Displaying publications 1 - 20 of 30 in total

  1. Sy DK, Stumberg RK
    Tob Control, 2014 Nov;23(6):466-70.
    PMID: 25170023 DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2014-051900
    Twelve-member countries of the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) are negotiating the Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA), a free trade agreement to facilitate international trade and investment. As reported by multiple sources, the TPPA would grant the same trade benefits and legal protections to tobacco products, services and investments that it would provide to other sectors. Malaysia proposed excluding tobacco control measures from the scope of all TPPA chapters while the US proposed only to establish a consultation process in tobacco-related disputes and to declare that tobacco control measures serve a health objective within the scope of the general exceptions.
  2. Liber AC, Ross H, Ratanachena S, Dorotheo EU, Foong K
    Tob Control, 2015 Jun;24(e2):e137-41.
    PMID: 24500266 DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2013-051184
    OBJECTIVES: To monitor and analyse impacts of the interaction between tobacco excise tax policy and industry price strategy, on the price level and variation of cigarettes sold in five Southeast Asian countries (Indonesia, Cambodia, Lao PDR, the Philippines and Vietnam).
    METHODS: Prices of cigarette sold by sticks and packs were collected through an in-person survey of retailers during 2011. Mean cigarette prices and price variation were calculated in each study country for single cigarettes, whole packs and brand groups.
    RESULTS: Price variation of whole packs was greater in countries with ad-valorem excise tax structures (Cambodia, Lao PDR and Vietnam) than in countries with multitiered specific excise taxes (Indonesia and the Philippines). The price variation for single sticks appeared to be driven by local currency denomination. Cigarettes sold individually cost more per stick than cigarettes sold in whole packs in every brand group except for Indonesia's domestic brands.
    CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco industry strategy and excise tax structure drove the price level and variation of cigarettes sold in packs, while currency denominations influence the selling price of single sticks. To maximise the effectiveness of tobacco tax policies, countries should adopt specific excise tax structures to decrease cigarette price variation, which would minimise opportunities for smokers to 'trade down' to a cheaper brand to avoid a tax-driven price increase.
    KEYWORDS: Low/Middle Income Country; Packaging and Labelling; Price; Surveillance and Monitoring; Taxation
  3. Hammond D
    Tob Control, 2011 Sep;20(5):327-37.
    PMID: 21606180 DOI: 10.1136/tc.2010.037630
    OBJECTIVE: To review evidence on the impact of health warning messages on tobacco packages.
    DATA SOURCES: Articles were identified through electronic databases of published articles, as well as relevant 'grey' literature using the following keywords: health warning, health message, health communication, label and labelling in conjunction with at least one of the following terms: smoking, tobacco, cigarette, product, package and pack.
    STUDY SELECTION AND DATA EXTRACTION: Relevant articles available prior to January 2011 were screened for six methodological criteria. A total of 94 original original articles met inclusion criteria, including 72 quantitative studies, 16 qualitative studies, 5 studies with both qualitative and qualitative components, and 1 review paper: Canada (n=35), USA (n=29) Australia (n=16), UK (n=13), The Netherlands (n=3), France (n=3), New Zealand (n=3), Mexico (n=3), Brazil (n=2), Belgium (n=1), other European countries (n=10), Norway (n=1), Malaysia (n=1) and China (n=1).
    RESULTS: The evidence indicates that the impact of health warnings depends upon their size and
    DESIGN: whereas obscure text-only warnings appear to have little impact, prominent health warnings on the face of packages serve as a prominent source of health information for smokers and non-smokers, can increase health knowledge and perceptions of risk and can promote smoking cessation. The evidence also indicates that comprehensive warnings are effective among youth and may help to prevent smoking initiation. Pictorial health warnings that elicit strong emotional reactions are significantly more effective.
    CONCLUSIONS: Health warnings on packages are among the most direct and prominent means of communicating with smokers. Larger warnings with pictures are significantly more effective than smaller, text-only messages.
  4. Ketchoo C, Sangthong R, Chongsuvivatwong V, Geater A, McNeil E
    Tob Control, 2013 Jul;22(4):255-60.
    PMID: 22174006 DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2011-050008
    Illicit cigarette consumption has increased worldwide. It is important to understand this problem thoroughly.

    To investigate behaviours and factors associated with illicit cigarette consumption in southern Thailand.

    A survey and qualitative study were conducted in a border province in southern Thailand next to Malaysia. A modified snowballing technique was used to recruit 300 illicit and 150 non-illicit cigarette smokers. A questionnaire was used to interview subjects. Illicit cigarette packs were obtained in order to identify their characteristics. Bivariate and multivariate logistic regression was used for data analysis.

    Smoking of illicit cigarettes has become accepted in the communities. They were available in supermarkets and vendor shops. Friends and other illicit smokers known by illicit cigarette smokers were an important source of information for access to illicit cigarette products. The main factors associated with smoking illicit cigarettes, compared with smoking non-illicit cigarettes, were younger age, higher education and higher average monthly expenditure on cigarettes (most illicit smokers smoked illicit cigarettes (average price per packet = 33 THB (US$1.1), while most non-illicit smokers smoked hand-rolled cigarettes (average price per packet = 7 THB (US$0.2)) and knowledge of other illicit cigarette smokers. The low price of illicit cigarettes was the main reason for their use. Selling strategies included sale of singles, sale in shops and direct sale through social networking.

    Illicit cigarette consumption has become more acceptable especially among young adult smokers. Age and extent of social networks are important factors associated with smoking illicit cigarettes.

    Smoking behaviour; border province; cessation; cigarette consumption; global health; hand-rolled/RYO tobacco; health services; illegal tobacco products; illicit cigarette
  5. Sirichotiratana N, Sovann S, Aditama TY, Krishnan M, Kyaing NN, Miguel-Baquilod M, et al.
    Tob Control, 2008 Dec;17(6):372-8.
    PMID: 18669557 DOI: 10.1136/tc.2007.024190
    The Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) has made tobacco use prevention a primary health issue. All ASEAN countries except Indonesia have ratified the World Health Organization Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (WHO FCTC), the world's first public health treaty on tobacco control.
  6. Yong HH, Borland R, Hammond D, Sirirassamee B, Ritthiphakdee B, Awang R, et al.
    Tob Control, 2008 Feb;17(1):46-52.
    PMID: 18218808 DOI: 10.1136/tc.2007.021964
    To examine the impact of tobacco advertising policy on adult smokers' awareness of tobacco promotion in two developing countries--Malaysia and Thailand.
  7. Simpson D
    Tob Control, 2006 Aug;15(4):277-8.
    PMID: 16885572
  8. Assunta M, Chapman S
    Tob Control, 2004 Dec;13 Suppl 2:ii63-70.
    PMID: 15564223 DOI: 10.1136/tc.2004.008987
    OBJECTIVE: To explore tobacco industry accounts of its use of indirect tobacco advertising and trademark diversification (TMD) in Malaysia, a nation with a reputation for having an abundance of such advertising.
    METHODS: Systematic keyword and opportunistic website searches of formerly private tobacco industry internal documents made available through the Master Settlement Agreement.
    RESULTS: 132 documents relevant to the topic were reviewed. TMD efforts were created to advertise cigarettes after advertising restrictions on direct advertising were imposed in 1982. To build public credibility the tobacco companies set up small companies and projected them as entities independent of tobacco. Each brand selected an activity or event such as music, travel, fashion, and sports that best suited its image. RJ Reynolds sponsored music events to advertise its Salem brand while Philip Morris used Marlboro World of Sports since advertising restrictions prevented the use of the Marlboro man in broadcast media. Despite a ban on tobacco advertisements in the mass media, tobacco companies were the top advertisers in the country throughout the 1980s and 1990s. The media's dependence on advertising revenue and support from the ruling elite played a part in delaying efforts to ban indirect advertising.
    CONCLUSION: Advertising is crucial for the tobacco industry. When faced with an advertising ban they created ways to circumvent it, such as TMDs.
  9. Assunta M, Fields N, Knight J, Chapman S
    Tob Control, 2004 Dec;13 Suppl 2:ii4-12.
    PMID: 15564219
    STUDY OBJECTIVE: To review the tobacco industry's Asian environmental tobacco smoke (ETS) consultants programme, focusing on three key nations: China, Hong Kong, and Malaysia.
    METHODS: Systematic keyword and opportunistic website searches of formerly private internal industry documents.
    MAIN RESULTS: The release of the 1986 US Surgeon General's report on second hand smoke provoked tobacco companies to prepare for a major threat to their industry. Asian programme activities included conducting national/international symposiums, consultant "road shows" and extensive lobbying and media activities. The industry exploited confounding factors said to be unique to Asian societies such as diet, culture and urban pollution to downplay the health risks of ETS. The industry consultants were said to be "..prepared to do the kinds of things they were recruited to do".
    CONCLUSIONS: The programme was successful in blurring the science on ETS and keeping the controversy alive both nationally and internationally. For the duration of the project, it also successfully dissuaded national policy makers from instituting comprehensive bans on smoking in public places.
  10. Assunta M, Chapman S
    Tob Control, 2004 Dec;13 Suppl 2:ii37-42.
    PMID: 15564218
    OBJECTIVE: To review tobacco company strategies of using youth smoking prevention programmes to counteract the Malaysian government's tobacco control legislation and efforts in conducting research on youth to market to them.
    METHODS: Systematic keyword and opportunistic website searches of formerly private internal industry documents. Search terms included Malay, cmtm, jaycees, YAS, and direct marketing; 195 relevant documents were identified for this paper.
    RESULTS: Industry internal documents reveal that youth anti-smoking programmes were launched to offset the government's tobacco control legislation. The programme was seen as a strategy to lobby key politicians and bureaucrats for support in preventing the passage of legislation. However, the industry continued to conduct research on youth, targeted them in marketing, and considered the teenage market vital for its survival. Promotional activities targeting youth were also carried out such as sports, notably football and motor racing, and entertainment events and cash prizes. Small, affordable packs of cigarettes were crucial to reach new smokers.
    CONCLUSION: The tobacco industry in Malaysia engaged in duplicitous conduct in regard to youth. By buying into the youth smoking issue it sought to move higher on the moral playing field and strengthen its relationship with government, while at the same time continuing to market to youth. There is no evidence that industry youth smoking prevention programmes were effective in reducing smoking; however, they were effective in diluting the government's tobacco control legislation.
  11. Assunta M, Chapman S
    Tob Control, 2004 Dec;13 Suppl 2:ii51-7.
    PMID: 15564221
    To review how tobacco transnational companies conducted their business in the hostile environment of Singapore, attempting to counter some of the government's tobacco control measures; to compare the Malaysian and the Singaporean governments' stance on tobacco control and the direct bearing of this on the way the tobacco companies conduct their business.
  12. Assunta M, Chapman S
    Tob Control, 2004 Dec;13 Suppl 2:ii43-50.
    PMID: 15564220 DOI: 10.1136/tc.2004.008094
    OBJECTIVE: To describe tobacco industry efforts in Malaysia to thwart government efforts to regulate tobacco promotion and health warnings.
    METHODS: Systematic keyword and opportunistic website searches of formerly private tobacco industry internal documents made available through the Master Settlement Agreement and secondary websites; relevant information from news articles and financial reports.
    RESULTS: Commencing in the 1970s, the industry began to systematically thwart government tobacco control. Guidelines were successfully promoted in the place of legislation for over two decades. Even when the government succeeded in implementing regulations such as health warnings and advertising bans they were compromised and acted effectively to retard further progress for years to come.
    CONCLUSION: Counter-measures to delay or thwart government efforts to regulate tobacco were initiated by the industry. Though not unique to Malaysia, the main difference lies in the degree to which strategies were used to successfully counter stringent tobacco control measures between 1970 and 1995.
  13. Elton-Marshall T, Xu SS, Meng G, Quah AC, Sansone GC, Feng G, et al.
    Tob Control, 2015 Nov;24 Suppl 4:iv6-13.
    PMID: 26420242 DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2015-052616
    In 2009, China changed its health warnings on cigarette packs from side-only text warnings to two text-only warnings on 30% of the bottom of the front and back of the pack. Also in 2009, Malaysia changed from similar text warnings to pictorial health warnings consistent with Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC) Article 11 Guidelines.
  14. Liber AC, Ross H, Omar M, Chaloupka FJ
    Tob Control, 2015 Jul;24 Suppl 3:iii83-iii87.
    PMID: 25808666 DOI: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2014-052028
    Study the effects of the 2011 Malaysian minimum price law (MPL) on prices of licit and illicit cigarette brands. Identify barriers to the MPL achieving positive public health effects.
  15. Assunta M
    Tob Control, 2002 Sep;11(3):277-8.
    PMID: 12198283
    In Malaysia, British American Tobacco flouted the World Cup of football's no-tobacco ruling
  16. Simpson D
    Tob Control, 1997;6(3):171-2.
    PMID: 9396099
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