Displaying all 19 publications

  1. Khan A
    Psychol Rep, 2012 Aug;111(1):149-55.
    PMID: 23045856
    Sex differences in educational encouragement and their predictiveness of academic achievement were examined among 442 secondary school students (M age = 13.2 yr., SD = 1.9). Education-related encouragement received from mothers, fathers, friends, and teachers was assessed. Academic achievement was based on student self-reports and grades. Female adolescents reported receiving statistically significantly more educational encouragement from their mothers, fathers, friends, and teachers than did male adolescents. In regression, sex and educational encouragement from parents, friends, and teachers were found to be significant predictors of academic achievement.
  2. Khan A, Husain A
    Psychol Rep, 2010 Apr;106(2):534-8.
    PMID: 20524555
    The present study was conducted to examine: (a) the relation of positive psychological strengths, i.e., hope, optimism, self-efficacy, and resiliency, with subjective well-being, and (b) the role of social support as a moderator of positive psychological strengths and subjective well-being. The following hypotheses were proposed: (a) that positive psychological strengths would be positively related with subjective well-being and social support; (b) social support would moderate the relation of positive psychological strengths with subjective well-being. 116 men and 64 women (M age=21.53 yr., SD=4.99, range=33) from India participated. Significant positive relationships were found for positive psychological strengths with subjective well-being and with social support network (family, friends, and others). Regression analysis showed social support significantly moderated the relations of positive psychological strengths with subjective well-being.
  3. Voracek M
    Psychol Rep, 2007 Dec;101(3 Pt 2):1189-95.
    PMID: 18361135
    There is evidence for widespread disbelief in the genetics of suicide, despite recent research progress in this area and convergent evidence supporting a role for genetic factors. This study analyzed the beliefs held in 8 samples (total N = 1224) of various types (psychology, medical, and various undergraduates, psychology graduates, and the general population) from 6 countries located on 3 continents (Austria, Canada, Malaysia, Romania, United Kingdom, and the USA). Endorsement rates for the existence of genetic risk factors for suicide ranged from 26% and 30% (Austrian psychology undergraduates and general population) to around 50% (psychology undergraduates in the USA and United Kingdom). In the 8 samples, respondents' sex, age, religiosity, political orientation, and other demographic variables were, for the most part, unrelated, but overall knowledge about suicide throughout was related positively to endorsement rates. Consistent with previous research, across a considerable variety of sample types and cultural settings there was no evidence for a clear majority believing in genetic bases for suicide.
  4. Voracek M, Swami V, Loibl LM, Furnham A
    Psychol Rep, 2007 Dec;101(3 Pt 1):979-86.
    PMID: 18232457
    Using two new scales, this study examined beliefs in genetic determinism and attitudes towards psychiatric genetic research in student samples from Austria, Malaysia, Romania, and the United Kingdom. For both constructs, effects of culture were detectable, whereas those related to key demographics were either small and inconsistent across samples (political orientation and religiosity) or zero (sex and age). Judged from factorial dimensionality and internal consistency, the psychometric properties of both scales were satisfactory. Belief in genetic determinism had lower prevalence and corresponded only modestly to positive attitudes towards psychiatric genetic research which had higher prevalence. The correlations of both constructs with a preference of inequality among social groups (social dominance orientation) were modest and inconsistent across samples. Both scales appear appropriate for cross-cultural applications, in particular for research into lay theories and public perceptions regarding genetic vs environmental effects on human behavior, mental disorders, and behavioral and psychiatric genetic research related to these.
  5. Manshor AT, Abdullah A
    Psychol Rep, 2002 Dec;91(3 Pt 2):1187-93.
    PMID: 12585535
    This study identified job-related motivational factors among Malaysian employees in several telecommunication companies. Responses were obtained from 1,179 employees at all levels up to senior managers and six different functional divisions, sales and marketing, human resources, finance, technical, information, technology, and support division. All employees were asked to rate the importance of Kovach's 10 job-motivational factors. These factors were good wages, job security, opportunity for career growth in the organization, good working conditions, interesting work, company loyalty to employees, tactful discipline, full appreciation of work done, sympathetic help with personal problems, and feeling of being involved in the organization. The top five factors employees identified as motivating them in their jobs were good wages, job security, company loyalty to employees, good working conditions, and full appreciation for work done. Findings were in accordance with Kovach for U.S. employees, in which the top motivational factors were good wages and job security.
  6. Manshor AT, Kamalanabhan TJ
    Psychol Rep, 2000 Feb;86(1):203-14.
    PMID: 10778271
    This paper examined the raters' and the ratees' preferences in Malaysia regarding the performance appraisal process and feedback. A total of 52 managers (raters) and 122 subordinates (ratees) participated. Analysis by t test and correlation showed significant differences between raters and the ratees on most factors. Ratees preferred to have more frequent appraisals than once a year and preferred to have more frequent feedback from the managers about their performance. Ratees' preference for the purpose of information on performance was towards salary increase, promotion, training, and career development whereas the raters gave more importance to training and career development.
  7. Jusoh WJ, Heaney JG, Goldsmith RE
    Psychol Rep, 2001 Jun;88(3 Pt 2):1142-4.
    PMID: 11597068
    Consumers' self-assessments of materialism and status consumption may be influenced by external economic conditions. In this study, 239 Malaysian students were asked to describe their levels of materialism using Richins and Dawson's 1992 Materialism scale and status consumption using Eastman, Goldsmith, and Flynn's 1999 Status Consumption Scale. Half the students were told to respond assuming that they were in an expanding economy, and half as if the economy was in a recession. Comparison of the groups' mean scores showed no statistically significant differences.
  8. Yap CC, Mohamad Som RB, Sum XY, Tan SA, Yee KW
    Psychol Rep, 2021 Mar 31.
    PMID: 33789536 DOI: 10.1177/00332941211005124
    Adolescence is the developmental process of becoming an adult. This journey of physical and psychological maturation is filled with challenges and hormonal chaos, and teenagers experience unhappiness at times. From a psychological perspective, this study aimed to examine the association between motivation, self-esteem and happiness; and to explore the mediating role of motivation in the association between self-esteem and happiness among adolescents in Malaysia. 480 secondary school students were recruited using a multistage cluster sampling method and answered the Malay versions of the Subjective Happiness, Brief Motivation and Rosenberg Self-esteem scales. Both self-esteem and motivation were found positively correlated to happiness. The hypothetical mediating role of motivation on the association between self-esteem and happiness was also supported, indicating that individuals with higher self-esteem have higher motivation which may result in greater happiness. Since the direct association between self-esteem and happiness remained significant, a partial mediation of adolescents' motivation between self-esteem and happiness is indicated. The results showed that perceived self-esteem plays a role in predicting happiness and the presence of motivation enhances happiness, providing an insight to nurture happier adolescents for parents and educators in Malaysia.
  9. Anne M, Boholst FA
    Psychol Rep, 2021 Jun;124(3):1015-1030.
    PMID: 32493107 DOI: 10.1177/0033294120928273
    Life Position, one of the central concepts in Transactional Analysis, is a person's convictions about the worth of the self and others-a basic psychological stand, which is deeply ingrained. There are four Life Positions: "I'm OK-You're OK", "I'm OK-You're not OK", "I'm not OK-You're OK", and "I'm not OK-You're not OK". Contradicting Berne's theory of only one depressive position ("I'm not OK-You're OK"), past findings showed that both "I'm not OK-You're OK" and "I'm not OK-You're not OK" positions relate to depression, with the "I'm not OK-You're not OK" position relating to depression more strongly than the "I'm not OK-You're OK" position. The disparity between Berne's original theorizing of depression and the empirical findings may support an alternative conceptualization of the depressive's Life Position, which was the theoretical gap of this research. This research aimed to investigate the differences in how each Life Position relates to depression, and how the underlying convictions of Life Position predict depression. The Life Position Scale and Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale were filled in by individuals of the general population. Post hoc analysis revealed that the "I'm not OK-You're not OK" position related most to depression, followed by the "I'm not OK-You're OK" position, the "I'm OK-You're not OK" position, and finally the "I'm OK-You're OK" position. The results also showed that both negative convictions of the self and others contributed significantly to depression, but the former predicted depression more than the latter. Applications of these findings into theoretical and therapy settings were explored.
  10. Anne M, Janssen SMJ
    Psychol Rep, 2021 Apr;124(2):521-542.
    PMID: 32208807 DOI: 10.1177/0033294120913490
    Cultural life scripts are shared knowledge about personal events expected to be experienced by individuals within a society and used as a framework for life story narration. Differences in cultural life scripts for individuals with depression and trauma, and their relations to anxiety, stress, and well-being, have not been investigated. Malaysian participants (N = 120) described and rated seven significant events most likely to be experienced by a prototypical infant from their culture, and seven significant events they had experienced or expected to experience in their own life. Participants then answered questionnaires about depression and trauma symptoms and about anxiety, stress, and well-being. The subclinical depression group listed less typical cultural life scripts events, whereas the subclinical post-traumatic stress disorder group listed less positive individual life story events. The findings indicate that, although individuals with depression and trauma possess knowledge of the cultural life scripts, there may be small differences in the cognitive processing of cultural life scripts and individual life story events.
  11. Moustafa AA, Crouse JJ, Herzallah MM, Salama M, Mohamed W, Misiak B, et al.
    Psychol Rep, 2020 Oct;123(5):1501-1517.
    PMID: 31470771 DOI: 10.1177/0033294119872209
    Depression can occur due to common major life transitions, such as giving birth, menopause, retirement, empty-nest transition, and midlife crisis. Although some of these transitions are perceived as positive (e.g., giving birth), they may still lead to depression. We conducted a systematic literature review of the factors underlying the occurrence of depression following major life transition in some individuals. This review shows that major common life transitions can cause depression if they are sudden, major, and lead to loss (or change) of life roles (e.g., no longer doing motherly or fatherly chores after children leave family home). Accordingly, we provide a theoretical framework that explains depression caused by transitions in women. One of the most potential therapeutic methods of ameliorating depression associated with life transitions is either helping individuals accept their new roles (e.g., accepting new role as a mother to ameliorate postpartum depression symptoms) or providing them with novel life roles (e.g., volunteering after retirement or children leave family home) may help them overcome their illness.
  12. Abdollahi A, Hosseinian S, Beh-Pajooh A, Carlbring P
    Psychol Rep, 2017 Dec;120(6):1019-1036.
    PMID: 28592165 DOI: 10.1177/0033294117713495
    One of the biggest barriers in treating adolescents with mental health problems is their refusing to seek psychological help. This study was designed to examine the relationships between two forms of perfectionism, self-concealment and attitudes toward seeking psychological help and to test the mediating role of self-concealment in the relationship between perfectionism and attitudes toward seeking psychological help among Malaysian high school students. The participants were 475 Malaysian high school students from four high schools in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. Structural equation modelling results indicated that high school students with high levels of socially prescribed perfectionism, high levels of self-concealment, and low levels of self-oriented perfectionism reported negative attitudes toward seeking psychological help. Bootstrapping analysis showed that self-concealment emerged as a significant, full mediator in the link between socially prescribed perfectionism and attitudes toward seeking psychological help. Moderated mediation analysis also examined whether the results generalized across men and women. The results revealed that male students with socially prescribed perfectionism are more likely to engage in self-concealment, which in turn, leads to negative attitudes toward seeking psychological help more than their female counterparts. The results suggested that students high in socially prescribed perfectionism were more likely to engage in self-concealment and be less inclined to seek psychological help.
  13. Hashim HA, Shaharuddin SS, Hamidan S, Grove JR
    Psychol Rep, 2017 Feb;120(1):141-157.
    PMID: 28558530 DOI: 10.1177/0033294116685868
    This study examined psychometric properties of a Malaysian-language Sport Anxiety Scale-2 (SAS-2) in three separate studies. Study 1 examined the criterion validity and internal consistency of SAS-2 among 119 developmental hockey players. Measures of trait anxiety and mood states along with digit vigilance, choice reaction time, and depth perception tests were administered. Regression analysis revealed that somatic anxiety and concentration disruption were significantly associated with sustained attention. Worry was significantly associated with depth perception but not sustained attention. Pearson correlation coefficients also revealed significant relationships between SAS-2 subscales and negative mood state dimensions. Study 2 examined the convergent and discriminant validity of SAS-2 by correlating it with state anxiety measured by the CSAI-2R. Significant positive relationships were obtained between SAS-2 subscales and somatic and cognitive state anxiety. Conversely, state self-confidence was negatively related to SAS-2 subscales. In addition, significant differences were observed between men and women in somatic anxiety. Study 3 examined the factorial validity of the Malaysian SAS-2 using confirmatory factor analysis in a sample of 539 young athletes. Confirmatory factor analysis results provided strong support for the SAS-2 factor structure. Path loadings exceeding 0.5 indicated convergent validity among the subscales, and low to moderate subscale intercorrelations provided evidence of discriminant validity. Overall, the results supported the criterion and construct validity of this Malaysian-language SAS-2 instrument.
  14. Pitil PP, Ghazali SR
    Psychol Rep, 2022 Dec 26.
    PMID: 36571322 DOI: 10.1177/00332941221149172
    Multiple studies have investigated the efficacy of acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) in improving psychological flexibility among overweight and obese individuals. However, to date, no specific reviews have focused on ACT and weight-related difficulties in this population. This systematic review of the literature aims to identify and assemble all ACT interventions in randomized controlled trials (RCT) that address weight-related difficulties in the treatment of overweight and obese adults. The PRISMA 2020 framework was used for the systematic review, includes manual and computerized database searches. Five databases (Medline, PubMed, Scopus, PsycInfo, and Google) were utilized to gather all articles that: (a) published in English; (b) adopted the RCT design; (c) used ACT as an intervention; (d) included adult participants aged over 18 years with BMI of over 25 kg/m2, and (e) included weight-related difficulties and weight as outcome measures. The review identified seven studies comprising 698 overweight or obese participants of both genders. Improvements were reported in weight-related difficulties and percentage of weight loss in the ACT group and the non-ACT group. The present review supports ACT as an effective intervention that can help adults with weight-related difficulties and excess body weight. Further studies should be conducted in various overweight or obese populations with a more systematic RCT research design to establish the effectiveness of ACT in this area.
  15. Lee MCC, Ding AYL
    Psychol Rep, 2022 Aug 18.
    PMID: 35981716 DOI: 10.1177/00332941221121564
    Benevolent leadership is one of the leadership styles which provides a positive influence on employees. However, the current leadership literature has yet to investigate how benevolent leadership leads to job performance, the processes involved, the relationship between organizational culture and benevolent leadership, and the role of dark side of leaders in affecting this relationship. Using the leader-culture fit framework within an Eastern context, the current study first investigates the relationship between benevolent leadership and job performance through work engagement. The study then compares two contrasting organizational culture (i.e., market culture and clan culture) on benevolent leadership. Finally, the study investigates how leaders' dark triad affects the relationship between organizational culture and benevolent leadership. 374 full-time white-collar employees (Males = 54.01%; Mean age: 32.7 years) from various private organizations within the service industry participated in this study. The results showed that work engagement mediated benevolent leadership and job performance. Market culture showed a negative relationship with benevolent leadership while clan culture showed a positive relationship with benevolent leadership. Benevolent leadership mediated clan culture (but not market culture) and work engagement. Under a high market culture with a high dark triad leader, benevolent leadership is at its lowest level. Under a high clan culture with a low dark triad leader, benevolent leadership is at its highest level. The findings suggest the importance of benevolent leadership within a clan culture (rather than market culture), in aligning with the leader-culture fit framework in increasing employees' work engagement and job performance.
  16. Majani AF, Ghazali SR, Yoke Yong C, Pauzi N, Adenan F, Manogaran K
    Psychol Rep, 2023 Aug;126(4):1605-1619.
    PMID: 35084251 DOI: 10.1177/00332941221075246
    Multiple exposures to life-threatening events may lead to various mental health issues and indirectly affect the marriage of those affected. Very few studies have investigated trauma exposure, posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), depressive symptoms, and marital conflicts among firefighters, a group that faces such exposure occupationally. The present study explores the relationship between trauma exposure, PTSD, and depression in relation to marital conflicts among firefighters in Sarawak, adopting a cross-sectional research design. Different marital status reported significant PTSD and depressive symptoms. The widowed scored higher PTSD and depressive symptoms than the married and single groups. Firefighters with PTSD and depressive symptoms reported having more problems in aggression family history of distress, sexual dissatisfaction, and problem solving communication than those without. Regression analysis showed that problem solving communication (t (212) = 2.59, p = .01) and global distress scores (t (212) = 2.17, p < .05) in type of marital conflicts served as a significant predictor for depressive symptoms. The present study suggests that proper planning for treatment and intervention is needed to improve psychological well-being among firefighters and other high-risk professions following multiple exposures to traumatic events in carrying their job duty. Proper intervention programs also should be initiated for spouses of firefighters dealing with traumatized partners.
  17. Green ZA, Karuppannan G
    Psychol Rep, 2025 Feb 07.
    PMID: 39918974 DOI: 10.1177/00332941251317676
    This research demonstrates the construction and preliminary examination of the structure of a domain-specific measure, namely the Character Strengths Scale for University Students (CSSUS). Reflecting the use of the 24 Values in Action (VIA) strengths in the study domain, the CSSUS likely adds greater specificity to the findings pertinent for devising and implementing meaningful strategies for furthering academic development, student learning, and well-being in higher education. Derived from best practices, the item generation process of the CSSUS was based on four steps: (1) identification of the domain, (2) item generation, (3) content validity, and (4) field pre-testing of the items of the CSSUS. The initial examination of the factors of the CSSUS was based on a sample of 540 undergraduate and graduate students studying in Lahore, Pakistan. Results provided evidence of a four-factor structure of the CSSUS. Furthermore, the CSSUS and its subscales were positively related to academic achievement and the measures of satisfaction with life, positivity, and student self-efficacy. In addition, the CSSUS and its subscales were negatively related to the measure of academic burnout. The correlations provided evidence of the concurrent criterion-related validity of the scale. Moreover, female students reported higher levels of love and spirituality, whereas male students higher levels of leadership, creativity, and bravery. Also, there was no significant difference in the use of academic virtues with regard to gender, level of education (undergraduate and graduate), study discipline (agricultural sciences, humanities, health sciences, and engineering technology), type of university (public and private), and level of academic performance (low, medium, and high). The theoretical contribution and practice implications of the results are discussed. Limitations of the study and prospects for future research are also discussed.
  18. Lee KM, Mun JYY, Choong EL, Janssen SMJ
    Psychol Rep, 2024 Dec 11.
    PMID: 39660436 DOI: 10.1177/00332941241302805
    Despite efforts to promote exercise and healthy diets, global prevalence of obesity continues to rise. This pervasiveness of obesity is alarming as it is a key contributing factor of ischemic heart disease, a leading cause of death worldwide. The issue of obesity is exacerbated in Malaysia, where 50.1% of all adults were considered obese in 2020. Given the severity of the issue, the identification of alternative factors to promote exercise becomes necessary. The current study examined how personality traits are related to perceptions and behaviours towards health. A total of 401 Malaysian university students completed questionnaires which assessed their demographics, health perceptions, and health behaviours. Additionally, the Big-Five Inventory was administered to examine personality traits. Regarding personality traits and their associations to behaviours: Conscientiousness was positively associated with Exercise Adherence and Healthy Diet but negatively with Fears Related to Exercise; Neuroticism had a positive relation with Perceived Lack of Resources and Fears Related to Exercise but a negative relationship with Adherence to Exercise; Extraversion only had a negative association with Healthy Diet; Agreeableness was negatively associated with Substance Use; and lastly, Openness had a positive relationship with Adherence to Exercise but a negative association with Perceived Lack of Resources. Further exploration on the impacts of attitudes and perspectives towards exercise and healthy diets would be beneficial in identifying alternative and potentially more effective approaches in promoting healthy behaviours.
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