Displaying all 7 publications

  1. Thomas R, Hamat RA, Neela V
    Virulence, 2014 Feb 15;5(2):326-30.
    PMID: 24448556 DOI: 10.4161/viru.27724
    Matched MeSH terms: Virulence Factors/analysis*
  2. Raji YE, Toung OP, Mohd Taib N, Sekawi ZB
    Virulence, 2021 12;12(1):114-129.
    PMID: 33372843 DOI: 10.1080/21505594.2020.1865716
    Hepatitis E virus (HEV) infection is an emerging zoonotic viral disease, with an increasingly international public health challenge. Despite the concerns that the global disease burden may be underestimated. Therefore, evaluation of the disease epidemiology in South - eastern Asia through a systematic review will assist in unraveling the burden of the disease in the subregion. A priori protocol was prepared for the systematic review and followed by a literature search involving five electronic databases. Identified publications were screened for high quality studies and the elimination of bias and relevant data extracted. A total of 4157 citations were captured, and only 35 were included in the review. A wide range of HEV seroprevalence was recorded from 2% (urban blood donors in Malaysia) to 77.7% (lowland communities in Lao PDR). Sporadic HEV infection and epidemics were also detected in the subregion. Indicating hyperendemicity of the disease in South - eastern Asia.
  3. V K, Neela VK
    Virulence, 2020 Dec;11(1):104-112.
    PMID: 31957553 DOI: 10.1080/21505594.2020.1713649
    This study investigates the twitching ability of 28 clinical and five environmental strains of S. maltophilia grown under iron-depleted condition through in-silico, phenotypic and proteomics approaches. Rapid Annotations using Subsystem Technology (RAST) analysis revealed the presence of 21 targets of type IV pilus shared across S. maltophilia strains K279a, R551-3, D457 and JV3. The macroscopic twitching assay showed that only clinical isolates produced a zone of twitching with a mean of 22.00 mm under normal and 25.00 mm under iron-depleted conditions. (p = 0.002). Environmental isolates did not show any significant twitching activity in both conditions tested. Isobaric Tags for Relative and Absolute Quantification (ITRAQ) analysis showed altered expression of twitching motility protein PilT (99.08-fold change), flagellar biosynthesis protein FliC (20.14-fold change), and fimbrial protein (0.70-fold change) in response to iron-depleted condition. Most of the strains that have the ability to twitch under the normal condition, exhibit enhanced twitching during iron limitation.
  4. Mohandas S, Shete A, Sarkale P, Kumar A, Mote C, Yadav P
    Virulence, 2023 Dec;14(1):2224642.
    PMID: 37312405 DOI: 10.1080/21505594.2023.2224642
    Nipah virus (NiV) is a high-risk pathogen which can cause fatal infections in humans. The Indian isolate from the 2018 outbreak in the Kerala state of India showed ~ 4% nucleotide and amino acid difference in comparison to the Bangladesh strains of NiV and the substitutions observed were mostly not present in the region of any functional significance except for the phosphoprotein gene. The differential expression of viral genes was observed following infection in Vero (ATCC® CCL-81™) and BHK-21 cells. Intraperitoneal infection in the 10-12-week-old, Syrian hamster model induced dose dependant multisystemic disease characterized by prominent vascular lesions in lungs, brain, kidney and extra vascular lesions in brain and lungs. Congestion, haemorrhages, inflammatory cell infiltration, thrombosis and rarely endothelial syncitial cell formation were seen in the blood vessels. Intranasal infection resulted in respiratory tract infection characterised by pneumonia. The model showed disease characteristics resembling the human NiV infection except that of myocarditis similar to that reported by NiV-Malaysia and NiV-Bangladesh isolates in hamster model. The variation observed in the genome of the Indian isolate at the amino acid levels should be explored further for any functional significance.
    Matched MeSH terms: Virulence
  5. Ooi SK, Lim TY, Lee SH, Nathan S
    Virulence, 2012 Oct 01;3(6):485-96.
    PMID: 23076282 DOI: 10.4161/viru.21808
    The nematode Caenorhabditis elegans is hypersusceptible to Burkholderia pseudomallei infection. However, the virulence mechanisms underlying rapid lethality of C. elegans upon B. pseudomallei infection remain poorly defined. To probe the host-pathogen interaction, we constructed GFP-tagged B. pseudomallei and followed bacterial accumulation within the C. elegans intestinal lumen. Contrary to slow-killing by most bacterial pathogens, B. pseudomallei caused fairly limited intestinal lumen colonization throughout the period of observation. Using grinder-defective mutant worms that allow the entry of intact bacteria also did not result in full intestinal lumen colonization. In addition, we observed a significant decline in C. elegans defecation and pharyngeal pumping rates upon B. pseudomallei infection. The decline in defecation rates ruled out the contribution of defecation to the limited B. pseudomallei colonization. We also demonstrated that the limited intestinal lumen colonization was not attributed to slowed host feeding as bacterial loads did not change significantly when feeding was stimulated by exogenous serotonin. Both these observations confirm that B. pseudomallei is a poor colonizer of the C. elegans intestine. To explore the possibility of toxin-mediated killing, we examined the transcription of the C. elegans ABC transporter gene, pgp-5, upon B. pseudomallei infection of the ppgp-5::gfp reporter strain. Expression of pgp-5 was highly induced, notably in the pharynx and intestine, compared with Escherichia coli-fed worms, suggesting that the host actively thwarted the pathogenic assaults during infection. Collectively, our findings propose that B. pseudomallei specifically and continuously secretes toxins to overcome C. elegans immune responses.
    Matched MeSH terms: Virulence
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