Displaying all 17 publications

  1. Scherbyuk АN, Dydykin SS, Ivanov PА, Laptina VI, Маnuylov VМ, Nelipa МV, et al.
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2021;12(3):77-81.
    PMID: 34795983 DOI: 10.17691/stm2020.12.3.10
    The aim of the study was to assess the effectivity of PMGMU2018h scale for evaluation of the state severity degree of patients suffering from obstructive jaundice relative to other common assessment scales.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Thirty physical parameters have been studied and compared according to different assessment scales in each of 258 patients with obstructive jaundice treated in three medical settings.

    RESULTS: The main drawback of the examined scales is the necessity to use the parameters for calculations not included in the medical and economic standards of the Russian Federation. This feature makes these scales unsuitable for making decisions on the tactics of managing a concrete patient in the hospitals of the Russian Federation. The scale developed by us for the assessment of the state severity of patients suffering from obstructive jaundice is completely devoid of subjectivism, does not depend on a surgeon's qualifications, and possesses high specificity to the given disease.

  2. Alyasova AV, Amoev ZV, Shkola OO, Novikov DV, Selivanova SG, Novikov VV
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2022;14(3):22-26.
    PMID: 37064811 DOI: 10.17691/stm2022.14.3.03
    The aim of the study was to assess the capabilities of mRNA genes encoding CD16a (FCGR3A) and CD16b (FCGR3B) in tumor samples from patients with renal cancer, and characterize the tumor process in relation to clinical and morphological factors.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used 125 tumor samples from patients with a histologically confirmed diagnosis of renal cancer T1-4N0-1M0-1. A method described by Chomczynski and Sacchi was used to isolate nucleic acids. The mRNA levels were determined using a reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and calculated according to ΔΔCt formula, taking into account the reaction efficiency.

    RESULTS: mRNA of the FCGR3A gene was detected in all tumor tissue samples under study; in contrast, mRNA of the FCGR3B gene was found only in 92.0% (115/125) of cases. In tumors classified as pT1, the mRNA content of the FCGR3A gene was significantly lower than that in tumor samples of pT3 size. There was the significant increase in the mRNA content of both genes with an increase in tumor grade, as well as in the cases with distant metastases. The presence of a tumor thrombus in the inferior vena cava system was accompanied by a significant increase in the mRNA content of the FCGR3A gene.

    CONCLUSION: In tumor tissue samples from patients with clear cell renal cancer, the predominant production of the FCGR3A mRNA was observed in comparison with the FCGR3B mRNA. The revealed relationship of an increased amount of the FCGR3A mRNA and, in some cases, the FCGR3B mRNA with a number of clinical and morphological factors enables to consider the mRNA level of the genes as new monitoring biomarkers.

  3. Lebedeva AA, Kavun AI, Veselovsky EM, Mileyko VA, Ivanov MV
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2022;14(6):15-23.
    PMID: 37181287 DOI: 10.17691/stm2022.14.6.02
    Multigene testing using NGS (next-generation sequencing) provides a large amount of information and can detect multiple molecular alterations. Subsequent clinical interpretation is a time-consuming process necessary to select a treatment strategy. Existing databases often contain inconsistent information and are not regularly updated. The use of ESCAT levels of evidence requires a deep understanding of the nature of alterations and does not answer the question of which therapy option to select when multiple biomarkers with the same level of evidence are detected. To address these issues, we created the Clinical Relevance of Alterations in Cancer (CRAC) database on the relevance of detected alterations in specific genes, which are often analyzed as part of NGS panels. The team of oncologists and biologists assigned a CRAC score from 1 to 10 to each biomarker (a type of genomic alteration characteristic of specific genes) for 15 malignancies; an average score was entered into the database. CRAC scores are a numerical reflection of the following factors: therapy availability and the prospects of drug treatment with experimental drugs for patients with a particular type of tumor. A total of 134 genes and 15 of the most common tumor types have been selected for CRAC. The biomarker-nosology associations with CRAC scores in the range of 1-3 are the most frequent (n=2719 out of 3495; 77.8%), the least frequent ones (n=52 out of 3495; 1.5%) are with the highest CRAC scores 9 and 10. To estimate the practical effectiveness of the CRAC database, 208 reports on comprehensive molecular profiling were retrospectively analyzed; the applicability of CRAC was compared with the ESCAT level of evidence system. The highest CRAC scores corresponded to the ESCAT maximum levels of evidence: the range of scores 8-10 corresponded to evidence levels I and II. No biomarker within the same level of evidence was represented by the same CRAC score; the largest range of CRAC scores was observed for biomarkers of levels evidence IIIA and IV - from 2 to 10 and from 1 to 9, respectively. The use of CRAC scores allowed to identify additional 95 alterations with CRAC scores of 1-5 in the studied patients. The developed database is available at: https://crac.oncoatlas.ru/.
  4. Antonov II, Dymnikov AB, Muraev AA, Ananyeva LA, Ivanov SY
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2022;14(4):43-48.
    PMID: 37179985 DOI: 10.17691/stm2022.14.4.05
    The aim of the study was to evaluate the use of barophoresis for the delivery of liquid-air drug substances to the gums using a mathematical model of the interaction of the drug mixture with periodontal tissues.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The solution to the problem was preceded by generation of a geometric CAD model of the device and nozzle for barophoresis, including the nozzle and injector geometry. The Ansys SpaceClaim software package was used to generate the CAD geometry.

    RESULTS: When solving the problem of finding the optimal distance from the nozzle to the gum surface, the numerical modeling showed that at a distance of 5 mm, the volume fraction of liquid in the mixture is 18-20%. The mixture actually breaks through the gum, filling 0.8 mm of the gum thickness and spreading symmetrically to the sides at a distance of up to 3 cm, forming a cavity. At a distance of 10 mm from the nozzle to the gum surface, the liquid volume fraction in the mixture close to the gum lies in a narrow range of values of 5 to 7%. The mixture touches the surface of the gums, penetrating slightly - at a distance of 0.30-0.45 mm. At a distance of 15 mm from the nozzle to the gum surface, the volume fraction of liquid in the mixture near the gum lies in the range of 2-5%. The mixture slightly touches the gum surface, getting inside at a distance of up to 0.2 mm, having practically no effect on the gum.

    CONCLUSION: The developed mathematical model confirmed the feasibility of application of barophoresis in the treatment of chronic generalized periodontitis. The optimal distance from the nozzle to the surface should be considered to be 10-15 mm. This distance is safe and allows the drug delivery to a depth of 0.45 mm.

  5. Tochilina AG, Belova IV, Ilyicheva TN, Marchenko VY, Zhirnov VA, Molodtsova SB, et al.
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2022;14(5):36-43.
    PMID: 37181836 DOI: 10.17691/stm2022.14.5.04
    The aim of the study was to analyze the genome features of the probiotic strains Bifidobacterium longum 379, Bifidobacterium bifidum 1, and Bifidobacterium bifidum 791 and study their antiviral activity.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Whole genome sequencing of three strains of bifidobacteria was performed on the MiSeq platform (Illumina Inc., USA). The genomes were annotated using the Prokka v. 1.11 utility and RAST genomic server. The individual genetic determinants were searched using the ResFinder 3.2, PathogenFinder, PlasmidFinder, RAST, and Bagel 4 software. The antiviral activity of the strains against influenza A viruses was studied using MDCK cells (Madin-Darby canine kidney cells), the epidemic strain of influenza A/Lipetsk/1V/2018 (H1N1 pdm09) (EPI_ISL_332798), the highly pathogenic avian influenza virus A/common gull/Saratov/1676/2018 (H5N6) strain (EPI_ISL_336925), and neutral red vital dye.

    RESULTS: The genomes of all studied strains contained determinants responsible for utilization of carbohydrates of plant origin; the genes of key enzymes for the synthesis of tryptophan and folic acid are present in the genomes of B. longum 379 and B. bifidum 791. A feature of the B. bifidum 791 genome is the presence of determinants responsible for the synthesis of thermostable type I bacteriocins - flavucin and lasso peptide. The B. bifidum 791 strain was found to show pronounced antiviral activity against both the strains of influenza A, the supernatant of which suppressed viral replication in vitro up to a dilution of 1:8, and the cells inhibited viral reproduction up to a concentration of 6·106 CFU/ml.

    CONCLUSION: The analysis of complete genomes of B. longum 379, B. bifidum 1, and B. bifidum 791 showed features that determine their strain-specific properties, the findings on which were previously made empirically based on indirect signs. In the genomes of B. longum 379 and B. bifidum 791 strains, in contrast to B. bifidum 1 strain, key enzymes for the synthesis of tryptophan and folic acid were found. These substances have an impact on the human body in many ways, including having a thymoleptic effect (reducing emotional stress, irritability, anxiety, eliminating lethargy, apathy, melancholy, anxiety) and regulating cognitive activity. The presence of determinants responsible for the synthesis of thermostable type I bacteriocins in the genome of B. bifidum 791 strain determines its pronounced antiviral activity.

  6. Sharaev MG, Malashenkova IK, Maslennikova AV, Zakharova NV, Bernstein AV, Burnaev EV, et al.
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2022;14(5):53-75.
    PMID: 37181835 DOI: 10.17691/stm2022.14.5.06
    Schizophrenia is a socially significant mental disorder resulting frequently in severe forms of disability. Diagnosis, choice of treatment tactics, and rehabilitation in clinical psychiatry are mainly based on the assessment of behavioral patterns, socio-demographic data, and other investigations such as clinical observations and neuropsychological testing including examination of patients by the psychiatrist, self-reports, and questionnaires. In many respects, these data are subjective and therefore a large number of works have appeared in recent years devoted to the search for objective characteristics (indices, biomarkers) of the processes going on in the human body and reflected in the behavioral and psychoneurological patterns of patients. Such biomarkers are based on the results of instrumental and laboratory studies (neuroimaging, electro-physiological, biochemical, immunological, genetic, and others) and are successfully being used in neurosciences for understanding the mechanisms of the emergence and development of nervous system pathologies. Presently, with the advent of new effective neuroimaging, laboratory, and other methods of investigation and also with the development of modern methods of data analysis, machine learning, and artificial intelligence, a great number of scientific and clinical studies is being conducted devoted to the search for the markers which have diagnostic and prognostic value and may be used in clinical practice to objectivize the processes of establishing and clarifying the diagnosis, choosing and optimizing treatment and rehabilitation tactics, predicting the course and outcome of the disease. This review presents the analysis of the works which describe the correlates between the diagnosis of schizophrenia, established by health professionals, various manifestations of the psychiatric disorder (its subtype, variant of the course, severity degree, observed symptoms, etc.), and objectively measured characteristics/quantitative indicators (anatomical, functional, immunological, genetic, and others) obtained during instrumental and laboratory examinations of patients. A considerable part of these works has been devoted to correlates/biomarkers of schizophrenia based on the data of structural and functional (at rest and under cognitive load) MRI, EEG, tractography, and immunological data. The found correlates/biomarkers reflect anatomic disorders in the specific brain regions, impairment of functional activity of brain regions and their interconnections, specific microstructure of the brain white matter and the levels of connectivity between the tracts of various structures, alterations of electrical activity in various parts of the brain in different EEG spectral ranges, as well as changes in the innate and adaptive links of immunity. Current methods of data analysis and machine learning to search for schizophrenia biomarkers using the data of diverse modalities and their application during building and interpretation of predictive diagnostic models of schizophrenia have been considered in the present review.
  7. Beschastnov VV, Shirokova IY, Belyanina NA, Pogodin IE, Tulupov AA, Tochilina AG, et al.
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2024;16(1):45-52.
    PMID: 39421627 DOI: 10.17691/stm2024.16.1.05
    The aim of the investigation is to study the possibility of applying commercial wound coatings for treating infected wounds as a carrier matrix for bacteriophages.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twelve varieties of commercial wound coverings based on biopolymers of natural and synthetic origin, a biological preparation Staphylophag produced by scientific-industrial association Microgen (Russia), registration certificate P N001973/01, and the S. aureus 3196 test strain (GenBank JARQZO000000000) isolated from a patient with a burn wound have been used in our work. The ability of commercial biological wound coatings to absorb solutions was examined by immersing them in a physiological solution (pH 7.0-7.2) followed by weighing. The lytic activity of three bacteriophage series against the test strain was studied using the Appelman method and a spot test. The lytic activity of the bacteriophage in the wound samples was studied within 7 days after its absorption by the wound coatings.

    RESULTS: The greatest volume of fluid was absorbed by the LycoSorb, NEOFIX FibroSorb Ag, Biatravm, and Chitocol-S wound coatings. All bacteriophage series have been found to have a high lytic activity against the test strain. It has also been shown that Chitocol-S, Collachit-FA, Algipran, and Aquacel Ag Extra possessed their own inherent antibacterial activity under in vitro conditions stable for 7 days; moreover, the lysis zones of the test strain increased after their saturation with bacteriophage. On day 0, a high level of bacteriophage lytic activity with the maximum size of the test strain lysis zones from 49 to 59 mm have been found to remain in all samples of the wound coverings. The bacteriophage activity persisted for 1 day in the samples of Hydrofilm, Polypran, and NEOFIX FibroCold Ag coatings, up to 4 days in Algipran, Nano-Aseptica, and Biatravm coatings; and for 7 days in the Chitocol-S, Collachit-FA, Opsite Post-Op Visible, NEOFIX FibroSorb Ag, Aquacel Ag Extra, and LycoSorb samples.

    CONCLUSION: Modern commercial wound dressings based on chitosan-collagen complex (Chitocol-S, Collachit-FA), polyurethane (Opsite Post-Op Visible, LycoSorb, NEOFIX FibroSorb Ag), and Hydrofiber (Aquacel Ag Extra) have a sufficient level of bacteriophage solution absorption, provide a stable preservation of the bacteriophage lytic activity under in vitro conditions up to 7 days. Thus, the in vitro studies prove the possibility of their use as a carrier matrix for bacteriophages.

  8. Sakharnov NA, Filatova EN, Popkova MI, Slavin SL, Utkin OV
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2024;16(2):16-26.
    PMID: 39539749 DOI: 10.17691/stm2024.16.2.02
    The aim of the study was to develop an experimental version of a DNA microarray for parallel detection of community-acquired pneumonia bacterial pathogens.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We studied the samples of the pharyngeal mucosa smears taken from children aged 1-15 years with X-ray confirmed pneumonia. The selection of DNA probes for specific detection of community-acquired pneumonia pathogens (S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, M. pneumoniae, C. pneumonia, and L. pneumophila) and development of the microarray design were carried out using the disprose program. The nucleotide sequences of pathogens were obtained from NCBI Nucleotide database. In the research we used CustomArray microarrays (USA). For a pooled sample containing S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae DNA, we performed a sequential selection of the best combinations of hybridization parameters: DNA fragment size, DNA amount, hybridization temperature. The selection criteria were: the percentage of effective probes with a standardized hybridization signal (SHS) ≥3 Z, and the excess of SHS levels of effective specific probes compared to SHS of effective nonspecific probes. We selected the probes to detect of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae characterized by an effective hybridization signal under optimal conditions. The developed microarray was tested under the selected conditions on clinical samples containing S. pneumoniae or H. influenzae DNA. Using ROC analysis there were established threshold values for the signals of specific probes at optimal sensitivity points and the test specificity, the excess of which was interpreted as the evidence of pathogen presence in a sample.

    RESULTS: A microarray design included 142 DNA probes to detect S. pneumoniae, H. influenzae, M. pneumoniae, C. pneumoniae, and L. pneumophila, the probes being synthesized onto slides. Using the example of clinical samples containing S. pneumoniae and/or H. influenza DNA, we selected optimal parameters for DNA hybridization on microarrays, which enabled to identify bacterial pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia with sufficient efficiency, specificity and reproducibility: the amount of hybridized DNA was 2 μg, the DNA fragment size: 300 nt, hybridization temperature: 47°C. There was selected a list of probes for specific detection of S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae characterized by an effective hybridization signal under the identified conditions. We determined the threshold values of standardized probe signals for specific detection of S. pneumoniae (4.5 Z) and H. influenzae (4.9 Z) in clinical samples.

    CONCLUSION: A DNA microarray was developed and synthesized for parallel indication of bacterial pathogens of community-acquired pneumonia. There were selected the optimal parameters for DNA hybridization on a microarray to identify bacterial pathogens - S. pneumoniae and H. influenzae, and determined the threshold values of significant probe signals for their specific detection. The interpretation of the microarray hybridization results corresponds to those obtained by PCR. The microarray can be used to improve laboratory diagnostics of community-acquired pneumonia pathogens.

  9. Zolotenkova GV, Valetov DK, Poletaeva MP, Vassilevski YV
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2024;16(2):29-38.
    PMID: 39539748 DOI: 10.17691/stm2024.16.2.03
    The aim of the investigation is to study the possibility of using artificial intelligence technologies for age prediction based on CT studies of some structures of the skull and cervical vertebrae.

    MATERIAL AND METHODS: The study included 223 tomograms of the head and neck in sagittal projection from patients without any pathology of the studied structures. Morphometric analysis was carried out using PjaPro and Gradient programs, statistical analysis was performed by SPSS Statistics software. A fully convolutional EfficientNet-B2 neural network was used, which was trained in two stages: selection of the area of interest and solution of regression tasks.

    RESULTS: Morphometric assessment and subsequent statistical analysis of the selected group of features have shown presence of the strongest correlation with age in the indicator characterizing the involution of the median atlantoaxial joint. A deep learning method using the convolutional network, which automatically selects the desired area in the image (the area of the vertebral junction), classifies the sample, and makes an assumption about the age of the unknown individual with an accuracy of 7.5 to 10.5 years has been tested.

    CONCLUSION: As a result of the study, a positive experience has been obtained indicating the possibility of using convolutional neural networks to determine the age of the unknown person, which expands the evidence base and provides new opportunities for determining group-wide personality traits in forensic medicine.

  10. Potapov AL, Loginova MM, Moiseev AA, Radenska-Lopovok SG, Kuznetsov SS, Kuznetsova IA, et al.
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2023;15(1):53-60.
    PMID: 37388751 DOI: 10.17691/stm2023.15.1.06
    The aim of the study was to identify different degrees of dermal lesions in vulvar lichen sclerosus (VLS) using cross-polarization optical coherence tomography (CP OCT) based on attenuation coefficient to detect disease early manifestations and to monitor the effectiveness of treatment.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study included 10 patients without pathology and 39 patients with VLS diagnosed histologically. CP OCT was performed in vivo on the inner surface of the labia minora, in the main lesion area. From each scanning point, a 3.4×3.4×1.25-mm3 3D data array was obtained in 26 s. CP OCT examination results were compared with histological examination of specimens stained with Van Gieson's picrofuchsin.Quantitative analysis of OCT images was performed by measuring the attenuation coefficient in co-polarization and cross-polarization. For visual analysis, color-coded charts were developed based on OCT attenuation coefficients.

    RESULTS: According to histological examination, all patients with VLS were divided into 4 groups as per dermal lesion degree: initial (8 patients); mild (7 patients); moderate (9 patients); severe (15 patients). Typical features of different degrees were interfibrillary edema up to 250 μm deep for initial degree, thickened collagen bundles without edema up to 350 μm deep for mild degree, dermis homogenization up to 700 μm deep for moderate degree, dermis homogenization and total edema up to 1200 μm deep for severe degree.Pathological processes in dermis during VLS like interfibrillary edema and collagen bundles homogenization were visualized using CP OCT method based on values of attenuation coefficient in co- and cross-polarization channels. However, CP OCT method appeared to be less sensitive to changes of collagen bundles thickness not allowing to distinguish thickened collagen bundles from normal ones with enough statistical significance. The CP OCT method was able to differentiate all degrees of dermal lesions among themselves. OCT attenuation coefficients differed from normal condition with statistical significance for all degrees of lesions, except for mild.

    CONCLUSION: For the first time, quantitative parameters for each degrees of dermis lesion in VLS, including initial degree, were determined by CP OCT method allowing to detect the disease at an early stage and to monitor the applied clinical treatment effectiveness.

  11. Isaeva EV, Kisel AA, Beketov EE, Demyashkin GA, Yakovleva ND, Lagoda TS, et al.
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2023;15(2):5-16.
    PMID: 37389022 DOI: 10.17691/stm2023.15.2.01
    The aim of the study was to compare type I collagen-based and methacryloyl gelatin-based (GelMA) hydrogels by their ability to form hyaline cartilage in animals after subcutaneous implantation of scaffolds.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Chondrocytes were isolated from the costal cartilage of newborn rats using 0.15% collagenase solution in DMEM. The cells was characterized by glycosaminoglycan staining with alcian blue. Chondrocyte scaffolds were obtained from 4% type I porcine atelocollagen and 10% GelMA by micromolding and then implanted subcutaneously into the withers of two groups of Wistar rats. Histological and immunohistochemical studies were performed on days 12 and 26 after implantation. Tissue samples were stained with hematoxylin and eosin, alcian blue; type I and type II collagens were identified by the corresponding antibodies.

    RESULTS: The implanted scaffolds induced a moderate inflammatory response in both groups when implanted in animals. By day 26 after implantation, both collagen and GelMA had almost completely resorbed. Cartilage tissue formation was observed in both animal groups. The newly formed tissue was stained intensively with alcian blue, and the cells were positive for both types of collagen. Cartilage tissue was formed among muscle fibers.

    CONCLUSION: The ability of collagen type I and GelMA hydrogels to form hyaline cartilage in animals after subcutaneous implantation of scaffolds was studied. Both collagen and GelMA contributed to formation of hyaline-like cartilage tissue type in animals, but the chondrocyte phenotype is characterized as mixed. Additional detailed studies of possible mechanisms of chondrogenesis under the influence of each of the hydrogels are needed.

  12. Vankova OE, Brusnigina NF, Novikova NA
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2023;15(2):41-46.
    PMID: 37389021 DOI: 10.17691/stm2023.15.2.04
    Modern molecular genetic methods, massive parallel sequencing in particular, allow for genotyping of various pathogens with the aim of their epidemiological marking and improvement of molecular epidemiological surveillance of actual infections, including cytomegalovirus infection. The aim of the study is to evaluate the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology for genotyping clinical isolates of cytomegalovirus (CMV).

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The object of the study were samples of biological substrates (leukocyte mass, saliva, urine) taken from patients who underwent liver and kidney transplantation. Detection of CMV DNA was carried out by a real-time PCR using commercial diagnostic AmpliSense CMV-FL test systems (Central Research Institute for Epidemiology, Moscow, Russia). DNA extraction was performed using DNA-sorb AM and DNA-sorb V kits (Central Research Institute for Epidemiology) in accordance with manufacturer's manual. The quality of the prepared DNA library for sequencing was assessed by means of the QIAxcel Advanced System capillary gel electrophoresis system (QIAGEN, Germany). Alignment and assembly of nucleotide sequences were carried out using CLC Genomics Workbench 5.5 software (CLC bio, USA). The sequencing results were analyzed using BLAST of NCBI server.

    RESULTS: CMV DNA samples were selected for genotyping. The two variable genes, UL55(gB) and UL73(gN), were used for CMV genotype determination, which was performed using NGS technology MiSeq sequencer (Illumina, USA). Based on the exploratory studies and analysis of literature sources, primers for genotyping on the UL55(gB) and UL73(gN) genes have been selected and the optimal conditions for the PCR reaction have been defined. The results of sequencing the UL55(gB) and UL73(gN) gene fragments of CMV clinical isolates from recipients of solid organs made it possible to determine the virus genotypes, among which gB2, gN4c, and gN4b were dominant. In some cases, association of two and three CMV genotypes has been revealed.

    CONCLUSION: The application of the NGS technology for genotyping cytomegalovirus strains can become one of the main methods of CMV infection molecular epidemiology, as it allows for obtaining reliable results with a significant reduction in research time.

  13. Litvinova MM, Khafizov KF, Speranskaya AS, Matsvay AD, Asanov AY, Nikolskaya KA, et al.
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2023;15(2):60-70.
    PMID: 37389024 DOI: 10.17691/stm2023.15.2.06
    The aim of the study was to define the spectrum of genetic risk factors of chronic pancreatitis (CP) development in patients living in the European part of the Russian Federation.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study group included 105 patients with CP, with the age of the disease onset under 40 years old (the average age of onset was 26.9 years). The control group consisted of 76 persons without clinical signs of pancreatitis. The diagnosis of chronic pancreatitis in patients was made on the basis of clinical manifestations and the results of laboratory and instrumental investigations. Genetic examination of patients was conducted using the next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology and included targeted sequencing of all exons and exon-intron boundaries of the PRSS1, SPINK1, CTRC, CFTR, and CPA1 genes. The genotyping of the rs61734659 locus of the PRSS2 gene was also conducted.

    RESULTS: Genetic risk factors of the CP development were found in 61% of patients. Pathogenic and likely-pathogenic variants associated with the risk of CP development were identified in the following genes: CTRC (37.1% of patients), CFTR (18.1%), SPINK1 (8.6%), PRSS1 (8.6%), and CPA1 (6.7%). The frequent gene variants in Russian patients with CP were as follows: CTRC gene - c.180C>T (rs497078), c.760C>T (rs121909293), c.738_761del24 (rs746224507); cumulative odds ratio (OR) for all risk alleles was 1.848 (95% CI: 1.054-3.243); CFTR gene - c.3485G>T (rs1800120), c.1521_1523delCTT (p.Phe508del, rs113993960), and c.650A>G (rs121909046); OR=2.432 (95% CI: 1.066-5.553). In the SPINK1, PRSS1, and CPA1 genes, pathogenic variants were found only in the group of patients with CP. The frequent variants of the SPINK1 gene include c.101A>G (p.Asn34Ser, rs17107315) and c.194+2T>C (rs148954387); of the PRSS1 gene - c.86A>T (p.Asn29Ile, rs111033566); of the CPA1 gene - c.586-30C>T (rs782335525) and c.696+23_696+24delGG. The OR for the CP development for the c.180TT genotype (rs497078) CTRC according to the recessive model (TT vs. CT+CC) was 7.05 (95% CI: 0.86-263, p=0.011). In the CTRC gene, the variant c.493+49G>C (rs6679763) appeared to be benign, the c.493+51C>A (rs10803384) variant was frequently detected among both the diseased and healthy persons and did not demonstrate a protective effect. The protective factor c.571G>A (p.Gly191Arg, rs61734659) of the PRSS2 gene was detected only in the group of healthy individuals and confirmed its protective role. 12.4% of the patients with CP had risk factors in 2 or 3 genes.

    CONCLUSION: Sequencing of the coding regions of the PRSS1, SPINK1, CTRC, CFTR, and CPA1 genes allowed to identify genetic risk factors of the CP development in 61% of cases. Determining the genetic cause of CP helps to predict the disease course, perform preventive measures in the proband's relatives, and facilitate a personalized treatment of the patient in future.

  14. Yuzhakova DV, Lukina MM, Sachkova DA, Yusubalieva GM, Baklaushev VP, Mozherov AM, et al.
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2023;15(2):28-38.
    PMID: 37389023 DOI: 10.17691/stm2023.15.2.03
    Patient-specific in vitro tumor models are a promising platform for studying the mechanisms of oncogenesis and personalized selection of drugs. In case of glial brain tumors, development and use of such models is particularly relevant as the effectiveness of such tumor treatment remains extremely unsatisfactory. The aim of the study was to develop a model of a 3D tumor glioblastoma spheroid based on a patient's surgical material and to study its metabolic characteristics by means of fluorescence lifetime imaging microscopy of metabolic coenzymes.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted with tumor samples from patients diagnosed with glioblastoma (Grade IV). To create spheroids, primary cultures were isolated from tumor tissue samples; the said cultures were characterized morphologically and immunocytochemically, and then planted into round-bottom ultra low-adhesion plates. The number of cells for planting was chosen empirically. The characteristics of the growth of cell cultures were compared with spheroids from glioblastomas of patients with U373 MG stable line of human glioblastoma. Visualization of autofluorescence of metabolic coenzymes of nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (phosphate) NAD(P)H and flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) in spheroids was performed by means of an LSM 880 laser scanning microscope (Carl Zeiss, Germany) with a FLIM module (Becker & Hickl GmbH, Germany). The autofluorescence decay parameters were studied under normoxic and hypoxic conditions (3.5% О2).

    RESULTS: An original protocol for 3D glioblastoma spheroids cultivation was developed. Primary glial cultures from surgical material of patients were obtained and characterized. The isolated glioblastoma cells had a spindle-shaped morphology with numerous processes and a pronounced granularity of cytoplasm. All cultures expressed glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). The optimal seeding dose of 2000 cells per well was specified; its application results in formation of spheroids with a dense structure and stable growth during 7 days. The FLIM method helped to establish that spheroid cells from the patient material had a generally similar metabolism to spheroids from the stable line, however, they demonstrated more pronounced metabolic heterogeneity. Cultivation of spheroids under hypoxic conditions revealed a transition to a more glycolytic type of metabolism, which is expressed in an increase in the contribution of the free form of NAD(P)H to fluorescence decay.

    CONCLUSION: The developed model of tumor spheroids from patients' glioblastomas in combination with the FLIM can serve as a tool to study characteristics of tumor metabolism and develop predictive tests to evaluate the effectiveness of antitumor therapy.

  15. Sarskov SA, Vyushkov MV, Slavin SL, Zaitseva NN
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2024;16(6):17-22.
    PMID: 39896150 DOI: 10.17691/stm2024.16.6.02
    The aim of the study is to develop additional analytical modules of geoinformation software complex on current infectious and parasitic diseases aimed to improve the quality of epidemiological monitoring and to generate a database on the trends of epidemical process development in the subjects of the Russian Federation.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: Additional analytical blocks on comparative and dynamic analysis of morbidity by the groups of nosologies were developed using the software meeting the general concept of the software complex (JavaScript, PHP, and others) and integrated into a new version of the Web application "Epidemiological Atlas of Russia. Territory of the Federal District". The initial data including information by the groups of diseases were converted into a set of interrelated tables with their further integration into the database of a new version of the Atlas under the control of a free relational MySQL database management system.

    RESULTS: The existing classifications of nosologic forms and the search for additional characteristics, potentially forming the groups of nosologies, have been analyzed and the current database of the Epidemiological Atlas has been optimized. The algorithms for obtaining and evaluating epidemiological indicators in the new analytical blocks for estimating cumulative morbidity by the nosologic groups were designed. There were created original analytical modules "Comparative analysis of morbidity by the groups of nosologies" and "Dynamic analysis of morbidity by the groups of nosologies" for the Web application "Epidemiological Atlas of Russia. Territory of Federal District" for the comparative and dynamic morbidity analysis based on the groups of nosologies in the administrative-territorial subject units, in the district subjects, and in the district as a whole, with the possibility of information detailing. The materials based on the database queries contain temporal (calendar month) and spatial detailing (administrative-territory unit of the Russian Federation subject). All materials may be exported as tables, graphs, or maps in various formats (.xls, .pdf, .csv, .png, .jpeg, .svg). Since the databases of the current epidemiological atlases of the Volga Federal District and Russia are universal, the mechanisms of processing tables and queries are identical providing the possibility of using the developed approaches employed in the Epidemiological Atlas of Russia or atlases of other federal districts in case of replicating a new Web application version. New analytical blocks may extend notions on the incidence of current infectious diseases and reveal characteristic regional features, facilitate more exact scientifically grounded proposals for decision-making by the executive authorities and timely taking preventive and anti-epidemic measures.

    CONCLUSION: The developed analytical modules integrated into the new version of the "Epidemiological Atlas of Russia, Territory of the Federal District" were designed to extend the analytical capabilities of the geoinformation software complex. They are characterized by a high significance in optimization and quality improvement of epidemiological monitoring, operative and retrospective epidemiological analysis of current infectious and parasitic diseases in a separate subject, a federal district, and the Russian Federation as a whole, and represent an essential potential for further improvement of analytical methods and technologies.

  16. Malashenkova IK, Krynskiy SA, Ogurtsov DP, Khailov NA, Druzhinina PV, Bernstein AV, et al.
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2023;15(6):5-12.
    PMID: 39944368 DOI: 10.17691/stm2023.15.6.01
    Disorders of systemic immunity and immune processes in the brain have now been shown to play an essential role in the development and progression of schizophrenia. Nevertheless, only a few works were devoted to the study of some immune parameters to objectify the diagnosis by means of machine learning. At the same time, machine learning methods have not yet been applied to a set of data fully reflecting systemic characteristics of the immune status (parameters of adaptive immunity, the level of inflammatory markers, the content of major cytokines). Considering a complex nature of immune system disorders in schizophrenia, incorporation of a broad panel of immunological data into machine learning models is promising for improving classification accuracy and identifying the parameters reflecting the immune disorders typical for the majority of patients. The aim of the study is to assess the possibility of using immunological parameters to objectify the diagnosis of schizophrenia applying machine learning models.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: We have analyzed 17 immunological parameters in 63 schizophrenia patients and 36 healthy volunteers. The parameters of humoral immunity, systemic level of the key cytokines of adaptive immunity, anti-inflammatory and pro-inflammatory cytokines, and other inflammatory markers were determined by enzyme immunoassay. Applied methods of machine learning covered the main group of approaches to supervised learning such as linear models (logistic regression), quadratic discriminant analysis (QDA), support vector machine (linear SVM, RBF SVM), k-nearest neighbors algorithm, Gaussian processes, naive Bayes classifier, decision trees, and ensemble models (AdaBoost, random forest, XGBoost). The importance of features for prediction from the best fold has been analyzed for the machine learning methods, which demonstrated the best quality. The most significant features were selected using 70% quantile threshold.

    RESULTS: The AdaBoost ensemble model with ROC AUC of 0.71±0.15 and average accuracy (ACC) of 0.78±0.11 has demonstrated the best quality on a 10-fold cross validation test sample. Within the frameworks of the present investigation, the AdaBoost model has shown a good quality of classification between the patients with schizophrenia and healthy volunteers (ROC AUC over 0.70) at a high stability of the results (σ less than 0.2). The most important immunological parameters have been established for differentiation between the patients and healthy volunteers: the level of some systemic inflammatory markers, activation of humoral immunity, pro-inflammatory cytokines, immunoregulatory cytokines and proteins, Th1 and Th2 immunity cytokines. It was for the first time that the possibility of differentiating schizophrenia patients from healthy volunteers was shown with the accuracy of more than 70% with the help of machine learning using only immune parameters.The results of this investigation confirm a high importance of the immune system in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia.

  17. Sarskov SA, Vyushkov MV, Polyanina AV, Slavin SL, Zaitseva NN
    Sovrem Tekhnologii Med, 2023;15(6):22-27.
    PMID: 39944366 DOI: 10.17691/stm2023.15.6.03
    The aim of the study is to develop a GIS software package "Epidemiological Atlas of Russia" on topical infectious and parasitic diseases in the Russian Federation to create an open and publicly accessible information resource allowing to improve the quality of morbidity epidemiological monitoring and analysis.

    MATERIALS AND METHODS: The GIS software package "Epidemiological Atlas of Russia" was designed for data monitoring, epidemiological analysis, and cartographic visualization and was implemented as a web resource consisting of a web application, a package administration module, and a database management system. The following development tools were used to create the package: JavaScript, PHP, additional mapping libraries (Leaflet, OpenStreetMap), MySQL database management systems, Visual Basic .NET. The primary information for the database was taken from official federal statistical observation forms No.1 and No.2 "Information on infectious and parasitic diseases".

    RESULTS: Analytical methods and GIS technologies used in epidemiological practice were evaluated, optimal technical solutions based on the experience of developing the "Epidemiological Atlas of the Volga Federal District" were selected. A versatile database structure was designed and developed to create an array of input and output statistical values of an epidemiological nature. Original algorithms were created to obtain and evaluate epidemiological indicators. Web application "Epidemiological Atlas of Russia" was developed to present, analyze, and visualize information on infectious and parasitic diseases in the subjects of a district, federal districts, and the Russian Federation as a whole. It allows to work with report forms of the Ministry of Health to organize federal statistical monitoring in the field of health protection and with laboratory studies results to create thematic modules providing detailed information on individual nosologies. Initial data were temporally broken down by months, and spatially, by Russian Federation subjects. All visualization results were dynamically updated and generated based on user's interactive request.

    CONCLUSION: GIS software package "Epidemiological Atlas of Russia" was developed as an open and publicly accessible information resource and is designed to improve the quality of epidemiological monitoring, operational and retrospective epidemiological analysis of the incidence of current infectious and parasitic diseases in the Russian Federation. The package is intended for use in federal executive authorities, in supervisory authorities and institutions of Rospotrebnadzor, in medical organizations of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation and is in line with the state policy aimed to introduce modern technologies into practice.

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