Methods: We retrieved the in-course continuous assessment (ICA) and final professional examination results of 3 cohorts of medical students (n = 245) from the examination unit of the International Medical University, Seremban, Malaysia. The ICA was 3 sets of composite marks derived from course works, which includes summative theory paper with short answer questions and 1 of the best answers. The clinical examination includes end-of-posting practical examination. These examinations are conducted every 6 months in semesters 6, 7 and 8; they are graded as pass/fail for each student. The final professional examination including modified essay questions (MEQs), 1 8-question objective structured practical examination (OSPE) and a 16-station objective structured clinical examination (OSCE), were graded as pass/fail. Failure in the continuous assessment that can predict failure in each component of the final professional examination was tested using chi-square test and presented as odds ratio (OR) with 95% confidence interval (CI).
Results: Failure in ICA in semesters 6-8 strongly predicts failure in MEQs, OSPE and OSCE of the final professional examination with OR of 3.8-14.3 (all analyses p< 0.001) and OR of 2.4-6.9 (p<0.05). However, the correlation was stronger with MEQs and OSPE compared to OSCE.
Conclusion: ICA with theory and clinical examination had a direct relationship with students' performance in the final examination and is a useful assessment tool.
Methods: . In the mentored student project (MSP) programme at Melaka Manipal Medical College, students undertake a short-term group research project under the guidance of their mentor. After data collection and analysis, students are required to write an abstract, present a poster and also write individual reflective summaries of their research experience. We evaluated the MSP programme using reflective summaries of a batch of undergraduate medical students. Data from 41 reflective summaries were analysed using the thematic analysis approach. The learning outcomes at the third and fourth levels of the Kirkpatrick evaluation model were determined from the summaries.
Results: . Students' reflective summaries indicated that they were satisfied with the MSP experience. In all the summaries, there was a mention of an improvement in teamwork skills through MSP. Improved relations with mentors were another relevant outcome. Improvement in communication skills and a positive change related to research attitude were also reported by students.
Conclusions: . Reflective summaries as a means to evaluate the MSP programme was found to be an easy, feasible and cost-effective method. The qualitative approach adopted for data analysis enabled the programme coordinators to assess the strengths and barriers of the programme.
Methods: . We assessed links through curriculum mapping, between assessments and expected learning outcomes of dental physiology curriculum of three batches of students (2012-14) at Melaka-Manipal Medical College (MMMC), Manipal. The questions asked under each assessment method were mapped to the respective expected learning outcomes, and students' scores in different assessments in physiology were gathered. Students' (n = 220) and teachers' (n=15) perspectives were collected through focus group discussion sessions and questionnaire surveys.
Results: . More than 75% of students were successful (≥50% scores) in majority of the assessments. There was moderate (r=0.4-0.6) to strong positive correlation (r=0.7-0.9) between majority of the assessments. However, students' scores in viva voce had a weak positive correlation with the practical examination score (r=0.230). The score in the assessments of problem-based learning had either weak (r=0.1-0.3) or no correlation with other assessment scores.
Conclusions: . Through curriculum mapping, we were able to establish links between assessments and expected learning outcomes. We observed that, in the assessment system followed at MMMC, all expected learning outcomes were not given equal weightage in the examinations. Moreover, there was no direct assessment of self-directed learning skills. Our study also showed that assessment has supported students in achieving the expected learning outcomes as evidenced by the qualitative and quantitative data.