Displaying all 11 publications

  1. Ng CY, Leong XF, Masbah N, Adam SK, Kamisah Y, Jaarin K
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2014 Apr;61(1):1-9.
    PMID: 24632108 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2014.02.004
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It may result from the interactions between multiple genetic and environmental factors including sedentary lifestyle and dietary habits. The quality of dietary oils and fats has been widely recognised to be inextricably linked to the pathogenesis of CVD. Vegetable oil is one of the essential dietary components in daily food consumption. However, the benefits of vegetable oil can be deteriorated by repeated heating that leads to lipid oxidation. The practice of using repeatedly heated cooking oil is not uncommon as it will reduce the cost of food preparation. Thermal oxidation yields new functional groups which may be potentially hazardous to cardiovascular health. Prolonged consumption of the repeatedly heated oil has been shown to increase blood pressure and total cholesterol, cause vascular inflammation as well as vascular changes which predispose to atherosclerosis. The harmful effect of heated oils is attributed to products generated from lipid oxidation during heating process. In view of the potential hazard of oxidation products, therefore this review article will provide an insight and awareness to the general public on the consumption of repeatedly heated oils which is detrimental to health.
  2. Ng CY, Leong XF, Masbah N, Adam SK, Kamisah Y, Jaarin K
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2014 Jul;62(1):38-46.
    PMID: 24846858 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2014.05.003
    Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is one of the leading major causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. It may result from the interactions between multiple genetic and environmental factors including sedentary lifestyle and dietary habits. The quality of dietary oils and fats has been widely recognised to be inextricably linked to the pathogenesis of CVD. Vegetable oil is one of the essential dietary components in daily food consumption. However, the benefits of vegetable oil can be deteriorated by repeated heating that leads to lipid oxidation. The practice of using repeatedly heated cooking oil is not uncommon as it will reduce the cost of food preparation. Thermal oxidation yields new functional groups which may be potentially hazardous to cardiovascular health. Prolonged consumption of the repeatedly heated oil has been shown to increase blood pressure and total cholesterol, cause vascular inflammation as well as vascular changes which predispose to atherosclerosis. The harmful effect of heated oils is attributed to products generated from lipid oxidation during heating process. In view of the potential hazard of oxidation products, therefore this review article will provide an insight and awareness to the general public on the consumption of repeatedly heated oils which is detrimental to health.
  3. Aloysius UI, Achike FI, Mustafa MR
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2012 Sep-Oct;57(2-4):81-90.
    PMID: 22172524 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2011.11.009
    The female gender reduces the risk, but succumbs more to cardiovascular disease. The hypothesis that short-term (8weeks) Streptozotocin-induced diabetes could produce greater female than male vascular tissue reactivity and the mechanistic basis were explored. Aortic ring responses to Phenylephrine were examined in age- and sex-matched normoglycaemic/diabetic rats. The normoglycaemic male tissue contracted significantly more than the normoglycaemic female and the male/female diabetic tissues. Endothelial-denudation, l-NAME or MB reversed these differences suggesting an EDNO-cGMP dependence. 17β-oestradiol exerted relaxant effect on all endothelium-denuded (and normoglycaemic endothelium-intact male) tissues, but not endothelium-intact normoglycaemic female. The greater male tissue contraction is attributable to absent 17β-oestradiol-modulated relaxation. Indomethacin blockade of COX attenuated male normoglycaemic and female diabetic tissue contraction (both reversed by l-NAME), but augmented diabetic male tissue contraction. These data are consistent with the raised contractile TXA(2) and PGE(2) in normoglycaemic male and diabetic female tissues, and the relaxant PGI(2) in diabetic male (and female). The higher levels of PGI(2) in the normoglycaemic and diabetic female perhaps explain their greater relaxant response to Acetylcholine compared to the respective male. In conclusion, there is an endothelium-dependent gender difference in the effect of short term diabetes on vascular tissue reactivity which is COX mediated.
  4. Ling WC, Lau YS, Murugan DD, Vanhoutte PM, Mustafa MR
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2015 Nov;74:87-92.
    PMID: 26044183 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2015.05.014
    Ingestion of dietary nitrites lowers arterial blood pressure in experimental animals and in humans. However, the exact mechanism underlying the hypotensive effect of nitrite remains unclear. The present study compared nitrite-induced responses in rings (with or without endothelium) of aortae of 18-20weeks old Wistar-Kyoto Rats (WKY) and spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) rats and investigated the underlying mechanism. Relaxations of aortae from WKY and SHR to increasing concentrations (1nM-100μM) of sodium nitrite (NaNO2) were determined during sustained contractions to phenylephrine, in the absence and presence of pharmacological agents. The nitrite-induced relaxations were concentration-dependent and larger in SHR than in WKY aortic rings. Inhibition of endothelial nitric oxide synthase (eNOS) and the absence of endothelium decreased nitrite-induced relaxations in both WKY and SHR aortae, indicating the role of endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) in the response. The involvement of eNOS was further confirmed by increases in phosphorylation of eNOS at ser1177 in HUVEC cells following treatment with sodium nitrite. The presence of NO scavengers decreased the relaxation to nitrite in both WKY and SHR preparations while inhibition of soluble guanylyl cyclase (sGC) abolished the response, indicating that besides producing NO, nitrite also induces relaxation by directly activating the enzyme. Thus, the present study demonstrates that the sensitivity to exogenous nitrite is increased in the aorta of the SHR compared to that of the WKY. The endothelium-dependent component of the relaxation to nitrite involves activation of eNOS with production of endothelium-derived NO, while the endothelium-independent component is due to stimulation of sGC.
  5. Siti HN, Kamisah Y, Kamsiah J
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2015 Aug;71:40-56.
    PMID: 25869516 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2015.03.005
    The concept of mild chronic vascular inflammation as part of the pathophysiology of cardiovascular disease, most importantly hypertension and atherosclerosis, has been well accepted. Indeed there are links between vascular inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and oxidative stress. However, there are still gaps in our understanding regarding this matter that might be the cause behind disappointing results of antioxidant therapy for cardiovascular risk factors in large-scale long-term randomised controlled trials. Apart from the limitations of our knowledge, limitations in methodology and assessment of the body's endogenous and exogenous oxidant-antioxidant status are a serious handicap. The pleiotropic effects of antioxidant and anti-inflammation that are shown by some well-established antihypertensive agents and statins partly support the idea of using antioxidants in vascular diseases as still relevant. This review aims to provide an overview of the links between oxidative stress, vascular inflammation, endothelial dysfunction and cardiovascular risk factors, importantly focusing on blood pressure regulation and atherosclerosis. In view of the potential benefits of antioxidants, this review will also examine the proposed role of vitamin C, vitamin E and polyphenols in cardiovascular diseases as well as the success or failure of antioxidant therapy for cardiovascular diseases in clinical trials.
  6. Loh WM, Ling WC, Murugan DD, Lau YS, Achike FI, Vanhoutte PM, et al.
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2015 Aug;71:151-8.
    PMID: 25869508 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2015.03.011
    Des-aspartate angiotensin I (DAA-I), an endogenous nonapeptide, counteracts several effects of angiotensin II on vascular tone. The aim of this study was to investigate the acute protective effect of DAA-I on endothelial function in the spontaneously hypertensive rat (SHR) as well as its effect on angiotensin II-induced contractions and oxidative stress. Aortic rings were incubated with DAA-I (0.1μM) for 30min prior to the assessment of angiotensin II-induced contractions (0.1nM-10μM) in WKY and SHR aortas. Total nitrate and nitrite levels were assessed using a colorimetric method and reactive oxygen species (ROS) were measured by dihydroethidium (DHE) fluorescence and lucigenin-enhanced chemiluminescence. The effect of DAA-I was also assessed against endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxations to acetylcholine and sodium nitroprusside, respectively. Angiotensin II-induced contractions were significantly reduced by DAA-I, losartan and tempol. Incubation with ODQ (soluble guanylyl cyclase inhibitor) and removal of the endothelium prevented the reduction of angiotensin II-induced contractions by DAA-I. Total nitrate and nitrite levels were increased in DAA-I, losartan and tempol treated-SHR tissues while ROS level was reduced by DAA-I and the latter inhibitors. In addition, DAA-I significantly improved the impaired acetylcholine-induced relaxation in SHR aortas whilst sodium nitroprusside-induced endothelium-independent relaxation remained unaffected. The present findings indicate that improvement of endothelial function by DAA-I in the SHR aorta is mediated through endothelium-dependent release of nitric oxide and inhibition of angiotensin II-induced oxidative stress.
  7. Ling WC, Mustafa MR, Vanhoutte PM, Murugan DD
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2018 03;102:11-20.
    PMID: 28552746 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2017.05.003
    AIM: Endothelial dysfunction accompanied by an increase in oxidative stress is a key event leading to hypertension. As dietary nitrite has been reported to exert antihypertensive effect, the present study investigated whether chronic oral administration of sodium nitrite improves vascular function in conduit and resistance arteries of hypertensive animals with elevated oxidative stress.

    METHODS: Sodium nitrite (50mg/L) was given to angiotensin II-infused hypertensive C57BL/6J (eight to ten weeks old) mice for two weeks in the drinking water. Arterial systolic blood pressure was measured using the tail-cuff method. Vascular responsiveness of isolated aortae and renal arteries was studied in wire myographs. The level of nitrite in the plasma and the cyclic guanosine monophosphate (cGMP) content in the arterial wall were determined using commercially available kits. The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) and the presence of proteins (nitrotyrosine, NOx-2 and NOx-4) involved in ROS generation were evaluated with dihydroethidium (DHE) fluorescence and by Western blotting, respectively.

    RESULTS: Chronic administration of sodium nitrite for two weeks to mice with angiotensin II-induced hypertension decreased systolic arterial blood pressure, reversed endothelial dysfunction, increased plasma nitrite level as well as vascular cGMP content. In addition, sodium nitrite treatment also decreased the elevated nitrotyrosine and NOx-4 protein level in angiotensin II-infused hypertensive mice.

    CONCLUSIONS: The present study demonstrates that chronic treatment of hypertensive mice with sodium nitrite improves impaired endothelium function in conduit and resistance vessels in addition to its antihypertensive effect, partly through inhibition of ROS production.

  8. Fong LY, Ng CT, Yong YK, Hakim MN, Ahmad Z
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2019 06;117:15-26.
    PMID: 30114509 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2018.08.005
    Endothelial hyperpermeability represents an initiating step in early atherosclerosis and it often occurs as a result of endothelial barrier dysfunction. Asiatic acid, a major triterpene isolated from Centella asiatica (L.) Urban, has previously been demonstrated to protect against tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-α-induced endothelial barrier dysfunction. The present study aimed to investigate the mechanisms underlying the barrier protective effect of asiatic acid in human aortic endothelial cells (HAECs). The localization of F-actin, diphosphorylated myosin light chain (diphospho-MLC), adherens junctions (AJs) and tight junctions (TJs) was studied using immunocytochemistry techniques and confocal microscopy. Their total protein expressions were examined using western blot analysis. The endothelial permeability was assessed using In Vitro Vascular Permeability Assay kits. In addition, intracellular redistribution of the junctional proteins was evaluated using subcellular fractionation kits. We show that asiatic acid stabilized F-actin and diphospho-MLC at the cell periphery and prevented their rearrangement stimulated by TNF-α. However, asiatic acid failed to attenuate cytochalasin D-induced increased permeability. Besides, asiatic acid abrogated TNF-α-induced structural reorganization of vascular endothelial (VE)-cadherin and β-catenin by preserving their reticulum structures at cell-cell contact areas. In addition, asiatic acid also inhibited TNF-α-induced redistribution of occludin and zona occludens (ZO)-1 in different subcellular fractions. In conclusion, the barrier-stabilizing effect of asiatic acid might be associated with preservation of AJs and prevention of TJ redistribution caused by TNF-α. This study provides evidence to support the potential use of asiatic acid in the prevention of early atherosclerosis, which is initiated by endothelial barrier dysfunction.
  9. Phang SW, Ooi BK, Ahemad N, Yap WH
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2020 03 19;128-129:106675.
    PMID: 32200116 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2020.106675
    The transformation of macrophages to foam cells is a critical component in atherosclerotic lesion formation. Maslinic acid (MA), a novel natural pentacyclic triterpene, has cardioprotective and anti-inflammatory properties. It is hypothesized that MA can suppress monocyte recruitment to endothelial cells and inhibit macrophage foam cells formation. Previous study shows that MA inhibits inflammatory effects induced by sPLA2-IIA, including foam cells formation. This study elucidates the regulatory effect of MA in monocyte recruitment, macrophage lipid accumulation and cholesterol efflux. Our findings demonstrate that MA inhibits THP-1 monocyte adhesion to HUVEC cells in a TNFα-dependent and independent manner, but it induces trans-endothelial migration marginally at low concentration. MA down-regulates both gene and protein expression on VCAM-1 and MCP-1 in HUVECs. We further showed that MA suppresses macrophage foam cells formation, as indicated from the Oil-Red-O staining and flow cytometric analysis of intracellular lipids accumulation. The effects observed may be attributed to the antioxidant properties of MA where it was shown to suppress CuSO4-induced lipid peroxidation. MA inhibits scavenger receptors SR-A and CD36 expression while enhancing cholesterol efflux. MA enhances cholesterol efflux transporters ABCA1 and ABCG1 genes expression marginally without inducing its protein expression. In this study, MA was shown to target important steps that contribute to foam cell formation, including its ability in reducing monocytes adhesion to endothelial cells and LDL peroxidation, down-regulating scavenger receptors expression as well as enhancing cholesterol efflux, which might be of great importance in the context of atherosclerosis prevention and treatment.
  10. Ajay M, Mustafa MR
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2006 Aug;45(2):127-33.
    PMID: 16807125 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2006.05.001
    Impaired vascular reactivity is a hallmark of several cardiovascular diseases that include hypertension and diabetes. This study compared the changes in vascular reactivity in age-matched experimental hypertension and diabetes, and, subsequently, tested whether these changes could be affected directly by ascorbic acid (10 microM). Endothelium-derived nitric oxide (NO) modulation of ascorbic acid effects was also investigated. All the experiments were performed in the presence of a cyclooxygenase inhibitor, indomethacin (10 microM). Results showed that the endothelium-dependent and -independent relaxations induced by acetylcholine (ACh) and sodium nitroprusside (SNP), respectively, were blunted to a similar extent in isolated aortic rings from age-matched spontaneously hypertensive (SHR) (R(max): ACh = 72.83+/-1.86%, SNP = 96.6+/-1.90%) and diabetic (Rmax: ACh = 64.09+/-5.14%, SNP = 95.84+/-1.41%) rats compared with aortic rings of normal rats (Rmax: ACh = 89%, SNP = 104.0+/-1.0%). The alpha1-receptor-mediated contractions induced by phenylephrine (PE) were augmented in diabetic (Cmax = 148.8+/-9.0%) rat aortic rings compared to both normal (Cmax = 127+/-6.9%) and SHR (Cmax = 118+/-4.5%) aortic rings. Ascorbic acid pretreatment was without any significant effects on the vascular responses to ACh, SNP and PE in aortic rings from normal rats. Ascorbic acid significantly improved ACh-induced relaxations in SHR (Rmax = 89.09+/-2.82%) aortic rings to a level similar to that observed in normal aortic rings, but this enhancement in ACh-induced relaxations was only partial in diabetic aortic rings. Ascorbic acid lacked any effects on SNP-induced relaxations in both SHR and diabetic aortic rings. Ascorbic acid markedly attenuated contractions induced by PE in aortic rings from both SHR (Cmax = 92.9+/-6.68%) and diabetic (Cmax = 116.9+/-9.4%) rats. Additionally, following inhibition of nitric oxide synthesis with l-NAME, ascorbic acid attenuated PE-induced contractions in all aortic ring types studied. These results suggest that (1) vascular hyper-responsiveness to alpha(1)-receptor agonists in diabetic arteries is independent of endothelial nitric oxide dysfunction; (2) ascorbic acid directly modulates contractile responses of hypertensive and diabetic rat aortas, likely through mechanisms in part independent of preservation of endothelium-derived nitric oxide.
  11. Chin LC, Achike FI, Mustafa MR
    Vascul. Pharmacol., 2007 Mar;46(3):223-8.
    PMID: 17126611 DOI: 10.1016/j.vph.2006.10.005
    Hydrogen peroxide (H(2)O(2)) contributes in the regulation of vascular tone, especially in pathological states. The role of H(2)O(2) and superoxide anion free radicals in angiotensin II (Ang II)-induced contraction of diabetic tissues was examined with the aim of elucidating the underlying mechanisms. Isometric tension in response to various drug treatments was measured in isolated superior mesenteric arteries of streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic WKY rats using the Mulvany wire myograph. Compared to the normal (euglycaemic) arteries, the Ang II-induced contraction was significantly reduced in diabetic arteries. Superoxide dismutase (SOD; converts superoxide to H(2)O(2)) significantly reduced the contraction in both types of arteries -- an effect abolished by catalase (H(2)O(2) scavenger), suggesting that the SOD effect was mediated by H(2)O(2). Treatment with catalase had no effect on the Ang II contraction in euglycaemic arteries, but it raised the contraction in diabetic arteries to euglycaemic levels. This increase was similar to that observed with diabetic arteries incubated with L-NAME. Combined catalase and L-NAME treatment further enhanced the contraction in diabetic arteries, suggesting that the catalase effect was not mediated by nitric oxide (NO). The catalase effect was abolished by indomethacin treatment. These results suggest that attenuation of Ang II-induced contraction in diabetic tissues is modulated by endogenous H(2)O(2), the scavenging of which unmasks an indomethacin-sensitive (and therefore cyclooxygenase product-mediated) Ang II-induced contraction.
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