METHODS: A literature search was performed on PUBMED, SCOPUS AND EMBASE. The following keywords were used: ethmoidal artery; anterior ethmoidal artery; anterior ethmoidal canal; ethmoid sinus; ethmoid roof; skull base. The search was conducted over a period of 6 months between October 2016 and April 2017.
RESULTS: 105 articles were retrieved. 76 articles which were either case reports or unrelated topics were excluded. Out of the 29 full text articles retrieved, 16 articles were selected; 3 were cadaveric dissection, 5 combined cadaveric dissection and computed tomography (CT) and the rest were of CT studies. All studies were of level III evidence and a total of 1985 arteries were studied. Its position at the skull base was influenced by the presence of supraorbital ethmoid cell (SOEC) and length of the lateral lamella of cribriform plate (LLCP). Inter population morphological variations contribute to the anatomical variations.
CONCLUSIONS: The average diameter of AEA was 0.80 mm and the intranasal length was 5.82 mm. 79.2% was found between the second and third lamellae, 12.0% in the third lamella, 6% posterior to third lamella and 1.2% in the second lamella. Extra precaution should be taken in the presence of a well-pneumatized SOEC and a long LLCP as AEA tends to run freely below skull base.