics that stimulate plant growth, such as the production of hydrogen cyanide, ammonia (6 µg/mL), indole acetic acid (76.35 µg/mL), and solubilizing phosphate (520 µg/mL). The 16S rRNA gene sequences identified the isolate LNPF1 as Pseudomonas fluorescens with a similarity percentage of 99% with Pseudomonas sp. Isolate LNPF1 was evaluated for the production of siderophore. Siderophore-rich supernatant using a Sep Pack C18 column and Amberlite-400 Resin Column (λmax 264) produced 298 mg/L and 50 mg/L of siderophore, respectively. The characterization of purified siderophore by TLC, HPLC, FTIR, and 2D-NMR analysis identified the compound as desferrioxamine, a hydroxamate siderophore. A pot culture experiment determined the potential of LNPF1 to improve iron and oil content and photosynthetic pigments in Arachis hypogaea L. and improve soil nutrient content. Inoculation of A. hypogea seeds with LNPF1 improved plant growth parameters such as leaf length (60%), shoot length (22%), root length (54.68%), fresh weight (47.28%), dry weight (37%), and number of nuts (66.66) compared to the control (untreated seeds). This inoculation also improved leaf iron content (43.42), short iron content (38.38%), seed iron (46.72%), seed oil (31.68%), carotenoid (64.40%), and total chlorophyll content (98.%) compared to control (untreated seeds). Bacterized seeds showed a substantial increase in nodulation (61.65%) and weight of individual nodules (95.97) vis-à-vis control. The results of the present study indicated that P. fluorescens might be utilized as a potential bioinoculant to improve growth, iron content, oil content, number of nuts and nodules of Arachishypogaea L., and enrich soil nutrients.
  19. Dayang Najwa AB, Elexson N, Dalene L, Teng ST
    Microb Ecol, 2024 Mar 15;87(1):51.
    PMID: 38488929 DOI: 10.1007/s00248-024-02356-5
    In aquatic environments, Vibrio and cyanobacteria establish varying relationships influenced by environmental factors. To investigate their association, this study spanned 5 months at a local shrimp farm, covering the shrimp larvae stocking cycle until harvesting. A total of 32 samples were collected from pond A (n = 6), pond B (n = 6), effluent (n = 10), and influent (n = 10). Vibrio species and cyanobacteria density were observed, and canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) assessed their correlation. CCA revealed a minor correlation (p = 0.847, 0.255, 0.288, and 0.304) between Vibrio and cyanobacteria in pond A, pond B, effluent, and influent water, respectively. Notably, Vibrio showed a stronger correlation with pH (6.14-7.64), while cyanobacteria correlated with pH, salinity (17.4-24 ppt), and temperature (30.8-31.5 °C), with salinity as the most influential factor. This suggests that factors beyond cyanobacteria influence Vibrio survival. Future research could explore species-specific relationships, regional dynamics, and multidimensional landscapes to better understand Vibrio-cyanobacteria connections. Managing water parameters may prove more efficient in controlling vibriosis in shrimp farms than targeting cyanobacterial populations.
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