Displaying all 19 publications

  1. Roberts NJ, Mohamed Z, Wong PS, Johnson M, Loh LC, Partridge MR
    Patient Educ Couns, 2009 Jan;74(1):12-8.
    PMID: 18789626 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2008.07.049
    OBJECTIVE: Written action plans are regarded as an important part of asthma self-management education and yet they may not be understood by those with limited literacy skills. This study was designed to produce an understandable pictorial asthma action plan.
    METHODS: With advice from a group of doctors and nurses a "standard" written action plan was translated by a medical artist into a series of pictorial images. These were assessed using the techniques of guessability and translucency by a series of adults attending a specialist asthma clinic in London and the same process was subsequently used to assess comprehensibility of the images and plans amongst a group of Somalis living in Manchester, UK and Malaysians in Seremban, Malaysia.
    RESULTS: Guessability testing showed that the majority of pictograms were well understood by each of the study groups. Translucency testing revealed close agreement with intended meaning for the majority of the images. One image, depicting extra use of reliever medication scored less well in all populations; two other images scored less well in the Somali and Malaysian groups and reflect less use of certain inhaler devices in other countries. The overall plan was well understood by all patients who were able to adequately recount the appropriate actions to take in different clinical scenarios.
    CONCLUSION: We have developed a pictorial asthma action plan understandable by 3 different populations of patients with asthma.
    PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Pictorial representations have been shown by other studies in other situations to be an effective method of reinforcing the spoken word. The pictorial asthma action plan developed for this study has been shown to be comprehensible, personalised to the individual in the usual fashion. It is now suitable for further evaluation in clinical practice.
    Study site in Malaysia: Asthma clinic, Hospital Tuanku Jaafar, Seremban, Negeri Sembilan, Malaysia
  2. Tan MY, Magarey J
    Patient Educ Couns, 2008 Aug;72(2):252-67.
    PMID: 18467068 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2008.03.017
    OBJECTIVE: To investigate the self-care practices of Malaysian adults with diabetes and sub-optimal glycaemic control.
    METHODS: Using a one-to-one interviewing approach, data were collected from 126 diabetic adults from four settings. A 75-item questionnaire was used to assess diabetes-related knowledge and self-care practices regarding, diet, medication, physical activity and self-monitoring of blood glucose (SMBG).
    RESULTS: Most subjects had received advice on the importance of self-care in the management of their diabetes and recognised its importance. Sixty-seven subjects (53%) scored below 50% in their diabetes-related knowledge. Subjects who consumed more meals per day (80%), or who did not include their regular sweetened food intakes in their daily meal plan (80%), or who were inactive in daily life (54%), had higher mean fasting blood glucose levels (p=0.04). Subjects with medication non-adherence (46%) also tended to have higher fasting blood glucose levels. Only 15% of the subjects practiced SMBG. Predictors of knowledge deficit and poor self-care were low level of education (p = <0.01), older subjects (p=0.04) and Type 2 diabetes subjects on oral anti-hyperglycaemic medication (p = <0.01).
    CONCLUSION: There were diabetes-related knowledge deficits and inadequate self-care practices among the majority of diabetic patients with sub-optimal glycaemic control.
    PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: This study should contribute to the development of effective education strategies to promote health for adults with sub-optimal diabetes control.
  3. Tan BS, Ng KH, Esa R
    Patient Educ Couns, 2001 Mar;42(3):205-11.
    PMID: 11164319
    This is a study to describe the health beliefs related to oral cancer (OC) in a high-risk group in Malaysia, a predominantly Indian community living in an agricultural setting called an estate. The study population was a convenient sample of 112 adults, above 20 years of age, attending oral cancer screening in two estates. The subjects consisted of 106 (94.6%) Indians and six (5.4%) Malays. Using the Health Belief Model, the perceptions of susceptibility to OC, its severity, and the benefits of and barriers to preventive actions, as well as beliefs underlying OC aetiology were investigated. About half of the subjects (n=57, 50.9%) felt susceptible to oral cancer. A majority of subjects (n=93, 83.0%) felt that oral cancer is a severe disease. Thirty four people (30.4%) perceived OC as a preventable disease, while 56 (50%) did not, and the remaining 22 (19.6%) did not know if OC was preventable or not. The majority of subjects (84.8%) believed that modifications to the betel quid habit could be beneficial. The information solicited can be used as a starting point to design health-education activities aimed at this group in particular and the population in general.
  4. Chan CMH, Blanch-Hartigan D, Taib NA, Wee LH, Krupat E, Meyer F
    Patient Educ Couns, 2020 08;103(8):1601-1605.
    PMID: 32143985 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2020.02.033
    OBJECTIVE: Our primary objective was to identify predictors associated with preferences for patient-centered care among cancer survivors and the association between cancer health literacy and patient-centered care preferences.

    METHODS: Cross sectional analyses of N = 345 adult cancer survivors (5 years post cancer diagnosis) attending follow-ups at University Malaya Medical Centre, Malaysia. Face-to face-interviews were conducted using the 30-item Cancer Health Literacy Test and the Patient-Practitioner Orientation Scale to determine preference for patient-centered care.

    RESULTS: Cancer survivors' preference for patient-centered care was associated with a higher cancer health literacy score, higher educational level, being employed, breast cancer diagnosis, and not desiring psychological support [F (14, 327) = 11.25, p 

  5. Lee YK, Chor YY, Tan MY, Ngio YC, Chew AW, Tiew HW, et al.
    Patient Educ Couns, 2020 05;103(5):1049-1051.
    PMID: 31866195 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2019.12.005
    OBJECTIVE: To measure the level of shared decision-making (SDM) in primary care consultations in Malaysia, a multicultural, middle-income developing country.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study was conducted in an urban, public primary care clinic. Convenience sampling was used to recruit participants, and audio-recorded consultations were scored for SDM levels by two independent raters using the OPTION tool. Univariate and multivariate analysis was conducted to determine factors significantly associated with SDM levels.

    RESULTS: 199 patients and 31 doctors participated. Mean consultation time was 14.3 min (+ SD 5.75). Patients' age ranged from 18 to 87 years (median age of 57.5 years). 52.8 % of patients were female, with three main ethnicities (Malay, Chinese, Indian). The mean OPTION score was found to be 7.8 (+ SD 3.31) out of 48. After a multivariate analysis, only patient ethnicity (β= -0.142, p 

  6. Maniam R, Tan MP, Chong MC
    Patient Educ Couns, 2021 Sep 29.
    PMID: 34625322 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2021.09.026
    OBJECTIVE: End-of-life care is often overlooked in the dialysis unit despite high mortality rates. This study aimed to understand the diverse subjectivity of opinions on end-of-life care preferences, feelings, needs, value and goals in life among a haemodialysis population.

    METHODS: The Q methodology was used where 37 opinion statements were ranked in order of importance in a unimodal shaped grid. Results were explored using the Centroids factor extraction and Varimax rotation.

    RESULTS: Four-three persons living with haemodialysis, mean age± SD= 56.58 ± 10.22 years, participated in the study. Five-factors were identified: living in the present, family preference, self preservation, power vs. control and autonomy in decision making, loaded by eleven, four, four, three and three participants with 16 individuals not loading significantly and two were confounded. Preferences for remaining positive in the face of illness through a healthy lifestyle and preserving relationships and autonomy were demonstrated.

    CONCLUSIONS: End-of-life discussions are potentially inhibited by preferences to live for the present which should be explored in future studies.

    PRACTICE IMPLICATION: Statement sets may be used to help facilitate end-of-life discussions through identification of opinion groups. Establishing preferences may guide identification of those willing to initiate discussions.

  7. Yun LS, Hassan Y, Aziz NA, Awaisu A, Ghazali R
    Patient Educ Couns, 2007 Dec;69(1-3):47-54.
    PMID: 17720351 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2007.06.017
    Objective: The primary objective of this study was to assess and compare the knowledge of diabetes mellitus possessed by patients with diabetes and healthy adult volunteers in Penang, Malaysia.
    Method: A cross-sectional study was conducted from 20 February 2006 to 31 March 2006. We randomly selected 120 patients with diabetes mellitus from a diabetic clinic at the General Hospital Penang, Malaysia and 120 healthy adults at a shopping complex in Penang. Each participant was interviewed face-to-face by a pharmacist using a validated questionnaire, and they were required to answer a total of 30 questions concerning knowledge about diabetes mellitus using Yes, No or Unsure as the only response.
    Results: The results showed that patients with diabetes mellitus were significantly more knowledgeable than the healthy volunteers about risk factors, symptoms, chronic complications, treatment and self-management, and monitoring parameters. Educational level was the best predictive factor for diabetes mellitus and public awareness.
    Conclusion: Knowledge about diabetes mellitus should be improved among the general population.
    Practice implications: This study has major implications for the design of an educational programme for diabetics and a health promotion programme as a primary prevention measure for the healthy population in general, and especially for those at high risk. The results could be useful in the design of future studies for evaluating patients' and the general public's knowledge about diabetes mellitus.
  8. Shoesmith WD, Abdullah AC, Tan BY, Kamu A, Ho CM, Giridharan B, et al.
    Patient Educ Couns, 2022 Jan 15.
    PMID: 35078681 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2022.01.005
    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to create a measure of collaborative processes between healthcare team members, patients, and carers.

    METHODS: A shared decision-making scale was developed using a qualitative research derived model and refined using Rasch and factor analysis. The scale was used by staff in the hospital for four consecutive years (n = 152, 121, 119 and 121) and by two independent patients' and carers' samples (n = 223 and 236).

    RESULTS: Respondents had difficulty determining what constituted a decision and the scale was redeveloped after first use in patients and carers. The initial focus on shared decision-making was changed to shared problem-solving. Two factors were found in the first staff sample: shared problem-solving and shared decision-making. The structure was confirmed on the second patients' and carers' sample and an independent staff sample consisting of the first data-points for the last three years. The shared problem-solving and decision-making scale (SPSDM) demonstrated evidence of convergent and divergent validity, internal consistency, measurement invariance on longitudinal data and sensitivity to change.

    CONCLUSIONS: Shared problem-solving was easier to measure than shared decision-making in this context.

    PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Shared problem-solving is an important component of collaboration, as well as shared decision-making.

  9. Mohd-Sidik S, Akhtari-Zavare M, Periasamy U, Rampal L, Fadhilah SI, Mahmud R
    Patient Educ Couns, 2018 05;101(5):862-871.
    PMID: 29336859 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2018.01.004
    OBJECTIVES: The aim of this study was to implement and evaluate the outcomes of chemotherapy counselling based on the "Managing Patients on Chemotherapy" module on self-esteem and psychological affect (anxiety, depression) of cancer patients by pharmacists in ten selected government hospitals in Peninsular Malaysia.

    METHODS: A randomized control trial was conducted among 2120 cancer patients from April 2016 to January 2017 in ten selected government hospitals in Peninsular Malaysia. Cancer patients were randomly assigned to intervention and control groups. The intervention group received chemotherapy counselling by pharmacists based on the "Managing Patients on Chemotherapy" module. The outcomes were assessed at baseline, 1st, 2nd and 3rd follow-ups after counselling. In the course of data analysis; independent sample t-test, chi-square and two-way repeated measures ANOVA were conducted.

    RESULTS: Mean scores of self-esteem in the intervention group had significant difference in comparison with those of the control group in the 1st, 2nd and 3rd follow-ups after counselling (P 

  10. Mat Lazim NH, Syed A, Lee C, Ahmed Abousheishaa A, Chong Guan N
    Patient Educ Couns, 2024 Jul;124:108266.
    PMID: 38565074 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2024.108266
    OBJECTIVE: To examine the use of decision support tools in decision making about antidepressants during conversations between patients with major depressive disorder (MDD) and their psychiatrists.

    METHODS: Theme-oriented discourse analysis of two psychiatric consultation groups: control (n = 17) and intervention (n = 16). In the control group, only a doctor's conversation guide was used; in the intervention group, the conversation guide and a patient decision aid (PDA) were used.

    RESULTS: Psychiatrists mainly dominated conversations in both consultation groups. They were less likely to elicit patient treatment-related perspectives in the intervention group as they focused more on delivering the information than obtaining patient perspectives. However, using PDA in the intervention group slightly encouraged patients to participate in decisional talk.

    CONCLUSION: The decision support tools did promote SDM performance. Using the conversation guide in both consultation groups encouraged the elicitation of patient perspectives, which helped the psychiatrists in tailoring their recommendations of options based on patient preferences and concerns. Using the PDA in the intervention group created space for treatment discussion and fostered active collaboration in treatment decision making.

    PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Our findings have implications for SDM communication skills training and critical reflection on SDM practice.

  11. Abousheishaa AA, Lazim NHM, Tang SL, Sulaiman AH, Huri HZ, Guan NC
    Patient Educ Couns, 2022 Jul;105(7):2466-2474.
    PMID: 34844812 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2021.11.007
    OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to develop and assess the effectiveness of an encounter decision aid for Malaysian patients with MDD to support treatment decision-making during the consultation.

    METHODS: The decision aid prototype was developed following a literature review and six focus groups. Alpha testing assessed its comprehensibility, acceptability, usability and desirability through user-centered cognitive interviews. Beta-testing evaluated preliminary evidence on its efficacy using the SDM Scale and PDMS. Feasibility was assessed by timing the consultation.

    RESULTS: The alpha testing demonstrated that the decision aid was patient-oriented, comprehensible, comprehensive, concise and objective with an appealing design. Beta-testing indicated that PtDA significantly increased patients satisfaction with SDM from patients' [83.32 (13.92) vs 85.76 (13.80); p 

  12. Chong CJ, Makmor-Bakry M, Hatah E, Mohd Tahir NA, Mustafa N, Capule FR, et al.
    Patient Educ Couns, 2024 Nov 12;131:108547.
    PMID: 39577304 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2024.108547
    OBJECTIVES: This qualitative phenomenological study explored the perspectives of type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) outpatients in adopting mobile apps for medication adherence management.

    METHODS: Through 25 semi-structured in-depth interviews, themes were identified using thematic analysis, guided by the Technology Readiness and Acceptance Model (TRAM).

    RESULTS: Anticipated convenience and benefits, openness to new technologies acted as drivers, while limited digital literacy and concerns about data privacy and security served as inhibitors of readiness to adopt health apps. Acceptance was influenced by elements related to medication, patient, healthcare professional, family and app aspects. The identified barriers were related to patient, smartphone and monetary factors. Patients perceived the need to adopt digital apps were for those with poor adherence, complex medication regimen and forgetfulness issues. However, concerns about effectively implementing this approach were noted as T2DM patients were predominantly late middle-aged adults who faced technical challenges, leading to combination approach between digital technology and conventional patient education and counselling.

    CONCLUSION: The findings highlighted the factors influencing patient's readiness, acceptance, and barriers on effective utilisation of digital health solutions in managing adherence issues.

    PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The elements of TRAM provide guidance for strategic actions to enhance digital health technology adoption among T2DM patients.

  13. Eigeland JA, Sheeran N, Jones L, Moffitt RL
    Patient Educ Couns, 2024 Nov 14;131:108492.
    PMID: 39612863 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2024.108492
    OBJECTIVE: Several tools exist to measure the physician-patient relationship; however few are specific to those with chronic physical health conditions, and none to date have been derived from the patient's perspective. This research aimed to develop and validate a patient-informed tool for measuring the physician-patient relationship with patients who have a chronic physical health condition.

    METHODS: Study 1: An Australian sample of participants with a diagnosed chronic physical health condition and a self-reported good physician-patient relationship completed a three round Delphi poll to determine items of the chronic condition physician-patient relationship scale (CC-PPR). Fifty-two participants completed round one, 33 completed round two, and 24 completed all three rounds. Study 2: Exploratory and confirmatory factor analysis were conducted on a separate sample (N = 226) to explore the factor structure of the CC-PPR.

    RESULTS: The CC-PPR comprised 22 items within a single-factor structure which demonstrated high internal consistency (Cronbach's α = 0.97) and sound convergent validity.

    DISCUSSION: The CC-PPR reliably measures observable, concrete, and specific physician behaviours that patients with chronic physical health conditions believe are critical in forming a good physician-patient relationship. The CC-PPR has potential application in research, educational, and self-assessment contexts, including for the evaluation and development of competence in post-graduate and professional settings.

  14. Yet AXJ, Hapuhinne V, Eu W, Chong EY, Palanisamy UD
    Patient Educ Couns, 2022 Sep;105(9):2841-2849.
    PMID: 35577636 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2022.05.001
    OBJECTIVE: Deaf individuals often face communication challenges within healthcare settings. Given the importance of the role played by physicians in shaping patients' health outcomes, it is paramount to explore Deaf patient-physician interactions. This research aims to explore (1) the existing communication support and (2) the factors influencing its usage in medical consultations with Deaf patients.

    METHODS: A scoping review was carried out and adhered to the Preferred Reporting System for Meta-Analysis. A comprehensive search strategy of four databases; PubMed, Medline, CINAHL Plus and Scopus, from January 2011 to June 2021 was applied. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data.

    RESULTS: Ten journal articles were included, and four themes were identified; patient experiences using communication methods, practitioners' cultural competence in Deaf culture, inherent challenges of communication methods, and extrinsic factors. Professional interpreters are often regarded as the preferred modality of communication but writing and lip-reading were commonly used in healthcare settings, with video remote interpreting the least common.

    CONCLUSION: Healthcare professionals need to appreciate the heterogeneity of Deaf patients and their communication methods and adopt a more person-centred approach.

    PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: This review provides up-to-date insight on Deaf patient-physician interactions and provisional recommendations for practice, education and policy.

  15. Zhou B, Gek Mui L, Li J, Hu J
    Patient Educ Couns, 2024 Oct;127:108353.
    PMID: 38964172 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2024.108353
    OBJECTIVE: This study analyzed qualitative research to explore cancer patients' perspectives on MBIs, including benefits, challenges, and recommendations.

    METHODS: This systematic review focused on synthesizing qualitative data and was registered with PROSPERO under the protocol registration number xxx. Searched 7 databases for qualitative studies on MBIs & cancer patients (17 studies, 365 patients). Analyzed data using themes & assessed confidence in findings.

    RESULTS: Thematic analysis using NVivo software revealed four significant themes: (1) benefits and positive outcomes (e.g., symptom improvement, team support, positive experiences), (2) challenges and difficulties (e.g., practice challenges, negative experiences), (3) the journey of change and acceptance (e.g., shifts in perception, personal growth, and acceptance), and (4) adaptations and recommendations (e.g., program modification and flexibility).

    CONCLUSION: Mindfulness-based interventions have the potential to offer cancer patients positive emotional experiences, increased team support, and opportunities for personal growth, self-discovery, and acceptance. This, in turn, can help them manage the psychological distress associated with cancer. Customizing programs to align with individual patients' needs and preferences can enhance engagement and effectiveness.

    PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Integrating MBIs into Patient Education and Counseling, tailored to individual needs and with ongoing support, can enhance cancer care. Group interventions foster peer support and effectiveness. Training providers and ensuring accessibility are crucial. Research and customization to patients' journeys optimize outcomes and satisfaction. A patient-centered approach is essential for positive experiences and improved clinical outcomes.

  16. Sulwarajan K, Jaafar Z, Md Sari NA, Hamzah SH, Yusop FD, Hamid S, et al.
    Patient Educ Couns, 2025 Feb;131:108580.
    PMID: 39644532 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2024.108580
    OBJECTIVE: Exercise adherence and motivation can benefit from technology, but the specific factors influencing these improvements remain unclear. This scoping review aimed to outline the types and features of technology used in exercise prescription within healthcare, focusing on enhancing users' adherence to exercise.

    METHODS: A comprehensive systematic literature search was conducted from January 2000 to February 2023 across Web of Science, Google Scholar, and MEDLINE via PubMed. The review sought studies on technology-based exercise prescriptions for adults ≥ 18 years, evaluating features that enhance motivation or adherence.

    RESULTS: Out of 1724 articles reviewed, 45 met the criteria, demonstrating that mobile applications, exercise gaming, wearable trackers, and websites are commonly used technologies for prescribing exercise in healthcare setting. Common features, special features, and motivating features were found to be important in all technology-based exercise tools to enhance users' adherence and motivation.

    CONCLUSION: This review provides a comprehensive overview of the technological types and approaches that can support and improve exercise adherence among health service users. The findings also emphasize on specific features that can address current gaps in technology-driven fitness interventions.

    PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Healthcare professionals should make informed decisions when recommending these tools to health service users, since technology does play a significant role in promoting long-term adherence to exercise programs.

  17. Panickar R, Aziz Z, Mohd Sani N, Kamarulzaman A
    Patient Educ Couns, 2023 Jul;112:107707.
    PMID: 36989861 DOI: 10.1016/j.pec.2023.107707
    OBJECTIVES: To identify technologies used in vaccine safety communication and evaluate their impact on vaccination intention, uptake, knowledge, attitude, and perceptions of consumers.

    METHODS: We searched 6 electronic databases to identify randomised controlled trials assessing the impact of using technology in vaccine safety communication. The Cochrane Collaboration's tool for assessing risk of bias was used to evaluate each study.

    RESULTS: We included 22 studies involving 27,109 participants from 8 countries; 15 studies assessed the use of videos and 7 examined innovative technologies. Using videos significantly improved knowledge (n = 3) and participant engagement (n = 2) compared to printed material. Among the innovative technologies, the use of virtual reality, and smartphone applications incorporating social networking or gamification significantly increased vaccination knowledge, confidence, and engagement. The studies showed that narrative messaging increased perceived disease severity (n = 2) and vaccination intention (n = 2).

    CONCLUSIONS: While the use of innovative technologies is increasing, videos currently remain the most popular technology for vaccine safety communication. Communication technology, particularly with narrative messaging, improves patient engagement and comprehension.

    PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: Health authorities should increase focus on using videos and smartphone applications for vaccine safety communication. Collaboration among stakeholders is essential to develop guidelines on effective message content to complement the technology.

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