Notch signaling has been implicated in cell fate decisions during odontogenesis and tumorigenesis of some odontogenic neoplasms; however, its role in solid/multicystic (SA), unicystic (UA), and recurrent (RA) ameloblastoma remains unclear. The aim of this study was to determine Notch receptor and ligand expressions in these subtypes and to speculate on their significance.
This article illustrates a case of persistent trigeminal neuralgia in a medically compromised 65-year-old female who did not respond to pharmacotherapy. She had undergone several peripheral neurectomies as well as a failed right posterior fossa exploration that resulted in a cerebrospinal fluid leak. Persistent pain over the right external nasal area and right mental region was relieved for several hours after daily injections of bupivacaine. A trial of a single dose of 100 units of botulinum toxin type A (BOTOX) diluted in 2.5 mL saline was injected into the external nasal trigger zone (60 units) and to the mental nerve region (40 units). She achieved complete pain relief in the external nasal region for 5 months. Pain recurred and the site was again injected with 100 units of botulinum toxin type A (BOTOX). Pain relief at the mental region was partial. This was finally controlled with peripheral neurectomy. The patient was pain free with a maintenance dose of 200 mg carbamazepine daily for about 1 year, after which she elected to undergo stereotactic gamma knife radiosurgery when pain recurred at the external nasal region.
Although rare, hard tissue deposits, namely dystrophic calcifications and cartilage, have been reported to occur in the connective tissue wall of the odontogenic keratocyst. However, dentinoid formation has not been previously documented. A case involving the left mandibular premolar-molar region in a 37-year-old Malay male is described here along with a brief review on the reported prevalence of hard tissue deposits in the odontogenic keratocyst. Differential diagnosis of this case from other dentinoid-forming odontogenic cysts and tumors-notably calcifying odontogenic cyst, odontoma, ameloblastic fibro-odontoma, central odontogenic fibroma and adenomatoid odontogenic tumor that may present with dentin/dentinoid formation-is discussed.
We report two cases of body piercing as a religious practice that subsequently led to the development of granulomatous nodules at previously punctured sites of the skin and oral mucosa. These lesions were diagnosed as sarcoid-like foreign body reaction after other possible causes including sarcoidosis, tuberculosis, tuberculoid leprosy, fungal infections, viral infections, and Crohn's disease were excluded.
The odontogenic keratocyst has been well documented and extensively studied. It is of particular interest because of its high recurrence rate and aggressive nature. The material for this study consisted of 70 cases of odontogenic keratocysts in predominantly ethnic Chinese patients who were treated from 1981 to 1996. The cases were retrospectively studied to compare characteristics of the lesion in this population with those in previous reports. Most of the patients in this series were 21 to 30 years of age. Association with an impacted mandibular third molar was found in more than 50% of the cases. The recurrence rate was 20% for 35 patients with a follow-up period of at least 5 years. The follow-up period for the whole series ranged from 1 to 16 years. Treatment was surgical enucleation with peripheral ostectomy. There were no significant differences in characteristics with respect to presentation and prognosis between this series and those described in previous publications.
We reviewed biopsy records for 37 cases of oral histoplasmosis for patient characteristics, clinical features, and histopathologic findings. These represented cases diagnosed in the Division of Stomatology, Institute for Medical Research, Kuala Lumpur between July 1967 and October 1994. All were male patients who ranged in age from 11 to 79 years (mean age, 56.7 years). There were 40.6% Malays, 37.8% Chinese, 18.9% Indians, and 2.7% other races. Five patients with mouth lesions as the initial presenting lesions were proven to be cases of disseminated histoplasmosis. In the remaining cases apart from the biopsy-proven oral histoplasmosis lesions, the extent of the disease elsewhere was unknown. The majority of these lesions involved the gingiva, tongue, and palate in decreasing order of frequency. The most frequent presenting symptom was oral mucosal ulceration. Squamous cell carcinoma and tuberculosis were the two most common clinical differential diagnoses. Our present findings compare favorably with published reports from other regions.
Tonsilloliths are very rare concretions found in the tonsillar crypt. They are usually single and unilateral, but occasionally may be multiple or bilateral. Small concretions in the tonsils are common, but well formed giant unilateral or bilateral tonsilloliths are extremely uncommon. Only two cases of bilateral tonsilloliths have so far been reported in the literature. A case of unilateral tonsillolith, mimicking bilateral tonsilloliths taken with the orthopantogram (OPT) in a 57-year-old Malaysian Indian female with squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity is described. Although the OPT is a reliable and standard panoramic X-ray unit used in dentistry, superimposition of a lesion involving one side of the jaw creates a pseudo or ghost image on the contralateral side leading to a misdiagnosis of bilateral lesions. This report highlights that tonsilloliths, though rare, should be considered in the differential diagnosis of radiopaque masses involving the mandibular ramus, and that investigations such as CT scan or MRI may be required to differentiate pseudo or ghost images from true bilateral pathologies.