Displaying all 10 publications

  1. Topchii II, Kirienko AN, Kirienko DA, Yakovtsova II, Gavriluk AA, Danyliuk SV, et al.
    Wiad Lek, 2019;72(7):1269-1273.
    PMID: 31398154
    OBJECTIVE: Introduction: Vascular endothelium function interruption has the main role among mechanisms of development and progression of chronic kidney disease. In numerous experimental and clinical studies, it was proved that activated vascular endothelium is a structural and functional unit that matches processes of inflammation with intravascular coagulation, fibrinolysis and haemorheological disorders. The aim: To identify special features of endothelium morphological structure in kidney vessels, coronary arteries and aorta during chronic kidney disease.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: Based on autopsy materials, we conducted a morphological study of patients (n = 20) aged 45 to 55 years who were observed in cardiac and neurological hospitals for 5-7 years. We removed kidney, heart and aorta samples from patients. For the study, a histological and immunohistochemical methods were used.

    RESULTS: Results and conclusions: Morphological study of vessels endothelium of kidneys, heart and aorta demonstrated that in the majority of observations intima underwentprofound pathological changes, manifested by different degrees of disorganization of endothelial lining and violations of structural and functional organization of the endotheliocytes, subendothelial layer, basal membrane. These pathological processes in all cases had similar features with the development of immune inflammation. Inflammatory infiltration was represented by macrophages, mast cells, plasma cells. Biological mediators of the presented cells can aggravate the damage to endothelial cells. Indirect signs of low ability to restore the structure of the vessel wall and endothelial lining may be a weak expression of the VEGF and bcl-2 vascular endothelial growth factor.

  2. Kochuieva M, Psarova V, Ruban L, Kyrychenko N, Alypova O, Matlai O, et al.
    Wiad Lek, 2019 Aug 31;72(8):1484-1498.
    PMID: 32003208
    Introduction: The metabolic syndrome is one of the most discussed cross-disciplinary problems of modern medicine. Now there are various definitions and criteria of diagnostics of metabolic syndrome. The abdominal obesity is considered the main component of the metabolic syndrome, as a reflection of visceral obesity which degree is offered to be estimated on an indirect indicator – a waist circumference. Alongside with abdominal obesity, a number of classifications distinguish insulin resistance (IR) as a diagnostic criterion of metabolic syndrome. It is proved that IR is one of the pathophysiological mechanisms influencing the development and the course of arterial hypertension (AH), type 2 DM and obesity. There are two components in the development of IR: genetic (hereditary) and acquired. In spite of the fact that IR has the accurate genetic predisposition, exact genetic disorders of its appearance have not been identified yet, thus demonstrating its polygenic nature.

    The aim: To establish possible associations of the insulin receptor substrate-1 (IRS-1) gene polymorphism with the severity of the metabolic syndrome components in patients with arterial hypertension (AH).

    Material and methods: 187 patients with AH aged 45-55 years and 30 healthy individuals. Methods: anthropometry, reactive hyperemia, color Doppler mapping, biochemical blood analysis, HOMA-insulin resistance (IR), glucose tolerance test, enzyme immunoassay, molecular genetic method.

    Results: Among hypertensive patients, 103 had abdominal obesity, 43 - type 2 diabetes, 131 - increased blood triglycerides, 19 - decreased high density lipoproteins, 59 - prediabetes (33 - fasting hyperglycemia and 26 - impaired glucose tolerance), 126 had IR. At the same time, hypertensive patients had the following distribution of IRS-1 genotypes: Gly/Gly - 47.9%, Gly/Arg - 42.2% and Arg/Arg - 10.7%, whereas in healthy individuals the distribution of genotypes was significantly different: Gly/Gly - 86.8% (p <0.01), Gly/ Arg - 9.9% (p <0.01) and Arg/Arg - 3.3% (p <0.05). Hypertensive patients with Arg/Arg and Gly/Arg genotypes had significantly higher HOMA-IR (p <0.01), glucose, insulin and triglycerides levels (p <0.05), than in Gly/Gly genotype. At the same time, body mass index, waist circumference, blood pressure, adiponectin, HDL, interleukin-6, C-reactive protein, degree of endothelium-dependent vasodilation, as well as the frequency of occurrence of impaired glucose tolerance did not significantly differ in IRS-1 genotypes.

    Conclusions: In hypertensive patients, the genetic polymorphism of IRS-1 gene is associated with such components of the metabolic syndrome as hypertriglyceridemia and fasting hyperglycemia; it is not associated with proinflammatory state, endothelial dysfunction, dysglycemia, an increase in waist circumference and decrease in HDL.

  3. Isayeva G, Rieznik L, Buriakovska O, Vovchenko M, Emelyanova N, Shalimova A
    Wiad Lek, 2019;72(12 cz 1):2315-2323.
    PMID: 32124746
    OBJECTIVE: Introduction: Despite significant advances in prevention and treatment, cardiovascular disease remains the main cause of mortality and disability in Europe. This is largely due to the low level of commitment to doctors' recommendations for drug treatment and lifestyle modification. The aim of the study was to compare the effectiveness of group and individual training in the basics of medical knowledge to control the main risk factors for cardiovascular disease in patients.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: The study included 210 patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk. The first group consisted of 75 patients who studied at the School of Health 'Fundamentals of Healthy Lifestyle'. The second group consisted of 75 patients who were offered individual counseling. The control group consisted of 60 individuals. Patients in both groups were examined before and after the end of the course.

    RESULTS: Results and conclusions: We conducted a general clinical examination, determined anthropometric parameters, blood pressure (BP), glucose, cholesterol and its fractions in the blood. It has been established that the group training of patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk in Schools of Health 'Fundamentals of Healthy Lifestyle' promotes better BP control, but does not significantly affect the lipid metabolism. Individual training for patients with high and very high cardiovascular risk leads to a significant reduction in BP levels, improved lipid metabolism, increased physical activity, and improved quality of life.

  4. Pyvovar SM, Rudyk IS, Kopytsya MP, Lozyk TV, Galchinskaya VI, Chenchik TO
    Wiad Lek, 2020;73(7):1402-1409.
    PMID: 32759428
    OBJECTIVE: The aim: The aim is to study the effect of β-ABs in patients with LT3 S on the course of HF.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: 354 patients with HF on a background of post-infarction cardiosclerosis were included in the 2-yeared follow-up study. LT3 S was diagnosed at 89 (25.1%) patients. The levels of thyroid-stimulating hormone, free T3f and T4f, and reversible T3 were determined. The echocardioscopy was performed.

    RESULTS: Results: Patients with HF in combination with LT3 S have a heavier functional class by NYHA, greater dilatation of the left heart cavities, less myocardial contractility, a higher frequency of atrial fibrillation and re-hospitalization. The use of β-ABs in patients with HF without LT3 S leads to a likely decrease in hospitalization frequency, while in patients with LT3 S it has an opposite effect. The frequency of rehospitalization increases with an excess of β-ABs dose > 5 mg (equivalent to bisoprolol). At these patients a decrease in serum T3 level and negative dynamics of parameters of intracardiac hemodynamics are observed.

    CONCLUSION: Conclusions: The use of β-ABs in patients with LT3 S leads to an increase in re-hospitalization at a dose over 5.0 mg (equivalent to bisoprolol). In these patients there is a decrease in serum T3, an increase in T4 level; and the ejection fraction decrease; and heart cavities size increase.

  5. Fadieienko GD, Chereliuk NI, Galchinskaya VY
    Wiad Lek, 2021;74(3 cz 1):523-528.
    PMID: 33813462
    OBJECTIVE: The aim: To analyze the status of Gut microbiota (GM) at the level of the main phylotypes in patients with NAFLD, depending on the body mass index (BMI) and gender in comparison with a group of practically healthy individuals.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: The study involved 120 patients with NAFLD, who were divided into two groups depending on BMI and the control group containing 20 practically healthy individuals.

    RESULTS: Results: In patients with NAFLD with comorbid obesity, a statistically significant increase in the relative amount of Firmicutes (52.12 [42.38; 67.39]%) and Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio (3.75 [1.7; 9.5]) against the background of a significant decrease in the amount of Bacteroidetes (13.41 [7.45; 26.07]%); in NAFLD patients with overweight, the relative amount of Firmicutes was 49.39 [37.47; 62.73]%, Firmicutes / Bacteroidetes ratio was 1.98 [1.15; 5.92], and the relative amount of Bacteroidetes was 23.69 [12.11; 36.16]%. In the control group, the distribution of the basic GM phylotypes was significantly different; the relative amount of Bacteroidetes was almost the same as of Firmicutes - 34.65 [24.58; 43.53]% and 29.97 [22.52; 41.75]% respectively, and the Firmicutes/Bacteroidetes ratio was 0.64 [0.52; 1.47].

    CONCLUSION: Conclusions: The most statistically significant changes in the composition of IM occur due to the increase in the relative amount of Firmicutes and the ratio of Firmicutes/ Bacteroidetes against the background of a decrease in the relative amount of Bacteroidetes. These changes were directly proportional to the increase in BMI, but had no gender features.

  6. Antonova I, Gridnyev O, Galchinskaya V
    Wiad Lek, 2022;75(11 pt 2):2779-2784.
    PMID: 36591768 DOI: 10.36740/WLek202211211
    OBJECTIVE: The aim: The aim of the present study was to establish a link between polymorphic variants of the microsomal epoxide hydrolase gene and the severity of COPD in patients with COPD and coronary heart disease.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: The study included 128 patients with COPD and IHD, who were divided into two groups: group 1 included 72 patients with in¬frequent exacerbations of COPD (0-1 per year) and group 2 included 56 patients with frequent exacerbations of COPD (exacerbation of COPD ≥2 per year). The control groups consisted of 15 smokers without COPD and IHD, 11 practically healthy non-smokers and 11 patients with IHD who do not smoke. All patients underwent DNA isolation and purification, followed by determination of the Tyr113His polymorphism of the EPHX1 microsomal epoxide hydrolase gene (rs1051740).

    RESULTS: Results: There was a significant association of the carriage of the CC genotype of the EPHX1 gene in patients with COPD and IHD (RO = 21.326 [95.0% CI 4.217-107.846], p <0.001) with a more severe course of COPD compared with the TT genotype of the EPHX1 gene.

    CONCLUSION: Conclusions: Patients with COPD and coronary heart disease who were carriers of a homozygous variant СС of the EPHX1 gene have a reliable association with a more severe course of COPD with frequent exacerbations (higher class according to GOLD classification and more severe symptoms of COPD according to the СAT questionnaire).

  7. Hendrik H, Kamalrudin M, Razali M, Purnamawati S, Widikusumo A
    Wiad Lek, 2022;75(12):3080-3086.
    PMID: 36723331 DOI: 10.36740/WLek202212132
    OBJECTIVE: The aim: This research aimed to show the achievement of Telecobalt60 radiation certainty using computed radiography, in comparation with non-verified computed radiography.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: This research is a quantitative study, randomized double-blind, and consecutive sampling design. The study was conducted by observing and com¬paring the data of verified computed radiography (VerC) computed radiograph for Telecobalt60 compared to the non-verified computed radiography (nVerC) Telecobalt60 data.

    RESULTS: Results: The results showed that there are significant statistical differences in several measurement characteristics between the verified computed radiography arm and the non-verified computed radiography arm. All of the value divergences of the verified computed radiography arm are less than 7 mm while the non-verified computed radiography arm are 7 mm or more (P<0.050). Furthermore, all of the edge aspect of measurement in the verified computed radiography arms are less than the non-verified computed radiography, all without manual block utilization (P<0.050).

    CONCLUSION: Conclusions: We conclude that Telecobalt60 radiation certainty is significantly better achieved by using computed radiography, when compared to non-verified computed radiography Telecobalt60 use. This research contributes to provide evidence based for better Telecobalt60 radiation accuracy and quality of radiotherapy outcome by using computed radiography.

  8. Pyvovar SM, Rudyk I, Scherban TD
    Wiad Lek, 2024;77(1):105-113.
    PMID: 38431814 DOI: 10.36740/WLek202401113
    OBJECTIVE: Aim: To analyze the role of cytokines in the progression of heart failure (HF) in patients with concomitant pathology of the thyroid gland.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and Methods: The systematization of literature data on the role of cytokines in the progression of HF in patients with concomitant thyroid pathology (TP) was carried out. The results of our own research were presented.

    CONCLUSION: Conclusions: The final chapter in the history of the role of cytokines in the progression of HF has not yet been written. Further studies, including genetic ones, are necessary. The patients with HF have higher levels of TNFβ and IL-6, and a lower concentration of IL-4, compared to the control group. Patients with a fatal outcome of the disease, in contrast to those who survived for two years, have an increased level of TNFβ. In patients with concomitant TP, who had repeated hospitalization, a lower level was registered, compared to that under conditions of a more favorable course of heart failure. Concentrations of cytokines in the blood of patients with HF are associated with gene polymorphisms of the β-adrenoreceptor system: the C-allele of the Gly389A polymorphism of the β1-adrenoceptor gene leads to a decrease in the risk of increasing TNFα; IL-1α increases in the presence of the A-allele of the Ser49Gly polymorphism of this gene. In patients with HF and concomitant thyroid pathology, the risk of IL-6 growth increases in homozygous (C) patients for the Ser275 polymorphism of the β3 subunit of the G-protein.

  9. Vyshnevska IR, Storozhenko T, Kopytsya MP, Bila NV, Kis A, Kaaki M
    Wiad Lek, 2023;76(5 pt 1):911-919.
    PMID: 37326070 DOI: 10.36740/WLek202305104
    OBJECTIVE: The aim: To estimate the role of macrophage migration inhibitory factor and soluble ST2 in predicting the left ventricle remodeling six months after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.

    PATIENTS AND METHODS: Materials and methods: The study involved 134 ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction patients. Occurrence of post-percutaneous coronary (PCI) intervention epicardial blood flow of TIMI <3 or myocardial blush grade 0-1 along with ST resolution <70% within 2 hours after PCI was qualified as the no-reflow condition. Left ventricle remodeling was defined after 6-months as an increase in left ventricle end-diastolic volume and/or end-systolic volume by more than 10%.

    RESULTS: Results: A logistic regression formula was evaluated. Included biomarkers were macrophage migration inhibitory factor and sST2, left ventricle ejection fraction: Y=exp(-39.06+0.82EF+0.096ST2+0.0028MIF) / (1+exp(-39.06+0.82EF+0.096ST2+0.0028MIF)). The estimated range is from 0 to 1 point. Less than 0.5 determines an adverse outcome, and more than 0.5 is a good prognosis. This equation, with sensitivity of 77 % and specificity of 85%, could predict the development of adverse left ventricle remodeling six months after a coronary event (AUC=0.864, CI 0.673 to 0.966, p<0.05).

    CONCLUSION: Conclusions: A combination of biomarkers gives a significant predicting result in the formation of adverse left ventricular remodeling after ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction.

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