This procedure is easy to use and is cost-effective because it uses equipment that exist in any office or institution. The material used, transparency film for use with plain paper copier, is less expensive than either photographic slide film or normal slide films. Moreover, the transparency sheet can be used again for photocopying until the sheet is fully used up. There is no added cost of development of film, or is it necessary to wait for the whole roll of film to be used before the label can be retrieved and used. The background of the label is clear and only the black images of the characters of the label can be clearly seen. The effect of the transparency film, photocopy ink, and adhesive glue is not known. But no adverse effects have been noted. Microlabels have advantages over conventional labels with characters in font size 8 to 12, because more information, such as the full name of the patient, sex, country of origin, and national identification number can be incorporated. With more detailed information, quick identification of a deceased person can be made. Microlabels with a clear background will have minimal esthetic impact on the patient. The disadvantages of the technique is that it may not withstand a fire. In situations where the deceased body is badly burned, the denture and its identification strip may be burned, too. However, this risk can be minimized by placing the strip in the most posterior part of the denture-palatal in the maxillary denture and distal lingual in the mandibular denture. For testing of durability, dentures with the labels were placed in water for up to 4 months. The labels showed no sign of fading or deterioration.
In recent years, dental evidence has played an important role in the positive identification of unknown deceased victims of catastrophies. To improve further dental identification techniques, there is an urgent need to adopt a national policy on denture marking as a compulsory procedure in the fabrication of dentures. The favoured scheme of marking which provides the most information for the identity of the denture wearer is proposed here.
Denture marking is accepted as a means of identifying dentures and persons in geriatric institutions, or post-mortem during war, crimes, civil unrest, natural and mass disasters. Labelling on the acrylic resin component of the denture can easily be damaged or destroyed by fire but on cobalt-chromium components it would be more resistant. A copper vapour laser (CVL) can be used to label the cobalt-chromium components of dentures and metal restorations easily, and legibly, and miniaturised for the incorporation of more personal particulars necessary for the identification of the deceased person. The CVL beam is focussed by its optics and delivered to the material surface by the two-axis scanner mounted with mirrors. A personal computer controls the movement of the scanner and the firing of the CVL. The high peak power of the pulsed CVL is focussed to very high energy density producing plasma ablation of the alloy surface. Very fine markings of a few microns width can be produced enabling the storage of detailed information of the deceased person on a metal surface for the purpose of rapid identification.