Displaying all 6 publications

  1. Sooryanarayana R, Choo WY, Hairi NN
    Trauma Violence Abuse, 2013 Oct;14(4):316-25.
    PMID: 23878148 DOI: 10.1177/1524838013495963
    Aging is a rising phenomenon globally and elder abuse is becoming increasingly recognized as a health and social problem. This review aimed to identify the prevalence of elder abuse in community settings, and discuss issues regarding measurement tools and strategies to measure elderly abuse by systematically reviewing all community-based studies conducted worldwide.
  2. Mydin FHM, Yuen CW, Othman S
    Trauma Violence Abuse, 2021 10;22(4):944-960.
    PMID: 31823685 DOI: 10.1177/1524838019889359
    Elder abuse and neglect (EAN) occurrence is expected to increase in many countries due to rapidly aging populations, yet it is still unrecognized and underreported. Gaps were identified in the knowledge and skills to intervene EAN among health-care service providers. It is still unclear whether educating health-care service providers on EAN improve the identification and management of EAN cases. A systematic review was conducted on the effectiveness of educational intervention designed to improve primary health-care service providers' (PHSPs) knowledge, attitude, and practice in managing EAN cases. We performed a comprehensive and systematic search for original studies in the following major electronic databases (ScienceDirect, PubMed, EMBASE, and CINAHL) and specialist registers (Cochrane Central Controlled Trials Register) with a set of search terms. Studies included were randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and observational studies on EAN education intervention that aimed to improve knowledge, attitude, and management skills of the PHSPs. There were no publication period restrictions until June 2018 and written in English. Overall, three RCTs and 10 observational studies were selected. These studies were grouped based on the type of the study, methodological quality (six moderate risk of bias and seven serious risk of bias), and the type of educational intervention (seven face-to-face educational intervention, two educational videos, two simulation-based training, and two online educational training). The education programs in the selected studies range from brief didactic to experiential learning. EAN educational intervention among primary care service providers potentially result in increasing awareness and knowledge on EAN. However, there is a lack of evidence on the changes of attitude and practice.
  3. Winzer L, Krahé B, Guest P
    Trauma Violence Abuse, 2019 12;20(5):595-612.
    PMID: 29333964 DOI: 10.1177/1524838017725312
    Southeast Asia is one of the most dynamic regions in the world. It is experiencing rapid socioeconomic change that may influence the level of sexual aggression, but data on the scale of sexual aggression in the region remain sparse. The aim of the present article was to systematically review the findings of studies available in English on the prevalence of self-reported sexual aggression and victimization among women and men above the age of 12 years in the 11 countries of Southeast Asia (Brunei, Cambodia, East Timor, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam). Based on four scientific databases, the search engine Google, Opengrey database, and reference checking, 49 studies were found on sexual victimization. Of those, 32 included only women. Self-reported perpetration was assessed by only three studies and included all-male samples. Prevalence rates varied widely across studies but showed that sexual victimization was widespread among different social groups, irrespective of sex and sexual orientation. Methodological heterogeneity, lack of representativeness of samples, imbalance of information available by country, missing information within studies, and cultural differences hampered the comparability between and within countries. There is a need for operationalizations that specifically address sexual aggression occurring after the age of consent, based on detailed behavioral descriptions of unwanted sexual experiences and allied to a qualitative approach with cultural sensitivity. Data on sexual aggression in conflict settings and in human trafficking are also limited. Recommendations for future research are presented in the discussion.
  4. Yunus RM, Hairi NN, Choo WY
    Trauma Violence Abuse, 2019 04;20(2):197-213.
    PMID: 29333999 DOI: 10.1177/1524838017692798
    This article presents the results of a systematic review of the consequences of elder abuse and neglect (EAN). A systematic search was conducted in seven electronic databases and three sources of gray literature up to January 8, 2016, supplemented by scanning of citation lists in relevant articles and contact with field experts. All observational studies investigating elder abuse as a risk factor for adverse health outcomes, mortality, and health-care utilization were included. Of 517 articles initially captured, 19 articles met our inclusion criteria and were analyzed. Two reviewers independently performed abstract screening, full-texts appraisal, and quality assessment using the Newcastle-Ottawa Scale. Across 19 studies, methodological heterogeneity was a prominent feature; seven definitions of EAN and nine measurement tools for abuse were employed. Summary of results reveals a wide range of EAN outcomes, from premature mortality to increased health-care consumption and various forms of physical and psychological symptoms. Higher risks of mortality emerged as the most credible outcome, while the majority of morbidity outcomes originated from cross-sectional studies. Our findings suggest that there is an underrepresentation of older adults from non-Western populations and developing countries, and there is a need for more population-based prospective studies in middle- and low-income regions. Evidence gathered from this review is crucial in upgrading current practices, formulating policies, and shaping the future direction of research.
  5. Contractor AA, Almeida IM, Fentem A, Griffith EL, Kaur G, Slavish DC
    Trauma Violence Abuse, 2024 Apr;25(2):1468-1483.
    PMID: 37427484 DOI: 10.1177/15248380231184207
    Substantial comorbidity exists between posttraumatic stress disorder and sleep disturbances/disorders. Such comorbidities are understudied in minority groups, including Asian Indians residing in countries outside India. Thus, we synthesized the existing literature specific to this group of Asian Indians to determine (a) prevalence estimates of posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and sleep disturbances/disorders; and (b) PTSD-sleep comorbidity estimates. For this systematic review, we searched four databases (PubMed, PsycInfo, PTSDpubs, Web of Science) using the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines. Of 3,796 screened articles, 9 articles (10 studies) met inclusion criteria. Study sample sizes ranged from 11 to 2,112 Asian Indians; studies were conducted in Singapore or Malaysia. No reviewed study examined PTSD. All studies examined sleep disturbances/disorders among Asian Indians; prevalence estimates were: 8.3% to 70.4% for short sleep duration, 2.0% to 22.9% for long sleep duration, 25.9% to 56.3% for poor sleep quality, 3.4% to 67.5% for insomnia diagnosis or probable insomnia, 7.7% for excessive daytime sleepiness, 3.8% to 54.6% for obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) diagnosis or high OSA risk, and 5.1% to 11.1% for sleep-disordered breathing. Specific to Asian Indians residing in countries outside India, this review advances PTSD-sleep literature by (a) suggesting substantial prevalence of sleep disturbances/disorders; (b) highlighting the need for culturally relevant sleep interventions; and (c) highlighting research gaps (e.g., no PTSD-focused research).
  6. Md Said MHB, Emmanuel Kaka G
    Trauma Violence Abuse, 2023 Jul;24(3):1483-1502.
    PMID: 35232287 DOI: 10.1177/15248380221074321
    Cross-border marriages have been found to be associated with domestic violence due to the migration experiences of the couples concerned and the stress experienced before, during, and after migration, despite local and international legislation on domestic violence. A systematic review using the PRISMA Statement was conducted to examine the relationship between domestic violence and cross-border marriages among cross-border wives from Asian countries. Six databases-Taylor & Francis Online, Wiley Online, Scopus, Web of Science, Sage Journals, and Springer Online library, were used in the research which found 179 articles for eligibility and 58 articles were finally used in the review. To be included, studies must have addressed domestic violence and cross-border marriage among Asians, report qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods, addressed the RQs, been published in polished English between 2010 and 2020 and published in a reputable journal with high impact factor. The systematic review found that immigration status, citizenship, culture, language barrier, diversity/intersectionality, age, and economic dependence are the risk factors for domestic violence, which leads effects such as divorce or separation, racism, loneliness, loss of identity & inheritance, stigma, abandonment, and discrimination. Yet these cross-border wives resorted to NGOs, social & religious groups, and traditional beliefs as coping strategies. The review suggests that legislations on domestic violence should be amended to include a definition of the rights of immigrant women, and the plight of cross-border wives, which should be protected. It is also imperative to propose favorable laws and policies regarding immigration status and citizenship for these cross-border couples.
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