Displaying all 15 publications

  1. Zailani S, Gilani MS, Nikbin D, Iranmanesh M
    J Med Syst, 2014 Sep;38(9):111.
    PMID: 25038891 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-014-0111-4
    The purpose of this study is to explore the determinants of telemedicine acceptance in selected public hospitals in Malaysia and to investigate the effect of health culture on the relationship between these determinants and telemedicine acceptance. Data were gathered by means of a survey of physicians and nurses as the main group of users of telemedicine technology from hospitals that are currently using telemedicine technology. The results indicated that government policies, top management support, perception of usefulness and computer self-efficiency have a positive and significant impact on telemedicine acceptance by public hospitals in Malaysia. The results also confirmed the moderating role of health culture on the relationship between government policies as well as perceived usefulness on telemedicine acceptance by Malaysian hospitals. The results are useful for decision-makers as well as managers to recognize the potential role of telemedicine and assist in the process of implementation, adoption and utilization, and, therefore, spread the usage of telemedicine technology in more hospitals in the country.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration*
  2. Pillay DI, Ghazali RJ, Manaf NH, Abdullah AH, Bakar AA, Salikin F, et al.
    Int J Health Care Qual Assur, 2011;24(7):506-22.
    PMID: 22204085
    This is a national study which aims to determine the average waiting time in Malaysian public hospitals and to gauge the level of patient satisfaction with the waiting time. It also aims to identify factors perceived by healthcare providers which contribute to the waiting time problem.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration*
  3. Ching CY
    IHRIM, 1995 Feb;36(1):3-5.
    PMID: 10142965
    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration
  4. Khuan L, Juni MH
    Asian Nurs Res (Korean Soc Nurs Sci), 2017 Sep;11(3):216-222.
    PMID: 28991603 DOI: 10.1016/j.anr.2017.08.001
    PURPOSE: Advocates for societal change and consumerism have been instrumental in popularizing patient involvement in various aspects of health care. Patient involvement in bedside handovers during shift changes should facilitate patient-centered care. This study's purpose was to explore Malaysian nurses' opinions about patient involvement during bedside handovers, and whether patient involvement during bedside handovers reflected patient-centered care.

    METHODS: A qualitative study with four focus-group discussions was conducted with 20 registered nurses from general wards in a Malaysian public hospital. Semi-structured interviews were used to elicit participants' opinions. NVivo 10 software was used for data management and content analysis was used to analyze the data.

    RESULTS: Several participants used inconsistent methods to involve patients in bedside handovers and others did not involve the patients at all. The participants' interpretations of the concept of patient-centered care were ambiguous; they claimed that patient involvement during bedside handovers was impractical and, therefore, not reflective of patient-centered care. Some nurses' subjective views of patient involvement as impractical during bedside handovers were manifested in their deliberate exclusion of patients from the handover process.

    CONCLUSIONS: Changes in patient involvement and nursing practices congruent with patient-centered care require that nurse educators in hospital settings reform nursing education to focus on fostering of communication skills needed to function in nurse-patient partnerships. Guidelines for patient involvement consistent with patient-centered values should be developed using ward nurses' subjective views and introduced to all registered nurses in practice.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration
  5. Nasurdin AM, Tan CL, Khan SN
    Asia Pac J Public Health, 2020 11;32(8):430-435.
    PMID: 33084355 DOI: 10.1177/1010539520965026
    Motivation is exceptionally crucial in influencing the quality of health care work outcomes. In view of the mounting challenges and stressful work environment faced by nurses, social support has been identified as an essential resource that helps promote their work motivation. The central aim of this study is to explore three forms of social support (perceived organizational support, perceived supervisory support, and perceived peer support) on nurses' motivation. Cross-sectional data were collected via questionnaires from a sample of 354 nurses working in Malaysian public hospitals. The hypothesized model was tested using partial least squares method. Our results disclosed that all forms of social support have positive effects on motivation.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration
  6. Lim KK
    Hum Resour Health, 2014;12:70.
    PMID: 25495151 DOI: 10.1186/1478-4491-12-70
    Hospital mergers began in the UK in the late 1990s to deal with underperformance. Despite their prevalence, there is a lack of research on how such organizational changes affect the staff morale. This study aims to assess the impact of NHS hospital mergers between financial years 2009/10 and 2011/12 on staff job satisfaction and to identify factors contributing to satisfaction.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration*
  7. Subramaniam A, Silong AD, Uli J, Ismail IA
    BMC Med Educ, 2015;15:129.
    PMID: 26268222 DOI: 10.1186/s12909-015-0407-1
    Effective talent development requires robust supervision. However, the effects of supervisory styles (coaching, mentoring and abusive supervision) on talent development and the moderating effects of clinical learning environment in the relationship between supervisory styles and talent development among public hospital trainee doctors have not been thoroughly researched. In this study, we aim to achieve the following, (1) identify the extent to which supervisory styles (coaching, mentoring and abusive supervision) can facilitate talent development among trainee doctors in public hospital and (2) examine whether coaching, mentoring and abusive supervision are moderated by clinical learning environment in predicting talent development among trainee doctors in public hospital.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration*
  8. Wijaya MI, Mohamad AR, Hafizurrachman M
    Int J Health Care Qual Assur, 2019 Feb 11;32(1):296-306.
    PMID: 30859877 DOI: 10.1108/IJHCQA-01-2018-0014
    PURPOSE: The purpose of this paper is to improve the Siloam Hospitals' (SHs) patient satisfaction index (PSI) and overcome Indonesia's geographical barriers.

    DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The topic was selected for reasons guided by the Institute of Healthcare Improvement virtual breakthrough series collaborative (VBSC). Subject matter experts came from existing global quality development in collaboration with sales and marketing, and talent management agencies/departments. Patient satisfaction (PS) was measured using the SH Customer Feedback Form. Data were analysed using Friedman's test.

    FINDINGS: The in-patient (IP) department PSI repeated measures comparison during VBSC, performed using Friedman's test, showed a statistically significant increase in the PSI, χ2 = 44.00, p<0.001. Post hoc analysis with Wilcoxon signed-rank test was conducted with a Bonferroni correction applied, which resulted in a significant increase between the baseline and action phases ( Z=3.317, p=0.003) between the baseline and continuous improvement phases ( Z=6.633, p<0.001), and between the action and continuous improvement phases ( Z=3.317, p=0.003), suggesting that IP PSI was continuously increasing during all VBSC phases. Like IP PSI, the out-patient department PSI was also continuously increasing during all VBSC phases.

    RESEARCH LIMITATIONS/IMPLICATIONS: The VBSC was not implemented using a control group. Factors other than the VBSC may have contributed to increased PS.

    PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The VBSC was conducted using virtual telecommunication. Although conventional breakthrough series might result in better cohesiveness and commitment, Indonesian geographical barriers forced an alternative strategy, which is much more cost-effective.

    ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The VBSC, designed to improve PS, has never been implemented in any Indonesian private hospital group. Other hospital groups might also appreciate knowing about the VBSC to improve their PSI.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration
  9. Mohd Fauzi MF, Mohd Yusoff H, Mat Saruan NA, Muhamad Robat R
    PLoS One, 2020;15(11):e0241577.
    PMID: 33206663 DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0241577
    Work-related activities during non-work time may influence the intershift recovery of post-work fatigue. Currently there is no valid and reliable scale available to measure the frequency for such activities among doctors. Therefore, this study aims to develop and validate 'Work-Related Activities during Non-Work Time Scale' (WANTS) that measure the frequency of work-related activities during non-work time for doctors. This was a scale development and validation study among doctors involving item generation, content and construct validation, and reliability assessment. 23-item seven-point Likert-type scale was developed through deductive (literature search) and inductive (interview with source population, authors' experiences, and expert opinion) methods. The content-validated scale was pre-tested, and the improved scale was subsequently administered to randomly-selected 460 doctors working at public hospital setting. Response rate was 77.76% (n = 382). Initial exploratory factor analysis (EFA) with principal axis factoring (PAF) using varimax rotation revealed unstable six-factor structure consisting of 17 variables; thus, we tested one- to six-factor model, and found that four-factor model is the most stable. Further analysis with principal component analysis (PCA) with a single component on each factor found that 17-variables four-factor model is stable. These factors were labelled as 'work-related thought', 'work-to-home conversation', 'task spillover' and 'superior-subordinate communication'. It showed good internal consistency with overall alpha value of 0.837. The scale is thus valid and reliable for measuring the frequency of each construct of work-related activities during non-work time among doctors.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration*
  10. Drake R
    Br J Nurs, 2013 Jan-Feb;22(2):95-100.
    PMID: 23587892
    In 2010, the Royal College of Nursing asked: 'What is the optimal level and mix of nurses required to deliver quality care as cost-effectively as possible?' This question implies there is a relationship between staffing levels, quality of care and financial efficiency. This paper examines the relationship between the staff budget, the number of staff required to achieve a target level of care and the actual number of staff employed in seven hospitals in Malaysia. It seeks to critically evaluate local challenges arising from staff budgeting/planning procedures, identify general issues that apply beyond Malaysian healthcare institutions and, finally, to propose a model that combines finance, staffing and level of care.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration*
  11. McDonald S, Turner T, Chamberlain C, Lumbiganon P, Thinkhamrop J, Festin MR, et al.
    PMID: 20594325 DOI: 10.1186/1471-2288-10-61
    Rates of maternal and perinatal mortality remain high in developing countries despite the existence of effective interventions. Efforts to strengthen evidence-based approaches to improve health in these settings are partly hindered by restricted access to the best available evidence, limited training in evidence-based practice and concerns about the relevance of existing evidence. South East Asia--Optimising Reproductive and Child Health in Developing Countries (SEA-ORCHID) was a five-year project that aimed to determine whether a multifaceted intervention designed to strengthen the capacity for research synthesis, evidence-based care and knowledge implementation improved clinical practice and led to better health outcomes for mothers and babies. This paper describes the development and design of the SEA-ORCHID intervention plan using a logical framework approach.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration
  12. Loh SY, Than W, Quek KF
    J Occup Rehabil, 2011 Dec;21(4):493-500.
    PMID: 21365305 DOI: 10.1007/s10926-011-9287-3
    INTRODUCTION: Chronic pressure at work has debilitating impact on healthcare employers (e.g. reduced productivity, high costs, poor patient care) and on female healthcare employees (e.g. sickness, dysfunction). This paper highlights relationship at work as the key occupational source of work-stress which is organisational in nature.

    METHODS: A cross-sectional study (n = 230) was conducted using the Pressure Management Inventory on several female dominated health professions within a large public hospital. Analysis of variance was used to show relationship between sources and outcome of pressure. Linear regressions were used to predict which sources of pressure (IV) was linked to the outcomes of occupational pressure (DV).

    RESULTS: The number one source of occupational pressure is relationships at work (i.e. with supervisors), and not workload. 'Relationship' is also the key predictor of several negative outcomes of pressure at work. Analysis of variance showed significant differences in two sources of pressures, i.e. Workload (P = 0.04) and Home-work balance (P = 0.03).

    CONCLUSION: This paper provides insights into the occupational pressure of women health professionals by highlighting the organisational sources of pressure and the implications for preventing occupational dysfunction secondary to stress at work.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration
  13. Ali HH, Lamsali H, Othman SN
    J Med Syst, 2019 Apr 10;43(5):139.
    PMID: 30972511 DOI: 10.1007/s10916-019-1263-z
    Hospital scheduling presents huge challenges for the healthcare industry. Various studies have been conducted in many different countries with focus on both elective and non-elective surgeries. There are important variables and factors that need to be taken into considerations. Different methods and approaches have also been used to examine hospital scheduling. Notwithstanding the continuous changes in modern healthcare services and, in particular, hospital operations, consistent reviews and further studies are still required. The importance of hospital scheduling, particularly, has become more critical as the trade-off between limited resources and overwhelming demand is becoming more evident. This situation is even more pressing in a volatile country where shootings and bombings in public areas happened. Hospital scheduling for elective surgeries in volatile country such as Iraq is therefore often interrupted by non-elective surgeries due to war-related incidents. Hence, this paper intends to address this issue by proposing a hospital scheduling model with focus on neuro-surgery department. The aim of the model is to maximize utilization of operating room while concurrently minimizing idle time of surgery. The study focused on neurosurgery department in Al-Shahid Ghazi Al-Hariri hospital in Baghdad, Iraq. In doing so, a Mixed-integer linear programming (MILP) model is formulated where interruptions of non-elective surgery are incorporated into the main elective surgery based model. Computational experiment is then carried out to test the model. The result indicates that the model is feasible and can be solved in reasonable times. Nonetheless, its feasibility is further tested as the problems size and the computation times is getting bigger and longer. Application of heuristic methods is the way forward to ensure better practicality of the proposed model. In the end, the potential benefit of this study and the proposed model is discussed.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration
  14. Bhoo-Pathy N, Ng CW, Lim GC, Tamin NSI, Sullivan R, Bhoo-Pathy NT, et al.
    J Oncol Pract, 2019 06;15(6):e537-e546.
    PMID: 31112479 DOI: 10.1200/JOP.18.00619
    BACKGROUND: Financial toxicity negatively affects the well-being of cancer survivors. We examined the incidence, cost drivers, and factors associated with financial toxicity after cancer in an upper-middle-income country with universal health coverage.

    METHODS: Through the Association of Southeast Asian Nations Costs in Oncology study, 1,294 newly diagnosed patients with cancer (Ministry of Health [MOH] hospitals [n = 577], a public university hospital [n = 642], private hospitals [n = 75]) were observed in Malaysia. Cost diaries and questionnaires were used to measure incidence of financial toxicity, encompassing financial catastrophe (FC; out-of-pocket costs ≥ 30% of annual household income), medical impoverishment (decrease in household income from above the national poverty line to below that line after subtraction of cancer-related costs), and economic hardship (inability to make necessary household payments). Predictors of financial toxicity were determined using multivariable analyses.

    RESULTS: One fifth of patients had private health insurance. Incidence of FC at 1 year was 51% (MOH hospitals, 33%; public university hospital, 65%; private hospitals, 72%). Thirty-three percent of households were impoverished at 1 year. Economic hardship was reported by 47% of families. Risk of FC attributed to conventional medical care alone was 18% (MOH hospitals, 5%; public university hospital, 24%; private hospitals, 67%). Inclusion of expenditures on nonmedical goods and services inflated the risk of financial toxicity in public hospitals. Low-income status, type of hospital, and lack of health insurance were strong predictors of FC.

    CONCLUSION: Patients with cancer may not be fully protected against financial hardships, even in settings with universal health coverage. Nonmedical costs also contribute as important drivers of financial toxicity in these settings.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration*
  15. Lim RBL
    J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother, 2003;17(3-4):77-85; discussion 87-9.
    PMID: 15022953 DOI: 10.1080/j354v17n03_11
    Palliative care first began in Malaysia in 1991, and since then there has been a growing interest in the field and its development both from the government and nongovernmental organizations. It is important to recognize the potential advantages and disadvantages of palliative care provided by both government and private programs to maximize development for the greater benefit of patients. A close relationship between these two bodies must be created so that there is smooth continuity of service and no overlapping of roles. This article highlights some thoughts on how palliative care has developed over the years from the perspective of a clinician who is currently working in the government sector and cooperating with nongovernmental organizations to develop a palliative care network in the region.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hospitals, Public/organization & administration
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