Displaying all 6 publications

  1. Jiemy WF, Hiew LF, Sha HX, In LLA, Hwang JS
    BMC Biotechnol, 2020 Jun 17;20(1):31.
    PMID: 32552895 DOI: 10.1186/s12896-020-00628-9
    BACKGROUND: Immunotoxin is a hybrid protein consisting of a toxin moiety that is linked to a targeting moiety for the purpose of specific elimination of target cells. Toxins used in traditional immunotoxins are practically difficult to be produced in large amount, have poor tissue penetration and a complex internalization process. We hypothesized that the smaller HALT-1, a cytolysin derived from Hydra magnipapillata, can be used as the toxin moiety in construction of a recombinant immunotoxin.

    RESULTS: In this study, pro-inflammatory macrophage was selected as the target cell due to its major roles in numerous inflammatory and autoimmune disorders. We aimed to construct macrophage-targeted recombinant immunotoxins by combining HALT-1 with anti-CD64-scFv in two orientations, and to assess whether their cytotoxic activity and binding capability could be preserved upon molecular fusion. The recombinant immunotoxins, HALT-1-scFv and scFv-HALT-1, were successfully constructed and expressed in Escherichia coli (E. coli). Our data showed that HALT-1 still exhibited significant cytotoxicity against CD64+ and CD64- cell lines upon fusion with anti-CD64 scFv, although it had half cytotoxic activity as compared to HALT-1 alone. As positioning HALT-1 at N- or C-terminus did not affect its potency, the two constructs demonstrated comparable cytotoxic activities with IC50 lower in CD64+ cell line than in CD64- cell line. In contrast, the location of targeting moieties anti-CD64 scFv at C-terminal end was crucial in maintaining the scFv binding capability.

    CONCLUSIONS: HALT-1 could be fused with anti-CD64-scFv via a fsexible polypeptide linker. Upon the successful production of this recombinant HALT-1 scFv fusion protein, HALT-1 was proven effective for killing two human cell lines. Hence, this preliminary study strongly suggested that HALT-1 holds potential as the toxin moiety in therapeutic cell targeting.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hydra
  2. Ameirika, Sha HX, Hwang JS
    Toxicon, 2017 Jul;133:153-161.
    PMID: 28478056 DOI: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2017.05.007
    Hydra actinoporin-like toxin-1 (HALT-1) is a 20.8 kDa pore-forming toxin isolated from Hydra magnipapillata. HALT-1 shares structural similarity with actinoporins, a family that is well known for its haemolytic and cytolytic activity. However, the precise pore-forming mechanism of HALT-1 remains an open question since little is known about the specific target binding for HALT-1. For this reason, a comprehensive proteomic analysis was performed using affinity purification and SILAC-based mass spectrometry to identify potential protein-protein interactions between mammalian HeLa cell surface proteins and HALT-1. A total of 4 mammalian proteins was identified, of which only folate receptor alpha was further verified by ELISA. Our preliminary results highlight an alternative-binding mode of HALT-1 to the human plasma membrane. This is the first evidence showing that HALT-1, an actinoporin-like protein, binds to a membrane protein, the folate receptor alpha. This study would advance our understanding of the molecular basis of toxicity of pore-forming toxins and provide new insights in the production of more potent inhibitors for the toxin-membrane receptor interactions.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydra*
  3. Liew YJ, Soh WT, Jiemy WF, Hwang JS
    Toxins (Basel), 2015 Feb;7(2):407-22.
    PMID: 25654788 DOI: 10.3390/toxins7020407
    Actinoporins are small 18.5 kDa pore-forming toxins. A family of six actinoporin genes has been identified in the genome of Hydra magnipapillata, and HALT-1 (Hydra actinoporin-like toxin-1) has been shown to have haemolytic activity. In this study, we have used site-directed mutagenesis to investigate the role of amino acids in the pore-forming N-terminal region and the conserved aromatic cluster required for cell membrane binding. A total of 10 mutants of HALT-1 were constructed and tested for their haemolytic and cytolytic activity on human erythrocytes and HeLa cells, respectively. Insertion of 1-4 negatively charged residues in the N-terminal region of HALT-1 strongly reduced haemolytic and cytolytic activity, suggesting that the length or charge of the N-terminal region is critical for pore-forming activity. Moreover, substitution of amino acids in the conserved aromatic cluster reduced haemolytic and cytolytic activity by more than 80%, suggesting that these aromatic amino acids are important for attachment to the lipid membrane as shown for other actinoporins. The results suggest that HALT-1 and other actinoporins share similar mechanisms of pore formation and that it is critical for HALT-1 to maintain an amphipathic helix at the N-terminus and an aromatic amino acid-rich segment at the site of membrane binding.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydra/metabolism*
  4. Yap WY, Tan KJSX, Hwang JS
    Toxicon, 2019 Dec;170:10-20.
    PMID: 31513812 DOI: 10.1016/j.toxicon.2019.09.007
    Hydra actinoporin-like toxin 1 (HALT-1) was previously shown to cause cytolysis and haemolysis in a number of human cells and has similar functional properties to the actinoporins equinatoxin and sticholysin. In addition to HALT-1, five other HALTs (HALTs 2, 3, 4, 6 and 7) were also isolated from Hydra magnipapillata and expressed as recombinant proteins in this study. We demonstrated that recombinant HALTs have cytolytic activity on HeLa cells but each exhibited a different range of toxicity. All six recombinant HALTs bound to sulfatide, while rHALT-1 and rHALT-3 bound to two additional sphingolipids, lysophosphatidic acid and sphingosine-1-phosphate as indicated by the protein-lipid overlay assay. When either tryptophan133 or tyrosine129 of HALT-1 was mutated, the mutant protein lost binding to sulfatide, lysophosphatidic acid and sphingosine-1-phosphate. As further verification of HALTs' binding to sulfatide, we performed ELISA for each HALT. To determine the cell-type specific gene expression of seven HALTs in Hydra, we searched for individual HALT expression in the single-cell RNA-seq data set of Single Cell Portal. The results showed that HALT-1, 4 and 7 were expressed in differentiating stenoteles. HALT-1 and HALT-6 were expressed in the female germline during oogenesis. HALT-2 was strongly expressed in the gland and mucous cells in the endoderm. Information on HALT-3 and HALT-5 could not be found in the single-cell data set. Our findings show that subfunctionalisation of gene expression following duplication enabled HALTs to become specialized in various cell types of the interstitial cell lineage.
    Matched MeSH terms: Hydra
  5. Ng TJ, Teo MYM, Liew DS, Effiong PE, Hwang JS, Lim CSY, et al.
    PeerJ, 2019;7:e6639.
    PMID: 31106043 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.6639
    Background: Hydra actinoporin like toxin -1 (HALT-1), is a small 18.5 kDa pore forming toxin derived from Hydra magnipapillata which has been shown to elicit strong haemolytic and cytolytic activity when in contact with cell membranes. Due to its cytotoxic potency, HALT-1 was further investigated for its potential as a toxin moiety candidate in immunotoxin developmental efforts, ideally as a form of targeted therapy against cancer.

    Methods: In this study, wtHALT-1 (wild type) and its Y110A mutated binding domain counterpart (mHALT-1) were produced and evaluated for their cytotoxic and apoptotic effects on various cancer cell lines. A total of seven different tumour and non-tumour cell lines including HeLa, HepG2, SW-620, MCF-7, CCD841CoN, NHDF and HCT116 were used. Immunofluorescence assays were used to observe membrane binding and localization changes between both HALT-1 recombinant proteins based on 6xHis-tag detection.

    Result: Based on MTT data, mHALT-1 demonstrated a significant reduction of 82% ±  12.21% in cytotoxic activity across all cell lines after the membrane recognition domain had been mutated in comparison to the wtHALT-1. Annexin V FITC/PI assay data also indicated that HeLa, HepG2 and MCF-7 demonstrated an apoptosis-mediated cell death after being treated with wtHALT-1. Additionally, a notable difference between wtHALT-1 and mHALT-1 binding affinity was clearly observed where emission of green fluorescence along the cell membrane was observed only in wtHALT-1 treated cells.

    Discussion: These results suggest that mHALT-1 (Y110A) can be potentially developed as a toxin-moiety candidate for the development of future immunotoxins against various human cell-based diseases.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hydra
  6. Teo MYM, Ng JJC, Fong JY, Hwang JS, Song AA, Lim RLH, et al.
    PeerJ, 2021;9:e11063.
    PMID: 33959410 DOI: 10.7717/peerj.11063
    Background: KRAS oncogenes harboring codon G12 and G13 substitutions are considered gatekeeper mutations which drive oncogenesis in many cancers. To date, there are still no target-specific vaccines or drugs available against this genotype, thus reinforcing the need towards the development of targeted therapies such as immunotoxins.

    Methods: This study aims to develop a recombinant anti-mKRAS scFv-fused mutant Hydra actinoporin-like-toxin-1 (mHALT-1) immunotoxin that is capable of recognizing and eradicating codon-12 mutated k-ras antigen abnormal cells. One G13D peptide mimotope (164-D) and one G12V peptide mimotope (68-V) were designed to elicit antigen specific IgG titres against mutated K-ras antigens in immunised Balb/c mice. The RNA was extracted from splenocytes following ELISA confirmation on post-immunized mice sera and was reverse transcribed into cDNA. The scFv combinatorial library was constructed from cDNA repertoire of variable regions of heavy chain (VH) and light chain (VL) fusions connected by a flexible glycine-serine linker, using splicing by overlap extension PCR (SOE-PCR). Anti-mKRAS G12V and G13D scFvs were cloned in pCANTAB5E phagemid and superinfected with helper phage. After few rounds of bio-panning, a specific mKRAS G12V and G13D scFv antibody against G12V and G13D control mimotope was identified and confirmed using ELISA without any cross-reactivity with other mimotopes or controls. Subsequently, the anti-mKRAS scFv was fused to mHALT-1 using SOE-PCR and cloned in pET22b vector. Expressed recombinant immunotoxins were analyzed for their effects on cell proliferation by the MTT assay and targeted specificity by cell-based ELISA on KRAS-positive and KRAS-negative cancer cells.

    Results: The VH and VL genes from spleen RNA of mice immunized with 164-D and 68-V were amplified and randomly linked together, using SOE-PCR producing band sizes about 750 bp. Anti-mKRAS G12V and G13D scFvs were constructed in phagemid pCANTAB5E vectors with a library containing 3.4 × 106 and 2.9 × 106 individual clones, respectively. After three rounds of bio-panning, the anti-mKRAS G12V-34 scFv antibody against G12V control mimotope was identified and confirmed without any cross-reactivity with other controls using ELISA. Anti-mKRAS G12V-34 scFv fragment was fused to mHALT-1 toxin and cloned in pET22b vector with expression as inclusion bodies in E. coli BL21(DE3) (molecular weight of ~46.8 kDa). After successful solubilization and refolding, the mHALT-1-scFv immunotoxin exhibited cytotoxic effects on SW-480 colorectal cancer cells with IC50 of 25.39 μg/mL, with minimal cytotoxicity effect on NHDF cells.

    Discussion: These results suggested that the development of such immunotoxins is potentially useful as an immunotherapeutic application against KRAS-positive malignancies.

    Matched MeSH terms: Hydra
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